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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] on the other hand , the country's economy should be more stable. give me a loan right now . there is no economic justification at all. i promise you independence right now. believe that press poliso can be placed at the disposal of a group or an individual for free. this season will not last unless someone has taken the money from the head. i believe that the government will get this opportunity, so here is the role of the future parliament. this is what is important for me. yes, yes, this same parliament can also get permission. mr. olyaei, i think you should see that when independence is given to or not given
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to the ministry of welfare. making him bear his expenses, this is different from what i want to say, the government has a lot of privacy , the government should have a plan and give this plan to those people, first of all , solve the problem of afc, remove this shadow. the second thing is for him to say that from this time until this time, you should do these things. those qualities, sir, when i tell you, we have many qualities, 92 thousand billion lost and many different issues. where there is a thousand or maybe a trillion profit, so if he spends a thousand billion in order to reach a good goal, what is a good goal
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, in order for the issue to be considered well? look at your program and see where there is a problem , diagnose it, you have diagnosed the new ways, gentlemen , they take a way out of the wind tunnel that they don't use, they say that those who criticize are also interested in taking our place. i would like to inform you that i am grateful to our dear brother, mr race. by god, i don't want half of my share, because if i get a share , i will be indebted to the debts that these clubs have and i have to pay. dear, i am opposed to this idea. until some point, if these traits come to hurry these two clubs, at least to some extent, they will not
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be able to make a deal. because this football is expensive , on the other hand, the government should make it necessary for the football federation to go towards making football cheaper. they don't agree with it and it doesn't lead to a good place. everyone has an opinion, their opinion is respected for themselves, but i 100% disagree with mr. arzatani 's statement. blaming everything on the government
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is not appropriate at all. after that, when the government determines that other clubs will have private expression for those characteristics, that is, support is enough when you bring this to make it private , they will allow football when the football federation made it cheap. he went towards cheapening football, which has its own special formula and is a project of a temporary support package he explained that the government approved the club system. on the other hand, the economic environment of the country has also improved, what will the government do when it says that this khusulti club is obligated to the top of their group with these privileges that we give, for example zabahan, let's assume that the jewel of these clubs will be put up for sale in the so-called and this club is in the hands of the private or cooperative sector, as i mentioned before,
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the economy of iran. private government, mr. nejad 's cooperative, what is your opinion? that both mr. vaizdadan and mr. oliyaedadan are not very close to your opinion. see, or i want to comment on the statements of friends . i accept a part of the statements of both nobles and i do not agree with the extent of it. which one do you have and which one do you not? i still want to say why football is a sport expensive, i was the general director of sports and youth in tehran province. why is expensive sports the basket of sports goods not usable for 70% of the people? it is expensive. well, if we want to value sports and football , we have to do two things. one is to reduce the costs and two are to go towards revenue generation. now, a question. here are those who can reduce the costs
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and who can make money in football, those who have spent 10 years in this field, 20 years, 30 years, who will be your leaders, along with very valuable managers who have worked hard for many years . bringing football here is because we are talking about how to hand it over. now, for example , this model that mr. olyaei said , do you agree with this management agreement or do you think it is not a good thing ? from that point on, mr. nejad, what are you doing? i am against it why, let me tell you, you see, in the past, we had teams
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like rahen, like der. look, i am saying that i will ask my friends , leave these clubs today. who would be happy with the persian gulf or the same 60 , but if i tell the elders and leaders of the two clubs, for example, mr. ali parveen in faris, ali daei and dozens of other personalities will be handed over to the very talented managers he had. in the first step, we maintained the relationship between the fans and the club and created more fans , i believe in football. it should be managed by the hands of football players and it should be for football players let it be left to me, this is my belief. now this requires a coherent planning. well, mrs. tahir khani , you are also with us. you can say that it is now legal and something that everyone
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had an opinion about until now, the same thing as the law. we say, what is it, how should we proceed and that, in any case, a part of these talks that we have mentioned, mr. preachers , is the responsibility of our parliament. with the upcoming elections , how much do you think the parliament can step in and help, because, as mr. olyaei said , we will fall out of this hole. please come out and see that the talks are very scattered. i will give you a few notes . it is definitely necessary to have more detailed meetings about it . you see, we are not going to make anyone happy or sad by handing over government shares to the non-government sector. i
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don't know why. after 4 months after holding, after the end of the financial year, you must hold your meeting , give a report to the shareholders, give the next year's budget, you just go and see how many amendments have been made, how many meetings have not been held , you will see the confusion of information next to it. go to their financial statements and see the reporting model. i want a summary let me tell my friends, if i am an expert in an industry, i don't necessarily know that industry. i want to make money with my expertise. see, the business has two to four of its own. now, friends who are talking so much, i have a question. you always mention a topic called broadcasting rights. it is very true. it has passed the test in the world, but
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my question is this. let's assume that there is no such thing . i don't think that until further notice, the second news will come . dear friends, with your experience in the club, what stable and productive income can you create for this club. let it grow by 20% a year absolutely nothing. go and look at the financial statements. you will only see expenses. the issue here is that you, as a buyer, as a club owner , as a company, that is, you should look at the club with the eyes of an economic enterprise. definitely, the social capital is like 30 million, 20 million. the fans leave you a lot open, but until now we are talking, i have no action plan on how to use the power of so many fans, how to make pre-business partners in my shares and other things. i haven't seen it before, it must be there, well, we are four minutes less we have a chance, what is your proposed solution as
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a workhorse talking about being behind the line and seeing the night industries with a signature is not news at all, because we really do not have any problems in our country, but really none of these things have happened in the stock market and in the field of privatization . you can see all the cases on the privatization site, but let me tell you my summary, please give me a second to see the summary and see the past experience from 84 to now. the government is giving away the shares of its companies. usually
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, there is a lot of turnover in handovers, monitoring after handover not done well and other issues. esteghlal and presplis are definitely included in that category , and the prediction is that there will only be a transfer of ownership within the group. until now, the ministry of sports has been the owner. from tomorrow, the persian gulf holding will be 60 and other legal and general things will not happen again. thank you, of course we are. i would like to add a note in parentheses that since we mentioned the name of mr. gurbanzadeh in rome , we also asked him to appear in the program , and because we mentioned the name of the privatization organization , our colleagues were trying to appear in the program since morning, but we did not succeed, mr. nejad. classification let's have you for 30 seconds. before that, i want to see if mrs. taherkhani knows who was the half-season champion? because we are discussing material things, not you are discussing the finances of esteghlal club and persepolis
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in the same way as they are now. and i say that the only thing that makes people happy in our society is football today, everything is football today, and you are an expert that even if you ask who is the champion of half-assumption, he does not know and therefore cannot actually say anything about esteghlal pardpolis football. i am asking you to comment. i basically put it in the direction of the start-up method
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on the day of doing this , thinking about this matter, every key can open many locks. these talks about feminization are talks that have been repeated many times and it has been said that there is no transparency, it is mismanagement, there are all these issues, but friends, pay attention today, football is a sport in general , it is an economy, a business. basically, in the biggest club in the world, the board of directors probably didn't care much about economic and legal people, technical expertise is another matter , please don't just make the issue a trade union. thank you very much to all the guests of the program. naturally, your vote will affect the role of the next parliament in how to handover, how to monitor the handover of qualification and all the discussions that we talked about in the program today, how much impact it will have and how and in what direction it should be directed. thank you very much for your companion,
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may god protect you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the stock exchange news. the economic spokesman of the government said that the capacity of the capital market for financing. housing is used. according to mr. khandozi , capital market funds help finance the housing sector in different ways and solve the shortages in this field. the capacity of the capital market is activated.
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as you know, there are different types of funds now, commodity and multi-commodity funds of the housing market, building land funds, real estate and independent funds, these tools and institutions of the capital market have been used in different ways to come to the stock market with the help of financing the housing sector of esteghlal stock block and police press. the buyer has been announced by the privatization organization in an announcement that the request to purchase a block of shares of esteghlal and police press was sent to the farbours company, but it did not reach the privatization organization by the deadline. based on this, the time of offering two blocks of 51 shares of esteghlal and press police clubs was postponed to tuesday, december 26th. submission deadline the request for purchase and the request for checking the eligibility is sunday, the 17th of december. before this, the exchange had announced that due to the lack of purchase demand, this supply
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was included. glass trading hall representatives. they passed tuesday with a correction process. on this day, the instrument index became the main factor in the decrease of indicators and more than 170 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. the main indicator of the glass hall retreated more than 9 thousand units in tuesday's trading and settled at the level of 2 million 1589 units, this time maintaining the two million channel. 150 thousand units become important. index too the weight also moved with less speed compared to the main indicator in the negative side of the fluctuation range and at the end of the trading with a negative return of 27 hundred percent , it was placed at the level of 759 units, so that both the main indicators
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of the glass hall are still in the correction and caution stage. on this day, the glass hall witnessed the exchange of more than 7 billion 340 million stocks and financial bonds worth billions of tomans. in the trading of this day, the index makers were the main factor in the decrease of the total index. the symbols of foulad, fars family and shepna had the most negative impact on the stock market index. in front of the symbols of zob, the horizon, sadasht akhabar prevents from the total index decreased further. the net change of legal ownership to real ownership in the market was negative for the third consecutive day and more than 170 billion tomans. haghigi left the stock market. the most outflows of real money were made from the groups of banks, basic metals and chemical products. the most inflows of real money were allocated to the groups of transportation and warehousing, pharmaceutical industries and stock funds. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that
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there were 238 positive symbols and 534 negative symbols. the numbers show that 70% of the symbols of the glass hall were dressed in red on this day. also 46 symbols with queue. buy and 62 symbols encountered the sales page. the total value of purchase pages was 337 billion tomans, and the value of sales pages was 253 billion tomans. but on the other side of the market, the otc total index also recorded a decrease of 98 points and reached the level of 26,219 points. in farabour, traders traded 3 billion shares in 23,000 transactions with a value of 1970 billion tomans. ghazal arab gol of s&s news agency, today's trading of the stock market was accompanied by an increase in supply, as in the previous days , and the total index decreased by more than 9 thousand units at the end of the trading of mass insurance groups. construction and communication devices recorded the highest net actual purchase
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and chemical and basic metal banking groups recorded the highest net actual sale, but we can learn from the news affecting the market. regarding the future of the land price, let us mention that the shareholders have kept the market in a state of uncertainty and most of the shareholders are waiting for the land price to be determined. the next news that has had a significant impact on the shareholders' transactions for some time is the news of the capital increase of listed companies from the revaluation of their assets, which we witnessed in today's transactions. but the important and tolerable point is that even with all these news today we witnessed the outflow of money from fixed income funds, and considering that the total index is in a supportive range and we have not seen a large drop from it for some time , there is a possibility that the index will return from the number of 2 million 950 thousand units. from the increase of capital to the suspension of some symbols, the holding
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of public and special meetings, as well as the disclosure of important information in the kodal package on the news line, based on the report published in the kodal system, the meeting of the general assembly of amin symbol will be held on the 23rd of december. the capital increase of shtoka symbol was registered in the company registration authority from the place of profit. decision making in regarding the symbolic capital increase program and omid mentafi and the members of the board of directors approved the new capital increase program based on the revaluation of the assets and the current demands of the shareholders. due to the expiry of the deadline for using the fibra symbol capital increase license with the approval of the stock exchange organization, the deadline for using the capital increase license of this symbol. it was extended for 30 days until 12 bahan. the explanatory report of the board of directors for the purpose of proposing an increase in the capital of heshkohe
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haril symbols from the accumulated profit, which was approved by the board of directors , has been sent to the auditor and legal inspector for comment. schlert symbols esteghlal was stopped at the end of trading on december 12 in order to elect board members. symbols of sperm energy of three young men on tuesday, december 12, subject to refa. became transactions. due to the expiration of the deadline for using the pre-emptive right to realize the increase of the capital of bemoto, more than 226 million shares of 1000 riyals will be offered for public subscription from 13 to 27 december. the meeting of the general assembly of symbol frak will be held on thursday, december 21. due to the removal of the suspension of the hepitro symbol, this symbol was traded with price fluctuation limits. marketing of qachar and atos symbols according to domain. the price fluctuation will start from wednesday the 13th. in order to check
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the publisher's information transparency status, the vohor symbol will be suspended until 25th of december. the meeting of the general assembly of nomad amin will be held on saturday, december 23. self-sufficient symbols of the sabzeva falum system were stopped in order to hold the annual general meeting at the end of trading on december 12. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. the halls of the iran commodity exchange hosted the supply of more than 322 thousand tons of goods and products today. in the petrochemical and petroleum products hall, 91391 tons of polymer and chemical materials went on the supply board. in the hall of industrial and mineral products, there are more than 11 thousand tons of goods, including all kinds of steel sheets such as wire and ingots aluminum alloy was offered. in the auction hall , the supply of 113,000 tons of vacuum bottoms and
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precious flazat concentrates was recorded. the export hall also experienced the supply of more than 16 thousand tons of non-concentrated iron ore, iron ore pellets, granulated sulfur and acetic acid . the secondary market witnessed the supply of about 1,500 tons of all kinds of goods. today, 35,000 tons of hydrocarbon products are on the market . 26,700 tons of various products including heavy oil, nitrogen and oxygen , heavy hydrocarbon raffinate and gas condensate were offered in the inner hall of iran energy exchange. 500 kilowatt-hours of green electricity from saqand power plant was also supplied by the electrical panel of the indoor hall. the international hall also offered 8050 products such as raffinite, heavy hydrocarbon and liquid gas. on monday, the iranian energy exchange witnessed the sale of various products worth more than 405 billion tomans.
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the dollar value of these transactions reached more than 9497 thousand dollars. oil started the new year with an increase in price. the price of oil started the 9th year with a 1% increase in the trading of the asian market on tuesday. brent oil trading price. with one dollar cent equivalent to 1 share, the percentage increase to 78 dollars and 7 cents per barrel receipt. the price of west texas intermediate (wti) in the united states increased by 88 cents, equivalent to one tenth of a percent, to 72 dollars and 53 cents per barrel. until the end of december. this year, more than 2 tons of gold bars have been traded in the commodity exchange in the form of certificates of deposit. the director
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of financial markets of commodity exchange said that in these transactions , more than 3,700 billion tomans of cash has been attracted to this market. so far, 300,000 people have directly and indirectly invested in these bonds. according to mr. falah, the treasury of mellat banks, sepeh exports are accepted as a stock exchange warehouse for gold bullion and have a capacity of 5,350 kg. gold bars are created in these three vaults. bullion deposit certificate is the first official and organized gold market in the country. 100% goods deposit certificate transactions are exempt from income and value added tax.
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thank you very much for your companionship. get an iranian, the price is in sarai irani, this is called a quick and easy purchase, with kalanano's plan , we can receive purchase credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma, and
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we have 730 days until the last payment, pak shuma is always with you. do you know how to buy in installments? pay attention if the consumer price is a product or a basket of products for example, it is 20 million tomans and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance, this 20% must be reduced from the consumer price, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, and we must
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pay installments and commissions based on this milking of livestock farmers to shangahan. that you were looking for ricoh, this is madin's permission to introduce the word hello, you have seen ricoh before , so you must be familiar with mr. lazla, look at what you said that the city's price is good, it means that the price is guaranteed by a city behind this guarantee, a city is behind your purchase. at 2 in the morning , we will host you at the central branch, each and every macaron, each and every one macaron single macaron single macaron single
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macaron single macaron single macaron. good evening, dear fellow countrymen. local sources report the martyrdom of the seventh palestinian prisoner since the start of al-aqsa storm operation in the prisons of the zionist regime. abdul rahman, a 23 -year-old palestinian youth , was martyred by the zionists in magdo prison on the first day of 9 ad. he


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