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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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this country's soldiers must leave the territory of niger and we are negotiating regarding the quality of the departure of these troops and we will reach a conclusion soon . these relations will continue to last, which may be referring to the famous french company that is currently operating in niger, mining uranium and in the field of energy and gold , and the like. and first day it was the last deadline for the military to the french
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being given and my french not finding any other way, although macron had announced in jordan that we will leave niger, but we will still maintain our presence in the sahel region of africa because of this name. according to the reports received, some of these soldiers returned to france and the other part went to chad, so it is clear from these reports that the presence of the french in the region is not considered complete, because a part of them is in chade chad , where the troops are stationed. french to fight, as they say, terrorism in the region.
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the french from that berlin conference that year it was held in 1885 ad and africa was divided between the colonialist countries, he entered niger , he made niger his share, of course, his military presence was not the same as in previous years. it has been 10 years since he deployed many military forces in niger under the pretext of fighting terrorism. established a military base.
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why was their main motive? their main motive was to loot the natural resources of niger. niger has very, very large amounts of uranium, gold, coal, and recently oil was discovered in this country and the chinese are extracting oil , which means that niger is actually a country. it is rich like that a country usually has the eyes of the colonialists on those countries
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. during these years, the country of france used all the mines, resources and facilities of niger as an almost totalitarian country . he was dealt with by his own military or by the dependent governments that he brought to work. he suppressed him, so the people of niger themselves , if we want to say why they are angry with the french , their anger is actually from three aspects, one is a historical aspect, which is a long colonial history of more than 100 years, and an economic aspect, which is the resources of this country.
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and it is a political aspect that france has countries, governments and personalities dependent on it. he works until he can achieve his own benefits through them. thank you, and now, finally , after the financial situation of burkina faso and what happened in niger , what is the current situation of france in africa, how much military presence has it had and how is it moving forward with the issues ? niger has withdrawn its security forces , france has withdrawn its own military forces, or in other words, it has been forced to withdraw.
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leaving niger but not leaving the region because sending part of their own forces to chad instead of returning them to france is also a favorable international excuse . the british and others like them use this term a lot, and the fight against terrorism, as we can see now , the united states has imposed its presence in syria cruelly, tyrannically and aggressively
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, what is its excuse ? while he himself is a terrorist, he himself created isis by their own admission, the americans and french have the same situation in niger. however, during the last 10 years, they had about 1,500 military forces in niger, and these military forces gradually started from the beginning of mehr.
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the only problem is that i have heard and read some concerns from some analysts. unfortunately, many people's revolutions are confiscated by the colonialist governments , in another way, the colonialist is pushed out of the door and enters through the window. i hope, god willing , this will not happen in niger, but because we know about the history of the presence of america in different countries of the world, including africa. we are hoping that, god willing, the people of niger
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will not be trapped by american colonialism by expelling the french forces and freeing themselves from french colonialism . you're welcome. the us government has refused to sell another shipment of weapons to the zionist regime without approval. the us state department said the value of this arms shipment is about 147 million dollars. in a letter to the congress, this ministry announced the declaration of the state of emergency and the urgent need of the zionist regime for military equipment for the gaza war. transfer this shipment to
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the immediate approval of the ministry of foreign affairs has been received. this is the second arms sale to the zionist regime in the past month, which is done with the approval of the ministry of foreign affairs and without the approval of the congress . approved military service to the zionist regime. it is said that the new weapons shipment will help the performance of 14,000 155 mm rockets that were sold to the zionist regime last month. last month, the us president announced an unprecedented support package 4.3 million dollars for tel aviv. the us state of maine
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has removed republican candidate donald trump from the list of candidates for the 2021 presidential primaries, accused of inciting an attack on the country's congress. 10 days ago, the supreme court of colorado state had disqualified donald trump with the same reference. this is one of the oldest ballot boxes in the american national history museum . it was used in 1919 in the city of fulton, georgia. it is one of the millions of ballot boxes that determined the fate of american elections over the years. elections in america only come out of these funds? based on the oath i took to the us constitution and in line with my duties , i came to the conclusion that donald trump does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the presidential primaries. this small state
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has only 3 electoral votes out of a total of 538 electoral votes in the entire united states, all three of which were allocated to biden in the previous election . now, according to the 14th amendment of the us constitution, it says that donald trump should be removed from the list of candidates due to the incitement of rebellion and the attack on the us congress on january 6, 2021. 10 days ago state of colorado. for this reason , he considered the candidate of the republicans to be unqualified. the action of the state of colorado was an important development, followed by the state of maine. other states may also take such a path. although the supreme court has the final say in this matter. the effort to eliminate the challenger outside the ballot box is of course not limited to democratic states. maybe we should have joe biden because he allowed 8 million people during the era.
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the two main parties and also the process of counting the votes informs that only 46% of the american people choose the way the politicians of this country choose. they should be optimistic, azadeh taheri of sed and sima news agency . well, that's the end. we reach today's world. good night, god bless you.
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a few days ago. around jerusalem, in the west bank , baba came to see the palestinian children with a message of peace and hope, but no child was waiting for him. here in the land of palestine under the shadow of war , there is no sign of joy for the new year. in front of one of the churches in beitle, there are signs of death and destruction with the bodies of children laid. in another church , a doll in the shape of a palestinian child
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has taken the place of a pine tree among the rubble. artistic reactions to what is happening in gaza these days. the threshold of the 9th year can be seen in the design and photos. in this photo, gaza is a place for killing children. the city is empty of children and the dolls are alone. were burned in the fire and turned into ashes. gray that has become blood-colored and red. along with christmas gifts. a gift incendiary bombs and rockets to fill the cart with the bodies of palestinian martyred children. it's a bloody christmas here in this town. there is no news of chocolates and sweets for children. the air raids have been non-stop lighting on new year's eve. this is a real view of gaza. where there
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is no excuse to celebrate and congratulate the new year. the same a grocer's license wants to be issued, to create competition and remove golden signatures in support of women, and this idi idi night, it is very important to be free from importing wheat, get free qbooz for those who seek help from the construction worker's relief committee, and insure those families who have three children. they are taking cars without lotteries. those who agreed to rise
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up agreed that what will be done is 36 hours, that is, for example , we will leave at 7:00 a.m. today , you will come home at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. was one of the thousands of medical and paramedical students who they had children during their student days, and thousands of others had to have children because of these problems until after the country's exit from the crisis of old age
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. alive because it does not have a series of facilities and facilities. in the 10th parliament, a number of sympathetic figures took the first step to prepare the plan, but unfortunately there was no opportunity for the picture. 11th placement fortunately, within a month, we managed to prepare the plan more completely than before with the approval of the representatives in the floor of the parliament, the review of this plan was handed over to a specialized commission. it says that family and youth are the population, so if we target the family, all our welfare indicators will change if it is politics, all our educational policies , educational policies, look at this law is
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that we remove the obstacles for someone who wants to have a child. the main goal of this law is to remove obstacles to having children, especially for working women. the weight of incentives for working women, who are 15% of our women, is greater , maternity leave, study leave, exemptions taxes, increasing industries and so on. this facility has shown special attention to students and employees of the health and treatment department. employees who are the means of implementing this law. helping to treat infertile couples and maintaining the health of mothers and children. all groups of the medical community benefit from this education . medicine and paramedicine. medicine, paramedicine, midwifery, nursing and all fields. according to the law on the youth of the population and family support, in addition to increasing maternity leave for mothers to 9 months, night work and remote work for pregnant mothers or those with children under
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two years of age have been made optional and the retirement age of these mothers. for each child, the support that is given to pregnant or nursing mothers is reduced . inshallah, we will be able to increase the youth of the population. if someone does not implement this , it is actually wrong in our opinion. this law also stipulates that pregnant mothers or those with children two years working in medical and paramedical affairs can postpone the start of their plan, but for each child , 6 months are deducted from their plan obligations and they can spend their obligations at the family's place of residence. after 5 years, the fertility rate was declining. it was the first year, alhamdulillah, the fertility rate increased. now after 2 years of the implementation of the law, it will be better to tell from its results. the representatives
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elaborated some things in this law that would exactly solve the problems of these families. it has been very well looked at where the problems are and what solutions to solve them . mothers should feel that they are seen, their motherhood, their children are seen, well. it is much easier for them to go about having children and definitely these legal provisions can have a significant effect on the matter of having children. well, two years is a short period of time for us to be able to say how much this law has affected, but that is the point of hope for it. we can clearly see the hope that has been created in the hearts of the mothers of the treatment staff . there are now mothers who have tasted the sweetness of the implementation of this law in order to support working mothers and the youth plan of the population
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. giving birth until the age of two, my child has been removed from the night shift, shabab shift, there is no chance to fly, let's not do anything .
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broadcasting and judging with you in the first row every night at 19:30 on khabar network last year at this time some of the people of the northeast had their gas cut off for a few days in capital minus 20 degrees. this morning, half of the houses were cut off. in the afternoon, the entire village was cut off. the area is at the end of the country's gas supply network, and of course , far from gas production sources. adi shahr tagh organization. an area where people live on food in the vicinity of one of the country's two main storage areas, and
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this happened only a few months after the second stage of its development was put into operation. more than 20 million cubic meters of gas are injected into shaurijeh tank every day. during the four months of the cold season, 40 million cubic meters of gas are extracted daily. one of the pieces an important way to manage gas consumption is the storage issue . in order to pass through the peak of cold without interruption or pressure drop due to reasons such as increase in consumption other than peak consumption management points, sometimes a crisis happens or an industrial event that is very natural, for example, a refinery stops for some reason , transmission facilities stop. in the geography of our country, gas is considered the main carrier of energy in the fuel basket , it provides 70% of the country's energy in gas, and despite being the second owner of it in the world, but with limited production , our country is most dependent on a gas field. it should be established that this is actually a decision that
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is not a good decision from a diversification point of view and from a strategic point of view. in total, the total energy that is being consumed in the country now, 50% of it is supplied from a common single field called south pars , and that too. the drop in pressure and drop in production will start in the coming years, and the existing imbalance will intensify every year . we are at a level that exceeds 300 million cubic meters per day, which makes us take special plans in the management of gas distribution, if you have a look at the sixth development plan of the country. be. to inject into the national network
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, while in fact with all the production capacities that were put into service last year, we were able to inject about 85 million cubic meters of gas into the network, which means an imbalance of about 400 million cubic meters, we saw this comparative table the last 5 years of gas consumption in iran, which has increased year by year, currently the storage capacity of natural gas in the country is only one percent of the total consumption, less than one sixth of the world average and less than one fourteenth of the european average. the disadvantages of this deficit are also it is noteworthy that we burn 16 million liters of raw materials according to the report given by the majlis research center , it is four and a half billion dollars per year, that is , a product that could have been exported but was not, four and
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a half billion dollars. we have an opportunity cost, or now we have a lack of oil. this is just one paragraph , however, some people think that the thread of the story is related to a decision in the previous governments, rather than the issue in the previous government, two or three very important issues in the previous government. the energy field of the country with the arguments they had, that is , the ministry of oil at that time, with the arguments it had , two or three very important issues. the current state of natural gas storage in the law this year's budget has also been mentioned . it is one of the main issues in the country's energy sector. the current figure is 3.44 billion cubic meters. our annual consumption is 240 billion cubic meters. 10% means that
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it will be 24 billion 24 of the storage capacity. there is room, that is, in a time of 56 years, this is not really achievable. we have a plan that, god willing , we can reach 8 billion to 10 billion cubic meters by the end of the 7th development plan, which god willing , will be a very good tool for our discussion in the cold season, and if price is important to you, price guarantee is possible put your mind at ease the price floor is guaranteed. home appliance city. this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalano plan, we can
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get credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma. receive it now, you have 730 days until my last payment. pak shuma is always with you. hello, ladies and gentlemen. i would like to welcome your arrival on flight 58 28. look, i wanted to know if the city really cares about quality and quality. yes, it does. a city is behind this quality, a city is behind your purchase. we will host you at the central branch until 2 o'clock in the morning. on the occasion of the opening of an iranian house in tehran buy saturday to wednesday, get 10% bonus. why? well, because it is much easier to shop without traffic and start in tehran. remember, sarai irani in the cities of qom and isfahan gives this 10% bonus every day of the week. the great iranian palace in
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the cities of qom, isfahan and now tehran, serah afsarieh. your presence, dear viewers, hello , i will start tonight's news and tonight's program with the premier league. esteghlal went to the top of tractor jai pashu in the fourth place.


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