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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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my dear compatriots, in today's program , i will discuss the pros and cons of importing cars with the guests of the program, and we will further examine the various opinions on this issue . be a viewer of meiz eghadz program on khabar channel. i will say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel one. yes. in his recent meeting with the people of kerman and khuzestan provinces, the supreme leader of the revolution emphasized real competition as one of the pillars of the elections. following the real competition, he said that the field should be open for the presence of various political, economic, and cultural trends in the big election race so that
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all views and views should be active in this field. one of the issues about which different views have been formed is the issue of car imports. the parliament has already addressed this issue. at the economy table today, with the presence of supporters and opponents , as i said , we will further examine the issue of car imports. can importing cars solve the inflammation of the market and the monopoly of the manufacturer? what are the advantages and disadvantages of importing ? the issue goes back to the year 2017, when the import of cars was completely banned, the manufacturers started to produce , but it did not meet the domestic demand and the price of the car increased to a very high level. every hour
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has become a minute. for example , the price of a tibai car with cash register was 152 million tomans , now it is 176 million tomans . i registered 10 times , i did not win even once. i participated in this lottery . 1,400 to regulate the car market, the issue of import liberalization was raised, and in march , the mps approved the import license for 70,000 passenger cars . we will expose several hundred thousand cars for sale. but there are different views for this liberation. opponents say that production will be in trouble with imports. the current situation of the industry, if the land price outlook is a jumpy prospect. liberalization also increases the turbulence of this market. first. in terms of after
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-sales service and technical issues, it is completely questionable and creates problems, and secondly, this is more important than that. that in this period of embargo, when we have currency restrictions, car import means more currency consumption , the current situation of the country, where we are facing a shortage of foreign exchange resources, increases the demand for currency
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and creates a need for mandatory pricing. it is not at all, because if the domestic car manufacturer wants to take advantage of the market conditions and engineer its own price , the import rate on the other hand will actually prevent this kind of action by the russians. currently , the used car import regulation is also on the government's table. faizeh shabani, sed and sima news agency, well, guest. mother in this program, mr. farmarz tayibi is a member of the board of directors of the homogeneous automobile parts industry association, mr. mani haddadi, an expert in the automobile industry, mr. ali lo , the chairman of the research and investigation committee of the 9th parliament of the automobile industry , and mr. ali khosravani, an expert in the automobile market and a member of the board of directors of the automobile dealers union. dear guests, more conversation on this topic.
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mr. tayibi, let's start with you. from 1997 to 1400, the import of cars was banned in some way. what was the result of this ban? dear viewers , i say hello and i hope that we will have a good round table. importing since 1997 what happened, if we want to look from the point of view of the producers, was banned. anyway, we were against this case. in our opinion, import is not prohibited if there is import , but its framework should be defined. if something happens in the import , it should happen in a balanced way in my production department. it's not just that imports come in, but from the perspective of the domestic producer who can somehow create jobs , can improve his quality anyway, can provide after-sales services and cause challenges, so importation is prohibited here.
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it happened , were those conditions for the real producer, the domestic producer, an order came next to him , mr. price, an order came anyway, an ax to the root. our industry hit and actually this mandated price came in the automobile industry , it created a capital perspective instead of a consumer perspective, of course , mandated price wherever it happens , it will surely have problems because economics is a dynamic science, in the science of economic dynamics, you can't mandate price at all. let supply and demand find the price in the market and this supply and demand will increase the quality and increase customer satisfaction. the survival of economic foundations i wanted to describe something related to an economic flowchart, what is happening in every society, regardless of whether it lives systematically or unsystematically , we have consumerism, we have production, we have growth, we have progress , we have development. in the consumption part, the society can
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be only a consumer, the goods come there, buy, consume, and leave, it is finished, go a little further, it can be a producer society in a society that produces. we had production even though there was an order price and it was something like 200,000 billion. from 2018-2019, i have been the creator of two masterpieces our great country is suffering losses and accumulated losses . very well, mr. haddadi. well, let me, mr. haddadi , in the meantime , what was the result for the country's automobile industry, in the meantime, when the import of cars was stopped
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? basically, the car import program during at least the last 4 decades has never been against the issue of car production. if we want to speak according to the figures , the record of car imports was in the beginning of the 90s, 91, 92, which is the so-called spring of the automobile industry in the early 90s, and at the same time, there were about 82,300 cars. the highest number of car imports these days is even less than 5% of car production. and it is very strange that car manufacturers fear that imported cars will come and become a nightmare for production, but according to the statistics in those days, this never happened, but in 2017, it was normal, it
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was expected after the withdrawal of the united states from the jcpoa. for this to happen , although it was at the beginning of july of the same year, and this decision was made with a lot of shadow and a lot of problems, which in fact will not be the growth or stagnation of the automobile industry, because it will never be the gateway to competition. it was not with car manufacturers, and until the beginning of december of this year, the car import statistics did not even reach 5 thousand units. although they announce a number of 8,000 units, these 8,000 units are the total number of cars that are said to be on the water and are being shipped . on
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the subject of your production, very well, mr. ali lu , hello. how do you see the result for the domestic car manufacturer during this time when the import of cars was stopped anyway? yes, in the name of god rahman al-rahim, first of all, i would like to say hello to you and your respected colleagues, dear guests. dear and dear, we used it, and also greetings, greetings , politeness and respect to all dear and respected viewers and listeners in connection with the discussion of my import . the parliament approved the importation. then there was a break, after the interview of the respected officials, whose regulations
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are being prepared, and it went on for a while, and until recently , about 2 years ago, waves were created in the society. no result, no fruit and it creates questions for the people , but the effects of imports on domestic production with this amount of imports that have been done. it cannot have such an effect on production, mr. ali lu, now our question is about the period when importation was prohibited, in any case , was it an opportunity for the domestic producer, did it have a result for the domestic producer or not? it was banned and recently the same thing happened again, no effect on our domestic production in that sense. we are in the 8th period of the islamic council of the law of vehicle regulation under the title
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it is not exactly an organization, but a law was approved to organize the automobile, and also another law was approved in 1400 in the current parliament in both legislators with the research and studies that were coming due to the parliament's serious support for domestic production and industry, but in addition to that and in the heart of that import law is that we cannot see these things separately. in the law of the 8th period of the islamic council , it was basically seen together to adjust the expectations of the people, to improve the quality of the industry , to improve the quality and safety of our security. mr. ali, the state of embargo at that time.
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was it different at that time, but if imports were free it was possible to import, although in some cases the tightening of the embargo happened, like in the period after the jcpoa, in some cases, they would take a little bit of a break, but we still imported a lot of goods. now, they are either circumventing the embargo or using a series of substances from the embargo laws, they could also import cars, but inside, well, for most of the last two decades that we had , the import of cars was prohibited in that sense , especially recently that now in this recent ban , which was a conflict of votes, a conflict between different opinions, domestic industries were worried that maybe
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the support and support of the domestic industry should be weakened and this will be a blow to the industry. our domestic industry will be damaged . our domestic industry is not only our industry and automobiles. we have many industrialists and our supply chain is very wide and they are valuable and should be supported. we want to worry about this amount of imports and beat the drum of a worry and a crisis, to say that this amount of imports has caused damage. the number of imports was not that high at the same time when it was free and there was no ban on imports. in these processes, people are right, thank you mr. alilu mr. khosravani, we have heard the conversation. now , how should the next parliament deal with the issue of car imports? mr.
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khosravani, do you have my voice? hello, i have your voice now. it was interrupted for a few seconds, but i am at your service. thank you, mr. khosravani. how should he make a decision about importing a car? first of all , i would like to give you some background about the orders of friends and greet you. see if we had this discussion last year or the previous years regarding the import discussion. the car we washed it, we had a round table, we examined its advantages and disadvantages , and we surveyed our respected friends and experts . now that we are at your service, the issue of self-importation is legal. i don't want to comment whether
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it is good or bad . mr. khushmani, in any case, the people are on the verge of an election. it is true . now the next parliament can also do this. there is no reason at all regarding this issue. the issue is not a law, no , see, an issue that has become a law has been approved. the approval of the council is actually taken by the guardian, taken by the supreme council to monitor the implementation of the laws of the system, taken by the expediency council , taken by the president . it is a law, forgive me, every year the parliament is not supposed to sit and make decisions about all the issues, but in any case, with the existing conditions , there may be a debate about the problem of width, and they can express other opinions about the problem of width, now we have the law. implementation of the law in everything introduction now the issue of importation
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is the law and it is binding and everyone who is in this if the law has a problem, the government can issue a bill to be reviewed again by the member of the parliament, but failure to implement the law is an act of omission and it is a crime. the representatives can propose another body anyway . we have this, we must emphasize in the implementation of the law, you should not be allowed to express personal opinions with personal opinions . he thought that this is about the law that all the elements of the system sit and confirm and portray the servant allow me to say, for example , that no, it is not advisable or expedient. i actually think that it is worthy of discussion, but the point is that the topic of discussion , well, the topic of discussion is actually a self-made topic
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regarding the issue of importing our cars in 203 under clause the most harmful production is the command price. friends say that the command price should be removed. we also say that the mandated price should be removed. but in a competitive environment, you cannot create a monopoly and then request to cancel the order price. by the way, to support domestic production, a heavy tariff
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is being taken from car imports. when a person is a commodity and from that product approx. i have a polite request, mr. khos, i agree with your service, which is very interesting. in this meeting , we are not against imports at all, we are exactly in favor of imports, but in parallel conditions , we are not importing at all. let's see if we can export from our own place or
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we can do free distribution. again , we are the first material for this to happen . we will put a series of restrictions on production and then we will say that no, sir, we are against imports , we are against imports at all. we are not very similar i want to give you a very interesting statistic. in our country , there are something between 1,150, 1,200 and 1,400 one billion and 1 million and 400 cars in our country. in 2016, the production plan of khodrus is a little high , only 1 million and 442 thousand cars will be produced. in 1997, when the kurds were banned, 891,000 people did not share with this tahris. if we put all these stories together, we produced 1 million 180 thousand cars in 1401, which means that the conditions were very difficult . if you pay attention to the lack of liquidity and the mandated price, we will say ok. the gap of 200 thousand to 5 thousand is not a number at all, say 10 thousand to say 100 import 1000, but are the cars you import equivalent to cars in terms of currency and riyal?
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do we want to match the internal car? where in the world can you find an 8000 dollar car with options? all over the world, cars start at 13,14000 with options. we have supply problems , we have a lack of liquidity, we have a command price, and we have no objection to the import of our cars and support. we do it because we are upgrading ourselves. look, mr. b. look, you need to produce a series of inputs . what are your inputs? supplying raw materials for technology today is very interesting for our banks. we got the slogan of curbing inflation and growth of production, curbing inflation , but what did we do with the growth of production and growth? there is no growth in production. the experts are acting as a bank in a frozen manner . for everyone's sake, according to the famous saying of our compatriots
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, it is up to jeddi to find out. when the banks don't know where to go to the liquidity generation department , we want to do it with a thousand problems and an order price. then i come, everyone here says no, sir. we have a problem with importing cars, there is no problem at all today, khodros has the capacity to produce up to 1,700,000 cars. if the shift wants the work to be done and the parts maker can provide parts for up to 2 million 200 thousand cars, but if the order price is lifted, there is no problem with importing, but regarding the import of second-hand cars , let's finish this section first, mr. haddadi, the conditions for the manufacturer is not in favorable conditions, how is the keyword of the people of the automobile industry, usually it is a constant keyword in the last few decades and usually refers to the pricing of the hand. referring to the lack of liquidity, usually these things are very familiar to our ears yes, there is such talk, but the question is, what kind of support do our institutions need? what kind of support
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do they need? a monopoly market is one of the biggest debtors of the country's banking system. what kind of support do they need from the governments that they don't have now? it is also good if car manufacturers are supported. and i think that they are looking to improve the number of road deaths, which was about 1700 people in the first 6 months of this year, and get support from car manufacturers to reach the record of 150 million liters of gasoline consumption per day again. let's get to the car manufacturers to the statistics of deaths caused by respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in the discussion of pollution.
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an order in a market that is exclusive will undoubtedly lead to a massacre of customers, now in a market where 9 percent of the market is sold to khudros, if the pricing is also freed. there is no trace of the customer anymore, the beard and other things are at the disposal of the car maker, and it is usually normal that they are satisfied with this, it is very natural that you are satisfied with something like this, mr. tayibi , we should know economics, it is supply and demand, when the price of the car is released, there is a gap. this is how it gets shortened between the consumption view and the investment view it is not when the production goes up. of course, well, anyway, the demand will decrease, the supply will increase, the demand will decrease and the price will discover itself . we believe that
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if an economic enterprise is going to collapse, let it collapse at the hands of the senior managers of that organization. you leave it to us, we will come and adjust the price ourselves , adjusting the market price by adjusting the needs of the people to wherever it is needed, in any case, it will help our system, unfortunately what is happening now is that everyone thinks that the cars in this area have a greyhound no, by the way, there are 23 institutions, there are questions and answers , yes, very well, mr. ali lu is currently doing a hounding or not, should more support be given to him? i am writing in a continuous manner. see, first of all, i have a request, in these programs, we do not bring the people
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against the demands of the people. let's make a law. look at the parliament. our friends in the parliament are pointing out that the research center is behind the specialized commissions. after each of these specialized commissions, there are technical advisors on the issues. different apart from the research center, they are even doing extensive studies for years on this issue until it comes either in the form of a bill or in the form of a plan, the process is passed, it is approved, and the law is formed, and then it goes to the guardian council. the government has pointed out all these directions , friends, both sides of the issue , both the issue of import and the issue of supporting the domestic industry
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, the demands of the people and the needs of our society have been seen. there was a command when we did not import. gentlemen, in the final price, none at the time, the car manufacturers did not provide the correct price , and therefore the competition council came in to protect the rights of the people, to prevent monopoly , and now it makes the real price into its own suspicion that we had criticized it and it gave a price. about. against this, we came up with a new component, we said , what should we remove this monopoly, open imports, create competition , try to implement a competitive market, in a competitive market, the command price has no meaning, this is a car manufacturer that should be concerned about quality. in contrast, the quality of foreign cars is high it should be higher than it is and... the price
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is right compared to what the customer is getting . it was done according to these two laws, which are not very contradictory, they have a high commonality, and some small parts have points of difference, but the focus of both laws was customer satisfaction, supporting the domestic industry, and quality improvement, especially in the promise of adjustment in the price and the right price were seen in addition to this discussion in order to reach the goal of import we came and said that when now, next to these two phenomena , support for the domestic industry and the issue
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of imports are supported, imports are also supported , something higher will happen. mr. alilu, i didn't interrupt your conversation , i didn't interrupt this section, in any case, we are on the eve of the parliamentary elections. we are on the verge of parliamentary elections, people can do anything they should choose someone with any opinion about their imports and now have a demand . it is true that we have a law in this field, but the members of parliament can also take a plan , they can take a plan regarding the existing conditions. it is for them to make a choice and
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follow the demand they have. in this direction, we are in the same way as in the parliament, yes, in the same way that the 8th parliament took this action in response to the demands and demands of the people and the necessity of the society, the needs of the society, just as the 12th parliament did the same thing , the next parliament is also one with the pathology of these issues. actually, by studying and examining the pathology and shortcomings of the past laws. let the amendment of the law come to update what we need today and the needs of the people, the demands of our people , the answer from our corner . we have different opinions. he chooses anyway, mr. khosravani with you


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