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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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whether in person or in the form of services that will be created from this population status room, god willing , and will be available to them, they will be able to view the population status in various indicators, for example , the simplest topics are the discussion of the birth rate, marriage and divorce rates, and the geographical distribution of these. the same general indicators that i am presenting are very important in the smaller indicators and sub-categories that are considered for these. in the immigration aspect, well, you see , i said at the beginning of my application that in the law on the youth of the population, one of the tasks that is the responsibility of the organization registration of internal migrations has been made and the foreigner is in the country , then the foreigner, as i explained, then being domestic is very important, that is , in the policies that the country wants to carry out, in
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various issues related to the population, the status of internal migrations must be determined, for example , migrations that take place between cities. between the village and the city, even in the case of big cities, migrations within the cities of big cities like tehran, for example , migrations that go from west to east, from east to west, from north to south, or even those zoning that are done in this field, migrations interior is very important, and this place was very empty in our country we have done these internal migrations up to the city level, and we are doing them at the village level too, god willing , in the future, how will your data be, the sum of these data that we have, a series of our information, one of the things we did in the civil registration organization , it is good to say here about the location. focusing on the status of identity and population with the information in the database.
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we have the information that when people receive their birth certificates , we get both the place of issue and the place of residence of the people . we gave it and we are doing it day by day. the demographic survey has been done. we have also made some changes in the field of demographic statistics , which, god willing , we opened it in a way yesterday, which i think will be placed on the service portal of the civil registration organization at the beginning of next week, and the public will be able to access it. in the form of various statistics that are in the field of identity and what is the population like in the country? population in
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the country , what is the state of population density in each region of the country, the information related to the provinces , cities, and cities can be found in the portal of the organization, as it was in the past as a population yearbook, but this is in the form of we will present it completely up-to-date, of course , it will be layered, which means that we will do something because we have to design it in such a way that the general public can access a series of information , and those who want to be more specialized can access the registry information. go easy on that information find out and verify the statistics and numbers that we have in the civil registration organization. it is not, and how much it corresponds to the reality
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, based on the documents in the civil registration organization , it corresponds to the reality, although i said that we are constantly moving in the direction that with the controls that exist with other banks in the country, with other information that exists in the country. we constantly check this and the new information we receive from people , for example, in the field of address, one of the functions of the civil registration organization is that according to the data management durability law, the civil registration organization is responsible for the address database. the country's law is the custodian of the country's legal address database, the registration organization, where is the legal address , and the services that we are looking for, that the services that a person wants to receive, especially in the field of government services, should be based on this address. we believe that after this, we should not of people let's take these existing forms, many
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times it causes trouble for our compatriots to receive services, sir, tell us your address, many times we go to one place, we give one address, and we give another address. we have to solve this in the country , the civil registration organization has announced this preparation it is going in this direction, we have the address database, the address that we receive from people at various times . it doesn't even take two minutes to enter a new address. you enter this , it will be placed in the address database of the civil registration organization , although according to the law, in the law of the national code, we have this that those who go to receive a national card and apply for it according to the law, if someone
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announces the sign when registering the national card may if his address changes, according to the law , he must notify the civil registry organization within 20 days. and we are going in this direction that , god willing, with these things we are doing, we will also provide better services to the people, then if someone announces this , many people do not know that the tenants have a place to live every year. we announced this to be done according to the law. i am saying that we have asked various agencies not to receive their address when providing services to people, but to refer to the address database of the civil registration organization, which has been provided to them as an electronic service. say this is the sign of you in the address database of the first registration organization. if you agree, then this will be a kind of reconfirmation of that address. if it needs to be changed within two minutes, even the person himself can do it within two minutes with the mobile phone he has. change your sign for free
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, and in this regard, in law 402, in the budget law of 402, a special task was set for us and for other devices to refrain from receiving. this is a sign that we have asked different devices to do this, god willing, and let's go. here are some of them. as i said , it will provide accurate information on the country's population to decision-makers and planners, which is a requirement and a very important matter in the country, and at the same time, it is the service we want for the people. let's say that we can easily provide them with their services and reduce their burdens and reduce their costs. very well, this information is completely registration-oriented, and since you said at the beginning of your order that we cannot calculate it very precisely, no, see, that's what i said. regarding
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migration inside and outside the country, because so far there is no work in it this field has not been done comprehensively in the country , i said there, we have it, we have it , if it is done, then you are our population, which is clearly defined and it is in our demographic dashboard, the one that people do not have access to. well, just about the birth certificates, when we went through it, there was a question in my mind. it is possible that you already remember the period when the birth certificate was changed
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. such an error is very serious . this error has now been completely traveled, which means it is an accidental error it doesn't work, or if it does , where can it be corrected if someone has objections? i made a reference in my application to the sabi database. you can see this database solves the same problems . well, it finally served the civil registry organization this year. it has been 105 years, which means information. which is in it , it has been going on for 105 years, so there is a lot of information that has not been connected. these banks that exist, the information is not linked together , it is not chained, we are doing this work in that database for a reason, we are doing this work , we are connecting the information accurately, that is why we came last year.
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we have opened the sahim system, which is our interactive portal with our dear compatriots , and we have unveiled the sahim system. we are not satisfied with the fact that it must be 100 d, which means that this public service that we are doing now, which we are doing now, should be 100 for the services. and we have come to provide electronic services based on that , until now, when this information is complete, based on the information that was in our databases , we have provided various services to various government agencies , and we have also come to our dear people in that sahim system. we have given a warning, that is, if you come now , in our sahim system, your information about you , your spouse, your children, and your parents will be seen there along with your photo. we have made it possible to edit some places , for example, the person
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does not see the information about his parents. this is due to the fact that this information is old and we are correcting it in this database. there is no problem, we have made it possible to edit there, that means you can announce that my information is incomplete for any reason, either it is added or missing. even in the address dimension we put this option where you can say, sir, the address that is now in your database is my old address and my new address is this . my dear colleagues in the organization are doing it constantly and at a good speed, and i am grateful for their efforts. and your connection to the national license portal of the national center
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for business improvement to announce that the highest number of requests for licenses from the ministry of the country is for the licenses of the registration organization status is unique to itself, which is still not issued through the national portal, no, no, you see, last year , there was a connection to the national portal of permits for 2 services, and there, at all, two permits are issued in the civil registration organization, and one permit is given to the pre-khan offices . they can provide the civil registration service there , and a license will be given to the technical manager of the civil registration service desk, both of them, both of them, in the national portal of licenses, exactly from october of last year, which was the deadline for this. we have not issued any physical license. anyone can go to the door
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. the use of this id card in space will begin. it is virtual. at first, 5 million national cards were imported to the people, but in 2014, with the memorandum of understanding between the civil registration organization and the state printing company of iran, these cards were to be produced in the country. 17 million contracts were signed with the state printing office of iran until the end. in 2016, the number of national smart cards issued was 24 million. it was the point that after the imposition of sanctions , problems arose for the issuance of these cards. about 36 million
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of our compatriots should receive this card. but at the end of 2018, with the efforts of domestic experts in the production of national smart cards from 54 million 150 1000 people who filled in their names to receive a national smart card, 46 million smart national cards were issued, and the rest of the cards , about 9 million cards , were delayed due to the lack of a chip. we should finish the smart work almost by the end of 2017 based on the meeting of the ministers and set the task. in september 1401, with the help of the country's internal power, the delivery of national smart cards to the applicants increased faster and more than 5 million cards were delivered in this period. and since the end of december, 7 million national smart cards have been issued. more than 55 million people completing the registration and issuing smart national cards to more than 46 million people, according to the head of the country's civil registration organization, since the beginning of issuing
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the national smart card, 61 million cards have been handed over to the countrymen, there were people who registered in 2018 they had done that their number was more than 10 million people and they had not received their national cards until 1400. fortunately, since 1400 , it has been relying on domestic capabilities. these cards started to be produced and until now, when i am at your service , more than 9 million of these cards have been delivered to our dear compatriots, and god willing, by the end of 1401 the rest of the cards will be issued. installation of the tv news agency. ok. if possible, tell me what is the latest state of the national card now and why it took so long? yes. as you noticed in the report that was broadcast, there was a long break of more than two years in the production of national cards, which at the beginning of
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the 13th government amounted to almost 10 million cards . that it had been more than two years since people had registered and had not received their national cards. well , a very good move was made with the leadership of the honorable minister of the country. an internal coherence was formed with the machines that have the honor to print with us. preparation of chipping body and printing done by civil registry organization, alhamdulillah, with the program that was done until the end of 401, that is 10 million cards. it was handed over to our dear compatriots and we fulfilled the promise we had made, and now we are looking for this, because this interruption that was created creates a queue, we are looking to reduce this queue to a minimum and we succeeded. the other day , we had a meeting with our dear colleagues in these
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organizations, where the sections that i mentioned were placed there so that, god willing, we will be able to keep them for this year. the remaining amount, other than the 10 million 10 million that we gave, well, as a result, another queue was created, and god willing, we will be able to hand it over to our dear compatriots by the end of the year, and god willing, from next year , we will be able to receive those who register in the shortest possible time. it is reasonable to be able to get their national card, god willing, and there is a problem now, whether it is about the birth certificate or the national card of our compatriots who live abroad .
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they are present from the country, and when they are inside the country, due to the very little opportunity they have to do many of their work there, we have a small civil registration organization there. that we do all the work for them in terms of issuing birth certificates, changing birth certificates , changing national cards, that is, outside of these general frameworks that exist . we had from the country, and the connection that was supposed to be completed , well, one of the most important issues was the same point that you said about their identity documents in the same year, 400 in coordination with the ministry of foreign affairs. we established that
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our compatriots abroad in the field of national card they can go to the representative offices introduced by the ministry of foreign affairs and apply for their national card there. this is what i am going to do. previously, they had to go to iran, that is , whenever a person went to iran, they could get a card, now they can go to that representative office. the agency that the ministry of foreign affairs, which currently has 30 agencies, applies for a national card . it will be sent to us electronically. we will issue the national card here . there is no need for it for the national card to be activated , he had to go inside the country. it seems to me that it is too high. yes, the cost is the same as the normal cost inside the country. yes, it was a special service that was done. it made me very satisfied until now with
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the amount of 15 almost 15,000,900 requests have been received . we have issued thousands of folders and sent them to the ministry of foreign affairs. we are constantly monitoring this so that there is no interruption in this matter and they can receive their services and their iranian identity in their own hands. from the birth certificate it used to be like that, applications are coming, birth certificates are issued here, those who you said are from iran, and they can apply, where should they apply, iran, iranians abroad, which is at the headquarters of the organization, after hasan abad square, in front of the edka organization, yes, they can go there. please come and get your services , thank you very much, we have 34 minutes.
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all my colleagues and really all these events that i mentioned have been done and god willing they will be done by all my dear colleagues all over the country. i said that we have some very important actions. we did it. one of them was the share system. modifying the process and improving the processes was for the sake of service. the issue of these iranians abroad, which was a very big task, and a series of other various measures that the auditors from the employment office organization had referred to the civil registration organization and the assessment they had done. civil registry organization as the top organization in the judicial category. political placement and as the five best institutions that were recognized in the country was the country's civil registration organization. in the field of answering inquiries and making services electronic
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we have succeeded in being recognized by the ministry of information technology as the best organization , and of course, the shahid rajaei festival was also very related to this issue of smartening and electronicization of processes, thanks to the grace of god and the efforts of my dear colleagues and here. i really want to say that with the support of the honorable minister of the country, especially in this field , we managed to get this rank and we hope that day by day we will be able to provide better services to our countrymen and to the holy system of the islamic republic. and that is the main mission of the organization as one of the most fundamental organizations of the country, civil registration, you are reminded that we now serve 200 devices in 200,000 locations in the country , and the banks and databases that exist in the civil registration organization that we have are examples of them. from that
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, i mentioned that we are looking in this direction to put information for various devices so that they can use it in their planning and have better planning. we hope that , god willing, we will be able to be very good servants for the holy system of the islamic republic and our dear and honorable people with these measures that are being taken. god willing, we still have one minute , now it is not unknown to raise a question, if it was your point that i did not ask, i would like to convey to our dear compatriots one thing that i know is necessary, one is that now, as a reminder, we should demand more of this from the government and private institutions. refrain from taking the identity documents of the people in the picture , which unfortunately, of course, is the law not to take them. it increases the trouble of our compatriots , prolongs the process of receiving their services , and it is also possible for him
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to be abused, god forbid, colleagues. be careful with other devices , the electronic services that are available to them can easily authenticate and verify their identity, and people should also cooperate in this matter so that, god willing, this will be done . what i said was very important , and i request that people monitor us, if they see something wrong with us , they will certainly give us a warning, they have a suggestion for us, both dear people and experts of our country. in the presence of his excellency, i wish you success on the first page thank you for watching. good night.
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we don't sleep at night unless we think of its enemy . this divine promise will definitely come true and we are confident in the divine promise of the deterrent power of the regime. the actions of this regime today show that this regime is not a stable regime. the dictator's regime is gradually decaying, it is gradually declining, the speed is increasing day by day, they know it themselves , they understand it themselves. we see these panics and these crazy, unsuccessful operations . these are the results of those desperate efforts . this is a great opportunity to dissolve them.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, dear viewers, at 23:30 , i am at your service with some news from the medical department. the general director of roads and road transport in sistan and barchestan said that the export of goods through the border terminals of milk and mirjaveh increased on the 9th, according to mr. kurd 2 million and 40286 tons of goods this year through the terminals the border of milk and mirjaveh in the north of sistan and baluchistan province has been moved. the export of liquefied gas from tayawad to afghanistan since the beginning of this year has been 3 thousand tons of liquefied carbon gas from the only factory of this product that the investors.


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