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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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we are yours until 2:00 in the morning at the central branch. hello again, dear viewers. please with the news of the hour. 12 please accompany us. the parliament determined the working hours of teachers and non-government school staff. in the meeting of the house of representatives, by amending article 14 of the draft law on the establishment of non-governmental schools and educational centers , the full-time teaching hours of elementary school teachers in non-governmental schools will be 25 hours per week. teaching hours and presence of other teachers and staff.
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centers also have 30 hours a week working hours of deputy directors and office and service staff of schools and the centers were determined for 36 hours a week by attending meetings and educational and administrative councils of the school. the director general of the office of non-communicable diseases of the ministry of health announced that 100,000 people die every year due to complications caused by diabetes and high blood pressure in the country. dr. etemad said that the national health campaign is implemented in the country with the aim of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and high blood pressure. almost 50% of these deaths are due to non-communicable diseases, well , there are cancer cases, followed by cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which include a major part of these, more than annually.
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100,000 deaths in our country are attributed to high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes . it is expected, that is, our expectation is that with this screening and timely and early diagnosis, as well as people who are in the pre-stage of these two diseases, i.e. pre-hypertension and pre-diabetes, we identify them, we intervene, and we delay their onset, and as a result, their complications are reduced , their death is postponed, and sometimes in the pre-diabetes stage, we can intervene effectively, in a few cases , we can also prevent this disease, so this campaign is also done directly and indirectly , it increases the life span of people in the society, it minimizes the complications and death , 13 articles were presented in the specialized meeting of master reciters and memorizers of the holy quran with the title of the effect of recitation on the audience. a quran
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was also unveiled on the sidelines of this meeting. among the qur'anists, there was talk of effective recitations. in the chorus that affects his voice. i should read better than this and do something that will be more effective for your people . the recitation you start should have the intention that your recitation will have an effect on your audience . the effect of recitations on the audience for 3 days
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it continued with the presence of guests who had words for the quranic students to be bored. quranic education has meaning. if we say effective recitation , you gave an important slogan, then we have to work for this. quranic education that becomes effective is one of the benefits of these beautiful recitations that our readers especially in international competitions, having one of them was to remove this charge. that is, i have seen many people saying that the first time we became optimistic about shia is when we saw that the best memorizers and reciters of the qur'an in international competitions were from the shiites of ahl al-baytan. 13 articles were presented in these three days and they are among the best researchers were honored. the article that i presented in this meeting under the title knowing the optimal range of the voice
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was effective in recitation. its title was the analysis of the effectiveness of traditional recitation sessions. in comparison to the regular quran classes , abna's research yearbook and the book of dua-khuani etiquette and methods were also unveiled at the closing ceremony. val nematian of the sed and broadcasting news agency. early this morning , zionist soldiers attacked the nurshams camp in the west bank and injured three palestinians. the palestinian resistance forces also intervened to counter this attack and forced the occupying forces to retreat. to force that it led to the resumption of clashes at the entrance of the camp . in the selwan area of ​​occupied jerusalem last night , palestinian youths targeted them with explosives in response to the shooting of zionist residents. the zionist military also
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attacked an area of ​​the cooperative, the askar camp and the houses of the palestinians in the east of nablus, which led to armed clashes with the palestinian resistance groups. well, at this moment, to welcome the call to prayer at noon, tehran time, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god , light on light, in the name of god, who is the master of affairs , in the name of god, who created light from light, praise be to god the one who created the light, i am the light, praise be to god, the one who created
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the light, i am the light, and you are not god, god is great, god is great. allah is great, god is great, i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad
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is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear
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witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. allah. continued news : the inactive escalators in the city of tehran will be replaced, and the cover of all escalators will be changed with a new design. new clothing for 150 escalators in the city
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tehran, some of which are no longer electric , when the replacement of inactive escalators was put on the agenda of the municipality, the executive of this project had an idea other than replacing the devices to cover the stairs. what was important for us was that it should be a design with the architectural and cultural spirit of the city. may tehran be aligned so that we can create a better visual effect for our city. the organizers of the design of the stair cover made a competition in the architectural community. i submitted many designs, but due to the fact that these are architectural and engineering designs, we saw that it is better to come with the society and engineering professors. the architecture of my country, let's communicate with these dear ones in this great dispossession. let us create a product and a good job for our country. more than 400 architects participated in this project.
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architects and professors of the university examined them and chose the best ones so that the cover of the escalators in tehran can be changed as part of the beauty of the city. at the beginning of the work, this will be implemented in tehran, but we are considering , god willing, for different cities of our country, which are cities that are our pilgrimage cities . there are cities that have a historical aspect, which are different, and we are suitable for each the city and the architecture of that city, let's present the designs . the way of architecture and urban designs in 2016 was included in the law and a resolution was drawn up on the executive order of all national plans. in one of its clauses, it is clearly stated that the public buildings you must be a designer. its architecture should be determined through the selection of the selected design of an architectural competition
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, taking into account the principles of the regulations for holding urban architecture competitions of the supreme council of cultural revolution . according to the design law, all small and large public constructions must be submitted to the competition in the coming months. escalator cover architecture the streets of tehran can be seen throughout the city, according to elham goran of sed and sima news agency, and on the first day of the new year holiday in china, about 42 million trips were recorded in this country. all airports , train stations and passenger terminals in china were full and crowded on this day. end of this news section.
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stand up, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service , your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, 10 minutes in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, honorable compatriots, ladies and gentlemen. first, welcome to the program that in
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these days have an election flavor and the closer we get to the days of the islamic council elections, the more non-elections will become, and in the same way, we have invited influential and analytical figures these days and will continue to do so. in the field of elections, and whenever elections are talked about in recent years, one of the figures who influenced the elections, his opinions and his friends and colleagues are mr. dr. gholam ali haddad adel. i am also at your service, dear viewers. the first page of the program hello, i wish you good health . let's start with this question, which is a new question no, but
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there have always been different points about it, different points of view , why elections are important, basically, well , as you said, election days are important, and participation is also important. importantly, i would like to make a reference to the concept of nation at the beginning of this discussion. and let me explain its relationship with the elections. well, we say that we are the iranian nation. iran has a long history . the iranian nation is 7,000 years old and has had civilization and culture in this part of the earth
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. sir, what is this nation, who is the nation, where is the nation , for example, if you open the window, the people are leaving this is the street of melton, yes, it is part of melton, but the nation is bigger than this, the nation is other than this , just like, for example, we do not know the streets of all of iran, but we know that it is part of iran, if we look at the satellite, we can see the whole of iran. can you see the whole crowd? this is another question, now there is this philosophical discussion, for example , what kind of reality does this nation have in the sense of a collection of people, but in the end it is a reality, now whatever philosophical interpretation it has, the nation will get away with it, and that is to say
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, forgive me, even if the whole nation is based on your interpretation from above. let's look at the satellite again. necessarily the nation is not, yes, the nation is an abstract concept , a rational concept, a valid concept, i say that its philosophical debates are cognitive debates, but after all, it is like a class, a class composed of, for example, 30 students, but also a teacher, but it is not only that, a class is a concept that comes from the heart of these people. this nation of political influence. this is an important point, let's say it like this, when will this nation feel that it is a nation in normal times , everyone is busy with their own work, one has a job, one has a house, one
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has a school, one is a teacher, all the people of the nation live their lives, but sometimes , at times, the nation of the nation is its own nation it feels like, for example, if there is a war, a nation will find itself in the war, like the palestinians , who are now fighting as a nation, like us in the imposed war in the 8-year war, when the nation was jealous that it should enter as a nation. sometimes natural disasters happen, an earthquake happens, and the nation feels that it is a nation. do you remember that during the corona era, the nation said that the nation will come? yes, everyone felt that now
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is the time for the emergence of the nation . it is a political influence and this role of the nation is a new role in our own history in the era of tyranny the term qajar and before that, during the first and second pahlavi eras, the nation did not play a role in the impact of the nation as a nation . previously, the word nation was not used at all. during the safavid period, the qajar period, they used to say that until the modern era, the word nation was not common in our literature in this sense at all , and it was not common in
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the persian language in this sense. this meaning is political. it means that the nation did not come from arabic either. why, in arabic, it means religious . yes, the nation of abraham and this. yes, but the turks. to use this word in this political sense in front of nasio, which is used to make nasinalism, nasinalist, etc. new, yes, it entered the persian language as well. it was the subject against the sultan, and when it comes to the meaning of the sultan and the subject, it is called miun. the sultan looked at the subjects from above, the subjects looked at the sultan from below , and the subjects had no right to dispute. subjects must
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obey. this was political literature about people. the meaning of this word was that you have no role in politics. but the nation of the state has one meaning. it is a completely new political and completely valuable meaning, which means that the nation has an influence on the government the nation has an effect, the nation has a right to the government, the nation has a right to the government, the same as the famous saying of amir al-mu'minin in nahj al-balagha, that's what the people say. as a caliph, i have a right over you , and you also have a right over me. we are not talking about this concept
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of the nation. this concept is a new concept. i have seen that some writers and political thinkers of the new era are very sensitive to this concept of the nation, and sometimes they say that our problem is in iran now this word. our problem in iran is that the nation has not yet felt that it is a nation . it has not felt that it is a nation. the title of the nation now, why did i say these preliminaries ? i want to say that elections are a very good opportunity for a nation to become self-aware of being a nation . feel and affect being this nation . this is a very important point.
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there is no need for this under normal circumstances. but there are some problems , one of which is the election. i sometimes say that in normal times of governments, assemblies make decisions for the nation. in the elections of this nation, which makes decisions for the assemblies , well, the more a nation stands up to this influence on its own political role. ok and apply it, this is higher and actually with one such participation increases authority as leadership increases. increasing security leads to all-round progress, so participation is not a simple trivial issue
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, it is not a compliment, it is a reality, and i assure you that the supreme leader also emphasizes on participation in all these materials and many other things. the fact is that increasing participation is a multi-cause phenomenon. one of the necessary things is that the people have confidence in the integrity of the elections. yes, but there are other reasons, for example , people are upset about the high prices. this is not something that we want to do secretly . well, some people are upset under this pressure and some may say that it is useless, sir. this
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may happen again, that is, if the government can do something to reduce this feeling of livelihood pressure . now , they have been doing their work for almost a year and they are doing this project of electronic distribution of goods. well, now the government parliament has helped and they are giving 16 items of goods to those who receive subsidies at 7 dekhs, that is, to 70% of those who receive subsidies. they say you should go to the store. connecting 200,000 ram stores to an internet network they say that you go to the store, don't ask for the price of your share
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without wanting to pay. take it away. inflation is a service . it will reduce the pressure, but if there is pressure, people will eventually be dissatisfied. another issue is the functioning of the parliament. people may be dissatisfied. or from management. whether they are unhappy with discrimination or financial corruption, all these things affect the people's discomfort because they don't come to the polls . otherwise, people may be disappointed. this disappointment make them not participate in the elections, and this
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hopelessness is one of the things that the enemies of the iranian nation do on social networks, they constantly insinuate this, that is, one of the tasks of this virtual space, which is in the hands of the enemy, is to forgive, which is in the hands of the enemy, that nothing if nothing positive is seen in this country , every straw will turn into a mountain and lie and slander and inam, but mashallah. for people to consider everyone as a thief , to consider everyone as corrupt, to consider everyone as a traitor, and to say that it was ruined, this disappointment is a fact, a little bit ignorant, that people do not pay attention to the importance of the election and the effect of their presence, this is all effective and leadership. both in their own speeches and including in the speech
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last saturday, their speeches were to inform the people, to inform the nation, to create hope , and this is something that the radio and television can be very effective, and it is another effective factor in the elections. the decision-making style of the guardian council has an effect on participation. if the guardian council is overly strict, goes beyond the law or acts according to taste, then this will affect the participation, people will not like the guardian council for no reason. strictness
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if you do too much, it will have an effect. another effective reason for increasing participation is that some people don't accept the results of the election, that is, whenever the election was in their favor, they say it was a healthy election, and when the election was against them, they say it was rigged. we saw this in politically, those famous figures , when they don't vote for themselves, say: the elections were rigged, when the votes were cast, this kind of playing with the election results confuses the people . these are some of the causes and factors in the 1300s and 1998s of america and trump, sardar soleimani. you remember that the nation showed itself to be a nation
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the same discussion that we had earlier, this nation came under the body of this martyr, this nation showed with this move that we hate america and distance ourselves from the optimistic political currents towards the west, this feeling about two months later, less than two months. the next month, that is, 50 days later, in the second election of march 2018 , he showed a drop of one billion , one million, 200,000 to 60,000, among other things.


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