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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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program and before starting the program, i would like to invite all the viewers of channel 1, if they are interested in following this discussion , they should watch us on news network, thank you , join the table. in terms of the quality and type of export and import , the area we are talking about is home appliances. to remove it, it should be prohibited to import it, the law of using the maximum production capacity, we have another law that says, sir, any prohibition in permanent orders we are saying that you should not impose any restrictions on the banning of goods. and
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you can only use tariff tools, for example . in these two points of view , there are supporters and opponents of each of them , we want to talk about it before we start our discussion. let's take a look at it, let's go back and start our conversation with today's guests of the economic table program , import of household appliances. pros and cons. has it the story started when abbas aribadi, minister of mining industry and trade, said that the restriction on imports is to provide an environment for domestic manufacturers . in my opinion , there should not be a ban on household appliances. hossein shahrashtani , a member of the board of the tehran home appliances union, one of the supporters of the import of home appliances, said that in order for the home appliance industry to grow, people should have the right to choose and basic competition should be formed in the home appliance market. it is necessary to have a limited import of household appliances
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, especially those products that are in short supply in the market . akbar pazuki, head of the union sellers of home appliances also stated: i am not against the import of home appliances, but high-quality home appliances should be imported along with their production technology so that the export of these products can be provided for our country. on the other hand, abbas hashemi, secretary general of the iran household appliance industry association, opposed to the import of household appliances, said: liberalization of imports and the cost of this limited scope for imports. foreign final goods are not smart. the import ban since 2017 helped the home appliance industry. abolghasem shansaz, the secretary of the association of small household appliances manufacturers, also believes that stopping the import of appliances in some fields, foreign domestic production has benefited iranian producers. in this way, their market is largely guaranteed. seyed saeed rizwani, a producer of household appliances, also opposes the importation of household appliances and says: whenever there are problems.
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and the allocation of width to the manufacturer was resolved and we were able to easily procure the raw materials and produce the final product. we can raise the issue of import liberalization . thank you and the sada sima series for dealing with this topic is similar to my face now. i am not an expert here , i am a law enforcer, and my personal taste may be different , but if i am in an executive position, based on collective considerations , decisions are made in various laws and in the government, i have to express my opinion, so tell us both, no problem. no, i am ready to explain different aspects of the issue as a person . but what will be the place of our implementation
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is the individual decision-maker, not the collective decision-making , whether it is in the form of the islamic shura majlis or in the form of the decisions of the government board or the article one committee or others. areas will follow that in the issue of household appliances, before the discussion of the ban was created , we somehow faced a ban, yes, and the producers who were operating inside the country from foreign producers, well, they left the country in the form of some bad promises. and it led to the fact that at some point we faced the restriction of household appliances in the country and basically people faced challenges to the extent that we were present at the beginning of the government. one of the ministers of the former government
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had written in the statement of the current situation that household appliances should be drawn in the same way as cars, and for example, in people's turn to be in order to achieve this issue, for example , at some point, it was decided that the domestic producers should be supported, and if we are not going to suffer from this, the manufacturer should be sure that it will be supported for a certain period of time based on this. not only in the field of household appliances, some other fields also banned imports so that the manufacturer can plan for investment, plan for this , so that he can gain market share in the domestic market and possibly be able to make his mark in the market. the problem is that some of the names in our country, international brands
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are the owners of the market share and their logos are known in some way, but some of our manufacturers somehow do not have this opportunity to offer, or to say the least, the opportunity to offer them. we need to build trust between the customer and the manufacturer so that a well -known brand can find its own special place , it may take time . we are now based on this implementation of the tests we have in some fields we will allow imports, for example, in the fields that we are currently
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in, energy management, energy consumption, and current production, if they adapt themselves to the new standards that have been adopted, for example, we will convert the j standard to the beginning of next year, so if this ministry of industry is currently importing household appliances are prohibited. what are you saying? now , i don't know the refrigerator. i ask for your presence on tv. the opinion of the honorable minister is the speed of the death of my business, which has now been broadcast . please note that he also said in a statement that this restriction or ban was created so that
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our producer had a chance. ok for production more for more supply and for them to have a chance to empower themselves and the employment that has been created today is very valuable for us that we have to make decisions wisely in this area . are you against imports, or do you think that your presence, brothers , should be conditional on the way
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we are witnessing it now? greetings to all the respected and understanding viewers , his highness and distinguished guests . wherever he lives in the world, he is definitely the national product of his country it is the head of the nation of the country, you should definitely know that this is what i am speaking as an importer or as the head of the supreme council of imports. of course, i also praise national production, but national production, in fact, i want to say that there is a debate that what is national production? are we virtual that we should consider the interests of a certain number of people here , or should
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we consider the interests of the members of the nation, because the interests of the people are the priority , so we ban it. the agent of our opposition is banning the creation of rents and creating conditions that make the people of the country desperate. he takes away the right to choose from them. i give statistics very easily. first of all, you can see the amount of foreign currency that the production units used to produce. now , it will be done in any way before may 2017. we had to look at the country today, whether we have the width of our word in relation to. did we reduce the amount of production and the goods that we are doing, or did this amount increase
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, and do we have to look at some people to say that this amount can be a slogan, nothing. if you give me a more detailed answer, i would be grateful to you and the viewers, because we are talking about household appliances in the way we are now , as an example. now, according to mr. brothers, there is a ban on sharing it. do you agree with this type of ban? in this way , you have a house door today. you can actually see it in the market . do we agree that there is smuggling of household goods in the country or not ? whether it exists or not, we can't say that these smuggled goods that exist in the country now belong to 5 years ago, because some of the goods that you see in the market from 5 years ago, all of them are fake when you check the barcode. and what are they? you can see that the production is fast, so our production sector has not been able to satisfy the needs of the society in terms of quantity, in fact
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, it has not satisfied the society, so we have a shortage, most importantly, we have to see what we are costing the family and we are forcing the family of our country to produce the quality that our household appliances have today god forbid, i don't want to get stuck saying it , but we have to see it in practice. can we compare the efficiency of household appliances produced in other places in the country in terms of time? can we put them together? do we have the after-sales service that had imported household appliances? are our internals doing this today? probably, friends may say now, yes, 100 , that's it, yes, that's it, but we have to go and see in practice , and call these three points that you said, sir.
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they still say that the smuggling that we wanted to catch has increased it is in the market and the last one to mention is the quality of the product. what is your response to this because it is mentioned under one condition and naturally this is the condition that we are witnessing. and there were 299 thousand of now we have reached 2 million 700 thousand, that is, more than 100 washing machines were 559 thousand, now it is 1 million 671 thousand, which is 85 growth. in that year, we had only 35 thousand dishwashers, today we have reached 183 thousand and 165 growth in total. this situation was shown on tv by 86,000 viewers today million 922 thousand to 50% growth, you are more than 50, this is more than 50 compared to and also in
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different areas, in the field of air conditioners, now it was 97 thousand, it has reached 272 thousand, more than 200 growth, and in our small home appliances 2 we had a production of 5 million 500 thousand, today more than 5 million 466 thousand and more than 160 growth, or look at the areas of smuggling. the existence of smuggling itself sends a message that we have a weakness somewhere. now this weakness is in the field of quality . i mentioned increasing the customer and the guarantee of my production, but in the case of a quantity, it is because we always have this view that it is possible, for example , that the neighbor's chicken is in the form of a goose , it is still rooted in our culture, that is, it is still based on some
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beliefs . this means that a foreign brand must be installed in a national production so that it can be bought. it will take time to correct this culture and it will take time to establish mutual trust between the producer and the consumer . we didn't create culture, we banned it, that is, we said, for example, instead of we said you can create a culture, we said that you can only use this internally, that is , we have come forward in this way, you have taken the authority from the people in iran, which is a lot of thanks to your presence, we understand that the volume of production has also increased, when the volume the production is increasing, which means that people are choosing, both the level of satisfaction has increased and the level of tanol. you are our dishwasher now these are the new lines that are new, that is, in the last two
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and a half years , we had 32 new development lines, restart lines, or new development lines. these are the investments that have been made this year, a new program that has been made with the group of producers, before 10 pm, a new investment is being planned. well, these are the measures that oversee the production area, but i said that basically it is not absolute, for example the prohibition of some places where we do not have the context and customer satisfaction is one of the customer's rights must be observed and we have always said this on the first day that i came to this position. it's my first week i pointed out that it is not sacred for us to say that we want to ban imports for the rest of our lives, for example, at this point a decision has been made, depending on the circumstances , another decision may be made. a collective decision
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will be needed , so let's go to mr. harorani, an expert at the majlis research center . let's make progress, basically this was the ban necessary and was it the right thing to do or not ? our policy makers and politicians will find out the way of doing things in a different way . in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
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it was almost the saudi trend, which means that production has not been formed in the real sense, which means that the depth of manufacturing within our national products has not grown that much, which means that the statistics show that the value of goods from 27 million billion dollars actually reached 41 billion in 2017. 418 billion dollars in 401 shows that our dependence on this commodity the intermediary that is directly in the production process.
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an export that is stable and in fact we can export on a certain scale . now, the index of export diversity and stability of export products is increasing, especially in household appliances. because of these limited spaces that have been created and
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we forced the consumer to actually only consume this product. if you do it abroad , we could not do enough marketing to get our own share of this market. therefore, this shows that in fact this view of the ban is a failed policy, even this is contrary to the general policies of the development plans . for the duration of the implementation of the prohibited program, we even had permanent orders , but despite the fact that these laws
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have completely affected not only the government, not only the consumer, but also the producer himself, see how now the number of smuggled goods is almost something around 20 billion dollars. what they declare, among other things the main figure of these products is household appliances. how much do you know? i didn't understand how much you know about this 20 billion dollars , but the same statistic that you are currently holding in the property acquisition headquarters is actually holding an auction. you can see that household appliances are a large amount. he has devoted a wide area to himself
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and this shows that the number of smuggling of home appliance products is actually not that low , it is an impressive figure. naturally agree. we saw each other in the report, mr. baradar excuse me, mr. hashemi, why do you agree with the ban , because a letter basically started the case from the letter that the producers had regarding the ban, why do you agree with the ban ? they brought up the issues and now these issues should be considered in the macroeconomic indicators of the country and
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we should enter into the issues of the subcategory. now the reality of the matter is that we do not have a serious participation in the global supply and value chain, and the disconnection is actually the systematic communication of producers. there is a kind of disconnection between us and the world's prestigious brands and the big world manufacturers, and my friends , i saw in the report that we are actually against the import up to abdar, and in an illogical way, we are definitely in favor or against the import. we are not. the fact of the matter is that we have to do anything from 97 to 402. it is almost over. it has been almost 6 years since the import
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of household appliances is almost prohibited. yes , first of all, the legal import is prohibited. in fact, the ministry of interior has done part of the donation in the form of telangi or pilhori or these free zones according to the laws the goods of rome that our dear friend said were imported from the forum, well, some of them are actually being imported from those regions . my argument is that we should prepare all the fields of domestic producers. the issue of supplying raw materials, the issue of securing their liquidity, the issue of combating smuggling and improving the business environment should be provided. a reasonable schedule
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should also be provided to the domestic producers in a purposefully defined manner. then , let's start step by step. how long will it take? do you think that this work should continue? see what they said now. dear presenter, yes , there has been a ban for 5 years, but it was imported both legally and smuggled from different sides, and how is it legal now? please tell me, i am very interested in your service. at all , unlike us , there is no such thing as tehlanji in the commercial law. it was in the barge or on the ships, to make a living for the people who worked on that ship or barge, not to allow 30 vans to come, this is a hindrance.
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the legal importer has a birth certificate, the import is legal according to you , it is being imported in this way, it covers the amount , because in my opinion , there was no supervision over the import ceiling, so the goods that are in the market are smuggled, as well as those from these areas. importing is actually a need of the society, sir , you see, it is a need of the society, but this is my provision, the possibility
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of all the necessary support that you mention can be done from the domestic producer, you do not have a problem with the import, of course, but we can do it step by step, because it is a shock. do not enter the society in fact, the investments mentioned by my brothers have been made and are about to be made. we can start the discussion of import through the export of household appliances and
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we can develop this year by year, but how many years is your proposal? with the producers and you are the representatives of the producers here in another program, this has been happening for 5 years now . my suggestion is that in the next two years, provided that the fields of domestic production are facilitated , the business environment is improved, and the macroeconomic indicators are improved. the country is the same. in the direction support for production should actually develop. we are definitely not against imports. thank you , mr. manaqbi. what do you think? anyway , i should have supported the domestic producer . it was about supporting the producer. where is the support for the consumer supposed to be placed? all these things have happened. the people should be able to live a good life for the whole people, as
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the producer is also a part of the people, but here we have to think about whether this statistic is the production statistic or the statistic that on the paper is important for the needs of our producer society. let the needs of the society allow them to be needed now the society in the refrigerator is 3 million 100 thousand toasts per year , the production rate was 2 million 78 thousand to 87. of course, in the washing machine , we were able to cover 71 markets, in the dishwasher , we covered 37 markets . some areas of the border provinces have their priority, for example, import in the form of backpacking, or it was said that other areas are the issue of dishwashers, for example, we allowed it to be imported , but for example, we are an exporter of water, we also need
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domestic supplies , in the research of the research institute of statistics saying the whole import of iran, we are now talking about household appliances and it is a problem there is also this point to point out that when our production goes up and when i am open to your presence, the amount of your production goes up, well , more raw materials are needed. it is implied that we once mentioned we talked about the depth of production here.


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