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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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they were on their way to the hospital, but on the way to the hospital, they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953 . it is said that approximately 5,000 people have disappeared. after a while, a fact-finding committee will be formed. research does not bring any specific results. the fate of the children is not known. even worse is the way it works. it is the committees themselves that lose a series of documents in each period of document review and leave no trace. children's documents disappear like themselves. with the passage of time, secrets are revealed and what happened to the children becomes clear. children were the targets of unknown medical experiments. the place where the experiments were conducted was haifa city hospital. the doctors
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had tested various treatment methods on the children's bodies, including direct injection of dry protein. they were used as laboratory mice. in one case, four yemeni children suffering from malnutrition were injected with dry protein. this causes the death of children. dr. george mandel, president of the children's hospital, was aware of the events. in the case of yemeni children , there were the worst cases. unethical and inhuman cases of body organ theft. body parts of yemeni children they were stolen. and they had a bitter fate for them. however , it is not known how many children were born in this way. friends of yemeni children
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grieves many families, but the crime against children was not only for yemeni immigrants. immigrant families even from the balkan region were involved with this issue. the depth of the disaster was much greater than what was revealed in the media. in fact, in the israeli society , those who had a weaker position were harassed more than others. traces of racist discrimination in ablution the story of yemeni children was seen. the authorities were trying to make the situation seem normal. but the events that happened indicated many divisions and ruptures in the israeli society, which were tried to be ignored and remain hidden forever.
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wouldn't like to say that, but i think as fighting girls, they are, et vive la résistance du peuple palestinien, et vive la résistance, du peuple palestinien et vive la résistance du peuple palestinien et vive la résistance. for palestine, freiheit for palestine, freiheit for razza, freiheit for gazza, one solution, one solution and the occupation and the occupation free palestine , free, free, free palestine, free, free, free palestine, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, occupation, no one.
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für palestiner freiheit für razza, freiheit für razza, freiheit für
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razza, fire now, she's fired now, she's fired now, she's fired now, he's fired now, he's fired now, he's fired now, please fire now, please fire now, please fire now, please save,
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gaza is a name that is tied to palestine and its occupation by the zionists. the gaza strip is 40 km long and 10 km long and is located next to the mediterranean sea
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and it borders with occupied egypt and palestine. this area, which was given to egypt at the end of the arab-israeli war in 1948 , was occupied by the zionist regime in the six day war of 1967. and finally, in september 2005, the zionists were forced to leave the gaza strip under the influence of the resistance of the palestinian people, and after 38 days, with the retreat of the zionist forces , it came under the control of the palestinian government
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. they gave. it was this victory that made gaza the center of the struggle against the zionist occupation in the region the conversion and why they could not prevent this victory became a constant regret for the zionist authorities. hamas came to power and two divisions were created between allah and gaza. i can't judge. maybe some people consider the palestinian side and hamas responsible. and some people hold america responsible for not having the necessary follow-up. some may blame israel. the zionists lie. they and their allies did everything to prevent the resistance
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from taking power in gaza. from the beginning, they refused to accept the results of the elections that all international institutions had confirmed to be healthy. reaction next, the supporters of the zionists resorted to the tactic of sanctions . the narrow people of gaza were targeted for sanctions because they had voted for the resistance. in another step, the zionist. they surrounded the light of gaza from the land, sky and sea. in order to end the siege, hamas agreed to form a national unity government and leave the control of some important ministries to the compromise movement. after the makkah agreement , the hamas movement renounced the main ministries for the realization of the unity of the palestinian nation. but the siege of navarq continued. finally, the zionist regime, which did not see sanctions and blockades as enough,
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at the end of 2008, he started a full-scale war to destroy the hamas celebration, which lasted for 22 days. in this unequal war, more than 145 palestinians were martyred and more than 5 thousand people were injured. in this war, the zionists deliberately and purposefully targeted the children of gaza in order to deprive the people of gaza from the future generations and to force them to leave their homes and lands by creating fear and terror. children play here. one of the military boats fired at them and a number of them were wounded. after that , another military boat started firing towards annen
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did they flew into the air like kites. and i did not even see their blood shed. during this war, all the infrastructures of the gaza strip were heavily attacked . hospitals, schools, and people's homes were one of the main targets of the zionists in these attacks , until the voice of american jewish politicians protested. he lifted me up. the devastation caused during the gaza war was far beyond what was necessary for military purposes. many civilians were killed and many hospitals , schools and apartments were destroyed. on the 29th of january 2007, the people of gaza after 22 days of resistance against the attack of the moslem zionist regime on the operation. they forced them to retreat and in this war, for the first time, the zionist regime
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was completely defeated with all its strength and forces and with the support of external powers such as america. on this occasion, 29th of january has been called gaza day to remind the zionist crimes and the resistance of the people of gaza , but the reaction of the human rights organizations was only silence. the silence of human rights societies. to end the resistance in gaza with a military attack on wednesday, november 14 , 2012, ahmed al-jabari, the deputy commander of the battalion the opponents of qassam were targeted for assassination.
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after al-jabari's assassination, the zionist occupation forces launched a massive invasion of gaza under the title of operation pillar of clouds. the extensive operation of the zionists in 8 days resulted in 1,300 martyrs and wounded in palestine. ahmad al-jabari and a large number of close relatives of hamas were assassinated. more than 130 palestinians were killed and 900 of them were injured. i thank america for its financial support in this regard. in their calculations, the zionists considered the work of the resistance to be over, but the response of the resistance to this operation was called stone the leg is solid. for the first time, the resistance targets tel aviv with fajr 5 missiles and
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they shake the zionists. the collapse of the zionists' calculations has once again affected their usual supporter, and the american foreign minister is trying to activate the axis of compromise in the region in order to ensure the safety of the zionists by establishing a ceasefire as soon as possible. america, together with its partners in the region , will try to maintain israel's security in the coming days. i emphasized this issue with president morsi, benjamin netanyahu and mahmoud abbas there is no other choice but to accept peace. although the zionists had agreed during the ceasefire to
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end the siege of the gaza strip. but this commitment of the zionists was never implemented. the following year, while the siege of gaza was 7 years old , they launched another brutal attack on gaza. on june 12, 2014, the zionist army, which had created the iron dome defense system with the help of the united states to counter resistance missiles, and on the other hand thought that the long-term siege of gaza had left no power to resist again. attacked the area. as in the past, citizens, women and children are the most victims of that barbaric attack.
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they deliberately attacked at least 6 civilian shelters under the supervision of the united nations and left more than 2,000 dead and 10,000 injured. the 51-day war of the zionist regime against gaza has undoubtedly been a victory for the resistance groups and the people of gaza and a failure for the zionist regime , although 2,158 palestinian citizens were martyred in this war and
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more than 11,000 people. they were injured and the infrastructure of gaza was destroyed and the living conditions became more difficult for the people of gaza, but their resistance and proof that from they defend their land and ideals to the death . the zionists are eager to establish a ceasefire. the cease-fire in the dead-end operation led us to the agreement of the pillars of hebrew and after that we reached the agreement of the hard rock. which way are we going? during the truce, the palestinians built a city underground and produced many rockets that reach all over israel, including ben gurion airport. the future war is waiting for us and it will probably be more painful and violent. after the 51-day war , the zionists' attention to expansionism in the
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west bank continued strongly. in this development their demands are efforts. to evict the residents of sheikh jarrah neighborhood from their homes and houses. we occupy the houses one after another. for this reason, this area will become a jewish neighborhood. our dream is for all of east jerusalem to become like west jerusalem. the jewish capital of israel. they are trying to evict people from their homes in sheikh jarrah neighborhood. this is the second time that these people have been forcibly evicted from their homes. these people were once again ethnically cleansed in 1948. but despite all sanctions and blockades, islamic resistance has formed in ghazin bar they came to help the oppressed people of sheikh jarrah neighborhood and warned . if the zionist regime
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does not stop oppressing palestinians living in sheikh jarrah neighborhood, it will bear a heavy cost. today, we have seen that the zionists have polluted quds and the area of ​​sheikh jarrah with their corruption, and they believe that they can destroy the al-aqsa mosque . they can expel our citizens from sheikh jarrah neighborhood. they think they can divide al-aqsa mosque in terms of time and place. the army, the police and the settlers. they corrupt. we have warned them many times. simultaneously with the suppression of protests by palestinians living in jerusalem by the military zionist planes of this regime of fear. the reaction of the islamic resistance in the gaza strip was rained down. as always, the target was the children of gaza. the response of our resistance was shocking for the zionists.
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different the decision-making authorities in israel , whether military or political, were shocked by the power of the palestinian resistance groups to attack the depth of israel with a large number of pre-emptive rockets and hundreds of rockets from the gaza strip, whose range covers all the occupied territories , showed that the era of security one side of the settlers has ended, this time also the zionists. by withdrawing from the evacuation of the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah pekaner cease fire
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but still they destroyed the infrastructure in all 11 days of their war and again they deliberately targeted the children. it was a terrible day for me to think about what i saw . imagine your children being torn to pieces and destroyed before your eyes. beshan, this was the most terrible crime that i have seen against children . every one or two or three years, war is imposed on us, our children and our families. our life in gaza
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is indescribable. we have no life here, water we don't have drinks, we don't have food. we don't have electricity and hospitals like other people. despite all this , the resistance and the people of gaza do not give up. it will return to us again and
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we will pray in al-aqsa mosque.
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millions of people in iran and 5.30 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. a disease that has no cure and is very complicated if it is not identified and controlled on time. according to the latest international standards, people over 35 years of age should check their blood sugar. why? because diabetes has no symptoms at all. some people are not aware of the dangers of this disease and do not pay much attention to it. two last year it was 118. normal blood sugar in the body. until under a hundred and between 100 and 125 stages of pre-diabetes and after that, don't think that someone who has pre-diabetes is now going to become diabetic and then he will have complications. scientific studies have shown that people who have pre-diabetes are also at risk of eye problems. it has been seen that they have more cardiovascular problems and nervous system problems. in 1995, studies by the ministry of health showed that 11 communities have diabetes, but 5 years later
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we saw a 30% growth. are you in control now? yes, i am in control , but sometimes i lose control researches of the ministry of health show that if 5-7 % of people's weight is controlled and they exercise a little every day , up to 70% of new cases of the disease can be prevented. diabetes control means only blood sugar control, i want to use this opportunity. diabetes control means blood sugar control, blood fat control, control. chaharkhon, which is extremely important , quit smoking, healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and exercise, cardiovascular, eye, kidney diseases, and amputation of some diabetic complications, complications that can be easily prevented with timely recognition, control and treatment , it is enough to recognize it early, our sign we don't have let's not wait for a sign, let's all come to do this minimum thing now in the national health survey
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, which is supposed to be done by january 15th. to continue throughout our country , all people can be checked for the presence of diabetes by referring to government health and treatment centers in cities and villages. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. this is free. yes, this is free . this is free. yes, this is free . this is free . this is free. iran's morning time
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is announced at 5 a.m. tehran time. dear viewers, i invite you to the end of this follow the news section. the islamic council approved articles of the amendment plan for the establishment of non-governmental schools and educational centers. prohibiting the establishment of a non-profit school for education managers during the tenure of office was also another resolution of the representatives.


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