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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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or the ministry of mineral industry, which is in charge of the production sector of that sector, and its only tool is to regulate the market through commercial policies, which i said was successful. in our country, it has mainly affected the production . we are in contact with mr. hossein mahmoudi . in fact, we were in contact with him during the program, but we did not succeed in actually talking to him. mr. mahmoudi, we are at your service. yes , i say hello. to your excellency, dear viewers and dear guests, i would like to say that there are various discussions in the field of the ministry of commerce. for a while in
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the past years, it became a political discussion, every minister was criticized now, the discussion of separation was quickly arising. i am the voice of mr. mahmoudi. please strengthen it, friends. yes , let me say that for a while, it was a political discussion anyway, and if a minister was pressured by the minister from the parliament, it was a controversial discussion. anyway, at that time the issue of the ministry of commerce was raised in the researches that have been conducted, well, these are quite clear that the person in charge of production and export must be the same and the accountability must be the same, but the problems we had were that we usually do not have enough width and where there is a capable management in the country. we don't have a capable management system, we want to blame the ministry there was no trade, while there was no import during the time when we had the ministry of commerce. we
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mentioned the same issues that mr. dr. muftah also said . the disorder in the markets was at the same time , so we can say that the ministries have become bulky. well, in the developing and developed countries , the ministries are gradually getting smaller, and several ministries become one ministry, so if we say that our minister is busy, it is because our management is not a system, if there are problems. production and export should be one center. we had experience. the ministry of commerce was looking for market regulation and the ministry of mining industry was looking for production. self he used to show that the trustee must be someone
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who can regulate this market. in the past years, we have seen that the ministry of commerce was looking for its minister to ensure that he did not have to answer properly, that's why our import statistics have doubled. we have horizontal limitations, which means that our problem is right now. for example, the ministry of health, but the ministry of home affairs is not small. could it be in the field of medicine, for example? all the required land should provide medicine and equipment. no, the reason is that our problem is elsewhere. you mean that the ministry of health is actually a big ministry. not in the field of supply of raw materials and in the field of import, export and production , we have a balance of 5 billion dollars in this field, but in the field of the ministry, for example, industry, well, these are
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much bigger. you see, we still do not have a ministry of commerce. above, my reason is somewhere else, that is, i mean that the problems are something else . between 28 and 500, you had raised good discussions about my corruption on this network and you were successful in seeing us. we do import authorization, we encourage production in the currency system , it will lead to very quick decisions. in your opinion, please tell me that the policies should be changed, not that the ministry of commerce should be formed. traders mine
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it has 70 areas of work, so it will not reach these tasks. well , i agree. tomorrow, there were 140 tasks. we should establish 4 ministries of home affairs. there were 8 of 280. there should be a management system, our management system should be a system that can be controlled and the internal controls should be dynamic . our currency system should be managed from the other side of the system. look at our production . bring 100 ministers of commerce, bring 100 ministers of industry, with a width of 28 to 500, with a width of 38 tomans, which will not encourage imported production, and the situation will be even worse than it is. what is the opinion of the program experts after your speech? i agree with what you said. it means that there is some difference between the price offered for import and the price that the market is importing. this is completely
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true, but the point is that we like the fact that the ministry of commerce is eager to import. i want it. i claim that the import of wheat, sugar , tea, and agricultural imports after my claim is much more than before my claim, that is, when the ministry of agriculture was given the authority to do this , the import of these goods was much more. if you want , tell me the number of varieties, john, if you have the number of varieties available , but in the case of wheat, it is very important.
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we attribute the current market situation to the fact that we don't have a ministry of commerce, so we should force the government to create a new structure and see what kind of economic conditions we are in. we are under sanctions, under sanctions and special economic conditions, the functions of our government should have two characteristics : higher speed of action and lower cost, that is, decisions should have these two characteristics. we don't have horizontal stability, it will further fuel these nefarious schemes, because when we made two rates , the ministry of commerce , even if we establish 10 other ministries of commerce , will not control this market, and it failed
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to show evidence. which could not be done this year 91. didn't we have a ministry of commerce in the 80s? i said until 1990, we had a ministry of commerce. you see, at a time when the preferred width was at that time, the market fluctuations in basic goods reached the same level that almost every week we have a price increase, the market turbulence reaches to the point that in july of the year, the width of your presence is 92 preferred widths. they will remove it from the market, and immediately in front of you, the turmoil of the basic goods will fall. we must do the pathology correctly. now, in the current situation, the root of our market's problems is a discussion of currency policies, two issues of not fully implementing the antitrust law yes, we have the confusion and responsibility that mr. mufti says, yes, it is true, but what is the cause of it, because we did not have
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a ministry of commerce, when there was a ministry of commerce, this confusion was much more. we sat with the minister of agriculture for 6 months. let's define it. well, this cannot be controlled in the conditions of economic war . let me give you the statistics. look at the big issue. i mentioned the balance of our agricultural traders in basic goods from negative 8 billion dollars in 2019, which was actually the last year that the ministry of commerce was after the implementation. law of concentration and the liquidation of the ministry of commerce after a gap of 5 years reaches a minus of 28 billion. in these years, let's assume that in the discussion of agricultural production , we will reach 827 million tons from 65.5 million tons, which means that we will strengthen our production, and accordingly
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, we will reduce imports with the tools that we gave to the ministry of home affairs in charge of wheat import production from 67 in rice. and in sugar and in other agricultural products, it is that now i no longer require schedule time. mr. dr. muftah said, "yes, unfortunately, the issue of the ministry of commerce is being confused with foreign trade, and it is related to the basic issue that created there are commercial infrastructures, we don't pay attention. i give an example. last year, at one point , we saw more than five million tons of the country's institutions were in the warehouses at the entry point of the warehouse, but the lack
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of interaction or planning in transportation and logistics caused it. it was that they would not be able to deliver these imports to the consumer and the market would be confused. the point they said was that the ministry of commerce was really in charge of transportation, but today you see that in our export transportation, there is no access to the export markets that we have worked hard for years. and due to inattention and, in fact, work density, let's say today, friends saying the amount of responsibilities or deputy positions of the ministry. yes, i will give you their website and their organizational structure. more than 24. in fact, the deputy or general manager directly cooperates with the minister himself, which
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is basic and about 7 billion dollars of goods from the second market, or should we say, in exchange for exports. importing, in contrast to us, the amount of export of our agricultural products is about 7 billion dollars. in fact, the main part of this imbalance is due to our marketing infrastructure today in several target market countries. we have an export point or a permanent supply center for export and agricultural products
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mr. poyamer , i would like to hear your final words in this regard. i would like to say that when there is a problem in the country, instead of strengthening the structure, we go towards changing the structure, which is costly and is not logical when these issues that you mentioned and we also know that there is a solution in the country . the solution is to appoint a capable manager and strengthen the body . i said that the structure is correct. everyone had a blessing. look, it has not been fully implemented the issue of responsibilities is that they say that these areas cannot be controlled , it is because the law of antithesis has not been fully implemented, that is, the consolidation has happened , the integration has not happened. the rest is in the ministry, and it is decided in an isolated manner
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, and now you can see the result and the resulting responsibility . related to agriculture support organization consumers and producers should have gone there . it didn't happen. look, the ministry's position chart has not been updated. it has been years since the centralization law was announced in large offices. the structure of the ministry of home affairs has changed, but in large offices, the deputy we didn't have commerce and market regulation, and thankfully, our time has come to an end. i would like to thank all the guests of the program who came to the program. in any case , there is a decision that is in front of
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the parliament . welcome to the exchange. the head of the stock exchange organization investigating the status of the presence of two major self-improvements. he announced in the stock market in the recent meeting of the supreme council of this organization . according to mr. eshghi, due to the problems and challenges in this industry, in the upcoming meetings of the supreme council of the stock exchange with the minister of mining industry and trade, supplementary expert discussions will be raised and the relevant decision will be taken. mr. eshghi also said: in addition to the revaluation of assets, the reform
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of the property tax structure of these two cars and the revision of the tenure system. the government's involvement in them and the need to hand over tudli shares were among the issues raised in the meeting of the supreme council of the stock exchange. the total index and weight of the stock market they were negative today. at the end of the market, about 40% of the symbols were in the positive range. more details in the report of my colleague bakhtiarian. greetings to you , in the market on sunday, december 10th, the total index was in the range, the total value of small market transactions reached approximately 4400 billion tomans, and
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the result of buying and selling by real people was 390 billion tomans. it shows money from stocks and mutual funds. the highly traded symbols of khozamia , three witnesses of khansil and being issued have the most positive impact on the alborz khadrak, kama and saba indices, and the most negative impact is also related to the manifestations of foulad flemli was kegel and shepna. as we got closer to the end of the market, the number of negatives and supplies in the market increased, and less than 40% of the market was in the positive range at the end of the transactions, and it can be said that the largest value of the transactions was allocated to the automotive group and mass production group . the set of buy orders on the board was 790 billion and sell orders were 565 billion tomans on the board at the end of the market. likewise, the number of symbols that reach the purchase page. 54 icons, while 37 icons are on the sales page.
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per capita buying and selling of real people approx. equal to and 24 million tomans were recorded for both , the largest inflow of real money into the group of accumulation was 28 billion, computer products were 11 billion and food products were 10 billion tomans. the banking group recorded 48 billion and the automobile group recorded 38 billion. there was a withdrawal of money, and in the end, the two asset funds, im and refinement, had half a percent in the final price, and refinement was negative by 8 percent. the stock market retreated today after increasing the previous day's indicators. according to market experts it needs stimulation for further growth. this year, in
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autumn and winter, the dollar has shown a certain movement. it seems that the inflation outlook that the dollar is drawing is not severe and acute inflation at the moment. another point that comes to my mind is that the capital market is actually different from the previous years, that is, we are facing a market that does not tolerate the sharp growth trend or, for example, the sharp decline, and in some way. it seems that it is being controlled now, or there are some factors that affect the market's tendency to be more in the range and side. according to the announcement of the stock exchange organization in the last trading week of the net capital market the liquidity entry of real people into the market was 1939 billion tomans. also, the net inflow
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of legal liquidity into the capital market was recorded at 1275 billion tomans. during this period, the value of commodity exchange transactions also exceeded 3194 billion tomans, of which about 2760 billion tomans were related to commodity exchange transactions and 4183 billion tomans to energy exchange transactions. in bahman 1402, the assemblies of equity companies in north khorasan and zanjan provinces will be held. shareholder provincial companies, shareholders of justice, should be the type of company in the assemblies in the system of one cloth for the benefit of the market specify the capital. when the indirect shareholder. i have the right to decide about my shares. in 2019, the path of 50 million shareholders of adalat
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was separated by choosing the type of direct and indirect management. 20 million of adalat shareholders took responsibility for managing their shares, and another 30 million entrusted this management to provincial adalat companies. let's form a company in every province. basket 36. let's put the share in the companies whose directors were supposed to be elected by the shareholders of justice or the shareholders of provincial companies. dear the manager of these companies, it is not clear how they are elected, like a mafia. becoming in iran's economy, if it is not determined sooner, we are worried about economic corruption due to the lack of supervision of this group , therefore, from the same year 99, both the stock transactions of this company and the holding of their meetings were stopped. now, after 3 years, the supreme council of the stock exchange has announced the holding of meetings of provincial equity companies, which can
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be the main step to reopen the provincial symbols of equity shares. i heard in the news that they want to do the same thing in the provinces. make a plan so that people are aware that we don't have plans people who want to be a member of the board of directors of provincial equity companies can go to the cooperative offices and register. the members of the board of directors must have their qualifications approved by the organization , so our first step will be to call the board members from the company's assemblies. the provincial elections are keyed by the two provinces of zanjan and north khorasan. shareholders can choose their desired candidate by participating directly or by proxy to the cooperative of their city. every shareholder who wants to participate in the assembly, enters the ddm system and specifies how he wants to participate in this assembly.
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can he participate, or maybe he can represent someone? according to the head of the stock exchange organization, the value of each provincial company is 20 thousand billion tomans, and the holding of this meeting and participation in it by the shareholders will determine the future of the provincial equity companies. maryam. from the beginning of this year , until now, 5 companies have been issued permission to increase their capital from the cash contribution of new shareholders with preemption. the director of primary market supervision of the stock exchange organization said that the value of these licenses was 7 thousand billion tomans. according to roshan kalb, in this way , the capital increase to the shareholders on the day of the meeting is right precedence does not belong. and the new shares will be assigned to the new shareholders at the market value and the value approved by the assembly. during the last decade
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, the capital market's share of financing economic centers has increased to 19%. however, experts believe that the stock market's capacity to provide financing in the economy is greater than these numbers, and the capital market should replace the banking system for financing. the largest financing in the history of the stock exchange took place while these days the share of the capital market from equipping financial resources and directing them towards productive sectors reaches about 12%. the sources of our wealth must it can be influenced by the so-called real economic conditions. one of the places where this influence means. investment certificates of land construction
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funds are parts of new financial instruments that have been used in the capital market in the past years , instruments that are not efficient according to experts , and the relationship between risk and return has not been taken into account. that the opportunity cost that exists for high-yielding projects exists for low-yielding projects, practically, all of these have a single rate of return and that is the command rate that is given by it is announced that the central bank is actually taking action and it can be said that the investors are not able to pursue the projects that correspond to their expectations. in fact , there are not few markets that have transparency and formality can play the role of providing financial institutions appear, but they were neglected in this cycle. an example is the insurance industry. there are life and life insurance plans, because sustainable resources
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are collected in these plans by insurance companies... we can do a very good matching of the resources of this type of fund. through debt securities to the economic centers. but creating proportionality in the financing of economic centers requires a model that involves all sectors of monetary and financial markets . let's define the project with a special label under the title of the project fund of its special insurance policies. this tool is used for the criticism of community members , it is attracted and spent in the project. project. it is loaded with 3 financial statements that we can hand over to the stock market, financing through the capital market and life insurance, a solution for managing investment risk and increasing transparency in the company. host of ghazal arab gol of radio and television news agency , thank you very much for your support.
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morning of almonds, cream, kakawi, dairy farmers, cream dairy farmers. it sticks with honey , farmers, cheese, farmers, milk, cocoa, yogurt , khashmzeh, farmers, fresh cheese, farmers from bam dadan to shamalgahan, with farmers, greetings, gentlemen , i welcome you to flight 58 28.
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a city is behind this quality. a city is behind your shopping . we will host you until 2 am in the morning at the central branch . makaron tak makaron tak makaron is very convenient only at the peak, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral , no blocking of the guarantor's deposit, up to 50 million
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, the guarantor does not want to repay. no, i said the real one, wait, let me ask you about the rights of rome. excuse me, can you tell me the terms of the loan for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees , have you heard the plan of nikan mills, loan loan up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7 billion and 500 million rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years of deposit. short-term, long-term repayment, nikan mills plan, mills credit institution. if you are a bookkeeper and the price is important to you, the city of household appliances guarantees the lowest price with a valid price guarantee along with a written guarantee. so, if you find a lower price, bring an invoice,
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in addition to the price difference, get a bonus of 20%. specialized reference for household appliances. home appliance city. in the name of god. hello. the news section of the hour. 16. the president, while attending the house of martyr seyyed razi mousavi , met and talked with the family of this high-ranking martyr . he recognized the disillusionment of this regime against the resistance front and emphasized that this crime will not go unanswered and
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the zionist criminals will pay for it. will give


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