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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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we are witnessing that the zionist regime has dug numerous tunnels under jerusalem and there is a possibility of the destruction of jerusalem, this holy place which used to be the first, because the zionist regime has greatly increased this issue in the last one or two years.
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this operation continues and has not stopped in the old quds and al-aqsa mosque, and it is worse than almost two weeks ago, the american ambassador. and he did the digging operation himself, he dug there , and this is a criminal act by the us against the sacred things of muslims and against all the people of the world and the free world, so everyone should stand against these policies. the zionists and the americans stand up as they violate the first qibla of muslims and the place of ascension of the messenger of god, the subject of the deal. the century is one of the important issues that
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have been started by the americans after the failure of compromise in the past 34 years . what is the reaction of the islamic resistance to the sinking deal? the deal of the century is a zionist and american plan that the american government wants to implement by abusing regional issues and conflicts. there are wars in the region in order to solve the palestinian issue, which is also in favor of the zionist regime, and this solution will make the zionist regime dominate the holy of holies. and to dominate most of palestine and the palestinian people are without rights and without sovereignty, so he wants to do these things and palestine.
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dominate and this was a confession from the us which recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel and even occupied golan ashgadi and admitted that we palestinians oppose this plan why the arab reaction and some countries including bahrain and the saudis support the deal of the century. first
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, we announced our positions and condemned the bahrain meeting, whose title was to destroy the rights of the palestinians. destroy them by receiving money and property, and we strongly and completely disagreed with this meeting , we condemn every step that is in the direction of normalization with israel, now it doesn't matter what arab or islamic country it is. it is a crime against the palestinian issue and we hope that no one from the arab and islamic nation will fall into this trap. one of the important issues that exist is the fence of gaza and the economic blockade and even medicine for the people of gaza , islamic resistance. how much power
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does it have to deal with the actions of the zionist regime, considering this siege that has been done in terms of defense power? the palestinian authority is implemented, which is also against the employees of gaza are against the siege of gaza, so the people of gaza are in trouble, the main problem
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is that there is no electricity there, and they can even have electricity for an hour or two during a day . and the patients are suffering, the patients are dying in the hospitals because there is no medicine, there is a lot of unemployment there, more than half of the people of gaza are unemployed, there is a siege, people are unemployed , nothing can be exported, nothing can be imported, the sea is closed, there is no fishing. no trade is done, no shipping is done, completely the meaning of the word blockade there is violence there, but our nation is there.
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it cannot actually destroy healthy cells. we are now witnessing that hezbollah has created this capacity in the north of the occupied territories, and the islamic resistance, hamas, islamic jihad and other islamic groups in the south. now , does the islamic resistance in gaza and the palestinian groups, including hamas, have this capability, the defensive capability, that if the zionist regime carries out an operation , give it a tooth-breaking response ? we agree and confirm that israel is a cancer
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and this cancerous growth must be removed so that the people of the region can live in health and security . the powers of resistance and the power of resistance are expanding day by day, and god willing, the power of resistance in palestine and outside of palestine, hezbollah and all the arab and islamic nations will increase and it will move in the right direction, and that is against this cancer. we believe in this. we have said and we trust and we know that this is god's promise and god's promise is true . since a few years ago, the islamic resistance only used stones to throw at the zionist regime, and now it has achieved precision missiles, how effective can this balance be in destroying the zionist regime, god willing, and hamas
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still knows palestine from the bottom to the bottom, or there may be another issue, first of all, development. first of all, the progress of the resistance from stones to rockets was due to the grace of god and the efforts of mujahideen in all places and with the support of all supporters and lovers of the resistance, including the islamic republic of iran and hezbollah, without a doubt. support has a lot of support from resistance and this is a very special and important development during resulting time right now, since we used to fight with stones against the occupiers in all lands, by sea, by air, and by land, now we can resist and defend, and now we need the unity of all
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the arab nations and we are islamic in order to move in the right direction until, god willing, this regime will be destroyed . the zionist regime prepared a 22-day war against the people of gaza from the 33-day war it started against the islamic resistance of hezbollah in lebanon, but over time we have seen what happened in this matter that the hour did not have the power to fight against the resistance in the last stage it happened that the resistance was actually able to target the zionist regime in the field of defense capability and they were forced to accept it.
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the 33-day war that you mentioned, the war lasted 33 days and the resistance stood up very well. in gaza, the war lasted 51 days in 2014 and the occupying regime could not achieve any goal . the tanks of the zionist regime are claimed to be the best. they came in the world and came very close to us, their soldiers came, their soldiers came, then they retreated at night and
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failed to get out of the gaza strip and learn that the resistance is not the previous resistance, the resistance is not the resistance that will fail, and no matter what we do , they understood and understood this, and we are sure that the resistance will increase its power and become stronger every day. we are witnessing that today , between all the palestinian groups, even the groups that had the experience of compromise, such as abbas abu mazen and sahib ariqati, who sat at the negotiating table for many hours, reached this result today. they came to the conclusion that they should not do this and they disagreed in the transaction of the century
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. what made them come to this conclusion? in the palestine liberation organization , they went to negotiations with the zionist regime and took the option of negotiations and compromises, and after all this time, they
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were transferred to quds from tel aviv, all in line with the american and zionist plan, and we hope that let there be resistance and unity among all palestinian groups and we are sure that if we are united we will win against the invaders with god's help . what is the cooperation between hezbollah of lebanon and the palestinian resistance between you and hezbollah of lebanon?
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this context and they are also united in front of the palestinian issue and behind palestine and the palestinian issue is not empty and we trust and hope that men like seyyed hassan nasrallah and hizbollah
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will bring you good and blessings in order to confront the zionist occupation regime and the freedom of palestine . fact
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that this evening in the south of beirut as a result of the attack. mr. haddad, as far as i know, i think you had a prior acquaintance, a face-to-face acquaintance with shahid aruri, a point, a memory, a feature of his character that was outstanding in your acquaintance with us, say yes, well, we are proud of our media work. i was familiar with them and some. i had a meeting with him. well, he is a very friendly person by nature and has a very good relationship with the media , despite the fact that he is a powerful political and military commander in the famous pictures . but, well, a very
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good-natured person and a person who really means people. anyone who sat with him was really attracted to his personality, that is, this trait was very evident in him, and now, especially the people who are related to him in these media fields. the media being comfortable with them means that we could ask them any question. before, for example, they didn't say , "i want this question or i want to know about it . now, this is the nature of the work of the media and they answer every question, but the person with them or the person with them." the interaction felt comfortable, but i am really a very powerful person . i want to tell them something. they had a conversation a while ago and addressed the palestinian youth . they said that instead of having a thousand armed combatants, we can have hundreds of thousands of resistance forces. and these zionists
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he said that one of them should throw stones , one of them is a hand bomb, one of them is a hand -made weapon, he said, when these are put together , we will have hundreds of thousands of palestinian youths, hundreds of thousands of palestinian youth fighters, and this has always been evident in his words, trusting the youth. palestinian means, when you were listening to their speech , you encountered a lot of the young generation, the presence of young people in the scene, especially in all fields, which means that these young people can be the resistance force in all the social, media, cultural, and military scenes together. i think that this is the view of the organization that he played for the palestinian youth, because now their assassination has been discussed, tonight has been discussed by the zionist regime for a long time. this summer , the battle that the palestinian fighters have, one and only, in one place of the west bank, is generally fought by
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young people between the ages of 15, 16 and 245 years old. this was the reason why netanyahu shahrivar was worried about these young people entering the scene with such power. well , these young people who are on the scene today are fighting . but they themselves are not present at the beginning of the struggle the next generations are occupied. many people think that these young people will forget the cause of palestine, but now we see it in the west bank. during the days of seif al-quds, inside the occupied territories of 1948 , how did the palestinian youth leave, he was a martyr? thank you very much, mr. haddad, for your kindness. now we want to go to beirut to talk with seyyed mohammad hosseini, a reporter of the sada vasima news agency in lebanon. mr. hosseini
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, hello, hello, good night . tell us about the assassination that took place today . in the neighborhood of mashrafe, in the southern suburbs of beirut, where this airstrike by the zionist regime took place and led to the assassination of saleh al-arouri , in this assassination, as was announced in the news, 6 people were martyred, and mr. saleh was a prominent figure among the martyrs. al-arwari is also the military officer of hamas in the southern front. lebanon, responsible for qassam abu amer units, in this air terrorist operation, which
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was carried out with three missiles and at least two offensive drones , a number of lebanese citizens were also martyred in this attack. air was injured and in the last reflections of this assassination , the prime minister of lebanon condemned this assassination . its consequences warned the zionist regime. the foreign ministry of lebanon has also complained to the un security council against the zionist regime . the lebanese national and islamic groups have condemned this assassination in statements, as well as the national political figures of this country, and attributed it to weakness. and the ability of the zionist regime on the battlefield in the southern fronts in gaza and the northern fronts on the border. knowing and emphasizing with lebanon that these assassinations will not compensate for the failure of the zionist regime. now that i'm talking to you i agree, the zionist war cabinet
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has convened a meeting about the next phase of this assassination because they are worried that they will receive a heavy response and natalihu asked his cabinet ministers not to talk about this assassination in any way without coordination with the war council and personally. mr. hosseini, if you have my voice, i want to check the information together once again. first, it was announced that this assassination was carried out by an endhari drone. you said that now the latest information is that the attack drones fired missiles . these are officially approved the latest information we have from the lebanese security apparatus and even from hezbollah itself is that this assassination
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was carried out through an air attack, obviously by air raids, three missiles were fired at this place, and one missile entered the apartment where mr. saleh al-arouri lived. his presence and a rocket at the entrance of building 1. it was announced that osama hamdan, the head of hamas in lebanon, was martyred in this assassination, which later turned out to be a rumor and that the person who was targeted was saleh al-arouri, which means that it can almost be said that the second hamas figure outside of palestine the testimony of mr. hosseini is the final question. he had announced that when he was talking about the assassination of martyr aruri by zionists, if a person is assassinated inside lebanon
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, the resistance does not care what his nationality is and he is considered a lebanese, he will react. the night. had announced that within the framework of the equation of deterrence if the zionist regime in the soil. if lebanon targets hezbollah or palestinian forces or others, hezbollah will respond . this goes back to before the action. al-aqsa storm and
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the war in the southern and northern fronts of palestine we are witnessing it now, now, well, the equation has completely changed, the southern front of lebanon is now a front of full conflict with the zionist regime , of course, with a limited depth. be ready at any moment. the zionists are worried that hezbollah and hamas will give a crushing response to this attack. how this answer will be, at what level it will be, where it will come from, these are questions that may not be announced. thank you seyyed mohammad hosseini
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talked the reporter of sada vasima news agency located in the place of this assassination, located in the south of beirut, now i will continue the conversation with the experts who have just joined our program, mr. keumers yazdanpanah and mr. daoud ahmadzadeh, both experts in west asia, welcome. thank you for your presence, mr. azdam panah. the initial question is when this assassination took place on the 8th day of the war. what changes do you think we will see in the equations of bismillah rahman rahman, first of all, to the service of mr. ali and the respected viewers of the khabar network , i wish you a good night and the year and day of the martyrdom of sardar haj qassem soleimani. i offer my condolences and i also congratulate all the ladies on women's day . see, in my opinion, what
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happened today in southern lebanon has its own complexities. three basic issues can be evaluated in the front line of this assassination. the first issue was that mr. saleh al-aravi, mr. abu amer, and mr. khalil al-hiya , who were three of the senior leaders of the hamas movement , were actually martyred in this terrorist operation . the battle with the zionist regime in gaza and actually managing the field scene it had and was the connecting link of the flow of resistance in different fronts as well as the connection with the islamic republic of iran . it was natural that your friends have already mentioned
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this in the report, just as the previous experts mentioned. it happened that these main branches and main branches of hamas leaders were actually hit. why was this period chosen for three main reasons. the first reason is that the israelis faced a challenge in the battlefield and therefore they are forced to change their tactics. move from direct war to ad hoc wars so that they can use a method of enrichment in the field of occupation they should manage the war according to their own public opinion, and most importantly, with regard to the draining of military power and the support of the zionist regime , they should directly involve the united states in the conflicts. in fact ,
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he rejected the process of electing the new ruler of khazah, namely mr. salam fayaz, because of his own management. you see, he denied it, but the facts are that it is happening, there is one thing that exists here, hamas had agreed to sacrifice even its last person in this war, but the country of palestine, yes, its flag should be kept high. palestine should regain its identity in the political map of the world, now israelis and in fact the united states do not want to accept this case . it goes back to the negligence of the member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation, which really should have been dealt with . thank you. we received pictures of the moment and the incident. this assassination, we want to see that image in a full frame, my colleagues prepare the image .


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