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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] thank you very much, mr. fallah, now, the spokesperson of the country's emergency organization, currently they say that there were 10 injured in this incident, if there are not more , we will continue with the higher program with our colleagues . well, thank you to mr. hamzai. if nothing happens to our compatriots, we will continue our conversation until their next communication. mr. niavrani, you said that basically this procedure is good or not. i first wish health and well-being to our people, and god willing, that everything will go well and happily, god willing , you will see that we are farmers. usually killed they have two types, for example, you see a farmer in a part of his field, he is planting wheat, barley
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, rapeseed, and part of the field is also producing vegetables using sifi. they balance their family's economy. by saying that, for example, a farmer sold his product for 6 times or 8 times the selling price, which farmer? which apartments and towers belong to keshavarze in these first-class areas of tehran? our farmers always do their work with hard work. everything here is expensive. can you say 9 times to wheat and what did you say? for the whole country, if a farmer plants one hectare of wheat , he will have an average profit of 9 times that of wheat. do you not accept this? i am not talking about wheat at all.
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he is planting wheat, he is gathering, he is planting wheat , he is planting land, well, you said no, he does not make 9 times profit , there is no 9 times profit at all. let him plant potatoes. if he plants potatoes, 9 times wheat makes a profit. do you accept this? no , it's not like this. now, how many kilos of wheat, no, no , how much does it make on average
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? and for what year, for a decade, for a decade , we got this, oh, where do you get your statistics from ? we have accurate statistics regarding this year, unfortunately , with the tensions we have in the market, you say one year, i say this year and year after year. there has never been a year when we have seen our farmer 9 times the cost of his production , money from any product
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, not even a tree. a hectare of land should be used for basic work, wheat , for example, 100,000 tomans, if it is a potato, 900,000 tomans, 9 times that is correct , sorry, i have an example. he is selling it, and then he says that the price i have is a very reasonable price . for example, let's go for something else. how many
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times will he get? this is a good argument. you are saying, look, we didn't plant these 600,000 hectares , we planted them basically, what is going to happen, anyway, the government is saying, sir, i will impose a tariff, so you don't see this. do it or you can see that our strategy should be, i don't know how far they are now, that all our vegetable products are as far as possible and so to speak , they allow us to go below the smart level of the greenhouse, that is, those products that are possible it is possible to go under the surface of greenhouse cultivation, naturally , it frees up a lot of land. for our basic products and for other products, there should not be a situation where this difference is so tempting for the farmer to make this decision to grow summer green crops.
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you see, some regions are now moving towards these products, which until the last few years , for example, you did not see safi green products at all in that region . for example, look, for example, in the north of fars province , one of the debates that is being dragged on is, for example, is it two or is it watermelon. in the event that maybe in the last 20 years, you have not seen such products in such a place, these are the people who are going to rent these lands with very high costs and their argument is that they will make a profit. look, it's like now, i don't want to use these terms, but it's like a casino for example, it is enough for you to go to the market for summer agricultural products in one day, because for example, if you have a good management, in some of these products, up to 100. in my hectare, you can harvest 100 tons in, for example , 2000 tomans, the price difference is significant in one hectare because, for example, these are cultivated at very high levels of hectares. you see, the duty of the government is to study and
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regulate this. do it so that agriculture and the farmer's decisions will come out of this state of abandonment. now, for example , we say with these definitions and announcements all at once , of course, everyone is against this announcement at once. in any case, since our discussion is also a matter of the parliament , you can see that it is imported. today, we have a part of the bazar that used to be in the hands of the government, and today, due to the limitations, we have accurate statistics of how much it is not imported, but
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in relation to the greenhouses, i can say that 80% of the imported seeds in relation to the open space , such as tomatoes and onions
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, are produced from within the country and are almost ordered by our country to produce a specific product in a specific climate. it does not have to be a specific region and the necessary work is basically other countries or countries like the region we don't really want them to take our place in terms of producing
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products like watermelon and other things that are very expensive. see how much you agree with this . there is a point. countries and the government, so to speak, are responsible for basic goods in the field of non-basic goods. the concern of a policymaker is not that, for example, a farmer now has a certain vegetable or safflower product on his trip, because they are concerned and prioritize the products everywhere in the world. but the jalizis, we don't have any competitors, where at all, in the export markets , who say why, naturally, we are in all our own markets are facing serious competitors , it's not that we don't have export competitors or commercial competitors .
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now, their values ​​are very good compared to export goods. the second point is that we should definitely encourage this, let's move them towards bringing the products under the greenhouse cultivation level . it is possible with these definitions accept we are seeing, farmers, that 10% , approximately 10 to 12 products that are produced are in excess of our needs in this field of summer vegetables . now, on average, for example, 4 important products of our summer vegetables, the rest , there is enough demand inside the country, for example. for potatoes , this year, the percentage was much lower. for tomatoes and other products, our large market means that more than 90-85% of our market is related to the domestic market, that is, because
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we are afraid that the farmer, for example, will stop producing his product completely. this will never happen the discussion is only about those export discussions, why should we have a series of regulations so that basic goods do not fall too far behind in the farmer 's production basket? sir , there is a mistake on these products, this farmer of ours is encouraged to plant basic products or not. you don't care too much about it. first of all, from the expert point of view of the land and different regions and the amount of water , it is not such that one can change the model of the ship so quickly and replace the ship. it's not that fast, but if they announce it a year, 6 months, 8 months ahead, then you will see what kind of shortage will be created in that product in the country, which they won't announce at that time, and i will tell you one thing. regarding the fact that you said competitors, yes
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, we have competitors in all these fields , i now declare my service to you in the arab countries of the persian gulf region . it comes from turkey, it comes from cyprus, it even comes from europe, spain, it means it's not like you think we are the only exporter of, for example, this onion product , for how much, for example, in dubai, there are 7 million people here , for example, there may be a point where we import, for example, onions, but we should grow a basic product that does not threaten our food security, it is not affordable at all. we are the largest producer of wheat, canola, and oats in the world. now, with the restrictions placed on it, it has flowed into our country. we filled the economic balance that you said
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, we filled our warehouses for several years. or the guarantee of its implementation if it is a model of cultivation, look at the tariff, if it is imposed correctly with the requirements i said , there should also be incentives for basic goods , that is, it is just a definition , in general , it gives this pulse or this signal to the market and to our zinef that the government only. he cares about his own pocket and only wants to receive the income from the deviation. this should go back to the farmer or the farmer's supply chain . thank you. yes, thank you very much. naturally, our farmers can choose between these two views in the next parliament there is an opposite side be it or not, people can basically vote for their representatives on the opinions they have on agricultural products and make a decision . thank you very much to all the guests, all the good viewers of
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the economy table, it has always been with us until this moment, my god. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, dear viewers, just as we announced in the previous communication, a terrible voice was heard on the path of golzad, the martyrs of kerman , and the pictures were also being broadcast live. the martyrs of kerman city are mr. bagheri. greetings from your observations please , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, i am at your service, dear colleague
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. it was at 4:15 p.m. today that suddenly a loud noise was heard in the martyrs' gulzar of kerman. here we are a few meters from the grave of martyr haj qasim soleimani. it could be, and it was this woman who was at the entrance of the path . after asking and asking , we found out that yes, this happened in the underpass of the street leading to this holy place. it was heard when the gathering of people had formed, of course relief forces have their own work to do in the sound field. the second thing that was heard after that sound here is hayat golzar shahada was evacuated by the servants of shahada and people are slowly evacuating through the forest path which is next to golzar shahada and return to the city and god willing
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nothing special happens. how is it here? now in hayat golzar shahada itself , the atmosphere is calm and the people are evacuating the place by keeping calm and listening to the advice of the security and law enforcement forces, and apart from those two explosions, i don't think there is anything else to worry about. or the issues after that thank you very much, mr. bagheri. there are also pictures of the route that my friends are providing . yes , yes . thank you.
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according to the resistance of my colleagues, they have been present in golzar shahada since this morning and we were supposed to be present in the second group, which was me and my colleagues, to prepare a report and live communications, when we got the news that a loud noise was heard and now the crowd was large. however, there is no information about the details of the incident at all, and now there are a series of incidents bahnar hospital is being transferred, as well as afzalipur hospital in kerman, but from the details of the incident and the number of injured or now the possibility reports. we don't have any information available anymore, but god willing , we will inform all our compatriots in the next parts of the news . we are at your service. thank you. madam najafi, allow me to speak with the country's head of emergency, dr. mayadfar. hello doctor. give details. how many people have
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this incident? in the name of god. i offer greetings and courtesy to my dear viewers. unfortunately , just as sadasima announced, there was an explosion. we had one after the other near the so-called tomb of hajj qassem soleimani. the latest statistics we have now are about 15 injured . we transferred my colleagues to the hospitals. we activated almost all the hospitals that were in karwan. we have activated the doctors and the ambulances in the neighboring cities, the loved ones are in the area, so there are a number of them now. it has been reported that friends are collecting the latest news, god willing, in the next few moments , god willing, i will be at your service in the next conversation . is the doctor still drunk at the scene of the accident or not? the dead have been collected now, now it is only a matter of deaths that we and our colleagues said that they should collect them at the place in any way possible, now
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they should collect them through the anblas bus and actually clean the place because the loved ones who are in trouble anyway. don't hear thank you, dr. mayadfar, and i also thank the dear viewers of the khabar channel , stay with us, we will continue to follow this incident , god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . welcome to the news of the market. the ceo of tehran stock exchange
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announced an increase of 3 symbols to 28 symbols in the futures market. mr. gooderzi said but the volume of transactions in this market is still very low. according to mr. gudarzi, changes should be made in the trading infrastructure of the two-way futures market in order to increase the volume of transactions. now, the problem we have with the future contract market is that it is not possible to do the work related to the settlement and settlement process and the work related to the trade, which is now the branding of the brand, even if it is done correctly according to the standard. we should try to increase the number of these symbols. we can add symbols that are highly traded to the futures market god willing, the dear ones
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who work in the field of ems can reach themselves so that they can have a wider level of access and coverage in the industry. the index of the entire stock market today was negative, but the index was also positive. at the end of the market, about 40% of the traders were limited. were positive , the biggest negative impact on the market was the large and index-making symbols. hello, on wednesday, the 13th of december , the total capital market index was negative by 16 percent and decreased by 340 points to 2 million 155 thousand 200, but the index is still positive. it had 11 percent and was actually placed with 800 units
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the total value of retail transactions in the market reached 470 billion tomans. the result of buying and selling by real people shows about 170 billion tomans outflow of money from stocks and mutual funds. the highly traded symbols of the car data, khago sar and sa, witness the most positive impact on the index of the car symbols and niro zob he keshti and the biggest negative impact was related to the symbols of akhabar femli, shabna and kechat. at the beginning of the market, we had selling pressure, but in the last 10 minutes of trading, there were some positive movements in the market, however, at the end of the market, about 40 % of the symbols were in being in a positive range and having the highest transaction value in the automotive group the collection of buy orders was 700 billion and it shows 4 billion tomans. the number of symbols that reached the buying queue
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was 62. likewise, 48 symbols were on the sell page at the end of the market . million and per capita sales was 26 million tomans , we have the installation power of sellers, 44 drug industry, mass production groups , 30 and inorganic minerals. also, 19 billion tomans of real investors' money was recorded on wednesday, but the largest outflow of money was from the chemical products group with 77 billion tomans. stock funds 49 and basic metals are also in the third place of money outflow with 44 billion tomans . the first property fund has a positive return of 10 percent, but the final price refining fund. 11% was negative.
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the total stock market index ended the second week of december with a downward trend. according to experts, after a period of short-term growth, the current fluctuating trend can correct the trend of indicators, but it is expected that the market trend will continue to rise. during the last two months, we have seen growth. that we were suitable for the spring stock market of iran and a relatively positive trend was recorded in the last two months of the stock market in 1402 raswand, on the other hand, during the current period until the end of the year, we can expect a temporary correction in the total index of the stock market and iraq bahadur iran based on both fundamental analysis and technical analysis . the reason is that the big market players
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are waiting for the release of the 3-month reports of the third year. show us this modification in a more definite and colorful way. end of capital market news, god bless you. we have arrived in a new city, the city of home appliances in sridar, a famous city of home appliances
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, it wants authenticity and quality, the city of home appliances, long-term installments wants shirkavi damdan to shawrgahan with the cattlemen, are you looking for rico, this is rick matazel, let me know, hello, you have seen it before , so you must be familiar with lazla. see, what you said
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is that the prices in the city of farsh are good, which means farah farsh guarantees the price. a city is behind this guarantee. a city is behind your purchase until 2:00 in the morning at the central branch . each and every macaron, single macaron, single macaron, single macaron, only at the peak , very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral. i don't want to block the guarantor's deposit up to 50 million
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, my guarantor doesn't want to pay back up to 5 years . you say that you can even transfer up to 750 million tomans under the same conditions to your employees. have you heard of nikan mella's loan plan of al-hassan up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7.5 billion rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years , short-term deposit, repayment the long-term project of nikan mlam
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credit institution . good day to you, dear and respected compatriots. reports have been received of hearing two formidable voices with time interval on the route. it has a story leading to golzar shahada of kerman. according to reporters , 20 compatriots were killed in the crowd. the number of injured people is 60.


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