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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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gladys kashi: in the name of allah, the most merciful. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, say hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him , he laughs at the last journeys.
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god, in your hope, in the name of hazrat doost , from whom everything is. good morning to all of you viewers. dear and honorable, good and happy, god willing, you are very welcome. greetings, reporter, 10/10/10 , stay with us until around 8 o'clock with today's news events.
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say from the dawn of tomorrow, a window will open from watching, or say, from the dawn of tomorrow, a window will open from watching to magdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not there. the beautiful dream of being called diyar by the feet of iran and being patient with its people. from the hope of telling its flag , give a kiss to iran, its line is dear to my soul, iran, your pure name is on my tongue. come and tell me that from the dawn
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of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha to magdeh , sing with me again from that spring that is not there, our dream dawn will come again to the light of our hope, a dawn bright from the loving breaths of our martyr. from the bright presence from the distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and its life from your joy, you give me iran, the beating of my heart , iran, your pure name on my tongue, iran, the beating of my heart.
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bartanem, iran. good morning , dear and respected viewers. may god bless you. thank you very much hello, you have chosen today's reporter to watch from khabar network. the second national exhibition of iran's comprehensive audio and video media, rasta, is scheduled to start today and from another hour, so that more details of this exhibition are available. to let you know, we invited mr. hossein zarii, the general manager of licensing and media affairs , to join us in the studio and share more details about this exhibition with us and you, dear viewers . good morning, mr. zadi. you are very welcome . hello. peace be upon you and may god have mercy on him, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful taherin, greetings and devotion to your excellency and all dear viewers of the network. this
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is the second exhibition that is going to be held. please tell me what are the indicators of the second exhibition of inclusive audio and video media. it is different from the first course, which was a course that we had no experience in holding. what is the service of his highness ? well, the second exhibition of rasta, which was told in a narrative, can be said to be the second exhibition of inclusive audio and visual media in the virtual space. with specific characteristics and signs and specific goals. special goals and special strategies will be held before the presidency dear satra, the most important thing to announce is the synergy and support of the media's participation in the image proof, that is
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, satra likes to have this happen and that the media gather together. synergize, well, about 426 media or platforms are licensed by satra, conditions must be created for these to gather together, synergize, on the other hand, satra can also support them, so it is the second course that will be held last year it was this january that the first exhibition was held, so it was well received for the first time last year , but it is the second experience, anyway, things have to happen. it is special that the first characteristic and special sign that happened in this period was that more than 145 media
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welcomed the presence of this exhibition, well, almost , 145 of them were welcomed by this 4d and the platform that we had. preparing for them to participate in an exhibition where the core, yes, the capacity and capacity of the exhibition physically is definitely not more than this , does not allow us to participate more, and we had an increase of almost 50% compared to the previous year in the reception of the media. on the other hand, the media that have a better position among the people and the general public and are now in the public eye as the top media it is said that the general public , well, this year, most of them participate, welcome and have an active presence, by the grace of god, today, which is the 10th of december , the exhibition
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will be opened at 10 o'clock in the presence of the honorable chairman of the organization, god willing, and it will continue until tuesday, god willing. there are special works, special activities compared to the previous year , which means that it is different, and now that you have plans for this course, which are different from the previous course, according to your order, one of the issues that, well, in the field of satra, well , in any case, satra is also one of these exhibition booths. it is as a part of the rasta exhibition . today, god willing, we are the center. from media services satra will be opened, what is its task? the task of this service center is to support
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the media of audio and video coverage, including in the matter of insurance . it has been agreed with the tax affairs organization that in this service center, our friends are present in the tax affairs organization and they provide facilities for these media. real and legal who wants a media or platform can with the advice that their friends give them , they can easily apply through the national portal for permits and... is it just to enter and act on this or to do more and more successful activities in this area? it means that those who are present are working now , they are among the 400 platforms that
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you mentioned, but they need a series of consultations in order for their activities to progress . you will give, yes, the issue of entry is definitely a discussion that friends. which way and how through the door national and what type of license to ask for. well, you know that now we have four types of licenses that we issue . you say those four licenses. to your service , we have a type of activity in the field of drama, that is, a natural and legal person can request a demonstration platform , a user-oriented educational platform and a new sound , which will be heard as soon as they can apply and have an activity. excellent , we don't have more than a minute or two, if you point out the challenges that are prevalent in the field of audio and video considering that, after all, this is the second exhibition.
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it is being held and satra has been operating for many years as one of these platforms. can you tell me what are the challenges facing these platforms? anyway, in the field of regulation , it has been three or four years since satra has been actively present. he can easily get a license and operate . so far, satrat has been based on this
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. this year's exhibition has been well received and almost 50 % of the platforms with level 2 licenses have come to us . it shows that satrat has been successful in this field. please do a good job and give a short summary, mr. zarare, of a case that i have the distinguishing feature of this exhibition is that we have about 15 provinces participating in this exhibition. 31 media from 15 provinces are present. last year there were five provinces, now 10 provinces have been added. we have very good and active media in the provinces that are not seen and should be seen in this exhibition. today, for the first time, god willing , we will have the first public meeting of rasta assembly at 13:00. the rasta assembly was formed in the previous year. this year is the first meeting at the public level , where all licensees are invited
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. inshallah , we will have a public meeting with the presence of the honorable president of the organization, and it will be announced the work done in this happened a year ago, the specialized commissions and councils that were created under the same rasta assembly and serving the media and serving even the satras. having representatives to serve and create interactions, god willing, we hope that with the active presence of the industry activists and the general public, we will be able to have a good and active exhibition. you can come to a good exhibition until 18:00.
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enthusiasts, especially artists, content producers, cultural service providers in space virtually, student groups, universities, schools and teachers are invited to visit this exhibition and benefit from its special facilities. place, grand mosque of imam khomeini , may god's mercy be upon him, time, 10th to 13th of december at 9:00 am. regulation organization for the regulation of sound
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and image media in the virtual space, satra . good morning. now that it's time for art, let's go to the theater and the basij theater festival, the process of holding its 14th edition starts today. may we also host mr. salar najafian, the secretary of tahtar besish festival, in the studio, so that we can hear more details from him. good morning, mr. najafian. you are very welcome, i say hello and ... i respect you and the viewers, have a good day , god willing, i am at your service . may you be healthy with honor, gentlemen. it is a greater honor for us . please tell me where the 14th season of basij theater will be held and how many works will be performed in this season. participation yes, we started our call almost 7 months ago
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, we received about 700 works in the sections of street shows and a scene, of course , it also has a playwriting competition section. of which 120 works have been received, the judging of the playwriting competition has been done, and the other two sections have been selected by the selection boards among the 700 works that came in the two sections , i re-reviewed 94 works and the stage section and 74 works in the street section, and a total of 30 works in the stage and street sections were introduced for the final stage and the country, which god willing is the 20th. until the twenty-fourth of december, that is, this month, next to the royal court of imam mehribani , god willing, our group will perform in the city and the province for 5 days, and the parts of our stage will be performed in four halls, complexes, and the campus of mashhad, god willing. there will be performances in
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our study of 18 provinces, almost groups that are successful to come there are provinces of the country , which will be judged by the respected drama and video professors, mr. farhad qahemian, mr. mahmoud pakit, his wife, ms. mohibesh sabkan , professor jalil farjad and professor khairullah taghiani , god willing, and three of our judges will judge the street section, god willing, on the 24th of the closing ceremony. we will have the famous people of this field are also in the field of judging. you said that these 30 works that you selected in different sections will be staged in holy mashhad, whether in the street or inside the hall, because in the city let's see these shows and theaters , which have finally passed the judging process and have many features and attractions
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. what are your plans for this? and after the performance , we try to cover it, which means that a series of our group members will go to the public before the performance festival. after five stage groups and five street groups have been selected by the judges , we will give them a public performance again with the support of basij artists organization. we close with them and support we want it to be implemented in the provinces . yes , we had an online program last year. at night, the shows were reviewed and some of the shows were performed, and we try to perform these works in public on the occasions we have during our holidays or the mobilization week, the week of resistance . this is the 14th time. yes, unfortunately, due to the spread of the
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corona virus , it has been a few years since we started. thank god, when we started last year , we did not expect that nearly 694 works for let's face it, we tried to give some hope and look at other aspects of the simple things that are left behind, then the national and local local heroes that we have, the characters that some of them may have come to our memories in the written text of our book. these came verbally, we tried to take a look at the introduction of a face of these , and we tried to show that the parts that we performed in the street really gave people a new perspective on the mobilization of cultural activities, the events that can be done, we said, even criticism. from our own comedy tanez nashad, people
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should be happy to see this happening in a series of books we talked about heroes who may be in the books , but they haven't found a lot of unity, like, for example , i'm alive, mrs. abad, or , for example, we have a martyr who was built and went to become a senior commander. last year and this year, look at these heroes of ours, i say, look at these heroes, give hope , see the happiness and cultural aspects, what is happening in the country will be a flood . there are basij children who are coming in the houses, they help the families where the benevolent people used to shop for them. they would deliver their purchases to them, it was the work that was done through the basij children. the nature of basij is that basij knows its duty to do this, and because it knows its duty
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, it does not advertise for it. an institution that is very good, of course , goes to a deprived area and does an activity , and immediately advertises itself a thousand times. or maybe a thousand of these children who go to do jihadi work also do great things. maybe theater is one of the places like us it is possible to show what is happening, what is the activity , what is the new approach that we can have in front of the volume, in front of the global events, in front of the new events that are happening in the cultural spaces and artistic spaces, and believe me, in addition to what these children have for the society. they do this, happiness happens inside themselves , ma'am
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, you are very nice and gentle, and you have a very close and direct relationship with the audience . it has a lot of charms. now, your point is completely correct when you enter the provinces and people communicate. one of the best events for we are going to the cities that people really don't even hear the names of, there are successful theater groups among them , and the extent of this phenomenon is from the farthest southern parts of the country to the northern parts of the country. a city where no one might think that there is going to be a theater in them, they also participate, and when they are seen and when they are compared
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, one or two of them are cultural ambassadors , bringing the smell of culture with them. it is a very interesting event here, just for this opportunity i would like to thank all the groups that accept our invitation. i would like to thank the media that reflect you and your respected colleagues. i hope that this program of ours will be able to make a small amount of cheerfulness in you, it will certainly create cheerfulness . thank you, mr. najafian, secretary of the festival theater, for being with us in the studio of sobhgah program, hello reporter, with our iran.
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without preamble, let's go to the international part of the morning program. hello, good morning. good morning to you , dear viewers. hello and good morning . well, i will say very quickly that today is december 31, in fact it is the last day of 2023 and the night of 9 ad. however, many groups of people cancel christmas celebrations in support of the people of gaza and the people of palestine, and the support continues. demonstrations and calls in this regard , i am talking to mr. cheraghi, an expert on media and west asian issues. mr. cheraghi, hello, good morning . please tell me very quickly that the reflection of the continuation of the international support for the people of gaza and also the cancellation of the christmas celebrations in the media, especially how do we evaluate the western media? greetings to you and the viewer. dear john, i would like to inform you that this issue of street activism and demonstrations and gatherings in different countries in support of the gaza strip
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and against the genocide of the zionist regime is important from both political and media perspectives. i would like to tell you that these gatherings may be the first time in the past 75 years since 1948 in occupied palestine that such gatherings and demonstrations have been held in support of palestine and the issue of palestine at the global level. the second issue is that this demonstration is actually held in spite of the ban in some countries . what pain does the demonstration heal and what problem does it solve for the palestinians? it must be said that if it were not for this demonstration from
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the very first day and it is going to be held again today in france and some other countries, if it were not for these demonstrations and gatherings, we would have seen more brazen and shameless positions from the western governments and maybe this there are demonstrations and gatherings that have caused the rulers of these regimes to change their positions . the third political point is that these demonstrations are more demonstrations of the ruler's face. why are these demonstrations not held in saudi arabia and the uae? now the foreign media, the media that support the zionist regime
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, are in a difficult position. that is, in the strategic context of a certain and specific goal.
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no, and he does not know at all what he is doing in gaza . from the tactical point of view, the pictures that are published and also the statements of the army chiefs of this regime indicate that the army of this regime has failed in the field battles and has suffered a lot of casualties, and mr. netanyahu himself. in their press conference last night, they announced that the war will last for months , which shows that after about 3 months , israel has not achieved any results in the gaza strip , and it seems that the continuation of the war in gaza is more to pursue the political goals of mr. netanyahu. ok, since mr. yoafgalat and benny gans, members of the war cabinet , did not appear at the news conference last night and did not stand next to mr. netanyahu as a sign of protest, it seems that the zionist regime is caught in a strategic trap and for the time being, it is out of the swamp. there is no gaza,
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thank you very much, sir. after the 7 o'clock news , we offer you our kind regards, ms. mirsane . hello, good morning. we are at your service . i greet you, mrs. hajipour. good morning and thank you. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their death. greetings, politeness and respect your presence, dear compatriots and honorable companions.


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