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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 7:30pm-7:59pm IRST

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the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, stand up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. the reason for the geographical location
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is considered to be among arid and semi-arid countries, of course, the decrease in rainfall in recent years is also the cause of this drought, and as the water resources management company has announced, the amount of rainfall this fall is even lower than last year. it has decreased by about 6% and this is a warning for drought crisis although we are living in low rainfall conditions in the country, but because of this low rainfall, the issue of water resources management in the country becomes doubly important. this concern about the issue of water management made us to host mr. amini tonight , the respected managing director of vafazale water engineering company and the country regarding this water shortage crisis. the type of management
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and other measures that are taking place in this organization and the water company of the country, let's see what it is and what programs they have prepared. hello, i say good night and you are very welcome. service to your excellency and also to the viewers of the first page program dear sir, thank you, mr. amini . what kind of drinking water is available now in our cities and villages, sanitary water and the type of sewage that exists there as a network ? they use drinking and hygiene. it is necessary to the point you mentioned and that, anyway , we are in a country with a dry and semi-
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arid climate. the average rainfall in the world is about 800 to 850 mm, and in the asian continent, it is 600 to 650. millimeters per year, but in our country, this number is around 20 and 250 millimeters, and the amount of rainfall is heterogeneous in a part of our climate, the rainfall is over a thousand millimeters, and in a part of our climate, the rainfall is very small, and this has caused the management of supply soup water and sanitation have their own difficulties and the officials in the field of the ministry of energy should carefully address this issue and monitor the issue. well, this year we are in the fourth year of a happy year, and in fact , we have more than 5 decades of information and statistics.
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it is considered to be one of the worst years in the country, well, in the field of water industry, it is because of the same conditions we had the rain , we are doing a very detailed planning so that at least we can provide drinking water and health to the people in the cities and villages . we have the urban population covered by drinking water and sanitation, and in the villages it is around 87. this index of prosperity in the village was 82 at the beginning of the thirteenth government. we
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settle this amount of drinking water in 169 clearing houses across the country and deliver it to the people. the water that reaches the people is through underground sources and 40% is through surface sources , which 40% is actually settled in these 169 clearing houses and we comply with health indicators and standards, while about 95 control laboratories the quality of the delivered water is monitored on a daily basis in cities and villages. in fact, we take about 550,000 microbial samples throughout the year, on average, from the water samples that we make available to people, and 20
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million microbial samples in at the same time, our upstream devices in the field of water quality centers this is the water of the university of medical sciences. in fact, they monitor its quality in people's homes, and if there is a problem in terms of quality , they notify us, and our water reservoirs in the country, in any case , preserve part of this water in order to increase the resilience and stability of our network. it is about 216 million cubic meters, of which we have about 146 thousand kilometers of transmission lines and 353 thousand kilometers of networks. explain that we can make this water available to the people. how much is our drinking water wasted?
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the title is named under the title of water without income let's say that part of it is the amount of wastage that we mentioned, your excellency, part of it is the water that is misread or the water that is allowed to be spent without income . at the national level, this number in cities and villages is now 31.5%. it is a high number. yes, this is correct. there are 31 water numbers without revenue, but our water loss index is about 16%, which is 16% of the actual loss of the network.
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we mentioned the wear and tear of branches and the incidents that happen in the network, mostly the wear and tear of water networks and we lose part of that water, and in fact, as i mentioned, as casualties. are. and very advanced networks and countries that are leading in the field of water standard and with the material of stainless steel pipes , they use between 3 and 4 percent of our water consumption, but in our own country, we also have provinces that worked in this field, but
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the average is almost three to four times the global water waste. this goes back to some provinces whose networks are actually old, like our province like yazd. qom, qazvin, isfahan, the rate of water wastage without their income is between 16 and 17, and this is considered a very good indicator in some provinces that have paid attention to the issues of network reform, using modern technologies in the field. the management of water distribution has telemetry systems , they have telecontrol traps, which fortunately have reduced this index . now, several of our cities are involved in water stress. what is the definition of water stress? if they have and this number is more than 10%, we
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say that this city has water stress and our water consumption is more than our production resources. we remember that every year with the loss of a part of surface water or water the underground part of our cities and villages are suffering from water stress. we plan to start from the beginning of the water year in the country's afazlab engineering company to monitor and monitor the cities and check the amount of resources used by the cities. currently , i am at your service. approximately 275. there is water tension in our area, fortunately
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, we have observed and monitored all these cities, and we hold meetings on a weekly basis to implement the projects that we have defined for this city in order to alleviate the tension and stability of the network. this style of work should be included in the circuit of explanation for almost two years , it has been placed in the hafez lab engineering company of benash country , while once every two weeks in the presence of the minister of energy , he examines the plans we defined and the projects we defined in terms of their physical progress. we are currently investigating cities such as sistan baluchistan, mashhad , and the projects have been defined, and our colleagues are now
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tehran among the cities that have water stress, because in some systems, tehran, from the system in the east , has three to one hundred lars of letian and mamlu. western system will benefit from karaj and taleghan, so our planning it is for a metropolis like tehrani. so that there is no problem in the explanation of water, not only this thinking is for tehran , we are acting in the same way for other cities, but the projects were defined for these cities in the summer of 14221 and these projects will be put into operation on time. it arrived and dear compatriots saw that the tension was blue , but the management was managed, yes. after all, in a city that is suffering from water stress, the sources of which are the limits of the water resources and the limits of consumption, well, after all, it is characteristic
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, apart from asking for example , what other measures will be taken to save money that this management may i tell you that in order to manage the water stress, we must increase our own resources and consider the stability of the ram network in addition to this matter. in a city like tehran, in order for us to be able to manage the issue, i request that we create telemetry systems along with consumption management. and pressure management systems, which are pressure management systems to reduce network wastage, in fact, some parts of tehran cause congestion. by
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managing the pressure, we reduce the pressure of the network, at the same time, in tehran, water distribution is very careful, and many times our dear compatriots and citizens they noticed that the telemetry system of the city of tehran is real-time and online. they check the amount of water that is explained in the networks and control that in fact all citizens enjoy a little justice in the distribution of water and that, for example , because you mentioned the village , what percentage of the people benefit from it will take years to add a water supply network, or a lot of time should be spent on this because of the limitation of water resources. is it due to the limitation of financial resources, or basically , the implementation of these projects takes time, why
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is it taking so long to be able to build a network for you? let me tell you that in the water supply sector, well, we have gas distribution networks or electricity distribution networks in the form of a national network, but we have point water sources, and we can't have any type of water in the area. we should use drinking water for the reason that, in fact, we have to transfer water sources from one area to another. in the 13th government, with the tact of the honorable minister of energy , we decided to have a camp under the name of our water supply jihad camp, and we could take
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a big step for water supply to the villages. let's explain that fortunately it is the same as in the beginning i mentioned that in the past two years, the government has increased the rural prosperity index from 82% to 87%. the government's goal is to reach 90% and we will provide water to 10,000 villages, god willing. today, about 3064 villages are covered. water supply to some villages is really a problem because it is difficult to access. pumping stations, water reservoirs that should be built in fact, and some of these villages are tens or hundreds of kilometers
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away. some water work. and all the water in the network is potable water, that is, we have no place where the network water is tap water and is not drinkable. we are connected to the network, even if it comes to health consumption, we are obliged to comply with drinking water standards, and this makes the work somewhat difficult, but in the world, it is usually a separation. it is true that drinking water is the same as sanitary water. no , it is not like this. now , we have visited the countries that have been studied because of the concerns it is said that if a person uses this sanitary water network , they pass all drinking water standards, and in fact they pass
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, the network in which the water is located must be safe and sanitary. or do we use purified water to drink these water treatment plants that i visited . now, both asian countries and european countries have drinking water networks and water treatment standards, and there is a concern that if a person uses it, he will suffer. may he not get sick or have any health problems, and how many new water resources we can discover and how much we have we are using these water sources . now, let me tell you that one of the sources that is considered is actually the ministry of energy. well, it is important that there are surface water sources in the 13th government. some of the surfaces
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are being exploited and water supply projects are in line with supply. it is drinking water and sanitation , which includes treatment plants, transmission systems, and waste disposal. these are the surface water sources that are added to the country's water supply systems, part of the systems are supplied from underground water sources , the new sources that exist in the aquifers have the required quality and we use them, but look the ministry of energy, especially in the last few years , is to use the capacity of sea water and the capacity of desalination plants . our plan
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is to cover about 3.2 million people with new water supply systems and a new style of water supply in the country, which has been done so far for about 1.4 million people and we have defined 105 systems of which there are 84 systems. it is exploited and a very important point that happens the water transmission systems, which are supposed to be the eastern system of water transmission to sistan baluchistan, have fallen. south khorasan and razavi khorasan or the central system which is kerman, hormozgan, kerman, yazd and isfahan , we will use part of this water for the drinking area , and this has actually diversified the country's drinking water area and water resources
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. the issue of jihad water supply project is to point out, let's see a report and come back to talk about this project . alhamdulillah, the water problems have been solved now for 24 hours we open the taps, the water of amir yari is self-help. we have been waiting for a long time that, god willing
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, it will reach a stable and healthy water in our city. according to the officials of the ministry of energy, 17,000 villages out of 61,000 villages are suffering from water stress, and several plans are in hand to bring water to the villages. the execution of one of these plans is water supply jihad. in the first phase of providing water to 10,000 villages in the provinces of the country, we can supply water to 10,000 villages in the first phase. with the memorandum of agreement with imam hassan , a contract was signed for 7,138 villages to implement the work of each wherever there is water, imran abadani also goes there. people are trying hard for water now, they are going to another city, now, i hope to god, the water has increased, the water is much better, we are also building houses here
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, about 70, 80 of our women, the return of sustainable water will reach the village in terms of quantity and quality, we are a migration. we will have a reversal towards the village. since the beginning of this term, 364 villages with a population of over 4.7 million people are covered by the water supply network. placement means a progress of more than 45 nahid khodadadi of sed and sima news agency. well, very well , doctor. this jihad abrasani project that was mentioned in my report, do you understand when it started and until now, how successful has the implementation of this plan been, as i mentioned, in the direction of the backwardness that we actually have.
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villages that have dilapidated networks or do not have stable water sources or there is no explanatory network , and in fact we supply them with water through mobile water supply and solve their problems. let's do it. these 10,000 villages only have water in about 4.
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last month, we had a problem, fortunately, with the emphasis that mr. president made in this field in the past few days, fortunately, good financial resources it was emphasized that the reason for the slow progress of the project is due to the lack of funding, of course, considering that the projects are close. from these villages, the camp of imam hassan mojtabi of the islamic revolutionary guard corps is being built, and part of it is done by us, benefactors and contractors.
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we are doing it ourselves, there are about 271 of these projects in the form of private contractors and philanthropists , about 75% of them have physical progress now, and most of the villages are done in that average of 45. he is doing it and the private sector contractors are now about 7 to the direction my benefactors came to the field and fortunately very well in the field of water and drinking and the village where imam hassan mojtabi's camp was , there are about 155 villages. i would like to point out that most of these villages have fortunately reached 70-80% physical progress, for example in sistan baluchistan province. at.
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south khorasan province, khorasan razavi, the project has reached a good level of progress, and god willing, with the injection of credits in the next few months , there will be a good physical progress and operation in the village area . in the form of a program 6 months old we defined and god willing, we will fully exploit these 10 thousand villages by the beginning of 1404. 10 thousand villages in 6 months, not every 6 months . 1000, how long will you do it, in the 4 years that i gave 364 times
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, until the end of november, this is my statistics, and the rest of my village, god willing , we will have a stable water supply by the beginning of the first 6 months of 1404, that is , after that, it will be a village. we don't have water , but i would like to point out that if this let's make 10,000 villages benefit from drinking water and sanitation . i would like to point out that it is a good indicator in the field of drinking water supply in the village, we have defined another section, and we have defined another 2500 villages, so that in the second part of the water supply effort, we will be able to add 1250 villages to 12500 villages in the form of the second part of the water supply effort. the world is about 74 and you can say that
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our country has taken good steps in the field of rural water supply, and god willing, with the measures we are taking, we can bring this index close to the urban index. kanim and sistan baluchistan and khorasan, you also said that good things have happened to their villages , especially to us in sistan banuchistan, where there were concerns about the provision of drinking water and village health.


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