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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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those who are profit-seeking and that is to say that we should deal with the middleman. you can't deal with the middleman at all. the middleman is an inefficient product in your governance . no matter how much you deal with the middleman, if a good margin is formed due to lack of control, lack of proper policy, lack of efficiency in explaining the form of the middleman. i understand that all of what you said is not a negation of command pricing. let's see the price. let's assume that we have removed command pricing. is it negation or not ? i will tell you the answer. i said that the producer's problem should be solved through order in policy making , that is, if you, the people, determine the price pay 11,300 tomans for your own livestock. the government should commit itself to the distribution of chickens at the right time . a chicken farmer cannot wait even a day to see if corn reaches him at an appropriate price . he cannot wait even a day. a person who lays 100 chickens
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should he will get the fodder on time and be able to supply it, but my point is that you assume that we have eliminated the mandatory pricing , we said, sir, it is a place for bargaining, what friends mean by the mandatory pricing is to raise our prices. we adjusted the price , basically we said sir, no, livestock corn has an approved price not the chicken meat that you want to supply to the producer or explainer. market if we do this, in your opinion, all their problems will be solved, what will happen, first of all, a black market will be formed for animal feed, that is , when you say that when the price goes up, whoever has more power will set the higher price. for animal feed, when the price is free, when the price is free, whoever can will buy more, so what happens to the consumer , if you actually pay an amount in cash for consumption.
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you transfer but do not guarantee that the price of the product is the price of the basic product that reaches the consumer. will this amount of cash compensate you or not? it is the economy of the price, which in itself is actually the factor of the result, the reason is not that
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it does not go there, but the discussion that is being discussed here is that, sir, he said that when i place an order , i register as a quantity as someone who needs so much flour. i order that the government allocates a lot, why doesn't it give it on time? which is not the only thing, by the way, the reasons for the high price are the same , because of this amount, he has to go and buy from the open market . yes, the price will not go up on the black market. if the goods enter the country in abundance , the dealer's hand will be reduced, and your supervision will go to the primary circles. because we are talking about smuggling, we are talking about the rest of my things. do n't we have a trade society system, all the circles of the trade society system should be monitored. but
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if it is possible, then why doesn't it go higher ? what mr. hassan khani said, i said, look , there should be supervision, where should the supervision be, the supervision of all circles, but we are now talking about the explanation of the supervision of our inspectors, our own inspectors. now, you are smart, now, whether it has been implemented or not is another matter, but whether it is possible or not , we say it is possible, but the mandated price does not work either, mr. azariba, yes, the mandated price is nowhere, if it were, other countries would be ahead of us. mr. azribaqa used to keep it i will give an example of the pricing of the unapplied order method, which is out of our discussion, but it is not bad to see that the price of the pulse motorcycle in 1995 was 60 , and the width price in that year was almost 3500. today , the price of the pars motorcycle is more than 320 million tomans . well, if the pricing is ordered. today's million should
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be formed for someone who wants to buy a motorcycle. if we leave this logic for food, for example, for people, for chicken, for meat, for anything , let's send it to the market. will the problem be solved ? now let's talk about different pricing procedures in different countries, we are in contact with my colleague amir shujaei in germany . we want to know how the pricing of chicken and egg dairy is in germany . i will answer about germany, let me make an explanation about all the countries of the european union, in terms of the level of government intervention in pricing, there are categories , of course, now, according to the conditions that have arisen, some comments may have been made
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. some changes have been made and we are generally the same there are a group of countries where the government wants the producers to voluntarily reach a quorum and set a price ceiling, which include, for example, austria, france, portugal, spain and norway . of course, with the explanation that due to the conditions that have been created and the inflation has gone up , in the fall of 2023, for example, france asked the big manufacturers to set a fixed price for 5,000 items. there are a number of other countries where the presence of government intervention in the pricing of goods is especially important. especially, there are more foods. germany is the only country in the european union the price in that price mechanism is completely determined based on supply and demand and the market in fact. but this should be considered in terms of two important factors.
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one is that it has been said that this process will continue until the whole consumer economy is not harmed. if the government feels that there is a damage to the economy, it intervenes. the closest cases to us were the gas issue, since the time of russia's war with ukraine and the cutoff of pipeline gas to germany, as you know, 55% of germany's gas comes from russia. rich and cheap that industries and people have adjusted themselves with since the time it was stopped, so they had to buy at the free price, but the government came and set a ridiculous price for the gas supply companies, which means, in fact , it gave them the difference in the form of a subsidy so that they could supply the people with a cheaper price. there is another thing that happened recently regarding industrial electricity. in germany , the price of industrial electricity
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is at its highest level in the european union and compared to 7 industrialized countries of the world. reducing this from 2.5 cents per kilowatt to 5 cents, of course, in the annual budget. the future, so i want to say that the government will enter in a situation where it feels like one there is a bottleneck and a crisis, one more thing should be considered, and that is that although the price is determined by the free market and supply and demand , the price is not free, that is, if it means that it is not the only factor , for example, imagine about the same dairy products. what you said if the value added tax on all goods and services. in germany, it is 19% for these dairy products, eggs or some foods, 7 or for newspapers and books in the same way, or for example , the price of packaging in dairy products is not added to the price of the final product, and companies are not obliged to
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actually charge the price of packaging. take it from the customer, that is these things also happen, add these to the social assistance that the government provides to interfere and actually control the use of tools such as tariffs or taxes on goods, raw materials or imports. it does, but
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suppose they point out the same way on the explanation circle, for example , it only comes on products like milk, it reduces the tax or zero, but they say that the price should not be higher than a certain level, and that's why, because they are basic items, but in general you want to count this. maybe shape 2% of the goods, 3 over 90% of the goods are really their basis the market is competitive, but let me tell you that the order is placed in our country. now let me make a note. now, the last resolution of parliament members in the open session of october this year, in the framework of reviewing the details of the 7th plan , is that in order to develop employment and economic growth through private and cooperative sector investment , government pricing has been established, except for subsidized basic goods and goods and exclusive public services have been banned at all, and now in our country it is not the case that we can say that it is very widespread
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, and the technology is more complicated than products such as chicken. take the 6,000 and 6 million tomans that they say it was for, what year was the price of the dollar at that time, how much was the country's inflation, and we monopolized the entire market, stopped imports, and they are producing a series of special brands, and
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what is this about now? in the case of dairy products, this is the case with the same motorcycle that they gave as an example. now , the motorcycle was the price issue at all . they said, "i told you about the pricing issue. regarding the basic goods , we actually think that the prices should come from the order mode and according to the benefit that the headquarters actually adjusts with. it takes into account and with and with actually mechanisms monitoring, we can control this, otherwise the mandated price is not a very correct mechanism, mr. hasanzadeh , can you explain it, yes , i would like to offer your presence, hassan khani, of course, mr. azaribaga , you see, as mr. shojaei said , different governments in different countries design a mechanism, that is they have a design mechanism to control prices like we do. we don't feel that the government is setting prices, but the government is completely controlling the prices, as they said
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, as soon as they realized that the gas price was due to the russian embargo and the explosion in nord stream. something happened as soon as this happened. yes , it definitely entered. we have been in our country for at least 6 years now. we have seen special conditions . we exist with everyone. i showed you a few programs before, where the inflation was above 40d for most of the years, especially a large part of the inflation was caused by the inflation of basic items, and we have to, in any case, on these special conditions , we cannot leave it to the mechanism of supply and demand. let me serve you. you say that it cannot be left to the demand mechanism now, for example, in the case of chicken yes, there has been a market regulation price approved by order for years, now whatever we say , a price is determined for the chicken. yes, i
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have been working in this field for several years now. it is offered, which means that it is either higher or lower. i have seen it lower and i have seen it higher . well, this does not show that this is the price . after all, if you come to specify a price, it will not work. after all, even when it is determined , the price of chicken is now based on the established price. it is higher. if so, first of all, i told you the price in general let's stop supply and demand and bargaining or not , let's fix the quality of pricing and the design of that pricing design. if the government says 11 and 300 cattle corn , just keep it at 11,300, but say 1,100 and be required to oblige itself to provide it. is it possible to have a mandatory pricing? yes, the government has a subsidy. when you put it in, sir, the livestock is imported , but the price depends on me. i can tell you a few numbers
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. it is foreign . the global price will go up. well, this cannot be done. you will come in april. you will price the chicken for 4 months. it's been 5 months, so the price will continue to go up, even in our hands maybe i didn't understand the importation of the gaza conflict , let me tell you this, or the war in ukraine, after all, it all affected the price . the price is going up, but the price of chicken is stable. 8 months before the gaza war, the price of goods like wheat, the world price of goods like wheat has almost halved. it decreased by 50 % from 400 bushels
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in cumin with the policies that the government is applying, this is a lie, but the solution is to leave the price to the market and to collect the mandatory pricing. we have this dispute . first of all, we are self-sufficient in chicken production , the coefficient of self-sufficiency in chicken meat production in our country is approx 1005 means we are producing more than 5% of the people's needs, more than 5% of the demand for chicken meat.
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we import about 3 million tons of soybeans , almost two million. regarding the type of pricing , do you see if the mandatory pricing works, especially in the case of chicken and egg dairy items, or if not, what can be replaced by it? what is certain is that the government is forced to set the price. i want someone to have a discussion on the matter
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, because look, it's only a discussion until this discussion is about product pricing. the doer is considered as the opposite point, we are three at least three after the producer, we have factors that affect the price, one of them is the discussion of the wholesaler , the distribution network, and the retailer . it can create space, that is, if we talk about pricing, we necessarily mean it in this sense. it's not that this action is being done against the producer , it's not to control the entire chain, which is one of the suppliers of the chain of producers. especially for the goods that have a great impact on the household consumption basket, the provision of the necessities of life is allowed
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, but the price must be affordable. the point that i was following my friends is that your program is correct , it means that the production institutions must have a price stability, that is , the supply must be completely regular and with fixed prices. well, this is possible, mr. muftah. i would like to ask you about institutions that are imported and whose prices depend on global prices . you can really fix their prices , you can definitely look. to absorb the global price in a complete limited period and to there should be a stability because you cannot
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have a fixed output with a variable input, that is, if we want to accept that we do not have a mechanism to stabilize the price of institutions and raw materials, then the producers are right that the price of the product should be different, but i said this. the middle of the thing that imposes itself on this price and causes more confusion and confusion in the market is the distribution system of our food selling system. these are also effective. in this space, especially when the space of goods becomes a psychological space , there is a concern about the lack of goods. these two circles of influence it is much more than a discussion. however, this point is absolutely correct. the mechanism provided in the law is this: the support organization , the name of the organization is as a support organization.
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this was done during your time, yes, at one point in ours. in the 1990s, we used to do this. look at the price stability in the 1990s . it was the same thing, that is, despite the fact that the issue of subsidizing the target service was discussed, you did not see a lot of convulsions in the market at that time, the market was calm because of this. mechanisms, of course, now regarding chicken, which have always been price changes regarding oil it has always been ups and downs, but we must be friends, we must have had stable prices for a long time , and now it
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is possible. there is, because finally , when the institution becomes expensive, the price of the production cost will go up . it is different that this chicken or this product that is produced now with which raw material has ended up becoming more expensive. you, as the government, must have this stability. but the main point is that the discussion do you agree with the expert, is the government obliged to determine the fixed price, and the government must determine it, yes, it means that they must set the basic price
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, efficiency will be created in it or it will be hit by a shock . make a design that can prevent these price fluctuations, especially in the basic items that you mentioned, otherwise, if we want to look at the supply and demand mechanism, the question that you asked is mandatory pricing yes or no. basically, the duty of the government is to actually prevent price increases for the sake of the people, for the well-being of the people , let us hear your final speech, mr. saqqaei, mr. agha. it is not necessarily the case that we are in agreement now , as i told you, the conditions of our country are not free market economic conditions at all, so
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the market is free and open , this is not what we are saying, sir , the final price and the government should not determine the product well , we encountered many problems, which were revised because we don't take into account the profit of different rings. we are talking about the price of something that is very common in the world. cass pricing plus is the conventional pricing, which is actually the cost price of the product plus the profit of the next rings , which is under the supervision of now either the support organization on the discussion of the producers or the support and improvement organization on the discussion of the explanation rings. don't post an order like this. thank you, sir. i would like to thank the guests of the program for appearing in the program . i also thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us. these talks can open the way for the parliament to make appropriate decisions in this regard in the future, may god protect you.
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a few days ago, around jerusalem, in the west bank , baba neel came to see the palestinian children with a message of peace and hope, but no child was waiting for him. here in the land of palestine, under the shadow of war , there is no sign of happiness for salno. in front of one of the churches in bethlehem , there are symbols of death and destruction with the bodies of children. in another church, a doll in the shape of a palestinian child has been placed in the place of a pine tree among the rubble. artistic reactions to what these days.
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in gaza, there are decorations that can be seen in the plans and photos on the eve of the 9th year. in this photo, gaza is a place for killing children. city it was empty of children and the dolls were alone. the ashes were burned in the fire and turned into ashes. gray stained with blood and red with christmas presents. fiery gifts of bombs and rockets to fill the cart with the bodies of palestinian martyred children. it's a bloody christmas here in this town. there is no news of chocolates and sweets for children. the air raids have been non-stop lighting on new year's eve. this is a real view of gaza. where there is no excuse to celebrate and congratulate the new year. where santa
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claus came with his gifts. but no child welcomed him in the ruins. farzaneh azerfam radio news agency. his behavior is strange at all, what happened? saeed has become aggressive at a special age, farzane is also stressed.
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2:00 am
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