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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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farshe's specialized care, we can ask anything from her specialist , the carpet is from mahd farsh iran, mahd farsh. it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. planting 18 thousand saplings in razavi khorasan until mother's day. a sapling campaign was held in the presence of a group of mothers and wives of martyrs of holy defense in mashhad mountain and about 600 saplings were planted. planting saplings for the head mother.
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the campaign was held today in mashhad with the presence of mothers and wives of martyrs of holy defense. saplings will be planted, god willing, in this campaign , about 100 mothers and wives of martyrs planted saplings in memory of their loved ones . i planted these saplings in the name
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of my son mirza mahmoud taqqipour . this tree like him is a souvenir of this campaign in line with the people's plan to plant one billion saplings in the country. in pahnavar province of razavi khorasan, we have the duty to produce 22 million saplings annually and in the first year we have to plant 8.5 million saplings. until the campaigns that have been held so far. about one and a half we planted a million saplings in the provinces and cities. cultivation and attracting people's participation in planting saplings is one of the other goals of the campaign to plant saplings for mother sardar. this campaign continues until mother's day, and 18,000 saplings are planned to be planted in memory of the 18,000 martyrs of khorasan. khoda zahedi of the mashhad holy broadcasting news agency. 45 % progress of the project. water supply to the villages, according
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to the managing director of the country's waterworks, in the last two years , water has been supplied to 360 villages with the implementation of the jihad water supply project , and the index of the village's access to drinking water has increased to 87. we were busy with the plumbing of the village. here in one of the villages of chabahar city in the southeast of iran and sistan baluchistan province, to be exact, tarsh murad abd masjid aqani, here on the coastal strip of chabahar city, about 20 thousand people live, these villages lacked infrastructure , we didn't have drinking water through the network, this is chabahar camp village there are about 10 to 20 wells in this area. there are these private wells
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, like here, they have been piped and a series of ponds have been formed, water is collected here, and water tankers deliver water to the people daily. of course, i would like to say that this water is salty water, which means that it is one of the sources of non-sharba water supply for the villagers. these private wells come 6 times a day, 5 times a day . the reduction of water stress in these villages started in bahman 1400 in sistan baluchistan, there are nearly 54 villages that did not have water supply facilities, that is, we
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used to operate these villages with mobile water supply . water supply with these tankers. the face it is believed that with the implementation of this project, the benefits of drinking water in the villages will increase. for example, if you look at the benefit index in 2019 , it was 9%. now it has reached more than 70, and god willing, by the end of the government, this index will reach close to the level. officials of the ministry of energy say that in order to end the story of water shortage, they are providing infrastructure to transfer sea water to the villages of sistan baluchistan. civil road construction was implemented in sistan baluchistan. the artisans in zahedan
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overhaul the out-of-class machines and return them to the service cycle. years of years that land and. it had to be sent to one of the iron smelting factories. there are road construction machines, all of which are currently depreciated and unusable. this device was used by his car, which he wanted to sell only as a key. heavy machinery that had been out of use for about 20 years, and now, thanks to the efforts of local experts, it is being remanufactured and used in the field of construction activities. they return to sistan baluchistan. it can be repaired , they leave room for 0 to 100, and it goes everywhere . if he didn't come here, all of this would be out of the way instead of iron parareh with the activity of this center, the loss and wastage
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of a large part of the national funds in the field of road construction is prevented. if the market day price is zero, it is close to 10-12 billion. there is, but this device with one billion has almost returned to its first cycle of work. so far, about 60 devices have been completely renovated and overhauled . they are currently implementing the project. there are 34 devices that are currently being implemented. we have the important corridor from chabahar to milk mashhad. we are doing the maintenance work of this project and other corridors in the province with the same machines, in addition to this complex renovation and operation of heavy machinery is done along with single engineers. young manpower training is also done . i have been working here for almost a month. when we work here, we will learn . after we get these degrees, we can work for ourselves in the open market. let's do this engine
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that you see, the engine has been out of service for 155 years, and with the help of students, we are doing its work . by rebuilding and restarting these machines , more than 30 billion tomans have been saved in the field of purchasing road construction machines in sistan baluchistan. pour ali news agency. zahedan radio and television thank you very much. until the next part of the news.
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may 2021, canada, the last days of may , the weather is very good and spring, and a special calm has spread everywhere. finally, after months of cold weather, the temperature has reached above zero and the calendar promises the arrival of summer soon. the arrival of summer coincides with canada's national holiday. people are preparing and planning for the celebration. there are news in virtual media and television
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that attract the attention of the people of canada and the world. a group of canadian explorers have said: their tracking device has come across a suspicious item that has been discovered. gives new reporters, media and local officials will reach the desired location as quickly as possible. group. excavation has been started and the soil is removed. bones, pieces of bones whose size indicates the small bodies of children are taken out of the pit one by one. over time , more bodies are discovered and their number reaches 20. it reaches 20 tons. remains of the bodies of 20 children. that too
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in nameless graves. what happened to these children? this is the first case of the discovery of mass graves of children in canada. it was not long ago that the remains of 215 children were found near the small town of camples at. experts declare that these
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discovered bodies and graves do not seem to be the remains of an ordinary cemetery, an unmarked and unmarked cemetery where only children are buried and the bones that inform that saab. they are buried . very soon, the media of canada and the world were filled with reactions and analyzes about the discovery of these mass graves and the questions that occupied the minds of many people in canada and the world. people are shocked by this discovery and ask the government to investigate and clarify this issue as soon as possible.
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a british thing to become a canadian country, but provided that it is under the crown of the queen of england. 1497 ad, years before the canadian country was formed. just 5 years after christopher columbus sailed from the atlantic ocean during a mission from the spanish court. he discovered parts of central america that were unknown until then. the venetian italian seaman named
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giovanni caboto is chosen by the court of henry vii of england for a mission to cross the atlantic ocean to find a new way to the eastern lands and reach india. giovanni starts his mission with two ships heart in hand after weeks of sailing in the harsh ocean conditions, rocks are suddenly visible in his camera lens in the distance. giovanni and companion. they happily reach the land, but these cold and frozen lands have nothing in common with the eastern lands. instead of reaching east asia, giovanni had reached the shores of newfoundland. just in the northeast of america. it didn't take long for them
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to realize that they had reached new and pristine lands. by forming a british colony, giovanni opened the british foot to the northern lands of the american continent. although giovanni did not reach the east, but par returned to the court of henry vii. 40 years later , the french arrived and jacques cartier stepped into the mouth of the senleran river and a french colony. created and gave the local name of kanata, which means village, to that area. during 3 centuries , this land was a place of conflict between colonial powers, especially britain and france. conflicts that finally ended with british domination of the entire area of ​​new france in 1763
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. it was at 184. canada became a colony with a quasi-federal system until canada finally gained independence in 1867, but it was still under the crown of the queen of england. during this time the europeans they gradually invaded the lands of the new continent and the number of troops and immigrants who came to the new colonies increased day by day. colonies. new is the land of opportunities for immigrant europeans. a land where they can start their new life after years of poverty and hardship. do not touch a vast land full of resources. they just need to get there and
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take over a land for themselves. but immigrants in this land have a big problem. have hit original and native inhabitants of canada. the natives who have been living in this land for thousands of years and in tribal form they live all over this continent. gumiani who are different from them in every aspect, neither their culture is similar to the immigrants nor their rituals and lifestyle. and from the hands of the immigrants who occupied their lands , they are hard horses. the natives see with their own eyes that their lands are forcibly taken over and looted by foreigners, and thousands of indigenous people are killed or forcibly evicted from their ancestral lands so that european immigrants can establish settlement cities on their lands. . the natives of canada
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feel the edge of the sword of immigrants and new immigrants from all sides that we see the natives as an obstacle on our way. these days, most canadian news channels deal with the discovery of mass graves, from news and analysis to public reactions. many canadians were shocked by this discovery and speculations about the fate of these children have been raised. on the other hand , a representative of the first nation community, one of the most important native tribes in canada, declares that all the bodies discovered belong to boarding school students between 7 they were up to 15 years old and all the bodies belong
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to the same race, that is, natives. a group of people are sitting and rebroadcasting the truth and reconciliation commission program that is being broadcast from they watch tv. in 2015 , a commission named "truth and reconciliation " was formed with the aim of investigating: discrimination and violence against indigenous people, especially in the boarding schools where the indigenous people studied. a large crowd in the hall. located in downtown ottawa have gathered to hear the outcome of the court's investigation. about a few hundred people , including former boarding school students, introduced
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the survivors who have grown old. the event will be broadcast live across the country . there has never been an event led by natives that has attracted such national attention. try yourself everyone is eagerly waiting to hear the truth commission investigation and reconciliation. many survivors kept their stories hidden in their hearts for years. the members of this commission went to the shores of the frozen ocean even thousands of miles away to investigate the natives and collect documents, until finally, after seven years , they reached a comprehensive and complete investigation in this field. the members of the commission enter the hall according to a ceremony. the sound of the drums of the native navas echoes in the hall. this type of
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welcome is usually for a hero returning from a difficult mission. prime minister and officials of canada will also attend this ceremony. a native leader performs a traditional ritual. until the the ceremony officially began. the chairman of the commission, who is a prominent canadian native judge, approaches the podium . it seems that his hair turned white from the intense stories he heard. silence is everywhere. breaths in
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it creates prohibitions for the natives, including attending any religious ceremony, celebration, and even marriage with other races. on the other hand , it is announced to the leaders of the native tribes that the government intends to provide education for the natives so that they can learn the technical and industrial skills that are necessary to live in the community. to encourage the natives, the government promised privileges such as the right to vote and grant land
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is given to those who study in these schools and learn english or french. also, after this agreement, the native must leave his tribe and the government promises him the privileges of a white citizen . but nevertheless from the native side. these schools are not well received. the government finally comes to the conclusion that as much as the possibility of change in native adults is small, working on native children can eventually lead them to their goals and make the natives influenced by the immigrants' culture. the best way to achieve this goal children are far away from their homes and families. because this distance makes children forget their culture and customs and easily accept other cultures. in 1920, the government
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forced native parents to send their children to special residential schools for natives with an amendment to the natives bill. otherwise, the government can use the excuse of disobeying canadian law. punish them severely. the department of indian affairs of the government of canada funds the schools and entrusts the administration to a group of christian missionaries of the catholic church. although the government has said that it will make them self-sufficient with basic and technical training. so that the natives can solve their problems by themselves and as a result less government funds will be spent on them. but the main goal of the canadian government
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is something else, duncan. cutt makes it clear dunbell scott is a politician and poet and the then vice-president of the department of indian affairs of the government of canada, i.e. one of the highest officials in this department. scott strongly believes in the canadian government's policy of integrating aboriginal children into white european society. in addition to being a high-ranking government official, scott is also a famous literary figure canada is also there and he is praised as one of the most prominent poets of the canadian confederation. in one of his poems, he describes the native people in this way . this woman from a strange and declining race has
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a sad expression on her face. i want to get rid of the red problem . i really don't think this country should continue to have a class of people who can only live. our goal is to continue until there is not a single red in canada. which has not been absorbed by our political community. there is no question of indians and no department of indians. department of indian affairs photos from native children are published in newspapers.
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kay bumi with a traditional dress and a gun in his hand, which shows his violent nature, and a picture after studying at shaban rozi school with a civilized appearance, who graduates from shaban rozi school. however , few people realize that these pictures are fake because the boy is wearing traditional women's clothes. a dress that a native boy would never wear. but apparently, the government was able to bring public opinion with them. to achieve this goal, the government makes registration in boarding schools mandatory. although at the same time representatives consisting of aboriginal people in canada appear in front of parliament
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to. the government should insist on providing regulations so that according to the law the natives are given the opportunity to manage their schools in a way that is in accordance with the wishes of their people. but scott ignores their pleas and pleas. he even strongly rejects the information and documents published by the health officer, dr. bryce, about the dire conditions of boarding schools. dr. peter henderson bryce is an active pioneer in public health and a senior health watchdog in canada. in 1907 , after visiting 35 schools across the provinces western canada issues full report exposing health conditions at
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aboriginal boarding schools. dr. bryce reports the health conditions of schools as follows. infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis, cause the death of 24 % of children on average. even in one of the schools , the death rate reaches a shocking 75%. dr. bryce offers his recommendations for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases among students. he is sure that medical science can easily prevent the spread of this disease and the resulting death. but the government


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