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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the new books of the haj qasim school were published with an overview of the life and thoughts of sardar soleimani. these works show the different aspects of the life of martyr soleimani, from his childhood to the description of the general's struggles. we are with you everywhere in the city of kerman and wherever you breathed in it, and in search of you, there are heart writings in
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search of him, which are added to his line numbers and papers every day. i am sitting on the roof of qanat malik village under the shade of old cypress trees. one of the writers who wrote about him is ahmed yusuf it is zadeh who started his story with the qanat village of malik kerman, the birthplace of sardar soleimani. god , have mercy on us, return to us. frequently updated. when he lived there, i went to sit with my brother and sister and we talked for hours. the book has rained . it is supposed to continue in the next volumes. it's as if it rained wherever you were and in the hearts of everyone who sat with you. it is as if he is narrating a story, his expression is a very eloquent pen , and with the fluidity of mr. yousefzadeh's pen, it makes people. feel that
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he is inside that story and imagine himself inside it story. an image that is not in another book with the title of this house for sale follows. this man revived hope in the hearts of amerli people. their trust was in god, who was with them in all aspects of their lives. habib's children book is the next work that turns another page of haj qasim's life. no matter how many works we actually produce, we must pay attention to the fact that they are instructive and useful in our own lives. if we want to explain what we call the soleimani school, we must say that this school consists of sincerity and sincerity. the school, especially the educational school, other books there is a small man who was with us for one and two , which is a collection of hajj lectures. millions of iranians
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participated in the national blood pressure and diabetes screening campaign . so far, 600,000 people have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and 2,200,000 people have been diagnosed with diabetes. with the implementation of merck's national health campaign. health these days has become a place to surprise many compatriots who did not know about their illness until now. 57 years old when they found out that they have diabetes. the first time they realized that their pressure was high. how come you had no symptoms? no, i didn't have it. as they say, it is a silent disease. yes the disease is silent and there are many things that were really noticed for the first time in this plan. high blood pressure and diabetes are the main causes of premature deaths. god forbid if because of suffering from this high blood pressure disease
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, god forbid they suffer a stroke , they may be paralyzed by the house for years, which of course can be controlled . how many blood clots do you have ? yes, they prescribed me pills and diet. blood pressure in iran is at the same level as the world statistics, but diabetes is below the world average we have gone even further in the world , there are 28 people with high blood pressure and approximately 13% of diabetes in the region that we monitored. in general, diabetes is more common in tehran than in the rest of the country. despite all the dangers
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of warnings about these silent diseases , only 50% of the target population, i.e. half of the population aged 18 and over, participated in this survey. if someone feels now there is a situation where you have a family history of blood pressure or diabetes to participate in this plan, the lowest participation rate is related to tehran , the tendency is to go to private sectors and under the supervision of specialist doctors . in fact, many services are provided for free. for people and doctor's visits, nutritional expert's visits are now being done for free in the plan. the health center of the whole country is for free health assessment of people from 8:00 am to 14:00. early awareness can lead to more effective care
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may morteza azani of sed and sima news agency have experts of a company of scientists who succeeded in producing a new generation. the vibration reduction strap was used. this product can be used for patients with hand movement disorders. this device is designed using artificial intelligence. let's see in order for these hands not to tremble anymore, the specialists of the medical engineering and medical engineering center of amirkabir university have made a device. it is useful for people who have essential tremor or hereditary tremor. these types of people. usually holding a glass of water while eating or when they are stressed involuntarily it starts shaking. according to the center's experts , this wristband reduces shaking after two to four hours of use, and the effectiveness of this product
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has been proven. in a study conducted on these bracelets at the neurological diseases research center of tehran university of medical sciences at imam khomeini hospital, tremors were reduced. the hands of 64 users of this bracelet were seen satisfactorily. people who are going to use these transmitters must first take a preliminary test. for this product, people must do the test once . we have a vibration algorithm that is unique let's bring majmand is used for 40 minutes. after 40 minutes, it will be clear whether this method is useful for them or not, if it is useful, how much it reduces the vibration and how long it lasts. the use of this product can replace drug treatments . if a person does not want to use drug treatment, or if the drug treatment is insufficient or has complications, or even initially , he can use these hand vibration wristbands to control the values, the merits of this device
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is that he can intermittently, for example, before a party before a speech or where to in any case, the vibration should be less. take advantage fortunately, we can now use these wristbands and bracelets to reduce the shaking of these loved ones' hands. according to the center's experts, this wristband is made at one-tenth the price of a similar foreign product. mehdi naqvi, sed and sima news agency. the highest solar power plant in southwest china was put into operation. this power plant is at an altitude of 5 thousand meters in the region. it is estimated that china's new solar power plant can provide 90 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, which is the demand of 4,000 homes. china announced with the arrival of this power plant the production of 92 thousand tons of carbon dioxide is reduced in the electricity production cycle. 5:00 a.m. next part
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thank you for your support.
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in 1947, the land of palestine with all its culture, history and civilization was officially partitioned by the united nations resolution, but the terms of the partition are not clearly defined. while the jews had a smaller population than the muslims, more land
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was allocated to the jews. on the other hand, it is decided that jerusalem will be governed internationally. this issue is also not defined correctly. in fact, the plan and program of the united nations was not applicable. for the same reason, england from monitoring the division arazi refuses. an ambiguous and strange situation prevails in palestine. arabs and jews are prohibited from settling in each other's lands. on the face of it , the right to visit holy places is supposed to be reserved for everyone. but the jews did not have a good record in this field. they were not reliable. they were colonialists and only talked about land acquisition . the palestinians are dumbfounded. they are amazed . they do not believe what happened.
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the zionists have shared their land with a resolution and have a larger share. england served the zionists as the ruler of palestine. muslims suppressed the un resolution had no enforcement guarantee. the clauses of the resolution were also unclear. ambiguous future. it was ahead. in a short period of time, tensions rise and muslims are attacked . some palestinians leave the tense areas . but the tensions are not ending. gradually , the conflict spreads to all parts of palestine. security is lost. killing and looting are becoming common and it is as if the zionist attacks were planned. the zionists sought to take possession of properties and assets by force, for this reason
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they attacked muslims everywhere. they wanted to threats and intimidation take over everything, even quds, thousands of people are displaced due to the increase in conflicts. this is not something that can be ignored. the palestinians are resisting as much as possible. abdul qadir al-husseini, the revolutionary commander, enters the field. but his hands are empty. he does not have enough weapons and ammunition, and worse than that, he is not supported. abdul qadir al-husseini, who is a man of war and has a long history of fighting. they know that quds is the focal point. he rises to protect the sanctuary . america actually supports the zionists
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slow menakhin begin, with a heavy criminal record , steps in and changes the plan of war. he is looking for an opportunity to scare everyone at once and make them run away. among all regions, but one village has special characteristics. deir yasin village near jerusalem. it overlooked the area and although it was in the heights, it was easily occupied. the begin map is being prepared. a group of the most violent people is selected. the attack on deir yassin begins. abdul qadir al-hussaini, who had just returned from a trip, was martyred in a conflict. palestinian fighters are under pressure. but until the end john resists. to. yunis, the war with the palestinians was more difficult than bombing the streets and markets. for this reason, they act with artillery.
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the attackers are getting closer. deir yassin is besieged . few defenders are killed quickly. the zionists, who have a long history of using dynamite, blow up palestinian houses with their inhabitants. then they announce through the loudspeaker that people can leave the village. run away as soon as possible and save your life. those who survived leave their homes little by little. the zionists are becoming more ruthless. it massacres people. it is not believable that the crimes happened in the worst possible way. the reports indicate bitter
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and heartbreaking events. i visited the palestinian village of silwan at 10 am. no one is willing to talk. they are embarrassed. women, girls and even old people were violated. the girls were slaughtered. babies were beheaded. old women were beaten with gun butts. this is stated in another report from the representative of the red cross. they threw the bodies into the well. a pregnant woman was shot at close range. because of the gunshot on the woman's clothes not left a zionist girl shows me a big and bloody knife. he is a member of the cleaning team. they kill the wounded. i forced my way into a house. the house was full of blood particles. i heard a voice. a 10-year-old girl
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was among the dead bodies. they had cut the vein in his hand so that he would die. language is unable to describe the rest of the crimes. in continuation of the crimes of deir yassin, some palestinians are taken as captives in the back of trucks. they take them to the city of jerusalem and turn them around. then they return to deir yassin and massacre them all. and the number of victims it is never known. unlike the reporters who arrived in deir yassin a few days later, after cleaning up the traces of the crime, the news of the incident quickly spread throughout palestine. people are afraid. and they run away. this
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is exactly what the zionists wanted. the british were monitoring the events all the time , they were touching the remaining belongings of the people and erasing the traces of the war. finally , england announced that it would withdraw its forces from palestine. arabs are surprised. the zionists are aware of all the details and events. america as the first country to israel it is recognized by wiseman, who writes that it was the resistance of the palestinians that delayed the implementation of the plans . after the departure of england, the haganah
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took over the weapons instead of the remnants, and a group of them became members of the police. to monitor people's lives and property . this was diane's mouse method. he shook hands with the arabs and attacked them at night. as tensions increase, palestinian villages are evacuated one after another. palestine is going towards destruction. muslims get angry. the fire of war flares up . arab countries are moving towards palestine in the majority of the salvation army. in the beginning, the arabs succeeded it goes forward. but the united nations quickly intervenes and declares a ceasefire. the war stops. israel quickly imports weapons and ammunition and changes the battlefield. the war is defeated and the liberated lands are occupied again . the arabs are defeated. according to
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historians and researchers in 1947. 8 genocides occur. there are no exact statistics. at least 13 thousand people were killed. the victims were buried in mass groups and the bodies of many people were hidden by the zionists. out of one million palestinian muslims, more than 750,000 are displaced become gradually, other palestinians are also forced to leave their homes. rich and poor all.
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he said that the zionists besieged the village of tantore , separated the men from the women , kidnapped a girl from the crowd, the girl's uncle complained, they killed her nearby, the girl was desecrated, then the men were imprisoned they kill khardar to the fence and kill everyone in groups. a genocide also occurs in this village. what am i going to tell her that i was a murderer? the situation is the same in other regions. killing and looting
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has started. the fate of people is not clear. the rest of the people the rest are at the peak of hardship and sadness. forced exodus begins throughout palestine. rejection tears are left behind, a civilization is going to destruction and the land is usurped from its owners. for this reason , the 14th day of may 1948 is named as nakbat day. after the exodus of the people, those who
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have no place to go remain in the occupied areas and experience life under the zionist rule. these people are called arabs 48, the witnesses of the genocides of 1948. gradually, immigrants arrive. they seize the properties of muslims and steal whatever is left as their own take over in the 1950s, the egyptian government decided not to renew the british contract to control the suez canal. this is a prelude to dealing with israel. england does not understand this and attacks the egyptian forces. in 1956, govt. egypt nationalizes the suez canal . this move is wise and egypt's decision is final. 3 months later england, france and israel
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are preparing for war. the war begins with israel's attack . with the egyptian resistance and international actions, the war ends quickly. israel suddenly invades egypt.
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the egyptian army is taken by surprise. what forces. copper they do, although they are accompanied with great courage, but they do nothing. egyptian soldiers are surrounded in the sinai desert. israel takes revenge. egyptian soldiers are massacred . after egypt, the rest of the arab countries also fail . as a result, israel occupies more land. the main factor in the defeat of the arabs
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was the american support and advanced telecommunication equipment and espionage activities. more important than that was the fate of palestine. after the war, the area of ​​israel triples. many are displaced and the rest of the people are trapped in israel. a lot of sadness and grief over arabs has been in 1967, the united nations passed a resolution. so that israel may leave the occupied territories. but israel makes withdrawal from the occupied territories conditional. their condition is the recognition of israel. this is vital for them. on the other hand, the arabs emphasize three issues. no peace, no dialogue and no recognition of israel. after 3 years of the six day war, israel does not return any of the occupied territories . they make excuses. for example
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, the sinai desert will not be returned to egypt under the pretext of israel's security. for this reason, in 1973, egypt and syria they attack the sinai desert and the golan heights to take back their lands by force. in the beginning, war is accompanied by victories. but with the direct intervention of america, the fate of the war changes . war with the defeat of the arabs. egyptian president anwar sadat visits israel at the peak of disbelief . conversations begin. a year later, the negotiations will be concluded. egypt surrenders. the camp david agreement is signed. in camp david , it is decided to
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withdraw israel from gaza and the west bank in exchange for peace. recognize israel so that the biggest threat to israel will disappear forever. in the 70s everything was in favor of israel. successive victories , success after success, there was no news of the israeli society. what was seen were the victories of the army. meanwhile, strange things were happening in the heart of the society. which was in conflict with human concepts. after the war thousands of people.
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they migrate to occupied lands, including yemenis. they are accommodated in temporary camps. different people, male and female, old and young , attend the camps. women have come with children and minors. immediately, medical examinations begin. doctors take some children with them under the pretext of more detailed examinations. it is said that they return the next day. but the next day. the families follow up on the matter, but a strange thing happens. they say that your children are not missing. some time later, they are informed that your children are dead and the cause of death is never announced. the yemeni children
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were healthy before being sent to the hospital. on the way to the hospital , they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953. it is said that approximately 5,000 people have disappeared. after a while, a fact-finding committee will be formed. research does not bring any specific results. the fate of children is certain can't worse than that is the functioning of the committees themselves . every document review period , they lose a series of documents and leave no trace. children's documents disappear like themselves . as time passes, secrets are revealed and what happened to the children becomes clear. children have been subjected to unknown medical experiments. the place of experiments was haifa city hospital.


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