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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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put their own oppression and conspiracy. the whole world has heard that the american tyrants and tyrants have recently unveiled a plan to call it the deal of the century. the deal of the century. they are happy to give him a big name. maybe it will take, maybe it will. this plan will definitely not work. this plan will go before trump's death . the issue of the deal is something that does not belong to them . dealing with each other is the property of the palestinians. one gave and one took palestine. palestine belongs to the palestinians . what are you? who are you? the issue of palestine was raised with failure faced and did not include any gains for the palestinians. meanwhile, the islamic republic of iran has a plan.
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he has proposed something as a solution to the palestinian issue, which happens to be compatible with western democracy and human rights. the solution is to return these millions of palestinians living outside palestine to palestine. the main people of palestine, whether muslim, christian or jewish, should hold a referendum and decide what to do. put the system that is desired by this population to work, then that system will decide what to do with these people who came to palestine during these 40 years, 45 years, 50 years. this is the solution to the crisis. this formula is a world -friendly formula. those who believe in voting say we believe in democracy. we
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are not anti-semitic. in our country , there are some jews who are living in complete security. it has been repeatedly mentioned in the statements of imam rahal radwan, may god almighty be upon him, and the statements of the officials of the islamic republic of israel.
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being part of the former soviet union for 40 years. they became independent back. caucasus countries after returning to independence, now kazakhstan, azerbaijan, i don't know. the rest of the countries are independent borjestan. however, it needs will and determination, it needs courage and courage. analytical review of events recent years show that the zionist regime is suffering from many crises and is constantly weakening. on the other hand, the palestinian resistance promises a growing and hopeful trend by resolving the differences between different groups and their daily coordination around the axis of the palestinian cause, as well as achieving numerous successes in the fields of technology and military equipment and the implementation of numerous successful operations. . today, america is weaker in this region than
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it was 10 years ago and 20 years ago, because of the evil zionist regime, it is weaker today than in the past. a few years before this zionist regime vs lebanon's hezbollah was defeated, it was able to resist for 33 days and then it was defeated. d next year he was able to resist against the palestinians for 22 days and was defeated. this is the same regime that chanted from the nile to the euphrates. for 50 days in gaza, they could not conquer the palestinian tunnels. look how different it has become, how weak it has become. between gaza and the zionist government, which claims to have the strongest army in the region. the day of war happens when they want
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to establish a ceasefire, the side that bets for a palestinian ceasefire. not all palestinians, a corner of the palestinians in gaza, should a war happen between the zionist regime the palestinians will bet on a cease-fire in that war. in this last week, he was able to resist for two days and was defeated. this weakness of the zionist regime
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, the daily weakness of the zionist regime, the palestinian resistance had increased its standing and confrontation coefficient. not giving up and not giving up on their own slogans in islamic societies , falling short of their main slogan, which was from the nile to the euphrates, and being forced to make a short statement and put themselves inside the barrier wall and pay for it. the struggles of the palestinian people inside
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the land of palestine is fragile and crushing for the zionist regime. because they gathered people from all over the world in this area, the jews who gathered them, promising them that here is security, here is comfort, here is a good life, come here, be men, with the hope that the arabs will not fight with them, people who they have come to palestine with this false hope, they are not ready to sacrifice their existence for the political goals of the founders of zionism, but the zionist regime in its 75 years of life has never faced such terrible problems as today, firstly, political instability in 4 years. the prime minister is changing the party coalitions
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that have not yet been properly formed. they are falling apart . there is a strong polarization throughout the fake regime. these demonstrations of 100,000 people and 200,000 people and more in tel aviv and in various other cities are a sign that soon the number of those who they are leaving israel, the jews who are leaving reach 2 million, their own authorities regularly warn. compared to the past, the power of the palestinian groups
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cannot be said, how many times, perhaps tens of times , we received a report that in 24 hours, 27 palestinian operations were carried out. lands occupied everywhere in palestine, in quds , in the west bank territories, in the 47 territories, everywhere in palestine , oslo, do you remember yasser arafat and others, what a disgrace they made for palestine in the oslo agreement , that palestine, oslo has become the black palestine of erin al-soud. lions have become so different, today all the islamic world should consider the issue of palestine as their issue, this is the secret key that
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opens the doors of the abyss to the islamic nation we hope that you young people will see that day. and inshallah you will see. and god willing, in the verse. you will pray there. all this bloodshed and usurpation the displacement of the palestinians started when some influential jews decided. to create an independent jewish state for themselves. after the fall of the ottoman empire, according to the secret agreement of saxe-picot and later based on the approval of the league of nations, the guardianship of palestine was entrusted to england. english policies also coincided with the rise of the evil zionists , and over time, the influence of the purchase of land led to the immigration of jews from all over the world. provided palestine to
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prevent muslims from regaining power in that region by forming a non-islamic state. the excuse of the zionists was the atrocities they claimed it was done to them in germany during the nazis. but the main question here is where is the documentation of these claims and basically what did these atrocities have to do with the palestinians even if they happened. in 1948 during a letter in the palestinian league was divided into two halves and the fake government of israel announced its existence, not even a year ago , it launched a military attack on the neighboring countries of palestine, such as egypt, syria, jordan, and lebanon, with the support of europe and the united states, to gain more land. the contemporary history of occupied palestine is full of cruelty, destruction of houses, destruction of farms, displacement of families and killing of people just because the idea is too much. the wish of the racist zionists will come true. in
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the palestinian issue, the role of arab and islamic countries is very important. some of these countries even engaged in war with israel but lost. at one time, even on the surface, they cared about palestine and supported their fighters. but later, against the pressures of the west, he was trapped by the policies of his compromisers. they fell short of their duty and some even entered the phase of normalizing relations . if all the capacities of muslim countries are used synergistically, this cancerous tumor which is the bed of all crises in east asia, will be destroyed. after the victory of the islamic revolution in iran with the support of imam khomeini, may allah bless him and grant him peace, and determining the last friday of the month of ramadan as the day. the holy world of hope gained strength in the hearts and the flow of resistance was strengthened. for seventy years
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, israel has been struggling to create an identity for itself . but still their biggest problem is the identity crisis of their legitimacy. during the last few decades , various methods have been tried, but in practice it has been proven that the zionist usurper regime has not adhered to any of the commitments and contracts. every day they are more greedy, more invasions, land expansion and settlement is. the proposal of the islamic republic of iran in solving the palestinian issue is a logical way that is compatible even with western democracy and human rights. in this solution, all real palestinians living in palestine or displaced in other countries, whether muslim, christian or jewish, will put their elected government in office during a referendum. and this government
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decides about the affairs of the country of palestine for the immigrants who have come to this land over the years. in these days, jamal abdul nasser is the commander of the small group. from the egyptian army in the fallujah area and near the gaza strip, he was in charge of a tough battle between they clashed with the israeli forces and despite the disconnection of these forces with the command center , they continued to resist for several months under the heaviest artillery bombardment. nasser did not accept the offer of surrender from israel and finally, with the negotiation of egypt and israel, these forces
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surrendered the fallujah region to israel after 4 months of resistance and retreated to egypt in the year 48. those who exist in iraq, al-manshieh, and those who exist in beit jibrin, the house of jibrin is comfortable without fighting. wabir al-jamal the whole region is comfortable without our fighting, and there is no bullet in it, and despite the magnificent reception of the troops returning from the scene of the palestinian battle in cairo and other egyptian cities
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, there is a feeling of defeat and surrender among the officers. centurion tanks, armed cars of the royal dagruns and men of the lanka fusiliers prepare to attack egyptian police headquarters, a surrender demand has been ignored and now fire opens up as general erskin takes turn measures in his mala. many
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police of the auxiliary guard have taken part in terrorist activity and only complete british control can
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buildings belonging to england and france were set on fire in cairo. the whole people were in a state of turmoil , the king was not changing the ministry of all the three cities, and the palace was the one that did not rule, it was the burning cairo, and the burning face of the cairo shows that this people is burning in its soul and its blood. egypt was like a barrel of gunpowder and was ready to explode at any moment. finally, the group that nasser and his friends
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had been organizing for years made their decision. zabat al-ahad or the free officers decided to remove king farouk from the throne with a coup d'état and declare it in egypt make a republic in the early hours of july 23, 1952 , nasser, along with a small circle of his friends , informed king farooq that the army was no longer under his command and that he should leave the country immediately. they allowed the king to leave the country with his family for italy. at first, for a while, the general of the egyptian army, muhammad najib, who
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was a popular figure among the people and army officers, was the post of president. he took over the republic! but after some time, disagreements between him and nasser grew until finally in 1954, mohammad najib was removed from the political arena and nas. took power in egypt. everything else is for the implementation of nasser's plans
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he was ready to fulfill his dreams for egypt. the biggest goal of nasser and doshti. industrial development and urbanization in egypt was after the revolution. the structure left over from the monarchy and the british presence had left a chaotic economic situation for egypt, which had to be fundamentally changed . in order to achieve this goal, nasser had an ambitious plan to build a dam called the high dam in the aswan region.
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by building this dam, nasser intended to help egypt's agriculture in the lower reaches of the nile and through its power plant to provide electricity to the developing industries of egypt. it was the world and of course it needed a lot of money to build it . something around 400 million dollars, which was a significant figure in 1954. nasser, who in those years had a good relationship with the western world, especially the united states, submitted egypt's request to the world bank, which was managed by the united states. america and britain agree with this request. they wrote that it was considered very good news for him. but slowly things happened that
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made nasser an undesirable element among western politicians. one of the most important issues of those days in the world surrounding egypt was the issue of palestine. and the injury from the defeat of 1948 and the formation of the state of israel had remained on the soul and soul of the arab countries, especially egypt. nasser was at the forefront of helping the palestinian fighting forces against the zionist regime. and besides, egypt never hesitated to announce this help. also, nasser resisted america's requests to stay away from the soviet union and the eastern bloc. nasser
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was trying to communicate with all the countries of the world . he had good relations with the politicians of the east and the west, and the peak of this cooperation was displayed in the bandoneng conference. acceptance of asia gamal abdul nasser to discover in it a new revelation, the inspiration of the people of rights there was a club where all the problem politicians of the world gathered together to oppose america. to conspire although egypt gained independence years ago, britain still had a serious presence in this country.
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and the reason for that was the suez canal company. tens of thousands of forces. the british were in egypt to protect the canal and this presence continued even after the fall of the monarchy. people and new rulers to they were looking for an opportunity to get rid of this uninvited guest, and naser and his friends counted the minutes every day to do this. nasser's first meeting with british prime minister anthony eden in february 1955. contrary to
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ando's smiles in front of the media cameras , none of them felt happy about the other because each of them knew what was going on in the other's mind . tak knew because he still looked at egypt from the perspective of the colonial era and did not believe that egypt had become independent and the playing field in the middle east had changed. the mindset that nasser was trying to change, and this effort is not in the future not long ago, both of them became blood enemies
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. it was the time of the al-times newspaper, when you speak, the word falls on the prime minister of the kingdom of egypt today , but most of us do not appreciate it, and we do not appreciate the queen of britain, nor the prime minister of britain. you may be strong, but you insulted me. alli ali al-hahiteh and talahah for them today, o brotherhood, a unique day in our history, in our consciousness, in
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our souls.
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blood pressure of 120 to 80 mmhg and less than that is normal. blood pressure above 140 zinc 90 needs to be examined and referred to a doctor. national health survey. early awareness, more effective care. this is free. yes, this is free . this is free . yes, this is free. this is free. this is free.
5:00 am
in the name of allah, rahman , raheem, salam, the registration of the government's gift internet package has begun . sign up for free government internet package for all tithes started. this news was given by the minister of communications today. anyone may have several phone numbers, my dear compatriots, i should refer to the national dating window.


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