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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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good morning dear compatriots , we inform you about the news at 9 o'clock. palestinian groups announced that the zionists will pay a heavy price for the assassination of al-arwari. in the statement of the palestinian groups, the martyrdom of saleh al-aroori and his allies will not break the resistance and weaken it, but this crime
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will increase the resistance, strength and confidence of our people in victory and freedom from proving the defeat of the aggressors of gaza. in a statement, the palestinian islamic jihad movement expressed its condolences for the martyrdom of al-aroori and announced: the assassination of martyr al-aroori is an attempt by the enemy to expand the scope of the war to the region and escape defeat. field and military in the gaza strip. abu obeidah , the spokesperson of the al-qassam battalions, also held rallies and marches in all the cities, villages and camps of the west bank to express their anger against the terrorist attack. arori proposed. najib mikati, the prime minister of the government of lebanon , condemned the terrorist attack of the zionist regime on beirut and the martyrdom of al-arouri , and warned the zionist regime about extending its defeat in gaza to the southern border of lebanon. hossein jashi, a member of the lebanese parliament, also said: hezbollah's response to the assassination of the deputy head of the political office of hamas will be decisive. iraqi hezbollah battalions also announced the enemy of israel did with the support of america. committed
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the crime of assassination and this is a sign of failure of the zionist regime in the gaza strip. following the terrorist act of the zionist regime in the assassination of saleh al-arouri , one of the leaders of the palestinian resistance, the people of the west bank are on strike today. on the night of december, the palestinian people in various areas of the west bank, including ramallah, condemned the assassination of saleh al-arouri, the deputy of the political office of the hamas movement. palestinians demonstrated against the zionist regime in arourah village in ramla, the birthplace of martyr saleh al arouri.
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every martyr saleh al-arwari congratulates his brother on his martyrdom he said: martyrdom was his wish, and with the martyrdom of each resistance leader, other fighters continue their path. hundreds of jordanians gathered in front of the embassy of the occupying al-quds regime in amman and condemned the assassination of sheikh saleh al-aruri, the deputy head of the political bureau of the hamas movement. a demonstration in the city of irbid, jordan. it was held in condemnation of the assassination of the senior commander of hamas in the attack of the zionists on the zahiya of beirut. the participants in this demonstration chanted: o arori, o martyr, we will not go out of your way!
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the zionist military announced in the safar area northeast of al-brij camp in the center of the gaza strip. this battalion also announced that it has succeeded in 71 in the last four days destroy the war machine of the invading enemy. according to the spokesman of ezzedin qassam battalion , during this period, the fighters of this battalion were able to carry out 42 military missions and defeat 16 of the occupying forces. hit you and injure dozens of other people. targeting a helicopter and two enemy spy planes was also one of the other achievements of ezzeddin qassam battalions. why do some people not want to be mothers? our reporter went to the people with this question. you don't like to be a mother, why do
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some girls and women run away from motherhood because it is a big responsibility and they are under the burden of responsibilities. there is something that makes a mother strong, why don't you want a mother? a midwife says thank you and i want to give the world to her. sometimes i'm stressed when i hug my children
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, i'm not in this world at all. one is because of economic issues and the other is that both myself and my wife don't have much time, at least nothing to do with it. it doesn't matter to each other, i get to my work, i get to my child, i get home , it's a lot of fun to be a mother , she takes her sustenance with her to a hundred children, she gives a new life to a human being. in life, in general, when it comes, it's good now it has changed, yes, i have grown older , it has found a certain routine life, then it will be a beautiful excitement , it will bring excitement. i look at them, i want pleasure , i thank god, you got a mother's day gift, god willing, yes, yes , i don't want to say that today is mother's day, sir. thank
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you very much for saying yes. thank you, thank you, my mother, but don't forget that for more information about this meeting, she is currently talking to the ahl al-bayt madadh and the head of the country's maddah association. i do. dear mr. vaezi, i would like to ask you how many praisers will meet with the leader of the revolution today and what is the feature of this year's meeting compared to previous years? yes, in the name of allah
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, the merciful. rahim salaam, i offer my service to you and all honorable and honorable viewers on the blessed birth of hazrat sediqa kobari fatima zahra , peace be upon her, especially to all the ladies, mothers, wives and dignitaries of this country . the way and tradition of every year, alhamdulillah, today we have the success to reach the service of hazrat agha, and it is interesting to note that today it has its own characteristics. first of all, besides the fact that today is the birthday of hazrat siddiqui kabra, peace be
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upon him, it is our 40th meeting, that is, today is the 40th meeting in the past 40 years, from the years of the presidency of hazrat agha. they were and this happened and it has been and is still the 40th year of attention, and it is still happening today, alhamdulillah, and now a large number of dear servants of the martyrs from all parts of the country are gathering with special enthusiasm like every year. with special love that we are all really waiting for today, the birthday of hazrat zahra, peace be upon him, is a special feature for all of us, there are praisers who memorize poetry , we come to this bright place to serve him, we congratulate him, we implement programs, and at the end
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we benefit from the opinions and statements of hazrat agha . dear martyr sepe bad qassem soleimani, this is a bad color. specially, although every year like today, all the friends who pay respects keep all these factors in mind , but this year it is exactly the same day, today is the martyrdom day of that honorable man, whose memory we honor and pay respects to that great man who always the leader of hearts will remain as a kind of birth and birth of the great architect. the revolution of hazrat imam khomeini , may god bless him and grant him peace, is also today, in short, a special day that from all corners of the country
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, my beloved brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters of good servants, as we say, mr. seyyed al-shahda , are gathered here as poets and poets, and in the next few minutes , god willing, the programs we will start , god willing, thank you very much for your report, mr. vaezy.
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don't doubt at all, finally, on this august day , about 27 years ago, these pictures from khorasan were published , the opening of the century, which is said to be the last order of a representative. in the last days of his work, he was at the entrance of the parliament at the last moment. paying attention to a large construction project,
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the development agent of which is sad jafar mashrakli, they introduced this dam for us to follow up. mehdi yaqoubi, the representative of the people of torbat heydarieh in the islamic council says that once upon a time he was born in a village in the heart of old khorasan. he was 11 years old when he went to torbat heydarieh seminary. the path that later reached nawab seminary in mashhad. when they come across a series of announcements, publications, and books, for example, the imam considers this as their role model , which should be in the hands of different people in the society. at the level of villages and places that feel the need to be informed. the declarations that strengthened the political side of his life and from then on he promoted the propaganda along with his studies with khorez taypad
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and a little later some northern cities were the centers where he went to give speeches. and after some time , he became the ruler of khorasan sharia law, slowly his responsibility. one millimeter, we did not see his spirit before the time of this responsibility . mousavi ardabili, who was the head of the supreme court at that time, was elected. i never saw that his judgment was issued and it was violated, even though the judgment was heavy, but his fair judgment gained some trust in the society. attracting that even the scorpions accepted haj mr. yaqoubi's fairness . these recognitions caused him to
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be invited to represent the parliament. elders of torbat, both clerics and non-clerics, suggested them. there were very few articles. people were very satisfied with the way he handled the cases. he looked at everyone with one eye. at all for the martyr yaqvi, the father of the brother. the stranger was no different. all as one there was no need for advertising expenses , they said, for example, yaqoubi may be advertising in mecca, there was no need for anyone to come through the door. mehdi yaqoubi became the representative of the people of torbat heydarieh in the second term of the islamic council with the majority of votes. 782 votes were cast. martyr yaqoubi
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won 51,380 votes. his job did not change his way of life. he had a spirit that was superior to all the responsibilities of being a representative and a judge . it was usually a meeting place with the downtrodden people in the villages and in the city. during those years of representation, khanash had become a hangout for people who came to tehran for their problems. we used to come to tehran, it wasn't his house . when i came, no one came here from this city to solve his own problems and he welcomed us with open arms. it was very good. he was following his departure, which of course
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was made later after his martyrdom, his martyrdom was exactly on the first day of march. 64 in the sky of ahvaz when they were returning from visiting the operational areas of the holy defense he lived a short life, but he was very blessed. mr. yaqoubi and 40 of the country's officials , representatives of the parliament, their plane was hit by baathist missiles and all of them were martyred. there is a burden from today that you will fall to the ground for a lifetime. everyone is waiting to see where you will go from the road of love.
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there is a national diabetes and blood pressure survey . please tell me your national code. how many more days are left until the end of the national diabetes and blood pressure survey? that is , on january 15, 30% of diabetics do not know about their disease, and about 40% of hypertensive people suffer from high blood pressure. i know their illness more than half of people over the age of 18 have visited health and treatment centers in cities and villages, and about a million people have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. i must see a doctor within two weeks. diseases that can prevent the death of 400,000 people in the country within 8 years by recognizing them in time. parents have no history of diabetes, hypertension. 20 thousand each. that is , if we control blood sugar. we can almost
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control 200,000 deaths from high blood sugar . patients who find any of them. they will occupy hospital beds in the next 10 years surgery and heavy expenses will be significantly reduced both for the health system and for the people . no, i had not been tested for a year. later, i found out that my right leg was injured due to diabetes . you found out that you have this disease too late. i will tell you that diabetes is 130 trillion. it means that we have 130 thousand billion rials only for diabetes in one year . find any of these, start treating them from today . don't doubt that the diseases that lead to treatment lead to hospitalization, lead to angiography, lead to heart surgery, lead to kidney transplant can be done in these it will decrease, but those who participate in the program
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will continue to be cared for if their illness is recognized, and the ministry of health will not end the program at the end of the program, the patient will not be abandoned according to the defined protocols. it was still 14. we have a doctor . these are subject to change although a little in the lifestyle and walking daily can reduce the number of sufferers by more than half . you are over 24 years old, so come on, you are overweight , you are active, we exercise for 30 minutes every day, 5 days a week, once a week, not the best
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activity. it is that you do 30 minutes every day , the average activity of these people is 5 to 7% , they control their weight, they exercise, 70% of new cases of diabetes can be prevented, your weight gain, i am a nutrition expert, i will give you a diet, your intake of salt, fat, and sugar will be limited. let's eat more fruits and vegetables, consume less soda and less soda according to the statistics of the ministry of health, every dollar invested in health has a return of 17 dollars. maryam begpour, radio and television news agency. i am guardsman qassem soleimani, a member of the kerman guards corps.
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this love is dragging me from where to where. they draw the blood of god, the sun is blood-stained , is it syria or iraq, like a particle of the earth is drawn to the air ?
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my blood is a simple agate, someone's ring has a separate seal and a separate hand pulls the spilled veins of the iron earring pulls.
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they throw their heads from the ground to the air. zainab, who is the defender of your shrine , who is your love?
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tile your dreams. look, i saw your health record. i adjusted your exercise program and adjusted your exercise program considering that you have knee pain. i coordinated with your coach so that the movements do not put pressure on your knees. see your sports program. if you have any questions , ask me in the discussion section of the arman sports program. thank you for sure. bye. goodbye tuesday. correctional movement specialists and physiotherapists can register.
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send the number six to number 2087. how many a day? do you have students 78 a day, but i disabled the program and the remaining students will be left for tomorrow. the ideal of exercise anytime and anywhere with any trainer. do you know how to buy a palace? be careful. if the consumer price of a product. or a basket of goods is, for example, 20 million tomans, and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance, this 20% must be deducted from the consumer price, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, and we must calculate installments and fees based on this amount. ok, so be aware of the consumer price and the remaining cash
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the hour. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful greetings to the family of muhammad and ajl farajham. and good morning , dear viewers, welcome to sports news. the start of training for the iranian national football team for the asian nations cup. the players invited to the camp, who arrived at the training place of the national football teams since yesterday morning. their first training session with the presence of 20.


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