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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm IRST

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bismillah, rahman rahim, salam, dear fellow citizens, at 17:30 with some news from the field of science and technology. i am at your service. the unveiling of the new achievement of knowledge bases in the field of nuclear technology , the cancer treatment system using plasma technology is able to destroy healthy cells without harming them by purposefully selecting cancer cells. a new achievement in the treatment of cancer with plasma technology, an achievement that was evident on the sidelines of iran's first medical plasma conference.
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currently, this device has obtained the necessary permits and is located in the cancer research center of shahada tajrish hospital tehran is not passing the second clinical stage. we have been treating a cancer patient for more than a year . with my help, we are reaching the international level in our field. germany and america are already in this field and they started their basic research on plasma from maybe 1996. we started in 2015. we were able to move forward at a very good speed, and we were able to achieve the effect of plasma on various cancer cells, including breast cancer, which has the highest number among women, and prostate cancer , which has the highest number among men . young researchers have designed and built a knowledge-based company in two years. the difference with other treatment methods is that the plasma is smooth without harming healthy cells.
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it goes to cancer cells , this is a new method that is being used in america and germany. also , the country's second diabetes care unit with plasma technology was launched in imam ali karaj medical education center. may god bless the patients who are extremely satisfied with this treatment and i thank god. i believe that our colleagues succeeded and were able to spread this system and this method of treatment in the country with a scientific research method. this center is equipped with outpatient, infectious, health, nutrition and surgery departments. the property of plasma is that, first of all, it has an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect and is an antiseptic. in the second place , it is the anti-inflammatory function of plasma. in the third place , the properties of collagen production and factors.
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by the end of next year, 50 diabetes and plasma therapy centers will be set up in the country by using nuclear knowledge. from the same news agency karaj. unveiling of 9 new knowledge-based products at the 11th iran laboratory materials equipment exhibition. tool. the accurate protractor is one of these products that is used to identify the measurements of systems in various industries. it is an accurate optical instrument for measuring small changes in the angle of devices that have been in the range of 10 seconds . the device that we have produced now is accurate. an arc second is giving us this output , which means an accuracy about 10 times better than the display. the image on a target mirror and the deviation
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of the returned image against a scale with an accuracy of 10 it measures the same as the previous sample. with a glass face, that glass face is placed on the rotating part of a device, and the devices that claim to be accurate in position are commanded to it and, for example, it is placed at an angle, and this device measures as the main reference . its uses in mediation. it is a dividing device and rotating tools to adjust that device , a subsystem for movement purposes, where we want to have an accurate position, our movement accuracy reaches from degrees to minutes to arcands or seconds. precision protractor made by domestic technicians with similar equipment imported compared. we have a common mirror and a product at the same time. imported and our own product
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, we calibrated a device that had a very high accuracy encoder and we saw that the output of our device compared to that device. the machine has improved a lot, the mold is imported from 30-35 thousand dollars, we have this machine at half the price, we are now offering it in the country. this equipment is one of the 9 technological products that was manufactured for the first time and was unveiled at the 11th edition of the iran construction exhibition. the strategic partner of the scientific vice-chancellor this year was the ministry of science and from now on the ministry of industry and mines. the ministry of oil, the ministry of health , the ministry of energy and other institutions in the field of industry are also serious recipients of this program, god willing, for the production and equipping of the country's industry with the equipment of iranian industrial laboratories, god willing , vahid zakrat of the sed and broadcasting agency
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, surveillance cameras and anti-theft systems, the latest achievements knowledge-based companies in the field of support and transportation. they are smart. the surveillance camera is a new product of dahn baniyan that manages all traffic missions. this is a traffic product that can read all traffic tasks, including registration of speed violations bart can manage and use the red light and even the discussion of parking systems. the license plate happens in the heart of the camera itself. the car anti-theft system is another product of scientists that will soon reach the commercialization stage. we have designed a hard-wearing device and a platform that can be used by ordinary people, by business managers, or by school services or university services, so that we can monitor these things
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online and in real time. and we can see these positions on the platform on the mobile phone individuals or on our computers to observe that in this way we can discuss security. cars to have access to the location and time of cars. in the 50th technological event of start-up businesses, 11 knowledge-based companies presented their latest products in the field of smart transportation . we organize a series of events to help new businesses and startups in the country , so that we can introduce them to the country's investors, as well as the investment agents of the innovation fund. these events are actually a process of empowering new businesses in the country in this technological event, investors were also present to learn about and invest in science-based products. in addition to the fact that there is cash investment
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, there are facilities for location equipment and provision of activity locations, and actually production lines and the like, which can help and provide the basis for knowledge-based companies to be established in an industry. presenting themselves at the start-up business event is considered a technological opportunity between knowledge-based companies and investors in the field of technology to make the development and commercialization of products smoother. samia nasser, sed and broadcasting news agency. researchers of iran university of medical sciences they are trying to produce biological products with high added value from waste. researchers. in this study , they introduced a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for extracting different enzymes based on fermentation. enzymes produced from residues
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are an efficient way to accelerate environmental activities related to microorganism, such as plant mulches, wastewater and leachate treatment. these products have biological, industrial and medical applications. more than 70% of the country's alist deposits and the extraction of various enzymes can greatly contribute to the production of biological products. researchers our country produced a smart device that detects harmful substances in dry goods in the production line. by combining the systems of machine vision, smell machine and artificial intelligence recipes, this device detects harmful substances in dry cargo such as sulfur dioxide and chemical additives. these additives are added to accelerate the drying process and make the product more marketable and to prevent pest damage for a longer shelf life. this
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device is portable and installed inside the ball line and takes and tests a sample of the product every few minutes. and after about 15 minutes will show the result. specialists of a knowledge-based company in order to guide and navigate. the vessels produced a marine locator. the design of this positioning system based on hardware software is similar to a 10-inch monitor and includes a set of map work tools. this system is used in commercial, diplomatic and military ships, and one of its features is the ability to load satellite sea maps and connect to radar. using this system, the user can observe his position in the sea at any moment and the depth of the sea at any moment. ships and boats
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see others on the map and guide the navigation of the vessel and prevent problems such as collisions with other vessels. thank you for your attention and support. good night and god bless you.
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don't buy shoes, let's buy shoes on friday, dad , let's not go somewhere, where is a movie theater? let's go on friday , let's go, let's go to amina's mom's house, why not, let's go on friday , they say, let's go to the home appliance city of paresh city , what should we do, shopping today is a few saturdays, it 's monday, let's go. we are facing the crowd. our proposal for the shopping experience is easier to visit on saturdays to thursdays. the city of carpets, the city of household appliances.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with the kalano plan , we can receive purchase credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma. you have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. dad, why did he have a heart attack? my story is that it is not finished yet . the laundry is good, the price is good, the long hours are in irani sarai, and the price is in irani sarai. what did you want to say? really, i bought an installment from the city. it's easy , yes, it's very easy, a city behind these various stores
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is easy, a city behind your shopping until 2 o'clock we will host you in the morning at the central branch. orbital car battery with 20 months sepahan battery warranty.
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next, members of the iranian national football team to the national cup. asia has renewed the covenant of the sports community with the martyrs at the same time as the anniversary of the martyred lt. gen. hajj qassem soleimani and the start of the second half of the premier league of volleyball tomorrow with the holding of the fourteenth week of games.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you. welcome to sports news. good evening . i will start the news with football. the start of iran's national football team's camp to participate in the asian nations cup. the national football team was held with a special guest on the first day of the formation of the iranian national football team to participate in the asian nations cup, major general hossein salami, the commander in chief of the irgc. the islamic revolutionary guards corps attended the gathering of the national team and talked with the members of the national team for a few minutes. it doesn't matter what you get. the most important thing is to play well. whatever you are capable of, you know how to present it. when a person is not focused and anxious
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, he cannot show his abilities. update it will be locked. when you raise the flag and the national anthem is sung, it goes with your hands your hearts show your respect and devotion to the great iran. we all stand up with pride and for you , i send my best blessings when you play. they send so many blessings that you score a goal. we hope that, god willing, the players will always invited to the camp , they went to the camp of the national teams this morning and they are going to go to kish island tomorrow to hold a few days camp and a preparatory meeting against berginafaso. fortunately, fortunately, my team's conditions are very good, in any case
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, those who are better than us, what about the league abroad, we chose with different tactical thoughts, if we wanted to play with different plans, we chose our players . in my opinion , there were other players who deserved to be in this camp , but according to your words, any list.
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now we are much better than the previous two nations , and this has been shown in the 89 matches that amir khan has played, but this is the 18th asian nations cup football competition from december 20th to december 20th. the 1st of bahman will be held in doha, qatar, and the iranian national team, together with the emirates of hong kong and palestine , is in the group of 30. we wish success to the national football team of our country. the commemoration of the martyred commander of the hearts of the soldiers, haj qassem soleimani , was held in the presence of the great sports community. the 13th of december was the day when sardar delha was martyred. now, to commemorate the fourth year of the ascension of haj qassem soleimani, the federation of veterans and volunteers
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hosted a gathering of the sports community. our teenagers, our youth. we should study the way of life of haj qasim and our brave martyrs i am grateful to those who organized this celebration and made it a special experience again in the big family of sports, among the sports lovers of sardar delha, pahlavis, and the heroic deeds of haj qassem soleimani were narrated. haj qassem soleimani was raised . it is the fatimid school that did not have a moment of calm in defense of this school and the sanctity of the province and islam.
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the legend of this country is the great martyr of this country, and we hope that even a very small percentage of us can continue his path. and the unforgettable face of the resistance
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of the martyr qassem soleimani of the green continent and the claim of the european media that tarmi agreed with inter. the year 2024 has started, and now many of the stars of the football world whose contracts expire in the summer of the year are free according to fifa rules to join any team that they like to negotiate and even sign a contract. one of these players is mehdi tarmi, the iranian striker of perto, who had problems with his club since last summer despite having good european clients. but with the end of 2023, now tarmi can talk to any club he likes and even win a contract. since the beginning of this year, two clubs. milan and inter , due to the good quality and also the acceptable price of tarmi in the transfer market, show that pro bagheri is the client of this player. 6 months ago
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, milan tried to buy tarmi, but the figure of nearly 25 million euros that perto leaders had considered for this player prevented this transfer . mehdi taroumi is a player who can be useful in the forward line. to perform very well in small spaces and to create scoring chances. today , the italian publication toto mercato announced that this iranian star met with the managers of inter a few days ago. an agreement has been reached and at the end of the season , he is going to go to italy's serie i as a free player with a two-year contract and an annual salary of 3 million euros . i have always said that tarumi's value is not only in the goals he scores, he tries with all his heart for the team without the ball, but probably this player will not
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be available to us soon and we have to think of a solution. but tarami's 86 goals scored and 53 assists with piran porto are statistics that made manchester clubs united and tottenham are also looking to recruit this player, according to the european media , tarimi's definitive transfer will be determined after this player's appearance in the asian nations league, which will be held from december 22 to february 21. mohammad sadari of sada news agency , we are following the news with a report on volleyball. the return round of our country's volleyball premier league will start tomorrow with 7 matches. after the end of the first half of the season on the 3rd of december, the teams in the premier volleyball league will strengthen themselves in the desired positions by hiring players.
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we definitely have one or two positions if we can get a good player , not a reserve player. they start calling our player , it is not professional at all, it is not ethical at all, you should know that you will be affected by this cartoon in your results. in the rest of the season, the organization of the volleyball federation league has plans for the teams applying to host the hazbi stage . we sent a circular to the club and a a series of specifications prepared a series of standards we have prepared the table and requested
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to host it with the clubs that are based on these standards and on the basis of these characteristics that we sent and in a standard way. the squatter competes. gitti pansad, the sixth table , is a guest of urumi municipality. chadorremeloi ardakan will host pikaneh in the semi-table, and lastly , tayet will host rafsanjan from misr. the first week of the second half season of the premier league of volleyball will be held on wednesday, december 13th. rozani khem manesh of the radio and television news agency. however, the third round of jumping competitions with
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yad rezaei's zinda cup is currently in tehran is held about 400 horsemen appeared in the third round of yad rezaei zindah jame competitions. these competitions are held in the form of 5 days and 20 categories . people come from different cities . holding these competitions is also about finding talent. for our international competitions, god willing, it is also a matter of satisfaction that the livelihood of the equestrian community comes from holding competitions. the strong presence of riders of basic age groups is one of the remarkable points of this competition. here we can participate in the competition and practice, and in the future as well the overseas competitions of other countries through mir federation help us a lot. those who try to ride will realize their problems in these competitions, that when the competition becomes more serious
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, they are at the level of a champion. the iranian race had disappeared, fortunately, with the move that the federation made and started its competitions, now it has a very high position and they are winning championships for them in all competitions. considering that pure iranian horses are very high quality horses and children can use them for many categories. it is much lower compared to the cost, so we are also interested in doing more of this, but the effects of the riders being in the blinds of the competitions are the most effective part of this sport because the riders gain experience and
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learn how to jump. and more experienced. these competitions will continue until the 15th of december. a total of 550 million tomans will be awarded to more than 50 top winners of this tournament. ansi varzandeh of sed and sima news agency. and let me also say that the first half season of our country's premier football league will end tomorrow with two games from the 15th week. thank you very much for your support. have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, the most merciful , welcome to the news at 18:00. in the last 24 hours , 227 palestinians were martyred and 338 were injured in 15 attacks on the gaza strip, the palestinian ministry of health announced.


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