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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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according to mr. rezvani, basic goods to the country reached 18 million and 374 thousand tons in 9 months of this year. according to mr. rezvani , the first five items of basic goods imports are corn, oil, edible oils, oilseeds, rice and wheat, in terms of value, 20 items of basic goods are about 12 billion dollars. darsha import
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basic items are related to the decrease in the import of sugar, dry tea and rice. the biggest increase in the import of basic goods is related to red meat, chemical fertilizers, beans, barley and flour, which have increased the most so far . 1,000 people registered for the first period of the umrah trip and 18,000 people registered themselves it was confirmed that the first group of pilgrims will leave on the 13th of december, the end of the 9-year wait for about 6 million pilgrims. on the 13th, at the same time as the birth of hazrat zahra, peace be upon her, the first group of iranian umrah fardeh pilgrims will go to the land of revelation . it is very easy to register. all umrah card holders
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can go on this trip, but they must first register by logging into the system and refer to their broker within 24 hours at most. if the pilgrims do not pay their travel expenses within the stipulated time, they will be automatically removed from the umrah system and another person will replace them. steps to be taken in the system has been specified. every person who enters the system. even if there is only one person , you must form a one-man group. there are people who have changed their province and now their residence is in another province . there is no prohibition to register if they were previously in another province. they just have to choose the province where they will be sent. if for any reason you cannot go on this trip and you want to hand over your umrah cards to others, you should refer to tashraf system , dear owners
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, buyers and sellers can refer to that system in they enter their specific information through authorized pilgrimage offices of the hajj pilgrimage organization throughout the country. it is possible for pilgrims to go to pilgrimage offices without intermediaries and continue the transfer process through the same pilgrimage offices. be careful with be that as it may, if they cancel their trip , in addition to the financial loss for the group, the whole group will be stopped from traveling or their trip will be postponed. a delay in choosing a convoy if there are, applicants can go to pilgrimage offices licensed by the hajj organization. in the community system
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, employees of the hajj and pilgrimage organization can be found and refer to them. vale nematian of sed and sima news agency. the plan to plant 100,000 harat saplings was started in band abbas. the minister of interior said in this ceremony: the national plan to plant one billion trees in the country is one of the important plans that is being implemented with the help of local communities and people. planting 100 thousand of the origin of mangrove saplings was started with the efforts of persian gulf star oil refining company and with the presence of the minister of interior on the shore of bandas industrial city of the persian gulf, peace be upon him, our plan is to 100 let's do afforestation in the dry land. god willing, this work has already started by planting these trees. these saplings
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will be planted in the country based on the national plan to plant one billion trees. it was decided to plant 250 million saplings a year. well, one of the issues is the production of seedlings. it was important , considering that our sapling production level was not enough before, the national plan to plant one billion trees in the country is being implemented with the emphasis of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution and with the slogan of every iranian, plant saplings. in this national plan, the officials of hormozgan province committed to plant 600,000 saplings in the province every year produced and planted. according to the announcement of the general director of natural resources and watershed management of hormozgan , 700,000 saplings have been planted in hormozgan since december 11 and the beginning of the national plan to plant one billion trees.
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we will achieve the million predicted for us this year, god willing. i think about 3 million 500 thousand mangroves have been produced so far. 3 million mangrove seedlings in hormozgan with the participation of people and society. it is the mangrove forest that has the first rank in the country. with the work done in the past years, 10 thousand 10 million seedlings were produced and cultivated. minister of interior from setareh gulf oil refining company he also visited fars and the desalination plant of one million cubic meters, which is under construction. amin hosni , bandas broadcasting news agency. the 16th edition of the jalal ahmed award
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was held at vahdat hall. the winners of this literary award in fiction and non-fiction sections were awarded to the best books published last year. in the war between racists, i am the enemy of racism itself , he stands on the stage and reads parts of his book to the audience, and once again, when those who are as brutal as racists claim their heritage , he is koresh alian, the author of the book metastasis of israel. his work, together with sur's book, is in the 16th special section. iranian writers
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were invited to compete in the fields of short story, documentary, long story and literary criticism. literature is the place where the thoughts of the intellectuals of a nation emerge. the works were almost in this area. 2889 works to the secretary. the house was reached and finally the four chosen ones received an award badge called the author and translator of the contemporary era. beirut by ebrahim akbari dizgah, the 16th winner of the jalal al-ahmad prize, also had women's stories with female heroes in his heart. about a young girl who experiences adventures in 1957 the path of the revolution is set. the same works that are inspired by a hope-maker and preach the jihad of explanation . our goal is to show that it is possible to work with the narration of this progress and with the narration of this transformation . one of jalal's statues was also given to the literature of the revolution. a documentary about the activities of the hypocrite sect
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during the revolutionaries' struggle. a book of nearly a thousand pages that goes back to a part of contemporary history that is not very close, that is, the people, and that many young people have no memory of, but now. the jalal award coincided with the 100th anniversary of his birth in the west today, under the shelter of the islamic revolution , we need to read jalal more than ever. jalal died 54 years ago . his imam and his works are still immortal.
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i greet the viewers of the national media of one tv channel and khabar channel, that tonight is the same as the previous nights. i accompany the guests in the special news conversation. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution
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this week in his meeting with the people of khuzestan and kerman and of course in his meeting with the women of the country again took into consideration the issue of elections and focused on important issues. they emphasized this area and topic. in tonight's special news talk, with the presence of mr. koshki and mr. qochani , one of the country's political activists, according to the routine of every night's special news talk, let us first present a report to you. with the approach of the parliamentary elections, the programs of the national media have taken on an election atmosphere, where the primary elections of the representatives of various political parties or factions are guests of the special news talk program rather than in front of the national media cameras. comment your views
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to tell about the real competition and passionate participation in the elections. in another round of elections, the countdown has started to announce the results of the qualification of election candidates. the political parties are waiting for the 14th of january to announce the results of the qualifications . after the stage of the supervisory boards, naturally , the council itself has time to review. the time of executive boards was 15 days. the time of inspections by supervisory boards. the province has 50 days and finally 30 days at the time of review in the guardian council. at this stage , anyone who does not qualify or is rejected for any reason will have the opportunity to file a complaint again. the next step will take place. after the announcement of the results of the candidates for the takako elections, the competition of the political currents will be more visible. the issue that the leader of the revolution emphasized in his speech . competition means that political factions compete with each other to participate in elections.
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different political and economic trends compete in the elections. the field should be open for the competition of political factions. competition means that young people who want to enter the election field compete with experienced people. let them try . now these are political parties and factions which heats up the election for the 11th day of march and the participation of the people in the elections. participation means enthusiastic participation of people in elections. if there is enthusiastic participation of the people in the elections, this shows the national unity. this motivates the people of iran to attend. in the scene, it shows the motivation of the iranian nation and national unity
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, which creates national power. i greet you mr. qutani. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution emphasized the importance of participation in the issue and field of elections. pointing out that participation brings national unity. but we see that some political currents or even from abroad. looking for to discourage people in this space, they are looking for china and is this for the good of the country and will it help the country to create such an atmosphere in the name of god, i am very happy that finally, after the speeches of the leader of the revolution, the radio and television are heating up the oven of the elections because until a some time ago, we thought that there was no election at all, which i don't talk about on radio and television. of course, we started our programs from the beginning , from the beginning, and i think that in
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short, your entry into this discussion is very good about it. when you say that people are discouraging me, of course , i did not see any new movement, it does not mean that i did not see any movement over time, it has happened that basically there is a skepticism towards politics from all the media who may not accept the political system and even our country . when this method and these policies don't work, when people have enthusiasm and hope to participate in the elections and public space, but when they feel that there is discouragement in the people , they also think about it, almost in these conditions that succeed in the first condition that there is hope and faith in change and transformation in the country, even if they are trying their best, but they are not succeeding
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in the same report that was aired before my speech. it was pointed out that a ground has been created, i don't know, an atmosphere has been created, especially after the leaders' speeches, and now it is the turn of the political parties to heat up the election, i think that to heat the election , we need more factors than our parties. there are others who are in brief now. if you want to point out, give us the title so that i can come back and see . i basically think that the distinguishing point of the system. islamic republic with the pahlavi regime in the issue of elections been. but politically, if we want to talk , i'm not involved in other discussions , we can talk about religious, cultural and religious discussions later. in the political aspect, what distinguishes us from the last 45 years is the electoral institution. we were faced with a regime that
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derives its legitimacy from a coup, whether it was the third coup of march or the 28th of august, which means establishment. and it happened with a coup, but in the islamic republic, we are facing a government that derives its legitimacy from the revolution, and it is the elections that continue this revolution. unfortunately, in the years recently, there are factors and issues that have greatly reduced this issue. if i want to summarize the most important thing in one sentence , i will consider it in comparison with the previous regime. you see, since a single party was formed in the previous regime and even that democracy. the show and lie that was created recently between the two parties, new iran and people and rastakhiz party , came into existence in its place. from that time, the fall of that political system was heard, which means that it was clear that that political system was in a crisis. which has preserved the islamic republic in the past 45 years , the existence of a competitive system between two political parties
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the political side has two political thoughts and more, and now you believe. in my opinion, in the current situation, this issue has become very weak and there is a serious danger that this competition has become meaningless. is it for the good of the country or not with mr. koshki, one word is definitely not for the good of the country , in any case, maintaining the system of political order, law and a peaceful environment is very much for the country, mr. koshki. in what field should real election be defined? what is the difference with unrealistic competition? we are talking about creating a field to open the field for the entry of parties and groups. how can they start expressing the real competition ? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , and the most
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merciful. that real time competition. it will happen that people will be faced with multiple solutions to solve the problems of the society, that is , there is a problem, see that there are different currents, why do i say currents, because in our country, there is a phenomenon called a party , it does not have the exact meaning, i don't know, 230 to 300 parties have been registered, but the party what is equal a phenomenon and a structure called party in our western civilization. in our country, we don't have a party since the constitutional era in iran, and it hasn't been successful until now , we don't have a party in the strict sense with that special task, with that role, and with those characteristics. some of the efforts have not been successful, now there are reasons. this is not the subject of our discussion, so i say that political currents
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are political currents, and none of them have solutions for people's problems, so none of them have plans , but only janah al-af will come and say that you have stolen so much, you have committed so many violations, you are such a person. you are bad, you are like this , for example, you want to do this thing, the other one will say no, and prove it one by one, sit in front of people and expose each other's violations , for example, make a bit of disclosure on the stage, then this one will remember that that gentleman two years ago, for example, this he has done it. tell him that your current has done it. this is not called a competition . we got it wrong. in previous years, in the name of election debates and warming up the oven of elections , we actually made the people's time more bitter than what was already bitter. i was in charge of ward a, for example , he was in charge of ward b, then we came here a lot we got rid of each other out of embarrassment, and at that time we wanted to prove to the people that give me this much
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, then vote for me, and vice versa, for example, janah also wanted to prove the same thing . the body is now announced as the 14th. the results of the determination of the qualifications, do you think that in this space, the political currents are preparing to come in to find solutions to the problems, not those political debates, which according to you, the problem is that the political currents, not from now, but to find an expression a lot of solutions a long time ago, two years ago , we gave them a chance. they are not good at finding solutions to the country's problems, because of political currents. most of the people seek power, not the people who have the ability to find problems, find solutions , see the structure
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of political currents . kenan, the same people you are referring to have no way for the last two years to have real competition, real competition that is constructive. in those interpretations that he mentioned, in that the report and the leader of the revolution pointed out that true competition leads to constructiveness because instead of two factions falling into each other and exposing each other, this one says, "i have a plan and program to solve the housing problem, for example, this is the plan and program, he says no, i am the worker." i don't know that the plan and the program are the same, and people choose between this program and a set of programs, they choose a plan and a solution. they choose. well, it has been a long time since our political currents have come to an end . it has been years since the infamous currents on the right and the left have ended. i mean, do you believe that most of
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the controversies are about power? that's exactly me. i want to sit on this chair , i don't really have any plan to solve the problems of my country, this is true, or he should sit on that chair , there is a fight over that chair, the important thing is that people pass from these two streams, a to b, from the right and left streams. but these two currents don't want to allow political developments to happen, mr. butani, this is basically the right thing to say, but from the point of view of someone who studies politics anyway, it can be an accurate position , but only one side of the story is visible, that is, in the case of political parties is just talking, so why are these political parties not growing in our country, why did they not reach the position that go beyond disclosure or the alternatives that are presented to them, those alternatives can represent what the doctor says. in my opinion
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, there are structural obstacles for the growth of political parties in our country, and these structural obstacles prevent the parties from being able to truly represent the people and their demands. of course, the desire to gain power is not a bad thing. it is important how to use the power to run the society as dr. also mentioning it, in my opinion , is the most important problem in the lack of a party electoral system in our country, that is, because we divide the parties with even though we recognized the electoral system in the constitution and did not organize it based on party and electoral lists, people still vote for party lists in big cities, but in small cities they make up a large part of the country, that is, a large part of the parliament seats are in the possession of single representative constituencies , so this prevents these two currents in the country, which after the revolution grew and changed
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the left and right currents , to become reformist and principled currents, and maybe now is the time. that the reformist and principled current evolved into other currents but this opportunity has answered my question that the election means the election between two reformist or fundamentalist currents or not other political currents should also enter the election oven of a power and other branches. add to this current. it should be done naturally and from the heart of society, it cannot be done from above. these two movements that exist in our country have specific social bases , unlike the new iran party and the people's party, which were created by the court and the government, they are movements that were formed from the heart of the society. unions, social classes and its transformation into political parties and by amending
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the election law. we passed all the elections, it's not too late, it's always too late, if you want to judge like this, if you want to talk, you'll say, well, it's too late now that we're just talking about the plans of the parties in the elections, but if as a strategy in our opinion, of course , we discussed this in the media earlier, no, well, in short , your studio is very hot today, and i was wearing warm clothes. i would like to say that while confirming the statements of mr. koshki , you should not only see it from the standpoint of the political parties , you should also see it from the standpoint of the government. we, who came here and are talking, are not supposed to heat the oven of elections
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. first of all, this should happen in the people, they should feel that the election has a direct effect on their lives. this direct effect means that when i vote, my vote will cause tomorrow. my situation would be better than today if elections are held only for elections, that is, from the point of view of the political system, they are held to renew the legitimacy, from the point of view of the political parties, this will have no effect on the people's participation . they have a point, mr. koski. mr. khatami's government was formed with the slogan of political development. the 6th parliament was also in sync with mr. khatami's government and was a party built from top to bottom, unlike the party is built from below and comes to power . why are you in that 8 this year, with the help of the 6th parliament , they did not make an effort to meet your demand, saying, sir, let's do something about the election law
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, for example, let's change its structure into a structure. let's form a party. well , this has been done . the guardian council rejected this bill to amend the election law by the government. does his political party have any prohibition to come and for all constituencies, at least half of them are the same city constituencies you mentioned. you are prohibited, engaged introduce someone, someone will get in front of you, don't you know why, because the party he is a member of has a very limited social base, for example, 34 of the most influential sections of iranian society are the social base of mr. gochani's party, so there is no problem, a party can have such a base or more or less, but no one has stopped them, not the structure.
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if the government comes, say, sir, i want to nominate a candidate for the whole country , no one will oppose them for all constituencies, but no one will vote for a party in the cities. europe wants these social, political and economic infrastructures, so far this phenomenon has not developed in iran , its obstacles have nothing to do with the islamic republic of the pahlavi era of reza khan or the constitution , there have been many others, i would say that this is the subject of your discussion and this is not the focus of the sociology discussion at all. it's political, but my point is that my people, i will go back to our previous conversation , please let me know when it will be completed . your public opinion is weak, it does not say that your new general secretary thinks
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i think that studying is important for people's political currents now , having a plan for people's problems, and the important thing is whether it is something that people will think about the next elections. it explains this bitter experience that according to him, the currents , right and left, fundamentalist, reformist, push the people to see power, people push the power to see the people, when they pass this vote , they enter the field of power. who crosses the bridge and enters their own lobbies for sharing and those stories.


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