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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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it was the connection between democracy and capitalism. in the capitalist system, democracy was a way to create a consumer class. in an extraordinary act, he exhibited a large international exhibition of luxurious and luxurious items. in this exhibition, he depicted an ideal life for the american citizen in the future. a dream life for the american people in a way that captures the imaginations and dreams of the american people. what did anyone know? perhaps another war could bring economic prosperity back to america.
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1990 bulgaria between two pro-western parties and the socialist party, a tough electoral competition is underway is. one of the quasi-governmental agencies of the united states. which is against socialism and in favor of the west. they gave this party one and a half million dollars so that it could defeat the bulgarian socialist party. but the situation does not go as the americans want and the socialist party wins the election.
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the result is successful. after several months of insurrection , the president, the legitimate prime minister , is finally forced to resign. a year later we is repeated , but this time in german, the american national foundation for democracy supports a western-oriented party, but in the end, the communist party comes to work. again street riots start so that the government is forced to cancel the election results and hold new elections, and of course the result is clear. the rise of a pro-american party. not a year has passed since
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free elections are held in mongolia. the american national endowment for democracy still feels the duty . but despite the support of the western-oriented party , he failed and this time he did not succeed in carrying out a street riot. the support will continue until the westerners can finally win in the elections four years later. be fielded now it's reward time. the us national security agency immediately to mongolia comes and sets up emergency eavesdropping bases against china. less than 6 years later in 2002. the street riots in venezuela that brought down hugo chávez were publicly supported by the us national endowment for democracy. again, the american national endowment for democracy.
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in 1983, when ronald reagan implemented the idea of ​​this foundation, the official purpose of this foundation was announced as such. supporting democratic foundations around the world through private efforts.
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in 1986, the foundation declared that pro-democracy groups around the world should not be called subcategory c should be introduced. in fact, what he said was that it is better than ca to avoid entering into these issues and leave the work to this foundation. the american national endowment for democracy was supposed to do the same things that it used to do secretly and this time in a public way. but it was not just the publicizing of support for pro-western oppositions. the way of working had also changed. c. e. in the traditional way, although sometimes they bought the elections, but in many cases they had to resort to military and bloody coups, but now this foundation has found a more acceptable method. street
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in this way, the accusation of using violence and system. it had a popular revolution. the american national endowment for democracy is just one of several human rights institutions that
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have defined the task of supporting democracy and human rights. the keyword of these foundations and institutions is human rights. a phrase that was born in america after world war ii. after the second world war, the american economic outlook was growing a lot. the destruction of europe
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was even greater than the first world war, and all capital and wealth went to america. this time, americans are not only thinking about the domestic market, but also about the global market do creating a global market for american goods required exporting the culture of consumerism and western capitalism to other parts of the world. a fundamental intellectual and legal system was needed for such extensive cultural formation. a system that the whole world has accepted and surrendered to . that hot summer day. in paris, eleanor roosevelt was building such a system. elinor's parents were also among those who socialized with nobles and capitalists and participated in the parties of the rich classes. they were so-called socialists. socialites
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were actually a class that went to glamorous parties and they were famous for socializing with the highest level of social, economic and political groups. illinois. an aristocrat was very interested in forming a government for the jews of the world. since the presidency of his wife franklin, he had used all his efforts for the creation of israel. there was a clear connection between eleanor's aristocratic culture and the birth of israel. basically , the western capitalist families were the main supporters of the formation of israel. one of the most important of these families was the rothschild family in england, which for centuries, in addition to aristocratic titles , also controlled an important part of england's international trade. they had. these families faced a great threat after the second world war. communism and
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socialism. the opposition to the capitalist system and the culture of consumerism in the eastern bloc was an obstacle to the expansion of new markets for the west. the west needed a legal and moral tool to apply political and economic pressure against its opponents. elinor in summer. he had gone to paris to make such a tool. it was decided to write a comprehensive declaration called the universal declaration of human rights. according to its authors, this declaration included all the rights that a human being should have and no one else he did not have these rights. but who recognized these rights? or indeed, who would determine what should be written in this declaration. america, china, lebanon, australia, chile,
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france, soviet union, england and canada. china had a western-oriented government at that time, and except for the lebanese and shiri, the rest of the countries were world powers that determined what human rights are on behalf of other countries. single. it represented the eastern bloc of the soviet union, which naturally had no voice in an entirely western society. there was no representative from africa and among the whole islamic world only lebanon, a country with a large christian minority , was present in this group. the arrangement of this group, which was directly managed by eli roosevelt, announced the result in itself. at the same time, elena roset and other powers
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involved in drafting the text of the universal declaration of human rights strongly sought the establishment of a jewish state in palestine. mrs. roosevelt stubbornly went back and forth in the corridors of the united nations , negotiating with representatives of different governments to agree to the formation of a jewish state in palestine. while islamic countries with division. israel represents his values he was liberal in the islamic region. human rights was actually a declaration that was supposed to replace religious beliefs and rights. it is not without reason that later the heralds of human rights were all the main supporters of the zionist regime. eleanor roosevelt. in fact , he had laid a great foundation stone in the world. he
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was introducing a new charter to the world that was supposed to stand up to celestial religions and fight religious dogma in favor of creating a consumerist and liberal middle class. exactly what big capitalist families like the rothschilds were after. it was taken to the united nations general assembly for approval. at
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in this assembly, the eastern bloc countries realized that what was written was against their values. therefore, several communist countries abstained from that vote. saudi arabia also abstained from religion in protest of the right to apostasy. the announcement was approved with 48 votes in favor. but this was not the end. only after that human rights foundations and institutions announced their existence. the calculated division of labor was done. eleanor roosevelt personally took over the administration of the un human rights committee, and the rest of the institutions were generally founded by pro-israel jews. human rights watch was one of them of course, the most famous human rights institute
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was founded by a zionist jew named robert bernstein. he later received an award called eleanor roosevelt award for human rights. another director of this institute was aryeh nair, a jewish human rights activist, who later went to the open society foundation owned by george soros. severus. he was one of the staunch defenders of israel, who established an important human rights institution with the establishment of the open society foundation, which focused on political changes in non-aligned countries. founded by peter bennson. bennson, who was born in a jewish family , later declared his religion as christianity catholic and
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changed his name from solomon to peter. he also criticized some of israel's behavior apparently. he was one of the defenders of israel's survival. his family was one of the oldest wealthy families of russian descent, who strongly supported the idea of ​​zionism and the return of jews to the holy land decades before the establishment of israel. another of the largest human rights organizations is the committee of jurists for human rights. the committee that was formed by two jews. became. the first founder louis henkin was the son of rabbi yosef eliyahu henkin. a rabbi who specialized in jewish law. self lewis henkin, who came from a completely zionist background defending israel , joined the us army and even received a medal for his services
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, then entered the us state department. after some time of service. it was in the ministry of foreign affairs that he decided to establish a human rights institution called the committee of lawyers for human rights. his partner in this way was another jew named marvin frankel, who was previously the vice-chairman of the committee on law and social behavior in the american jewish congress, and of course, the attorney general of the united states, other well-known people in the field of human rights. generally from zionists and defenders of the zionist regime are. someone like richard goldstone, a member of human rights watch and head of the united nations human rights council's inspection panel in the gaza war, who is himself a university professor in israel. the same person who, in his report
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on the gaza war, although he could not hide a part of israel's crimes, but in order to equalize both sides , he accused hamas of war crimes, or another person named haim saban, one of the egyptian jews of al-assar, who today , he has israeli american citizenship and founded the middle east democracy institute. one of his main concerns is the use of human rights tools to ensure israel's security and actions the pressure on the countries is one of the biggest sponsors and supporters of human rights in the world , it is one of the staunch defenders of the israeli government, which symbolically announced its support for the zionist regime and participated in the celebration of the 80th birthday of the head of the zionist regime, shimon perez
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, but perhaps the history of none of this organization and the institutions are not as big as the aristocratic family of rothschild in england. the rothschild family can actually be called the main financial sponsor of the establishment of the zionist regime in 1948. the rothschilds have been in palestine since the 19th century in pursuit of the formation of a jewish state, and finally at the end of the first half of the 20th century, they succeeded in their dream. implement themselves. at the same time , they established an institution called the human rights institute in england , which was later renamed the miriam rothschild foundation for human rights. one of the largest human rights organizations in england and the world. another human rights foundation was established in new york city,
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the founder of which is a jewish capitalist opposing chavs named turhal. it was age. jewish writer elie v. wiesel was also a member of this foundation. wiesel was the one who accused hamas of using human shields in the gaza war. and a lot of criticism of obama for pushing to stop settlement building in jerusalem had wiesel quickly became a global figure in the field of literature and human rights with the help of the media. now maybe it is better to talk about human rights institutions and their zionist supporters. in 1948 along with birth. israel declaration of human rights is also born in paris. eleanor roosevelt, the widow of the former american president, now has the role of a prophet
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who announced a new order in the world. at the united nations, eleanor followed the human rights activities of the united states and at the same time watched the rise and growth of israel . with the declaration of human rights, now the world is the same. the ideal world had become elena roosevelt and all it seemed like a good thing, until the ink of the signatures of the heads of state on the declaration of human rights had not yet dried, when the terrible war in korea began . ironic symmetry. maybe this paper and the writings on it had not changed anything in the outside world. america
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had entered korea to prevent communism. when the communists were able to gain some victories and advance towards the capital of south korea , the south korean forces executed 100,000 suspected communist supporters. americans were present during the executions and took pictures. an american officer had said execution the communists make sure that if this point falls into the hands of the north korean army, they will not become a force in the hands of north korea. in the best case, general douglas macarthur, the commander of the american forces in korea, had declared that these killings were an internal issue of korea and should not be interfered with. the world of powers was still cold and violent, and of course that was not the whole story. in south africa, european immigrants
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have planned a new system in the ancestral land of blacks and in the same year the universal declaration of human rights was approved, they established an apartheid system. in the new system of south africa, blacks are not in school, not in things public transportation, not in entertainment centers, not even in public toilets, should not be next to white people . they had no role in voting and choosing their fate. and almost all the horror stories of the dark era of slavery in the 19th century were now happening right in the 20th century, right in front of the united nations. in the same year that eleanor roosevelt gave birth to the declaration of human rights. in those years, among all the countries of the world, only 3 countries
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had maintained extensive economic, industrial, scientific, political, military relations with the racial discrimination regime in south africa. england, america and the regime occupier of quds. israel even to the feet of the colleague. a nuclear strike with the south african regime also went ahead. now israel had found a close ally against the arabs. but all this was not very important for eleanor and the united nations human rights organization. instead , the activities of eastern bloc countries, then muslims and less developed countries , were put under the microscope of human rights. apparently, the universal declaration of human rights was not made at all for white europeans or people of european descent.
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eleanor's career at the united nations ended in 1953, but her legacy lives on. when in 1954 to 1962, half a million people of algeria in the process. they were killed against french colonialism, not even a human rights resolution was issued by the united nations against france. the most cautious and conservative statistics showed that the bloody american intervention in the vietnam war led to the death of at least half a million vietnamese civilians in north vietnam alone . this was not important either. later, when in the 8-year war between iraq and iran, the civilian cities of iran were targeted by chemical bombs. again
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, it didn't matter. the death of more than one million iraqi civilians during the occupation of iraq was not important. declaration of rights beshr elidin roselet was not supposed to become a headache for western countries. these days, the declaration of human rights still takes victims in the world. the sharp eyes of the westerners are still searching for victims among islamic countries. it is another and still the banbaran and child killings are faced with silence. at the time when eleanor roosevelt, a staunch supporter of israel , was drafting the universal declaration of human rights , she never imagined that the day would come when the image of human rights would be discredited in the eyes of nations and governments.
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today. few people in the world still believe the legends written in that historical charter have eleanor roosevelt's charter has now become a legend, like many ancient charters and inscriptions. a legend that is slowly being forgotten from people's minds today. like its creators. they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water, it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to the things we have not done, such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits and managing electricity consumption? now, a small part of people's consumption is outside the consumption pattern, and a small part of them is in
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the aspect. return consumption pattern. once for 5 minutes take the time to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to the devices that are not used, i.e. they are ready to work or are in sleep mode. such as coffee maker, tea maker, microwave oven, chargers, computer, tv and so on. these are electrical devices. the fact that they consume electricity when they are off and when we don't need them, they should be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but not the air conditioner you see, we leave it on for hours, which usually consumes much more than long ones. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them, you will see that you have not only
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done your pocket a great favor, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country . the second phase of awarding mahd farsh mahd farshi agencies. shahid beheshti street was opened in iraq. price and quality guarantee and long-term sales, all over iran, many designs, free shipping and easy shopping in mahd farsh, another city, mahd farshi other where is the next carpet? iran is the cradle of fersht.
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basic to the country. in the 9 months of this year, it reached the figure of 18 million 374 thousand tons, according to mr. rizvani , the first five items of basic goods imports in terms of value are corn, oil, edible oils, oilseeds, rice and wheat, and 20 items of basic goods, about 12 billion dollars, have been imported. to talent


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