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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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we can ask anything from its expert, farshu is from mahd farsh iran. question. it is five in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the customs supervisor of sistan baluchistan province announced a 26% increase in exports from the customs of this province. the total export goods exported through the customs of the province in 9 months of this year, in terms of value , were over 1 billion 620 million dollars with a weight of 4 million 148 thousand tons. compared to the same period last year
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, it has increased by 47 d in terms of value and 26 in terms of weight . most of these goods went to the countries of pakistan, china , afghanistan, india, bangladesh, azerbaijan, armenia. russia, uzbekistan and iraq, our export goods include clinker, cement, thermal coal, dates, concentrate , iron ore, gas, washing powder, all kinds of permitted fruits , tomatoes, salt, ceramic tiles and hardware . the minister of industry, mines and trade said that according to the law, organizations and institutions that produce basic geological information must provide it to the ministry of semit to gather this information and develop discoveries. mr. aliabadi added: by summarizing the findings.
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with all the capacities of this soil, its contribution in discovery and extraction is not significant, even though this organization has been operating for many years. areas involved in mining.
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it is less than 5%. the geographical organization of the armed forces identifies and explores mines by using remote sensing technologies such as hyperspectral and electromagnetic technology. using satellite images , we identified samples in different areas. it was decided that the areas where the geological organization of the country produces data , the organization should not enter these areas and these areas where it is possible for the organization to enter. geology doesn't exist , there is no such thing as an organization in order to have a very good cover in the production of maps of a research in the future, apart from the geological organization , the geographical organization, other institutions also carry out the work of mapping and exploration and the production of basic geological information, including the atomic energy organization and the ministry of petroleum. we must carry out a series of exploratory data aggregation, which means that the organizations and companies
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that are doing this work should not work in isolation. based on the amendment of the mining law approved in 2010, all ministries and related bodies are required to aggregate and synergize the results. the activities of producing basic geological information and exploratory information continuously provide to the ministry of mining industry and trade, we will seriously pursue this , it is one of our demands. the entities you mentioned are government entities , and in my opinion there will be no problem in this regard , we should follow up. gholamreza mongoli, sed and sima news agency, the increase of the internet tariff above the ceiling of 34 is illegal . mobile internet from the regulatory organization of the ministry of communications. and any violation
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of the increase amount of 34 will be dealt with. according to mr. rouhaninejad, the operators are obliged to pay this increase within 6 months. increase the speed of your internet packages by 30%. well, this shows that in order to reach 10%, a 34% increase in the price of internet packages must be implemented with the permission of the ministry of communications. 34% is the minimum that will provide the resources needed for investment to the operators. 30% of people open the door and see the top.
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it is true that we do not even find the slightest mistake, that is, if a commitment is not fulfilled, sometimes up to 5% of the total annual income as a flow. let's pay. apart from this , there is a possibility of canceling our license . according to the announcement of the ministry of communications and information technology, operators must fulfill a condition for this increase in definitions . the country will increase to 96 by the end of 143rd year, a 30% increase in the average internet speed within 6 months . and who
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guarantees such a speed, the ministry of communications and the regulatory organization will establish that people can monitor this speed. if the council knows it is good, it will enter the council hall. if there has been a violation , the council will definitely take care of it .
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the president announced the finalization and approval of the national artificial intelligence document of the islamic republic of iran for implementation in a special news conference with the presence of guests mr. dr. seyed mohammad razavizadeh , the head of the communications research institute of the ministry of communications and information technology and hazrat hojat al-islam wal-muslimin , mr. dr. saeed reza ameli. group teacher communications of the university of tehran and the person in charge of the finalization committee of the national artificial intelligence document, as well as the telephone guest
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who will accompany us during the program , we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in this field and the importance of drafting the national artificial intelligence document. let us see a report and start the discussion and tonight's program together with you and the guests of this program. artificial intelligence, angel or devil? this challenging headline was used some time ago by the english newspaper economist about the rapid development of this technology . a development so fast that in a few weeks it puzzled many experts in the field of technology. to the extent that concerns about this development went to digital business and art earlier than any other industry. should we automate all jobs? do we have to cultivate non-human minds? the goal of artificial intelligence development is to think like a human
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and perform the assigned tasks. some countries use this technology to advance in areas such as health and treatment. artificial intelligence can help predict the likelihood of parkinson's disease. but as much as it can be for the development of the cane, it can be a factor for grounding the order of societies. be human too. to the extent that the secretary general of the united nations describes the progress of artificial intelligence in this way. military and civilian technologies related to artificial intelligence will have the greatest impact on global peace and security. the growth of this technology can lead to the spread of misleading and hateful news that threatens reality and peace . some countries have a management solution in regulating the use of intelligence.
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i would like to say that artificial intelligence is very welcome . the first opportunity or challenge is to discuss what is the nature of artificial intelligence and why we sought to compile a national document on artificial intelligence in our most important planning. may allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to your excellency and respected viewers. see, artificial intelligence is like a human being, just as a human being is a being. it is individual and social and it is influential everywhere in this system. artificial intelligence has come to compete with humans
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and embeds the capabilities of the human brain within itself . it is a technology that is being developed from a simple algorithm that connects several steps. and can create a process, the process goes back and forth with if. or create a path to become a very complex algorithm, and therefore, because it is like a human being, it is very important just as man is in education, he is in research , he is in industry, he is in agriculture, he is in services, and in a sense, it can be said that man has a native organism , artificial intelligence has also created a native organism in parallel with humans. its nature is a data nature based on
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a data and digital platform, so with capacities of zero and one and between zero and one with quantum capacities, it can create very, very small micro-processing at the level of the oxabat, which means we no longer have this or that. there is a choice between this or that of billions of assumptions that artificial intelligence with quantum computers with capacities new can provide artificial intelligence , it has a network nature, it has a social nature , it has a fabric nature that can operate between very, very wide variables. you see, this very gbit appeared and became the subject of many discussions, and perhaps the so-called danger voice that sounded for the ethics of artificial intelligence was because of those tangible capacities that emerged.
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it refers to 130 billion variables to answer. this is 130 billion. it can become several trillion variables. i said that a phenomenon is happening. so artificial intelligence data the foundation of the network is an algorithmic one, and it has a very small processing power. and some people think that artificial intelligence is only a human capacity. artificial intelligence is the concentration of human intelligences, the actuality of which is higher than the power of actuality of human intelligence due to the wide variables that have been created in it . the opportunities it has is that it can fulfill many of our dreams for social space. for example, one of our dreams is universal justice and elimination of corruption. providing easy services to people,
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removing bureaucracy and complex processes of human life. to create things for humans without it can't live it creates a new social classification. we used to define social class based on demographic variables. age, sex, ethnicity, income, these were the things that created social classification. artificial intelligence has now created a producer social class and a
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large consumer social class. you mentioned a few points, that is, you actually mentioned that there are many challenges and countless opportunities that must be planned in every field . i will talk to you more about this issue in cultural governance and virtual space, mr. agent to mr dr. azarizadeh, you are very welcome to the special interview studio, let's talk about which organization of the supreme council of cyberspace or the supreme council of revolution is responsible for the formulation and development of artificial intelligence based on the law and the documents above. well, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i say hello to the official servant and respected viewers, mr. doctor said that artificial intelligence is one of the most important universities in the field of humanity, which is growing rapidly and will be able to reach us in the near future.
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it should be one of the criteria for comparing countries and countries that are not equipped with these technologies. practically countries they are considered backward in order for us to develop artificial intelligence in a society . there are two dimensions of regulations , one is for the development of this technology in countries and one is to prevent the dangers and risks that it may have . there is a discussion of a roadmap or a national document for the governance of this matter, that is, the creation of a law of regulations for the use of artificial intelligence and the extension of intelligence. you said artificially in the country, who is the trustee anyway in the country
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in the discussion of governance, it has been working in the field for several years now. various institutions entered this field. we have recently seen some important actions at the governance level where important actions have been taken to discuss artificial intelligence governance. one was the discussion of the 7th plan , which in the 7th plan was assigned to the council in article 65 of the 7th plan, which i am now telling you that the national center, together with the ministry of communications, is required
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to write the national plan for the development of artificial intelligence within 6 months. or the verdict that was given by the president a few weeks ago to the discussion of the national council artificial intelligence was part of the homework . to be related to this discussion, the preparation of artificial intelligence documents and the notification that the honorable president gave today about the science and technology headquarters , which was the task of notifying the single article that the science and technology headquarters of the cultural revolution office had regarding the finalization of the national document is it artificial intelligence, this, this, this question. it makes the mind think that these devices, this multiplicity of devices are not parallel work in the field of artificial intelligence development. it may
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seem like this at first glance, but if you pay attention, i am the members of the supreme council of cyberspace who now, the competitions of the shura center, the national cyberspace center should also go there, and the supreme council of the cultural revolution , if you look at the members, there is a lot in common between the members of this one. the aspect of the case, if we look carefully in the 7th plan bill, we see that the 7th plan bill has more of a technical point of view, that is, it has a technology point of view. it is sustainable, technical, social, ethical, legal and applications. it is true that today, if we look at the notification given by mr. president, there is only one article we can see that the notification that they gave to the headquarters to the supreme council of the cultural revolution, i
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am re-reading a part of this, has come using the cooperation of different places such as the national center for open virtual space, the ministry of communications, which also play a role here, some of the ministry of science, the ministry of guidance, but note the end is that this program should be developed based on religious, philosophical, jurisprudential, moral, cultural theoretical foundations and considering its consequences in different dimensions. i think this is a smart thing that the technical part can do in the seventh layer according to the same order as according to the law in the seventh program. the assignment given to the national center and the ministry of communications should be compiled and then the supreme council of the cultural revolution can do the same. from your point of view, from the aspects that i have presented to you, it is not a parallel work , but it can be an interaction in the same direction. very well
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, dr. ameli, you mentioned the opportunities and challenges. science and technology of the secretariat of the supreme council of cultural revolution should be compiled, what issues, what strategies, what solutions to this challenge and strengthening. opportunities are considered. see, i'll go back to the previous question mr. doctor, please explain that we have various science and technology headquarters in the vice president's office for science and technology, which have been approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution, such as the document on bio-technology or the document on nano-technologies or the document on science. this is because it is knowledge-based. usually, these types of documents
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are reviewed and finalized in the supreme council of the cultural revolution under the role of the country's scientific community, and today in the structure of the secretariat of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, which has four headquarters under the science and technology headquarters, and in the courtyard of the supreme revolutionary council. culture must be approved. document artificial intelligence is also from the same point of view, that is, because it is based on science and technology , it is taking this path, and the compilation of this document started 4 years ago , when will it be finalized, mr. dr. amli, i hope that the document will be in the headquarters in the next month. the science and technology of the secretariat of the cultural revolution council should be finalized and ready to be proposed in the supreme council of the cultural revolution. therefore, as mentioned, the technical foundations of the issue may be related to the ministry of communications, the national center for virtual space, but when artificial intelligence is
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used as a life ecosystem. we look at it naturally from philosophical and cultural dimensions, especially dimensions it finds morality, that is, many people say that this intelligence is a neutral intelligence, but if you look at the american national document on artificial intelligence in 2023, in the very first paragraphs, it says that american values ​​must be devised in intelligence algorithms, so now one of the american values ​​is liberalism. it creates a renaissance in this space. it is a space minus god . when you design artificial intelligence into a monotheistic space, the destruction of humans should not be done by intelligence, just when you design artificial intelligence into a space for which the main value is the establishment of justice in society. ok, it should be a performance beam. justice oriented
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ok, we consider all these in the compilation and in different stages. now, since you are raising it as a challenge, my question was about whether it is considered in the document by the council against the revolution. the document has seven main articles. article 1 of which defines documents and key words according to the procedure, so that it is clear what is meant by article 2 of the document. focused on the vision of where we want to reach in the future horizon , it pays attention to the macro goals, and based on the macro goals , strategic policies are formulated in article 3 , it goes to the action plan in article 4, and to priorities in article 5. it pays attention to the practical platforms of artificial intelligence, and finally
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it pays attention to the executive organization of the national artificial intelligence headquarters, which fortunately , the president issued a decree on the 9th of december in which the national steering council of artificial intelligence was assigned to its members. the national artificial intelligence steering center was very informed. in fact, this part of the document has actually started its work and the deputy. the science and technology of the president is responsible for following this issue. mr. taghizadeh, a professor at tehran university and a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, is also accompanying us from another studio . mr. taghizadeh, i greet you in studio , we talked about the nature of artificial intelligence document and also the tasks of the devices, let's talk about what is very important , what requirements we need to implement this roadmap, what
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policies it requires. legislations should be taken into consideration or are they correct ? i greet you and all the dear viewers. i would like to make a correction . i am not a professor at tehran university and i am actually a researcher at tehran university. i am correcting you that we are actually we already had the document of this model, it was supposed to be in the horizon of 140 ad and our chahar in the iranian document of 1404 ad to become the best economy in the region. but our current situation shows that since we wrote the so-called map and document, our situation is much worse, so the problem is that you must first understand the problem space correctly , what is the current problem space in the field of artificial intelligence. the first is the unified governance. we actually
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have an island management in this area and until now. in fact , we did not have a single hekrani. the second issue that we should consider in the problem space is the issue of the speed of technological changes. look at the organization avon ska announced that the speed of technological changes has reached 3 months from 300 years every 3 months, technology actually becomes obsolete , so we have to make quick decisions in this area. now, let's put this next to the so-called current countries. the third issue is the immigration of elites and businesses, which is actually a bad signal for the development of diverse intelligence in the country, so this is the next point in this area
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. . what does the cybernetic government say?


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