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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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accommodation, train tickets, travel insurance, travel in world class with flytoday your morning to. the public meeting of the islamic council has started a few minutes ago. the review of the plan to amend the articles of the law on the establishment of non-government schools, as well as the bill on the organization and supervision of cross-border trade , is on the agenda of the representatives. we will join with the reporter of the sed and radio news agency based in the sarkar majlis, mrs. akbarzadeh. i greet you about the details of today's agenda of the house of nation representatives.
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please, i wish you and all the viewers a greeting and a good morning. well, at the beginning of today's open session of the parliament, mr. qalibaf, the speaker of the parliament, made a gesture. having to the epic 9 and at the same time cherishing this epic , they believed that the unity of wisdom of the people creates power, and with this unity of wisdom , they considered the source of saving the country in all the hardships and seditions and problems of the country, and also the participation of the people. knowing and emphasizing that all political parties and currents should try to increase people's participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections , mr. ghalib, while calling for the martyrdom of seyed razi mousavi, emphasized that any attack on the commanders and physical infrastructure of the resistance front for america and zionism it will have bad consequences and will have huge costs in the continuation of the plan to amend the articles of the law
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on the establishment and administration of non-governmental educational and training centers, the representatives emphasized that the ministry of education should set up a system for the management, evaluation and monitoring of schools. students, tuition and all information will be recorded in that system and will be made available to the commission of the assembly of governors of provinces. after that, iranat the guardian council to the bill of organizing and monitoring of coolers and teachers, as well as the bill of preventing women from being harmed by misbehavior. and improving their security is on the agenda of the parliament. thank you very much, mrs. naheed akbarzadeh, the parliamentary reporter of the sed and broadcasting news agency based in the baharestan hall of the islamic council, for accompanying us. the director general
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of the non-communicable diseases office of the ministry of health announced that 100,000 people die every year due to complications caused by diabetes and high blood pressure in the country. dr. etemad said that the national health campaign is implemented in the country with the aim of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure. almost 50% of these deaths are due to non-communicable diseases cancer and then there are cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which include a major part of these , more than 100 thousand deaths in our country are attributed to high blood pressure diseases of the heart and diabetes . timely and early diagnosis, because we identify people who are in the stage before contracting these two diseases, i.e., pre-hypertension and pre-diabetes, we intervene and delay the onset of these diseases. and as a result, the complications
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of these are reduced, the mortality of these is reduced , and sometimes in the pre-diabetes stage, we can effective interventions in a small number of cases to prevent this disease, so this campaign increases the life span of people in the society both directly and indirectly , and minimizes the complications and death . qayani, the person in charge of the finalization committee of the national artificial labor document, said: it took 4 years to compile this document. yesterday, the president announced the finalization of this document for implementation. i hope that the document will be finalized in the science and technology headquarters of the cultural revolution secretariat in the next month and will be ready to be presented in the supreme council of the cultural revolution. well, let's go to
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follow the news related to the developments in gaza with two news items: martyr abu ali mustafa battalions, the military branch of the popular front for the liberation of palestine, from the death of a zionist prisoner of war in the gaza strip. informed. the spokesman of this palestinian group announced that the soldiers of abu ali mustafa's battalions met with the zionist regime's soldiers who were planning to free one of the officers of this group. they got involved and at the same time the army drones of this regime came into action and bombarded the place , which led to the death of the captive of zionism. the qassam battalions of the military branch of hamas also have pictures of its fighters confronting the zionist army in khanyounos. face published in the gaza strip.
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a number of families and supporters of the prisoners of the zionist regime protested against the inability of the cabinet of this regime to return the prisoners in tel aviv . protesters gathered with pictures of zionist prisoners near the palestinian resistance in the gaza strip and asked netanyahu's cabinet for a solution to stop the conflict and many times. residents of occupied palestine called for a ceasefire and exchange of prisoners between the zionist regime and the palestinian resistance by holding rallies. but the number of casualties of the
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russian air attack on ukraine increased to 39 people. the president of ukraine has claimed more than 120 cities and villages were affected by this attack. in the southwest of russia , it was announced after the missile attack by ukraine. symbolic decoration of resistance chiefs in basra. the bodies of martyrs haj qasim soleimani and abu mahdi al-muhandis
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were symbolically buried in the presence of the people of basra. special programs for the anniversary of the victory commanders in iraq this year, 10 days before the martyrdom anniversary. we will continue to liberate and save the oppressed nations. this year's motto of the iraqis in the revival of the anniversary of the commanders is the victory of sovereignty and martyrdom. the rule that the political leaders of this country believe in. after the defeat of isis,
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it will be realized only with the departure of the american occupation. your transformation is now my power for the purpose of training to attack and kill. the presence of american soldiers under the pretext of training iraqi forces. he turned them into killers of the iraqi people. it was the occupying forces that brought isis into our country. certainly, today we no longer need the presence of american forces and we believe that our full sovereignty will be realized when these forces leave iraq. simultaneously with the presence of the iraqi political and military leaders in the martyrdom program, thousands of iraqi citizens took to the streets holding the pictures of the martyrs.
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these two martyrs have a great right to the iraqi people. with their sacrifice, it was safe today we go special programs for the anniversary of the martyred commanders of pirouzi 10 days ago. the year of martyrdom day has started in iraq and will continue until the 20th of january . jalal khalidi of baghdad radio and television agency. the meteorological organization has predicted rain for parts of the southern half of the country. stagnant air will also increase the concentration of pollutants in some big cities. hello, have a good time. the latest weather maps. science shows that today the rainfall system is still active in the southern parts of our country and in parts of
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the province such as fars bushehr and kerman. we are expecting rain tomorrow, on monday, this rain system will strengthen and wide areas of the southern half of our country will be active in the central and southern slopes of the zagros, due to the relative calm and tranquility in the metropolises and industrial areas , especially tehran, iraq. similarly, in karaj, isfahan, mashhad, and tabriz , we predict an increase in air pollutants until the end of the week. with the continuation of the programs of the khabar network, continue to follow and watch from the frame of this network.
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i would like to tell you that there is an interpretation on the cost and issues of the treasury , which we will serve you by popularizing all my special programs from the app that was created. we gave it in the virtual space and the registrations that we made of the muqifs and alhamdulillah they were very well received this year and i can say that a month before the start of these ceremonies, we had more than 300 muqebdas from the whole country registered, and our friends are the front of the work. closing means closing the software that was registered more than this because of space. it's a bit weak and
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i have to tell you that we didn't have a place to stay and a place to serve you . we didn't have the procession for these dear ones and everyone wants to express themselves next to golzar . i would like to express this welcome and this service to you. the support and discussion of the heart of the people with haj qasim, the letter of haj qasim, is always there and it is increasing year by year . we informed about the accommodation and the start of our plans, but last night, which was the 9th of december , i was in golzar shahada, so i saw that i was really active in most of the processions, people on foot. moving from different places to golzar shahada. this shows that haj qasim school of ash qasim school of
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martyr soleimani is alive and this year after year the reception of this heart connection increases and the enemy is afraid of this, so we should pay more attention to this issue. we have the discussion of popularizing and paying attention to popularizing the programs of haj qasim school, which is also this. before, they were looking for when the committees will be held, the committees are formed, and they themselves
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propose their programs, and alhamdulillah, now our accommodation is popular, the implementation of programs in mosques is popular, and the implementation of many of our religious and content programs is popular, and alhamdulillah this is the case. attention is being paid and focused on the production of high quality content, which alhamdulillah has been taken into consideration. attention with special attention to the research achievements and production products that we had events and festivals during the year , we will unveil these on this anniversary, god willing. i would like to tell you that the actions and cooperation between all the people's institutions and committees are evident, and this shows that the hearts of all the dear ones here are evident and obvious .
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the programs have been taken into consideration, and this is one of the topics that i will discuss with you in the future before presenting the programs. well, the week of resistance from 12 december 18 to december 18 is the calendar in kerman and in the whole country , as i would like to serve you, considering that this year coincides with the birth of hazrat zahra , peace be upon her, and this is a series . we were present at the birth and martyrdom ceremonies of hazrat zahra, may god bless him and grant him peace, and this shows the great interest that haj qasim had, and our friends also used this opportunity and planned programs accordingly. well, we have a
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structure in kerman. we created a policy-making council , which is a strategic and policy-making council for the program i see. dear people, these various committees are represented in this council, they make decisions , and then executive committees are formed, and our most important committee is the 16 committees . the most important committee of our services is a people's committee with 16 working groups he started his work 4 months ago, on the day of the week of resistance on the fourth anniversary of the martyr haj qassem soleimani in kerman province. saturday, december 12th, martyr soleimani is the philanthropy of the people, help and jihadi action , wednesday, the 13th, martyr soleimani, the national hero, a manifestation of authority and self-confidence, thursday, december 14th, the month of martyr soleimani is the life of martyrs and the family of martyrs, friday
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january 15, the month of martyr soleimani, following the example of the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon him, and setting the stage for the emergence of the named, saturday, december 16 , the month of martyr soleimani, anti-arrogance and strengthening the axis of resistance. 18 months of martyr soleimani's spirit of sincerity and dedication. joy , we had a special program and we have plans before the 16th anniversary of the establishment of the 16 committees that i mentioned to you .
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it is the anniversary of martyr soleimani and the school of martyr soleimani , which has i apologize , there are 12 executive working groups, and these working groups are all people's organizations involved in this headquarters, they help, empathize , and cooperate . that is, in resistance bases in mosques in neighborhoods in the city. in the province and in the province, we have predicted programs that will be carried out, god willing. regarding my preparation , before i tell you the daily schedule , we have planned a plan for preparation. pardisan qaim or the complex
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in which gulzar shahada is located, let me tell you about the traffic issues of infrastructure and golzar. fiber optic water, problems that we had last year, toilets, considering that we have a very large population, the number of toilets that we added this year is more than 160 fountains, friends, coordination, construction by devices, which, alhamdulillah, will be put into use in a parking lot . that we have increased, i would like to serve you in the land of south zail. and the west, let me tell you, this was also one of the topics of video surveillance, lighting , fire safety programs and processions that i am at your service, people. and it was done the same . we had a meeting of the procession officials to justify these dear ones, which was held on 23 azar.
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we have a program to honor and visit the families of the martyrs. we have predicted 500 families in the province that we do this every year and i will present some families to you this week by teaming and groups . we would like to visit and honor and visit this family, and with the permission of these dear ones , our friends are coming, and to the hand of these dear families, we offer the fatimi marriage program, easy marriage and celebration of your service. after maghrib shad prayer , we are trying to start the processions from the 10th to the 18th, 24 hours a day, in the city of kerman and at the entrances of the province and the entrances of the city of kerman . that
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loved ones do. no one will be a martyr unless he is a martyr. i remember a night when i led to the house of martyr aniz.
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may qasim intercede, we ask qasim to intercede , may he intercede on the day of judgment. this mr. haj fateme , this mr. haj fatemeh is also one of those who intercede, god willing. one of
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the famous qasim fighters from now to now , the famous qasim fighters all the time, one asif soleimani is enough not only for kerman but also for the nation of iran. until someone is a martyr , he cannot become a martyr.
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but many people talk about it. there was no meeting with the people, stand up for justice, with our own reports, the exchange of the train that the balerke train exists, its operation and opinions, every moment is the most important in the field of vaccine storage, when the height of the plans, strategies and previous horizons of the youth consumer area that shams darnameh questions from us answer
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from the first page and evaluate and judge with you first line khabar network every night at 1930.
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at the same time, the design of this house is also his own work . it's great. you have chosen the best. they say that you are a real designer. what is very important to me is attention to details. see what spirit the color of the texture of this window has given to the house. this is the third time i am showing the window of a bride. is it possible, my lawyer? no, what happened ? it's not possible. yes, why not? 60. it has been reported to buy dowry with 60. qasr in shastavareh , household appliances, yes.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, with blessings upon muhammad and his family , your presence, sports news enthusiasts , hello, good morning, premier league football esteghlal went to the top with pikan's win, and tractor also won the oil industry. he secured his fourth place in the table. the conflict between esteghlal and pikan had two different halves. the first half was for enayati's students and the second for nekonam's students, which resulted in a 2-1 advantage for esteghlal. it was a good game and after that we saw some good things on the field. it was a complete game.


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