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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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there is no previous imam. it is true that you are raising the possibility of rome. many of my analysts are focused on the way that this may be the preparations for the start of an all-out war in the region, which will cover even a significant part of southwest and asia , and come towards iran. to involve the strategic areas from bab al-mandeb to the strait of hormuz. i know that the global conditions governing the international system and the weakness of the world powers, especially the united states, can involve them in such a war. it has been almost a month now that they are talking about a coalition led by america and the presence of allies western and non-western claimants to stop the houthis and yemeni forces from saying that they can actually reach from bab al-mandab to the entire length of the red sea to the swiss canal.
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establish it, but the reality is that rome itself could neither organize nor command . it was an interesting point. i saw these days that the western media are repeatedly analyzing why the countries that the united states supported in the beginning were not willing to send a navy or force to babylon. see, i said that the global situation does not really require it, this region has its own conditions, don't take it as a joke , the pulse of the global economy beats in this region. it means daily closely. million barrels of oil transited from the persian gulf to other parts of the world , 7 to 9 million barrels pass through the red sea for countries that are in desperate need of oil, so they cannot easily take the trigger. whose future and opponents are not clear, on the other hand, they don't know, basically , they have to
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defend their public opinion from a regime called the zionist regime, whose nature is illegitimate and whose theme is crisis-making, genocide, and war crimes. they cannot be convinced by all your orders my opinion is the logical aspects of the story. yes , there is a distinct issue here. someone like netanyahu is at work , for whom the story is completely personal. the whole world has come to believe that these logical equations and these should be put to one side. another side is netanyahu, who at any cost. he wants the war to continue, even if it becomes regional, even if it takes a different form. i even believe that this same netanyahu, who in fact, of course, will push this forward if the conditions are right for him and he knows that the war will stop right now inside israel. he can control his mind, he will stop it today this is not the case, yes, the polls show that it is the end.
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yes, it is the end of politics, of course, it is not their personal hand, that is, it is a process behind the scenes that is being directed by the white house, it is enough to give an order to stop the war, but for the time being , it is sitting behind this killing machine and it is going on with its work like last week's assassination in syria, this assassination in lebanon, the killing of 22,000 ordinary people in gaza is under his command. yes , look, how far can israel's economy go under this war? under these heavy wheels, the war is getting paralyzed, if the war continues for another month in the same way aimlessly without achieving anything well, now he wants to make a so-called shift , change the path of negotiations with an achievement or not, looking for an excuse and an opportunity for the assassination last week in syria, and this assassination seems like it is not endless, the war will spread. spread spread in what conditions war.
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do not continue alone. in fact , give up the field of operation. this is why the staging of the war regime's change in war tactics in recent days is the reason. well, at the beginning of the war, this order was completely appropriate. couldn't it mean that we would have checked the situation in lebanon if hezbollah had entered? it is possible that some of the sunni christians in lebanon were considered to have different thoughts about hezbollah. it's okay that we interfered in the palestinian issue, but when the terror took place inside lebanon, now hezbollah has an even international legitimacy. please answer, see , it's not just hezbollah's issue . he said that this geopolitics of resistance is under threat. the charter of this organization dictates that it should intervene and confront . you said that hezbollah is one place. see in
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the war against terrorism centered on isis, did hezbollah get the permission of the lebanese government? the army took over lebanon, its mission required that it be confronted in every islamic point where it is actually needed, and it was successful, and it was successful. by the way , the next thing that exists is that now this action of the zionist regime is a violation of the territorial sovereignty of the lebanese country , which means this. it is the lebanese army that must make a statement and warn or take countermeasures . this is something that something that is completely objective has attacked the capital to the south of the capital of this country . the lebanese government should not be silent. the lebanese army should not be silent. hezbollah knows its duties well , but the zionists made another strategic mistake, that is, if they wanted
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to become a region based on the assumption of a war , they would have a bigger battle with hezbollah than what has been going on in your border during this period, at the beginning of the war. it was better for the zionists, now the zionists are worn out, and i believe that there is a stronger logic inside lebanon to respond to selah, but you see, i believe that the reason for the zionist regime's anger is the strategic patience of hezbollah, why is hezbollah doing this? it doesn't do direct and extensive work, it's bad by the way he does not want to involve the hizbullah organization in the battlefield and both his internal public opinion and his supporters, especially the united states. convince him that the war has spread where you are going to enter, find an entry. by the way , because of this patience and tactics of hezbollah, it is very logical. now , let me ask this question to mr. ahmadzadeh. as a way out
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, they are looking to get hezbollah or other parties more involved in this war, but in any case, we found ourselves in a situation where a netanyahu at work elections are not going to be held in the regime, there should be a change , and international institutions are not doing anything from outside. with america's veto, they can't do anything. now, in this situation, netanyahu can continue with these madnesses, and this strategic and strategic patience seems to be possible. don't you see, the main point is the same as what was discussed before, now the discussion is that the expansion of war is one of the actions of one of the main goals. well , netanyahu and his warmongering team are in the region and it has been since the beginning, that is, the introduction of america itself is actually the middleman of the cost. it means dividing the cost between america and even the european union
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the european union as a financial source and platform for this sedition and violence, on the one hand, and the americans , a heavy military presence in the region, a military formation. in order to create in the region, in addition to themselves, in order to disrupt the general discussion of the axis of resistance, the argument that the gaza strip seems to be the sheriff's office, which in the illusions of netanyahu and his warmongering team, his minister of war and those who are finally ruling in occupied lands are the subject of this discussion, even showing movements to enter. iran, somehow , even the war minister or the previous prime minister of the sinsei regime publicly announced that we should enter and hit iran directly in fact , subject it to airstrikes after they
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succeed in gaza, and it was said that we cannot do this alone, it is necessary that america itself should come and make a serious contribution to create talk of peace. and in fact, the clean-up in the region is for our benefit , the requirement is that you have to pay for it, and the cost must come from khakh sefid 's pocket. going there in the past days, mr hello azimzadeh, we have my voice. hello, good night mr. hashem zadegan, lebanon's hezbollah carried out 6 operations today and issued 6 statements. in these statements, it announced that a zionist military gathering center
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targeted 3 bases as well as a command headquarters and spying equipment of the zionist military in the north of the occupied territories. today, that is, early tonight, after the assassination of the vice-chairman of the palestinian political movement hamas in the southern suburbs of beirut, after that , the drone patrols of the zionist military over the southern regions of lebanon have increased sharply. even now, if i remain silent, you can hear the sound of the drone it has been almost 10 minutes that the drone has been patrolling exactly in this area, that is, above the khian region. yes, as i said , hezbollah 6 operations. today, first, the gathering of the zionist soldiers in the military barracks
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of azurait in the north of the occupied territories, the aim of the contract, the most important operation of hezbollah, was to target the new headquarters of the zionist military command in ilit, in the northeast of the city of safed, at a distance of about 10 kilometers from the lebanese border. the command of the 91st division of the zionist regime targeted the headquarters of the division. 91 zionist army previously in barnit military barracks it was near the border, about 2 kilometers from the border of lebanon with occupied palestine. hezbollah repeatedly targeted barnit military barracks with guided missiles and also with its heavy berkan missiles, so much so that the zionist forces were forced to destroy the command headquarters of their own 91st division. move the border of lebanon to 10 km. take it further to ilit and hezbollah targeted it this time with a suicide drone. 3
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zionist military bases, barkat risha base, marj base, samagheh base, are the other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations today. also spy equipment that in the ramim military barracks in front of the hula and meser area of ​​mount lebanon , spy cameras were installed on high peninsulas, today hezbollah. targeted with guided missiles. hezbollah announced in its statements that a number of zionist soldiers were killed and wounded, especially after targeting the gathering of zionist soldiers in the military barracks of azeri. the media of the zionist regime admitted that 5 people were wounded again. the sound of helicopters could also be heard in the area, transporting the ships and the possible wounded of this hezbollah operation to the hospitals. another article about sound the alarm was sounded in 9 military and zionist settlements in the north of the occupied territories
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. zionist television channel 12 also reported that several rockets hit margaliot settlement in the north of the occupied territories . mr. azampana, if you have any point about our previous discussion , we are at your service . i mentioned that it is strategic patience, completely instead of those logical equations, but netanyahu does everything because the discussion has become personal for him . see what should be done now this is a war that is different from all the wars that we have witnessed in the 8 decades of conflict in the occupied territories . it is even more complicated than the 6-day war of 1967.
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we are witnessing a new thing in the region that is complicating the situation. this complexity is not only for the zionist regime, and we cannot end the war with these dimensions, at this cost, and with these conditions . there is zionist terrorism. khurshid wrote this book, in my opinion, if this book well, these crimes that are happening in this region as the most heinous war crimes should be analyzed . it is not without reason that it is angering the air. fundamental in terms of geopolitical infrastructure. after what happened, the position of this zionist regime must be determined
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, or it must remain, or it must be dismantled forever. the fear, terror, and anxiety of the furious models of this war are also caused by this issue, mr. ahmadzadeh. less than a minute . if you have a final point, the discussion is hezbollah. lebanon seems to have become an influential and independent variable in the khab region and the ability to respond to the sahnosti regime. despite that strategic patience, it seems that with the attacks that were actually carried out right after this assassination , with a very intelligent, targeted response. will face the simin regime and the debate that the defeat in the gaza strip has increased the efforts of this regime to survive and it seems that it cannot be solved by terror and the people and leaders of the resistance movement, that is, the hamas movement. you two
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gentlemen have done a favor to the viewers of the khabar network i say goodbye, good night. in this episode, we want to talk about martyr moghfouri, and as the daughter of martyr , give a short introduction to martyr moghfouri. what do you say about martyr
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moghfouri ? on january 4, 1365 , i was also martyred in the 4th karbala operation , was the father of my comrade haj qasim ? on the anniversary of our dear martyr haj qasim, we wanted to tell about martyr moghfouri because haj qasim is a there is a very special phrase about this martyr , they say that we are proud that the forgiven person whose grave is the imamzadeh of our city today is
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yours. we are proud of makhfoor who, in order to protect bitalmal , did not use the irgc motorcycle to take himself to the hospital when his wife wanted to give birth. haj qasim, well , they were very attentive to the martyrs' families. taking too much of someone who was always by our side in all the moments of sadness and happiness was taking a toll on us and really she knew herself from our family . they are zainab khanum. they are your daughter . how old are you, zainab khanum? i am 17 years old. we wanted zainab khanum
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to be in this frame without compliments, to narrate a memory, and it was an impressive memory that the leader. calling the revolution a valuable work done by haj qasim, the grandson of one of his martyred friends wanted to undergo surgery , so he went to the hospital and stayed until the operation was completed. yes , i had come to follow up on your condition before the surgery, yes, and i thought that they would just come to see zainab, ask us how we are and visit us, but i saw no standing like that in they are in no hurry to leave, mother.
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the child said that the operation is over, haj agha , go and get to your cartoon. he said no, your father, that is , the grandfather of this child, went to martyrdom in my place . i was transformed and i remember that i hit the wall and i started crying. how many hours did haj qasim stay in the hospital? about 34 hours, that is, from early in the morning , from 7:30 a.m., they came until around 11:11 a.m. and how long did they stay until zainab regained consciousness, that is, after the operation was completed, it took about 45 minutes and 50 minutes until i went over zainab's head when zainab jan was brought to the recovery room, i talked to zainab
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and asked her how she was. do you remember that day when i was waiting to go, i was sleeping in the operating room, for example, i was sleeping, but i realized that haji had come , i really felt very good about this, but that day i was really happy that haji came to us and then the martyrdom of haj qasim. you see these pictures , haj agha, we are waiting for you in the hospital until you come to your senses. how does it feel to have a question, haji adam? he was very big and you know this for me at least after his martyrdom and i am really
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surprised because i am not a special person, i am an ordinary person, a lowly person or a person after you, haji came to me here because i am wondering if you want a sentence for haj qasim now. tell me what you are saying, mr. kashi. try to be seen by the one who needs to see , and this sentence that they themselves say should not be exactly a clear example of the character itself. it is for haj qasim . haj qasim paid attention to the details in his life, which made him great now. may the souls of the martyrs be happy
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, god bless their souls. may god bless them. ali muhammad and the family of muhammad. this man is known by the men of maidan , you know him all over iran. only iran is free wherever it is, the hosseinis of the era know him
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. he crossed the borders of the soil with his heart . with those warm words of his rejoicing god was in that pure and beautiful look. before his martyrdom , he fell in love with martyrs. your cry when the world was silent. we made a pact with you to stay in the field with you, the leader of the audience, the scholar
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, the scholar, and the soldiers. one day, we ask you to pray for this man. the men of the field know.
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your blood has flowed in our veins, sardar , with your name , our hearts have come to life, you are the permanence of this dark night of oppression, which has ended with the rise of your blood. the voice of suleiman, i know, is waiting in the ears of hundreds of suleimans, who are looking for the commander of the seers, the scholars , the riders, and we made a pact. let's stay with you in the field
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, together with old people, pray with you for a day .
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this is free, yes, this is free , this is free, yes, this is free, this is free, this is free, yes.
4:00 am
at 4:00 p.m. qatar ticket sales start for bahman ticket sales passenger trains for the game started from 1st to 30th of bahman for outgoing routes until 1st of march for returning routes. passengers who plan to travel by train in february can buy their tickets from today. do the sales of cuts that have been going on for several months are done in person and online at the same time. it opened very easily with a few clicks early in the morning and we were able to get our tickets. with the simultaneity of face-to-face and online sales , it has become easier for people to access tickets. however, the late sale of tickets and of course only for a period of one month has led to the complaints of some passengers has


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