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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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hello, good day. we are at your service with the follow-up section of the khabar network . we are in the final days of the national health campaign and according to the published statistics , the compatriots showed a good welcome to participate , so that it was announced that in the last 24 hours, about one million and 300 thousand people in participating in the national health survey well, today, in continuation of the relations
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we have had with the presidents of the medical sciences universities of the country , we are talking with the president of rafsanjan university of medical sciences, then the head of the behban faculty of medical sciences , where more than 80% of the statistical population is participating in the national health survey. to do. initially from dr vahid mohammadi shahrokhi, president of rafsanjan university of medical sciences, i want to know about the process of the last days of this. dialect in rafsanjan city, say mr. dr. mohammadi, hello, have a good day. until now, what percentage of the statistical population has your target for the survey been achieved? well, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to your excellency and dear compatriots, and the birth of hazrat fatima , may god bless him and grant him peace. he congratulated the woman and also the royal anniversary of martyrdom.
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i offer my condolences to haj qassem soleimani, the legend of the resistance of the islamic world . thanks to rafsanjan university of medical sciences, it was able to come out proud. now that i have the latest statistics , we have completed more than 80% of this project, and fortunately, with the efforts of the jihadist efforts of the university personnel, especially the health department of rafsanjan university of medical sciences, and the courtesy that and the cooperation that the sharif people of rafsanjan, rafsanjan and anar cities have shown, fortunately , we went well with this plan, and god willing , it will be good and blessed for the people, mr. doctor . please be aware of this
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the national health survey plan that was carried out in islamic iran was really successful in the period of time it was carried out and it was unique in its kind in the world . of the people who are the entire so-called population covered by the university in the cities of rafsanjan and anar.
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people suffering from pre-diabetes are likely to suffer from high blood pressure in the future, as well as diabetes, about 79% of this pre-diabetic population. by changing the lifestyle and possibly reducing the stress, and also at the lowest cost , one of the very serious complications of local disease can be avoided preventing, as you know now, kidney complications, diabetic ulcers, and heart failure can occur as a result of these two diseases. yes, yes
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, yes. the covered population over 18 years old is about 260,000 people, of which more than 80% are covered . it should be noted that those who are identified are not left to their own devices, in fact , they are assigned to level two and three and are monitored regularly, and these people you mentioned are level one and two. if you could explain a bit more, where are the centers for the viewers currently being referred to?
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surveying this population who are healthy and identifying these people and the next step is that the level one doctor is actually the family and then possibly referred to level two or level three with a regular and regular monitor of course, timely treatment can prevent many unwanted side effects. mr. doctor, this scan will end on friday. think about how many days your 80% will reach to 90% or more. look at the thing that actually reached the goal we should have reached. finally, the noble and noble people
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of islamic iran, with their cooperation, maybe if their blood pressure and sugar have not been checked until now, they should cooperate and go to the nearest health center and see that we can turn the pages of another golden leaf in the islamic country. it is healthy that mr. dr. azizi is now in rafsanjan , he sees this program and says, "well, where should i go and what hours should i go ? " they are our dear fellow citizens, even if they are individual the houses that our loved ones and colleagues have visited in the university of medical sciences have been contacted by telephone, and perhaps they may
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not have returned or they may not have answered, but the university itself is effective in contacting all loved ones , and this is a good thing. i said your service is above 80. people participate in this national health campaign. bismillah al -rahman al -rahim i also greet and respect all the dear viewers .
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martyrs of the martyrs and narcissus capital of iran hello, i would like to serve all the dear ones with the start of the national health campaign launched by the ministry of health and medical education in order to identify people with high blood pressure and high blood sugar on november 20. biban faculty of medical sciences joined this campaign by forming a group and fixed mobile bases at the city level, and thanks to god, with the high participation and cooperation of the people of fahim, we reached the goals that the ministry of comfort in the urban population and the population of rosari had considered. let's get there and make it happen. in bhavan city, thank god that the participation of the population is yes i am telling you now that we have reached over 80% of the urban population and 97% of the rural population, and out of a total of approximately 150,000 people
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over the age of 18, we were able to reach the target of 135,000 people. are those who have been identified aware of their condition, for example, the possibility of high blood pressure and diabetes? out of 150 and 71 people who have high blood pressure means known. since we are new, almost none of the people knew about it , especially for the 978 people who had high blood sugar. to be controlled, the fact is that people who have high blood sugar or high blood pressure, because the disease can be silent, and the people themselves do not realize this, and in the future , they will suffer from cardiovascular diseases and even kidney failure. the survey will help a lot so that
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by identifying these people, we can prevent irreparable harm that may be inflicted on the dear people of our country, mr. doctor. now, these people are the next step in being identified. which are identified in they are prone to diabetes and high blood pressure after being identified. our people, the work of our health sector is just starting and we said this in the meetings we had, because after identifying the people, we will monitor the issue of this project in our community , we will introduce people to medical centers to control their blood pressure and blood pressure. we will make contact with them and do the necessary follow-up, thank god if we can continue this process and identify these people. we will be able to control this and prevent many damages that may be caused. thank you very much
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thank you dear viewers, god bless you. entering the new year with the palestinian flag flying in massachusetts, where supporters of palestine , along with several other american cities , have slogans of palestinian freedom and stopping the genocide. supporters of palestine in european countries, including germany , france, italy, greece, belgium, denmark, holland and sweden
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, entered the new year holding the palestinian flag and chanting slogans of support for gaza and calling for an end to the war. some islamic countries at the end of 2023 and the beginning. the new year was the scene of anti-zionist demonstrations and support for palestine. the demonstration was accompanied by the carrying of the palestinian flag and the request to stop the crimes of the occupiers of jerusalem. the west bank of jordan is also the scene of protests in the first minutes of the new year.
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australia, japan and turkey held demonstrations in support of palestine. the citizens of tehran and some industrial cities face air pollution at the beginning of the winter season. pollution leads to a decrease in air quality and visibility , so we recommend children, the elderly, and heart and respiratory patients to avoid unnecessary traffic and outdoor activities. scientists say that children are sensitive people in the society
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are the most sensitive to air pollutants, air pollution, pollutants and toxins in the air are more harmful to children than adults, that is, children are more sensitive to this harm , the reason is that children have a higher breathing rate than adults and because most of their breathing is through the mouth , the defense mechanisms inside the nose are a natural filter , and some of these toxins and pollutants are prevented from reaching the lower parts. many children do this because they breathe through the mouth. children's and infants' hands are almost 50% more than adults breathe. therefore, on the days of air pollution, you should be less exposed to it because children are shorter and breathe the air from lower levels and close to the ground, the concentration of a series of pollutants and toxins is higher at this level close to the ground because of this ratio. for the age range of adults, it is more likely that their respiratory system
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will be damaged during air pollution . what nutrition should children have during air pollution? what can we do to prevent blood concentration from increasing? during the day , water should be drunk frequently and sip by sip. this water helps to eliminate these pollutants through our kidney system. the next point that helps a lot in reducing the pollutant level, especially lead consumption in sweets. in childhood and adolescence, 3 glasses from the shirbani family. it should be consumed during the day. but the question here is what kind of milk and dairy products? it is preferable to have low-fat milk and dairy products because there is less physical activity these days. the second issue is getting a long-term diet that is rich in antioxidants. you see, in this climate where there are many pollutants in the air, naturally the amount
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of pollutants in our blood also increases. what should we do? it should be from fruits and vegetables. and what vegetables usually, between 2 to 3 or for example four depending on the calorie intake for adult children, we recommend that they consume about 3 glasses during the day. they also use two to three glasses of vegetables with different colors. mostly, we try to let's improve the child's immune system by adjusting the system. the safety of the food basket should be complete , that is, vitamin e, vitamin d, especially vitamin c and zinc are factors that improve the child's immune system, so we use this food basket if our children use fresh fruits and vegetables , if they use nuts such as walnuts, almonds, raisins, these they should use sufficient amount of protein , we can give them to their body, all of these help
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to have a good immune system, the most important solution for children to deal with air pollution , as far as we can, children's exposure on the days that, well, from the news agency and from it is announced by the organizations that the air pollution is at a high level , it may be harmful, we should minimize the children 's exposure to this air. but unfortunately, we see that this same child who went to school he is educated, he is playing in the park, or , for example , families leave the house for shopping or for various purposes . air pollution is dangerous, children should not leave the house. ahmad aminfar of sed and broadcasting news agency. the construction of this
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house is in my own hands, as a stranger wants a grocery license to be issued to create competition and remove the golden signature in support of women, and this eid night is a great day to be free from the import of wheat. do.
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the problem is the common concern of the villagers with seyed ramadan. anyone who had a tab would pour water into the river and carry water . there are no shortage of problems in the city. to solve these problems , a solution was presented, and that is the administration of the village and city in the hands of the people themselves, even less than a month after holding the election , the order was issued to vote for the islamic republic. in the name of god. islamic revolutionary council for the establishment of the government. people in iran and the people's sovereignty over their own destiny the needs of the islamic republic are necessary . i know that it is necessary to immediately prepare the executive bylaws of the councils for
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the administration of local affairs of cities and villages throughout iran , and after approval, notify the government so that the government can immediately implement it. . the constitution is allocated to the councils, but the occurrence of an imposed war does not provide the possibility of realizing the islamic councils in the manner foreseen in the constitution. the next order is until the fifth parliament reports. the councils and internal affairs of the country regarding the bill on the organization of positions and the elections of national islamic councils and the elections of mayors to fulfill the seventh principle of the law
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basic work is done. in our law, we stated that the number of members of city and village councils is cities with a population of more than 1 million people. cities from 200,000 to 1 million people with a population of 9. cities with more than 50,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. 7 people, other cities, 5 people, settlements from 200 khans to 1000 khans, 3 people, and from 1000 households and above 5 people, with this decree, less than two years later, people will elect their representatives in villages and cities. fortunately, the position of these councils is among the people. to a large extent, it is clear that the people are satisfied with this type of election. these assemblies a locality and a region are formed and a villager and a mayor are elected from it. i have made progress in terms of the facilities of that area
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. you can't go to see it. you can't meet with the council. you can discuss it with the council. according to the law of the village and city councils, in addition to electing the villager and the mayor , it is also responsible for monitoring their performance and replacing them. the city council is aware of people's problems, and people can easily make demands. then the streets were paved and the bank facilities came telecommunication has come and the work has become much easier, especially from time to time, people are getting more familiar with the administrative affairs , from the health point of view, from the mosque point of view, from the road point of view, it has become very good. the dams have been put up, they are using the means to bring machines, to dig ditches, and now the rain will not harm us . seyyed ramadan media and his fellow villagers no longer
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have to worry about the indecision of their village and city administration. they clean the empty desk regularly every day, and now there are 126,000 people. in 1,400 cities and 37,000 villages, people's representative in the council. are governed by the law of the parliament and the holding of six rounds of council elections cities and villages are institutionalized by the people , there is no opportunity to fly, if we do not burden, there is no opportunity to fly.
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mom, i can't tell you now. i will come to syria after the month of ramadan, god willing, i said , wherever you are , you will be safe and sound, my son , i am pleased with you. it has come so far that you just have to say goodbye to me , why did it happen like this, and the installment is not over yet. good tv at a reasonable price.
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long-term decisions in the iranian house, the last price in the iranian house is that you were looking for ricoh let me introduce you. hello, you have seen it before , so you must be familiar with lazra. look at the fact that you said the prices of farsh city are good. it means that the price is guaranteed. a city stands behind this guarantee, a city stands behind your purchase. we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 in the morning. do you know what is tahtari? we have to find a way so that the project does not fall asleep. we have to find a way to finance it . tahater means exchange of goods with goods, a new solution from gullis kashi. to solve your challenges in the field of construction and participation in the development and construction
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of national housing. to acquire no, the reason is that you can go to the city of home appliances the fees are less and the fee is calculated only from the cash balance. it is very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral is required, no blocking of the guarantor's deposit, up to 50 million, my guarantor does not want to pay back up to 5 years, no, i said the real thing, wait , i will ask about rome's legal fees, sorry, the terms of the loan for
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legal entities. short-term deposit, long-term repayment, nikan mlam plan, mlam credit institution.
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the meeting of the president with 50 representatives of mr. raisi's political parties and groups. various elections lead to a strong parliament and strengthening the government . the martyrdom of five palestinians in the north of the west bank and four members of the hezbollah forces in southern lebanon , hamas announced the death of 16 zionist soldiers in the last four days.


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