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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 6:30am-6:59am IRST

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construction of national housing for more information, you can refer to gladys kashi's website. tile your dreams. in the name of god. look at the sun that is laughing , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage, sir, but
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god, in your hope, in the name of your friend , from whom everything is . iftikhar, greetings, today's reporter , we present you with your kind eyes, so that you can join us at around 8 o'clock with the news events of today, january 12, 1402
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, if hazrat eshq commands, he is more intoxicating than the waves. our storm, if love gives a command, is louder than the waves of the storm. i am iranian, i am iranian, i am iranian, i am iranian , i am iranian . i am an azeri, i love
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my country, i am a scholar of hosseini's love. i'm iranian , i'm from chamanzadeh, i'm captive to your love, i'm free , i'm kurdish, kerman shirani. if you want life, i'm ready . if you want life, i'm ready.
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i am iranian, the gardener of the homeland was given a northern paradise this land is full of people who are in trouble in the name of martyrs with a rosy shroud. i am iranian, i live on this southern coast, and i am warm, and the sea is my heart and my captain, that god has gifted your love to me, and my flower is baluj, and i am sistani flower.
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ahri's heart breaker is like a lion with originality. the guardian of this unique country, i love turk qashqani and gol bakhtiari, two brave people , i am iranian, i am a compatriot with you, and i am a good servant of god.
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i am an iranian, full of honor from god. with his art, he gave a gift to me . hello reporter, we will start and we will honor your attendance, dear viewers, the eleventh exhibition. iran sakht laboratory materials with the aim of developing the market of scientific companies and empowering laboratory and research collections will start its work from today. we
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are the host of mr. javad mashaikh in the studio. ok , you are very welcome. good morning. good morning to you too. good service to you, your colleagues and all dear and respected viewers. how many companies are present in the 11th edition of the exhibition? yes, we will have the honor of hosting more than 330 companies providing advanced laboratory materials and equipment in the 11th edition of the iran exhibition, which will present their achievements for 4 days from today until the 15th of december. international exhibition site. tehran will offer milad persian gulf and 40th hall. how many scientific companies that are active in this field came to participate in these 340? you see, we have about 9,500 companies of scientists
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operating in the country. about 300 and andy now nearly 400 companies in the field of equipment. laboratory essence and testing and testing materials are active. most of these companies, that is, more than 90% of them are actually present in the exhibition, so the exhibition space is provided for the presence of those companies that have the format of those companies that want to be in the exhibition. yes, this is the same. considering the progress it has and more than a decade has passed since its holding, the exhibition has established itself in the audience. and the suppliers of testing and testing equipment have opened well and almost all the companies that are active in this field are willing to participate in this. the exhibition, which is a specialized technical gathering
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, will present the results of their new research and innovative products in the exhibition. you will also unveil a number of new achievements in this period of the exhibition. of course, i would like to mention this point that all companies try to upgrade their products from the previous year's exhibition to the new exhibition , add new products to their product portfolio, but we at the secretariat of the exhibition are observing and those achievements that are very very good indicator if it has a high technological complexity , if it has a significant economic value , we will unveil them as selected products at the same time as the opening of each course. this year, 9 advanced laboratory products and equipment will be unveiled at the made in iran exhibition today. what is the function of these products and where are they used?
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they form a diverse range of products. m of the equipment, in fact , testing and characterizing the materials that are used for identification. different elements are used in mineral resources, oil layers, etc. advanced microscopes advanced sampling equipment, eg sampling. from biological tissues to methods anjamadi, i would like to inform you that the equipments that are used in the field of hypermedia and work at extremely cold temperatures, these are some of the products that will be unveiled in this period, god willing , mr. doctor, it is the 11th period of the exhibition. what do you expect from this exhibition and the outcome of this exhibition? and what are your predictions for what will happen in the field of material equipment after this exhibition ? at your service, as i said, this
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exhibition is considered to be a long-established exhibition and its continuation has had valuable achievements, among these achievements was that despite the international sanctions that provide advanced equipment for our researchers, our laboratories and research institutes. had limited us, this threat turned into a valuable opportunity, and knowledge-based companies , by entering the field of manufacturing these advanced equipment , were able to respond favorably to the needs of the country's research infrastructure, and well, after a decade of providing domestic equipment and finding and improving and the evolution of these products is our expectation that our companies will think about bigger areas and bigger markets with the courage they find. we
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are in the field of domestic markets, just like the change the name of the exhibition is clear, we have added the word "advanced test" to the exhibition. this means that the audience of this program will expand. with the knowledge base of various industries, this industry needs advanced research equipment. therefore, these suppliers. and manufacturing companies will play an important role in providing laboratory equipment and characterization of moon industries. in addition , we expect that these companies will actually open their feet to the export markets, especially the countries of the region that are modernizing their educational and research infrastructures, and we are proud to witness that iran-made laboratory and characterization and testing products will be seen everywhere in the countries of the region, i hope there is one thing
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left about this exhibition, which is not to say that it is closed . this exhibition presents its products in 14 thematic areas, it has a wide variety and different audiences i invite researchers from those who are active in the field of advanced industrial and research laboratories. in addition to this , the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, as the institution in charge of holding this important scientific and technological event, has tried to create a diverse portfolio of design support tools suitable for different audiences who can use this exhibition and provide them with the purchase subsidy you give to the centers. vocabulary , laboratory and research of the country is granted, leasing education
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is provided, as well as tools such as tax credits, which are new tools that we have employed in this period, so that we can promote this exhibition as much as possible and, god willing, witness the growth and development of this part of our country. thank you very much , mr. dr. mashayek, vice president for the development of the economy , scientists, vice president for science and technology hello to the studio of the morning program, it was a reporter . thank you for being with us. that role of the teacher told us that iran is here, this soil is right, saif javan. no way, with all the blessings
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that god has given to this land, why should he not be happy ? of course, if you sit quietly and depressed on the shoulder of my father , sadness will sit. of course, if you put your hands on your hands, a hand will come and a fruit will grow in this house. it is my fault that the religion is foreign to my mother.
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the alien was the one you saw in both of them. the one that pours is enough for me when it opens , we are burdened and we are encouraged when these wheels turn. when we are together, my heart is warm, houses become hearts , when we build and plant hearts. let us know when we make it , iran, let's take care of sardar, with peace and your child, tomorrow will be beautiful, whatever color you wanted, the tile you make is beautiful,
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good morning, dear viewers. today, a ceremony of empathy with the children of gaza will be held in tehran , the capital city . students from tehran will participate in this ceremony and will declare their support for the children of gaza . good morning to you, viewers my dear, hello and good morning. as you mentioned, the resistance against the zionists continues in the occupied territories. in the west bank , especially in the camp city of jenin, there have been intense clashes in the last hour and the latest news is that the zionists are retreating from this area in gaza. it blew up when the zionist forces entered , and at least 15 occupation soldiers were killed
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, and this caused the zionist regime's army to be stretched. we know that the authorities the zionists have previously complained about not actually achieving their goals, especially the former officials , for example, ehud barak said that netanyahu should take responsibility for this historic defeat, but on the night of the 9th year , we had an increase in attacks on gaza, according to the gaza ministry of health. it is given that in the first 24 hours of the year 2024 , 156 more people were added to the martyrs of gaza, and the statistics actually reach about 22,000 martyrs, and we know that 70% of them are children . we are in spite of the new year in america at the same time, the people are holding the palestinian flag at the same time as in new york , in australia, in other countries, in beirut
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, turkey, and in the west bank , there are massive gatherings and demonstrations in support of palestine, in this regard, with our expert, mr. bagharian, an expert on issues. we want to talk internationally, mr. bagharian. hello, good morning . hello, dear listeners and viewers . i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. bagharian. however, we see the inattention of the governments of these countries to this demand. in your opinion , in what direction do you think the governments of these countries will move in order to stay in power while ignoring their own domestic public opinion ? what is your prediction? that gaza divided the world into two parts, i.e. the new definition of man and
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the conventional definition of man, for this reason, if you pay attention, in 2024, which actually started , a few days after that. about 70 elections have passed we have about 70 countries and something as high as two and a half billion people who are involved in the elections, if we consider the qadha issue as an actual discourse in the world, the center of all elections and the center of all opposition from the people of social classes and civil society. the issue will be decided , that's why we will face a lot of pressure from the people and civil societies on the political systems this year. let's say that the focus of all elections and being overshadowed by the elections will be the issue of gaza, and the issue of gaza goes back to the human rights of man, the definition of man for this reason. your statement is absolutely correct, we have great influence.
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the occupation and the future of netanyahu's cabinet are in serious danger, even we may actually witness its collapse from the conflict of the war, which was actually formed after this storm.
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because of the war in gaza, the authority of this project is being taken out of the hands of england and into the hands of america . which is one of the main factors of this issue, because gaza is in fact, hamas is looking for that in 2024 in may onwards the ruler can actually become his own underground resources and this war will actually be a future war , that's why if you pay attention, the shipping that is currently increasing the risk is english shipping and not american shipping.
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vavar mandab was rejected, which means that this maritime conflict is actually a waste of corridors and the future project of bengurion , that is, the suez canal , a channel similar to the suez canal that israel has. we told you that this war is very big and hamas is standing in front of the whole world as a war corridors are wars worth trillions of dollars , and this is why, if you pay attention, the departure of the gerald ford ship and its replacement by a smaller ship shows that the us is slowly reducing its pressure on the region, and the british are looking for fear. there are people who want to dispel the fear of british presence in bavol mandab. the english are afraid of the continuation of shipping
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, which is actually endangered in the region. if it is another year, we will be at your service . kanaani, spokesman for the ministry of foreign affairs, in a meeting yesterday the news emphasized that the actions of the united states and the united kingdom cause insecurity in the region and the consequences of this case are their responsibility, but you mentioned an interesting point that it is true that the threats of the united states and the united kingdom to the region are simultaneous, but not synchronized. to the fact that england is afraid of what position it will have in the region in the future and is actually trying to survive, i am right, mr. bagharian , i agree with you exactly, that is what i mean, that is, england and america, there is a very big gap between these two capitalist systems. this capital system means it is a very good opportunity to enter into the issue , right? the future of the war, the battles in gaza and
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karam bakhtar, specifically, how does it predict the occupied territories? in your opinion, what is the future horizon like? we will not have permanent peace, that is, peace until the end, in fact, the destruction of this zionism may continue, but we actually said in the early days of the war that this will continue until around 30, in fact, the end of march, which is actually the same as our march. he will have it because after that there is also a british contract in may 2024 the announcement of the official candidates for the american elections is over. this is why this war must end in about a month or two, because if mr. netanyahu actually wants to continue his political life, he has to continue the war, but this cabinet is persistent and in in fact, the observer has fallen, and for this reason, you can be sure that the western governments will end this war , they have to because israel itself is dissatisfied with the cancellation of some laws and the cancellation of many other cases that will take place in the future. in
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israel it is currently taking shape your excellency also mentioned that this cabinet will not last long and we will reach the end or a ceasefire around the end of march. yes, this is my opinion . thank you very much, mr. bagheri. thank you, ms. moazzami, reporter of the sed and sima news agency , for being with us.
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your saddle is broken from one side to the other , because death is waiting for you on every side , an accident is waiting for you, face your country. no, you are doing well, i hope you are doing well you cried, o zafar man, you are not a danger person, you are not a danger person, take heart from the opponent of the child and the woman of your fiery zeal, the saddle is not up to the day of the story, there is no day of fate, but disaster, sit with you, or in the same language , give yourself back, or another tail will come. wasted moment
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take heart, this is not up to date, it is not the day of the story. sit together until the end of the day, except for the fate . give it a good time . when you are voting, take a moment. because death is sitting on every side, an accident is waiting for you. make your country, you who sit in the abyss until the end. your saddle is unbroken, because death is waiting for you on every side, an accident is waiting for you go back to your country, you who are sitting in the back of the province, until your saddle is unbroken. good morning , dear and respected viewers. we are getting close to the news at 7:00 in the morning. good morning, journalist
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, we will be at your service, dear and respected viewers, with the mother's glory event that is scheduled to be held in holy mashhad today, mr. tehrani. hello , good morning. we are at your service. we listen to the news at 7 o'clock. mrs. hajipour. hello to the good viewers of the khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the news section at 7 am, hizbollah


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