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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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for more information, we want to talk to you, mr. taqwinia, but i have a question about the news published by the american newspaper new york times , which said that the destruction of hamas is a fantasy. this american newspaper wrote that the existence of hamas and other palestinian groups is rooted in the occupation, and until the palestinian land is under occupation , it is impossible to wipe out such a group, the zionist regime has declared its goal of the war in the gaza strip to be annihilation, but with the passage of time, doubts about the realization of this goal have increased. french president emmanuel macron recently asked the zionist regime for its ultimate goal. out of war bazarif, because according to macron, the destruction of hamas requires at least 10 years of war. last night, benny gans , a member of the war cabinet of the occupiers , expressed the difficulty of the war in gaza and said that israel is facing a challenge that has been faced since the invasion.
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has not faced it. we will continue the conversation with mr. taqvinia. we heard the new york times news together. it was said that hamas should go, but now the western authorities supporting the zionist regime and the zionist regime authorities themselves are talking about the need to redefine the goal of the war. how do you analyze this? blame this defeat on the zionist regime how does he justify it to the public opinion of the world? look, a mr. mauteng, who is one of the theorists of guerrilla warfare in the world, the former leader of communist china , has a famous thesis that says that guerrillas are like fish and people are like fish. if you want to destroy the people, you mean the guerrillas. you have to separate it from the people and then it will be destroyed, for example guerrilla groups. before the revolution and after the revolution in
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the pahlavi regime and the islamic republic, the reason for their failure was that they did not have the support of the people, but the organizations that have the support of the people are based on the will of the people, they are indestructible. they are not indestructible at all, they cannot be destroyed , for example, hamas, hamas, who is hamas? these are the people of gaza, the people of the west bank of the jordan river , who have been oppressed during the past 75 years . their agricultural lands were seized, their lands were taken from them by force , they were set on fire, and they were all gathered in a small area like the gaza strip. well, they have the will to resist , they have the will to reclaim their land, their children are coming to fight within the framework of the islamic resistance, and the israelis think they say that it is possible to destroy hamas, it is a false dream, well, these people now they are there in the gaza strip after the war is over, they are returning and hamas is the power again. it finds the former
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because hamas and islamic jihad and islamic resistance in general is the result of the will, vote and opinion of the palestinian people. how can we not say that the authorities of the zionist regime do not know where hamas's ideal is? they think that they can confront hamas, but after 80 days , the literature changes. look, they assumed that we are imposing so much destruction on gaza. hamas will separate, but the recent polls, which the zionists and the westerners themselves officially announce , were conducted in the west bank of the jordan river. they say that despite the fact that they see the destruction and the problems of the people of gaza , their trust and belief in hamas has increased because they know that the only way to liberate their land is the option of resistance. they see that the only time that
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the only group and movement that has been able to exhaust the zionists and bring pride to the palestinians for the first time in the past 75 years and inflict casualties on them is that to make them desperate is against the will of the palestinian people, hamas the palestinians chose other options before, that is to go all the other ways and reach the end of the resistance option, that is, mr. abbas and mr. arafat . it was a lie, it was all absurd, it was all a mirage, it was supposed to be handed over to the palestinians, what happened to 450 settlements after the oslo agreement, and 600,000 extreme zionists were brought there, that is, the most extreme zionists, because i believe that the region of judea and samaria was from there. during the reign of solomon and david, religious jews should live there, for example you want to say that if we take into account the miscalculation of the zionist regime in determining the extent
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of the will of the palestinian people against this amount of crime, it means not imagining that in such a situation , the palestinian people, according to you, are now behind hamas. even if the popularity of hamas increases, that's exactly what the zionists do after seeing that the people are not ready to separate from hamas , they put forward the plan to depopulate the people of gaza , to depopulate gaza in general and move to egypt and some arab countries. just like yemen, like iraq, and also turkey, the emirates had paid for them to live that is, the uae was looking for mr. benzaid mohammad dahlan's security adviser, who happened to be born. gaza is already responsible for the security of gaza , and was a member of the self -governing organization. of course, he has a disagreement with mr. mahmoud abbas. they should make gaza a neutral region and the current people of gaza should try to move to other places because they know that if they are up to these people the resistance will not disappear and right now you
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can see that we the people support the option of resistance despite all these hardships and leave their children at the disposal of hamas to fight for the freedom of their land. and you mentioned the migration issue palestinians, a plan was proposed through egypt that in exchange for the release of palestinian cholera, hamas would actually leave gaza and give up gaza, and this idea was proposed by egypt. do they really hope that such a plan will be accepted? these are based on advance.
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free it and leaving gaza is leaving palestinian territory , so hamas did not accept it at all and all this shows that hamas has the upper hand. just yesterday , mr. yair lapit, the leader of mr. netanyahu's opposition , stated clearly in the israeli knesset that mr. netanyahu, you can't kill hamas. destroy come, exchange the prisoners , accept the complete ceasefire, we also promise not to use this as an excuse for your propaganda and failures, i.e. not to advertise, please come and do this for the sake of israel's interests , but netanyahu didn't give in or that's it mr. ehud elmert, the former prime minister of the zionist regime in haras , wrote an article last week and stated that hamas cannot be destroyed until all
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our prisoners are killed, come and negotiate and complete a ceasefire, exchange prisoners and accept hamas' conditions. destroyed. another news that happened a few days ago it was published that 3 prisoners of regime three were killed by israeli snipers, despite having a white flag, a part of the army published this news because it knew that it would arouse the sensitivity of the public opinion of israel, so it published this to pressure. to increase domestic public opinion on mr. netanyahu. to force him to accept a cease-fire, but why won't netanyahu accept it, because the internal political situation in israel is extremely detrimental to him , and the american government is also insisting on removing him, if netanyahu believed, he would be sure that he would not step down from power with the end of the war and a complete cease-fire, certainly a cease-fire
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but he is continuing this war to preserve his own political life, mr. taghbinia , we want more about the methods used by the zionist regime after 80 days, including terror. talk to you, but before that we have a report about the retreat of the golani brigade in batalaq , gaza, or sanwar, one of the leaders of the palestinian resistance, announced to the zionist regime that after the withdrawal of the golani brigade from gaza, the palestinian resistance aimed to inflict more damage on the rest of the zionist regime's infantry brigades. it is possible to have the golani infantry brigade, the most skilled zionist soldiers , but after many surprises in gaza, this the city has retreated. they sing hymns. they whistle and clap , he sings again. this is the joy of the
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zionist golani brigade after several days of operations in gaza. the golani brigade is the first zionist brigade that was established on february 22, 1948. it was established 75 years ago to achieve quick victories in the war with the palestinian fighters. the zionist regime considers the golanis the most proud brigade among its 10 active brigades. from the time that netanyahu led them to gaza in the urban war with the palestinian resistance groups . let's see who is better prepared for the war . we want a lot of you palestinians kill them this elite brigade of zionists experienced different conflicts in gaza city. surprised an example is his commander. he is now dead. the palestinian resistance was killed by the sharp battle of yassin's rockets at the merkavas
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of the zionist regime in less than 3 seconds, killing a quarter of them in this way, the former commander of the zionist regime's army, who is not yet dead , revealed the golanis in an interview with channel 12 of this regime. they lost most of their lives in an area of ​​6 square kilometers in a neighborhood called shujaiyeh. we were in gaza and i have to go back there. my refrigerator is empty. i didn't receive any help and food for my daughter i don't have, our business was officially closed and lost, our situation is a disaster, and now this happiness that we saw just a few minutes ago.
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you are still watching the world today . i will continue the conversation with mr. taghbinia. we have seen the report that the zionist regime has withdrawn from the land area . you also mentioned the failure of intelligence. they are looking for the assassination of mr. mohammad zaif, the commander of azaddin qassam battalions. what is your analysis on this matter? is it possible for the zionist regime, that is, later?
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from about 3 months of war, he doesn't have any achievements to present to his people . tell him, i entered the war for 3 months. liberating, and because he has no achievements, he tries and is trying to assassinate, for example, prominent figures , to sell this achievement to his own people, for example, let's say , yes, our achievement from this war was that we assassinated mohammad zaif, for example, of course, i must say that mohammad zaif is in the tunnels that israel's hand will never reach it, and the israelis themselves are not aware of our estimate it was that there are 500 kilometers of tunnels in gaza , now we have found out that the amount is 5 to 6 times, and the last thing i would like to say is that israel's intelligence failure in this war was very impressive. the tunnel that was recently discovered by the israelis and was no longer used was about 5 kilometers
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long, in which a car could go. technical engineers estimated that the amount of soil that was dug in this tunnel and the soil that was removed is the size of thousands of trucks. so how did the palestinians come ? for 5 kilometers, thousands of trucks took out the dirt and where did they dump this dirt, but israel has not realized this yet multiply by a thousand because they say it themselves. that there are more than 6,000 or 34,000 kilometers of tunnels . for example, if you exaggerate 5060 kilometers , it means 600 times more than this 5-kilometer tunnel. hamas built a tunnel and where did they dump this soil? how did israel talk? and there is a spy in gaza, but how was hamas able to do this in the ear of israel , and the israeli intelligence apparatus did not understand, and the israelis' estimate is now completely wrong, and their estimate of the level of resistance of hamas , the will of the palestinian people, and the fortifications that hamas
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and as a result , they are very, very disappointed with the outcome of this war, but only mr. netanyahu's political life depends on the continuation of this war and the option of assassination . if we didn't destroy hamas, if we didn't release the prisoners, but at least we assassinated a prominent leader like mohammad zaif, and this is an achievement. what implications could it have for them ? personal. it means that now it is possible to have an all-out war, now the zionist regime is from the worst situation for a political regime is to create a south that is in conflict with the north, that is in conflict with the red sea, its trade is cut off, it may suffer from the mediterranean sea in the coming days
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, its trade will suffer, its trade will be damaged. . it has come, but it is very unlikely that they will be able to destroy muhammad from being weak, but they are trying to create a series of advertisements, for example, do you remember 20 days ago , they said that they want to fill the tunnels with water , i don't know, it must have been filled by now, the work is done. it's okay, don't do anything, just for thoughts the domestic public themselves are looking for achievements . i am very grateful to mr. alireza taqvinia, an expert on west asian issues . let us continue to see the world today. the us government approved 250 million aid to ukraine. these aids include ammunition for air defense systems,
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himmars rocket launch systems, artillery shells, anti-tank weapons, more than 15 million rounds. to small arms ammunition. but here is the point. it is said that this is the last set of military aid from the white house to ukraine without the consent of the country's congress. the white house had previously warned that until unless congress approves additional funding, there will be no new sources of ammunition. before that, an emergency aid bill of more than 50 billion dollars from the us government to ukraine. it was not approved in the senate. also , the european union's military aid package to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros was stopped due to hungary's opposition. i am talking about this with mr. dariush safarnejad, an expert on eurasian issues, mr. safarnejad. hello
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, the task of providing aid and granting funds from the government is transferred to the us congress. what message do you think it has? in your opinion, the war in ukraine should be removed. hello, mrs. shabili and my dear colleagues and respected viewers. in the name of allah, the most merciful , i would like to ask you to see that for some time now , we have been witnessing a serious conflict between the american government, the president of the united states, and the congress. you know that the house of representatives is governed by the republican majority and the senate is in the hands of the democrats, and these conflicts have continued for at least the last 3 months
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. the government approved, that is, the government's proposal to receive aid for ukraine and the zionist regime , it was about 16 million dollars, it was 16 billion dollars, but we see that the resolution that comes out after all the struggle and going back and forth is 250 million dollars, and it is also announced that it is the last amount granted during the year . facing the terminal you see, this shows that there are serious differences within the political leadership complex in america and even between the military and those who are directing the war in ukraine in america, and this is not only limited to two parties, that is, these conflicts are limited to the democratic party. and
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the republican and competition between these two parties is not today, we see that senators and some members of the house of representatives from both the republican and democratic parties publicly announce that the coming year , that is, 2024, will be the year when the united states will slowly withdraw from the scene of ukraine. the topic and the gradual withdrawal of america is actually one of the things that we see that is more important in the political climate in america , and anyway, this has definitely continued as a trend in the new year, sir. franjad, in your opinion, this could be the cause of the end of the war, because let's say ukraine cannot continue without american aid give look, definitely, without the help of america
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, western europe and nato, ukraine itself has no physical will to continue the war. it has been more than a year now that this war between russia and the west has been on the scene of ukraine , according to the official request of the russian side, which wants to establish a so-called ceasefire. giving up on the conflict is unanswered. in fact , the war in ukraine has been on fire for more than a year now, and the americans consider this war as a symbolic war against russia. today, the ruling body in america has not been able to after nearly 2 years. cost a very high kurd who has been in the scene of ukraine has also spent this money and has done it. some european countries such as england, france, germany, holland, belgium
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and some other european countries could not present this achievement to their own people. look at the upcoming elections in america. the serious challenges of the us military presence in different regions of the world, including ukraine, syria and even serez. this is gaza, today you can see that one of the main arsonists in gaza are the americans, whose soldiers are killing and massacring alongside the soldiers of the zionist regime . people in europe are witnessing the holding of elections in different countries next year and in the so-called coming months. europeans in europe who during these two years accompanied the americans at very high costs and caused the killing of a large number of people. there are many statistics
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of massacres from both sides involved in the ukraine region, both the western region and the eastern region. it is given from the military forces and the western and russian sides, well, these achievements are not limited to the field war. we see today that this two-year war is about energy and food europe but the whole world is talking about the livelihood of the people in america, western europe and of course it has been effective in different parts of the world. today, after two years, people and public opinion both in america and in western europe are demanding from their rulers that you have spent so much in addition to that these costs did not achieve any results. we have seen a lot in the past two years from both sides, that many and even contradictory statistics are given in this field, and
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besides these countries are also fighting in the arena , but we have not seen any achievements in practice . thank you, so we can. let's say that actually for this answering the public opinion, that america can't do by playing congress and the government and absolving itself of responsibility. i have a conversation with mr. dariush safarnejad, an expert on asian issues . i am also grateful to you, the viewers.
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north has been captured and this fact should not continue. also, in response to the zionist military attacks on residential areas in southern lebanon , hezbollah targeted a house in the military and zionist settlement of avivim, which was the resting place of the zionist army forces. two gathering places the zionist soldiers in a hideout in dishon and hunin castle were the targets of hezbollah's operations. zaheera base of zionist soldiers. was also targeted with heavy weapons. we see the war and the exchange of fire clearly. that hezbollah was able
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to become the superior force of this battlefield. the fighters of the zionist regime attacked lebbon and rab selasin and the drones of this regime also targeted a school in tayyaba . zionist military cannons also targeted seven areas, including misra and ita shab . the zionist newspaper israel alyoun warns the authorities of the zionist regime he said that hezbollah's offensive operations show their complete nobility to the north of the occupied territories and the extensive attacks of the zionist military to the south of lebanon could not be compared to the high accuracy of these operations, said hasan azimzadeh of marjayoun sed and sima news agency, the border between lebanon and occupied palestine.
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hello, dear viewers , join us with another football magazine. the leading premier league lost in sirjan and press polis stuck to esteghlal. police won sepahan, lost two games, lost two matches , a bit, a head and a goal in the delayed match from the sixth week of golgohar in sirjan, the host of sepahan was cold and with three goals from alireza alizadeh, roberto torres and masih zahedi , against the single goal of shahriar moqanlou, they beat their guests three to one . he chased and kicked with his left foot, and i am grateful.


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