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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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it will create a deviation in the path of this nation. oh , sit on the first page, oh, sit on the first page, sacrifice is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there. o meeting of the first page, rise to justice. the burden of trust left on your shoulders, get up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row. hello and good evening
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, dear viewers of khabar channel , we are at your service with the first-line program . we offer our condolences for the terrorist incident in kerman and the martyrdom of a group of our compatriots in this incident . i invite you to watch the program on the first page if do you have a chance to watch it, as it was announced earlier in the election process schedule , today was the last day when the work of checking candidates' qualifications was completed by the supervisory boards , and according to the guardian council, the list of qualified candidates was sent to the ministry. the country should then be announced to the governor through the ministry of interior and then to the candidates . for this purpose and to check how advanced this process is so far and how far we are in accordance with that schedule, we will look ahead and see how the atmosphere of the elections will be with this confirmation of qualifications. it will be how much it helps to participate and how much it helps to compete we invited mr. dr. tahan nazif to attend.
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respected legal member of the guardian council and, of course , the honorable spokesman of the guardian council who are honored to be our guests tonight. greetings. good evening . you are very welcome. greetings to your excellency, respected colleagues and honorable people of iran . allow me to start my speech. i offer my condolences for the terrorist incident that happened yesterday. i offer my condolences to the noble nation of iran, to the supreme leader of the revolution, and to the families whose loved ones this incident happened to. we had families who lost 9 of their loved ones in this incident. it was bitter and it really hurt the heart of the iranian nation and of course we were a sign of the helplessness and desperation of the enemies of
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the iranian nation in this incident . the national hero is being harassed and worried, and i think we can convey the message that we can give to our enemies in this space that the iranian nation will not back down from its lofty ideals , its values, from its national heroes, and it has proven this many times, god willing, in previous cases. it proves this once again that the basis of the work of the system the revolution and its own national heroes , god willing, in the gatherings on the way to the march on 22 bahman , in the upcoming elections, the iranian nation will once again show that it is the basis of the work of the system and the islamic revolution, and that it will not retreat from being side by side, and this cohesion it always preserves itself and this message of authority is at the same time oppressed.
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thank you very much to the people of iran. your list has been sent to the ministry of interior. yes, the list has been sent. according to the law, the 50-day deadline for the provincial supervisory boards and the central election supervisory board will end today according to the election calendar. was sent to the ministry of interior and, god willing, within the next two days based on the election calendar is the notification opportunity given by the ministry of interior to the candidates , which is naturally done through the governorships . if anyone has an objection, they can take action from sunday, and if there is an objection, it can be raised there. if the qualification is not approved, they can file a complaint and another step, which is the guardian council stage, will be done, god willing.
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according to the law , it will be announced to them that it is 30 days. very well, you can satisfy yourself, mr. doctor by way of greeting, please allow me to explain the process based on your service law, of course you mentioned it . he has predicted the stage, a stage was announced two months ago, the executive boards , which was the stage of the executive boards, which i think is the limit of communication with the guardian council . the head of civil registrar of that region and one of my people introduced the judiciary at that stage when their opinion was announced that those who , according to the executive boards , have a complaint, complain to the supervisory boards of the province. that these boards have 50 days to review their qualifications, and i told them that the deadline
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has expired today, and this is the result of this question. i will only ask those whose names were probably rejected or not appointed in the supervision, that is, it is correct. there again. it was re-evaluated. if they had complained , of course not. if no one had complained at all, would their names be mentioned again or not? i would like to say that if someone had complained , it would have been sent to us naturally, but we had, for example, about 1,500 , 600 people who did not protest from that point on. at the stage of the provincial boards, naturally, this could mean withdrawal because it was said that some in the executive boards might be disqualified or not qualified. i would like to say that if you have filed a complaint with us, it will be investigated, but if you have not filed a complaint, then maybe you no longer have the opinion to continue on the path, so this opportunity has ended today, and we say that, god willing, the cases will be announced, whatever the opinion
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is, and after this. in 30 days, the guardian council itself, as a definitive and final authority , comments that it has 30 days to review the qualifications , god willing , the province, which has really put in a lot of efforts. i have to tell you that i have performed shabana rosi in the last 50 days . at this point, the experts and the members of these boards that i mentioned
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have examined one million, 750,000 documents and tried to conduct detailed investigations . invite them, if there are some cases , there is ambiguity, then finally bring them up and discuss them together. 1,000 people are eligible to register in this course who have completed their own registration , they have registered the minimum required by the law , and the eligibility of these people has been checked. done their qualifications were approved by the members of the provincial supervision boards and the central election supervision board , which number is more than 50%, i should say more than 52 % of these people were approved by these boards, which i can say is twice the number of
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qualified candidates of the course. the past means that the 11th parliament is in the central hit stage of monitoring the elections in terms of the number of thoughts. for each seat, about 38 people can compete with each other, and in the end , each of them will be able to win that parliamentary seat in a reasonable and real competition, god willing . i apologize to you because in the subtitle news it is urgent to announce here that the isis terrorist group has taken responsibility for yesterday's terrorist operation in kerman and has officially announced that
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they will not be able to file a complaint in the next opportunity, and the members of the guardian council will have a more detailed investigation. more about the lack of ihram. it is a secret that based on the announcement of the new election law and of course the strategies that the supreme leader of the revolution said, the same way to overcome the four problems should be presented. according to the investigation that was done, the number of our non-qualifications this time decreased significantly and there was a significant decrease compared to he thinks about the past i think it was under 10% of us this time there was no verification that you said the total. it is not approved and it is not approved. it is correct. 38
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is not approved. now i told you about the lack of approval. yes, so i would like to say that in this period compared to the previous periods, due to the fact that the law has a longer deadline , the council has finally been given the opportunity. i said that at this point, we have maybe more than 4,000 people in the provincial supervisory boards across the country. if there was any ambiguity, if there was a point , they would raise it with people, take the defense of the people, and finally sum up the issue. i can say that, based on the new election law and of course the strategies announced by the supreme leader of the revolution , this time we saw more confirmations than in previous periods, and of course there were much less confirmations. however, because in paragraph 11 of the general election policies, several axes , including, for example, the integrity of the election, attracting participation and securing the rights
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of the candidates, are mentioned, how much these indicators were considered as a concern in the guardian council in the examination of the qualifications of those who had registered. one of the points that we always emphasized by the members of the guardian council, because after all, it has been with the issue for years they are faced with the examination of the qualifications , obviously the discussion was about the deadlines and the timings. after all, we are in a country where the number of registrations for the parliamentary elections is high, even if we look at a comparison with other countries. each seat has 38 eligible people , after all, there is a competition . of course , it was very little compared to the number of people, that is, for example, let's assume
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that this law is the reason for the year 1978. go, for example , see the number of registrations, it is very less. the numbers and the amount of use are less than the current number of registrations. therefore, one of the issues that was very important to us was that the timings should be developed a bit so that we can do our work more accurately . a thousand documents now. let's discuss with people and get their answers, let's have their defenses , whether in face-to-face meetings or finally, the documents they provide us, so i can say that this issue was mentioned in general policies as well as in politics. there is a manifestation in the discussion of the election law did and in practice, after all, we are bound by the legal frameworks, and these frameworks
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provide us with the space to do our work in line with the rights of the daf seekers a little more precisely , god willing. we were really faced with a time limit, and this time we had some time extension, and obviously , i think this is with the help of the guardian council and with the help of volunteers' rights. and again , there is a free clause in article 11 of the policies to determine clear, timed and reassuring mechanisms and provide the presence of volunteers. or the representatives in all stages of the debate on the competence that you said that you even had face-to-face meetings with some of these loved ones . 4,000 mullahs have met with the people whom we invited to come . it is completely optional for them to come. if
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there is a point, a report has been received regarding them , there has been a point, it should be discussed with them and we should have the answer from the people themselves, we emphasized. that is, the guardian council emphasized on the basis of the proposal the election law also guides the communication strategies of the leadership to carry out these matters carefully, and i would like to say that one of the results was that the amount of non-certifications compared to the past periods have decreased a lot, even though our number of registrations is much higher than the previous periods, but i think you can see that the results of non-qualifications have decreased a lot compared to the past periods. for example, in the conversation that we had here first , representatives from different political movements came and talked about the election competition. turning towards the guardian council that if we want
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to have a competitive election, we must have a diversity of factions and different political tendencies in the elections, and then. sometimes they warn that the guardian council should be careful not to narrow this circle too much . there should be more people in this circle so that we can have a competitive election that will help attract that company. a concern was raised and mainly they considered the guardian council responsible for it. it should have high participation , we acted on it. yes, the device. first of all, different devices are involved in the issue of participation. it is not an issue that only goes back to the guardian council. well, the guardian council also has a share. now, regarding its share, it is a matter of debate whether it is more or less. i am now entering into this issue. i can't, but we have done all our efforts at this stage, which of course i said , the work is not finished, there is also the guard stage , but all our efforts were to ensure that the legal minimums are really enforced, so that people can finally
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present themselves and the people have the final choice. when we look now essay god willing, the results will be announced and will be analyzed by politicians, but when i look at it, we have plenty of qualified people from different walks of life, that is, let's say from university professors. some of the men who registered or did not declare their employment details, for example, are very detailed and detailed, but those who now declare more than 800 people, we have university professors, or let's say more than 150 doctors, and now the medical staff and these things. we have , for example, more than 1,200 educators, nearly 1,300 of us we have a culture of lawyers , let's say we have more than 200 lawyers and judges and these people, we have employees from different strata of the youth. after all
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, the future parliament can be the parliament of all of these, that is , the youth express the future parliament. young doctors, as well as judges , as well as lawyers, as well as women, we have maybe 3 times the number of seats, more than three times the number of seats in the women's parliament, who can finally be elected. we said that the party view does not have a criminal and group view, but i do i think that the context. participation is available for all political groups. participation is available for parties, political groups, and political currents in the upcoming elections. in terms of age, i would like to tell you, for example , we have more than 400 people in their seventies who can compete. 3,700 of us are in our fifties and
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of course others. and to the extent that there is no more opportunity, i would like to point out, well, there are experienced people who can still be present . therefore, the space is ready for the upcoming elections to be a full and competitive election, god willing. he also said, god willing, we will see a passionate participation, and god willing, the future parliament will be an educated one, a strong one, an efficient one that will be able to solve people's problems , and finally open new windows regarding the country's issues to the people of iran , providing us with space. let's see, although i emphasize again that this
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stage is not the final stage and still those who are not approved for any reason can file a complaint. let them meet and discuss the issues with them, and this amount can be increased until the opportunity i mentioned is available to both the volunteers and the guardian council itself, that is , there are now all 12 people. let's have and those who are now members of the parliament , see how many of the current members of the parliament have registered and how many have been certified, i emphasize this point. let me say that the opinions of the provincial supervisory boards and the central supervisory board may be different from the point of view of the executive boards, it is very natural because that combination this combination is independent. let's see the difference of opinion at this stage with the stage of executive boards. i am surprised that the evidence documents
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are finally reviewed by these boards and the time limit of the provincial supervisory boards is a bit longer . therefore, the opinion in some places and in many places can be different compared to the representative. some of the representatives of the current parliament have registered for the upcoming elections, and 26 of these representatives have not been approved at this stage. if they protest, in the next stage, the guardian council will review the eligibility and pay the payment . well, the number has decreased a lot. in the previous parliament , at this stage , there were 90 representatives whose qualifications were not confirmed, but in the shura stage, it was a little less
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, 75 people, i think about a third. the general policies of the elections were requested from the security guard that if anyone had an application, that is, from those who applied for disqualification or non-qualification , which was the reason for their non-approval or non-approval. their qualifications should be announced in writing. now this is one of the plans of the guardian council to announce that if anyone wants to know the reason for disqualification or non-qualification, it will be announced in writing. it was suggested that these meetings and meetings may have led to the resolution of ambiguities and objections and, for example , they were confronted with the confirmation of competence. their failure to confirm, for example, the cases raised with them have been added at this stage, after all , we had this in the past periods, this time it is a some of the law has become clearer now
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that i am at your service. well, the cases have been announced to the ministry of interior. we are criticizing the next stage of this meeting and finally we have these legal documents that we will discuss with the people, god willing. very well, mr. doctor, you are talking about non-certification. you know, many challenging discussions were raised. now, since this is legal, you are implementing the law , but it is the law that you approved yourself. in the guardian council, the question is, at the time of approval , if you put the lack of impeachment as a legal basis. wasn't this discussed in the council itself? that the lack of nomination may lead to the violation of the rights of the volunteers , or may lead to various interpretations for a volunteer, in any case, distorting his rights and rights . and they say that the lack of certification is not very reasonable from their point of view, legally and logically. see
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, this issue that you mentioned, well , it exists in the law, and it has already existed in the law. after all, when the conditions for the candidates are considered in the law and the obstacles of course, the negative and positive aspects of both should be taken into account items must be verified if these items exist. suppose someone didn't resign on time or has a conviction that finally prevented us from continuing on the path, well, for example , he would have been disqualified, or he meets the conditions of the law, he doesn't have any obstacles, he will face confirmation of his qualification, but sometimes there are people who are against him. no information is obtained, for example, they call him , let's say there is a phone number and a very brief form, we want to know who the party is. if we know the person, we will contact him in any way, but we will not succeed, this person cannot join the verification you can't join in rejecting or assuming, for example
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, the conflicts that sometimes exist between reports , the non-verification of such cases, of course , it is very limited and few are the results of the investigation . lt is. but if we don't know the people and our schedule is such that there are many people, well, maybe this is not very interesting , i will say that at this stage that we have passed , because we had a certain amount of time, it was a better schedule in terms of previous periods, that's why we didn't qualify. it also had an effect, so the people's assignments were found out or confirmed qualifying or disqualifying , which is mainly
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the case, we may finally confirm the result that i presented to you tonight . thank you very much for a report. if we see it together, we will return to continue the conversation with the presence of the vice president of provincial affairs and the vice president of national media development and technology. and a group of provincial managers started the trial broadcast of electoral television channels in the two constituencies of ilan and dehloran. we are starting to work. we are trying to have 2 hours of special program daily for the time being. the same electoral district and
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the cities that are subordinate to it should be broadcast and at the time when candidates can advertise according to the law we provide this to the candidates to introduce themselves. sharifi, the deputy director of development and technology of the broadcasting organization, also pointed out that an election television channel is launched in each constituency and said: this was a difficult task at the beginning. we were adding tehran to the province and a network of the province. well, this required engineering changes, which, thank god, the technical team was able to do with the help of god almighty. in the first step, in order to be able to launch the test
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, 13 provinces are on the agenda. that under four in fact, we have held an election in the constituencies. according to the schedule , 200 television channels will be launched in the constituencies by the time of the election campaign. mohammad agal , ilam broadcasting agency, very well with mr. dr. tahan nazim , the honorable spokesperson. now that this report has been broadcast, we are talking about the facilities that radio and television has prepared for candidates' advertisements through the 200 channels that it will launch, and especially now that it has been emphasized that public places should be provided to candidates in a fair manner. they can use these spaces for monitoring how will these things be if they are really treated fairly and all people can benefit from these facilities equally? yes, see one of
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the issues. which is foreseen in the amendment of the election law, this is the issue of fair and equal facilities that the institutions have and i must submit that it should be made available to the candidates. advertising review boards are one of the issues that i would like to mention for the first time in the election law. both the general directors of broadcasting in the provinces are members of this board , as well as the general directors of the provincial guidance are members for this. it is important for us and it is naturally important for the legislator it is stated in the law that fair facilities should be available to the volunteers , and it is the first time that the mechanisms have been foreseen. yes, i hear it, and of course , it is worthy of appreciation for the dear colleagues of sedav and sima, who are asking for this equal opportunity with the facilities they have for the duff talabban. it is important that all the candidates in the photos in the country
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have the opportunity to introduce themselves comprehensively to the dear people and that the people will finally vote for the people with a glance due to awareness and recognition. this is an opportunity that wide i think the legal framework has finally been seen for the first time, it was included in the law, and for the first time, its implementation mechanism is not included in the law. it is late, of course, the legal frameworks must be observed , what things must be said, what things must be observed , what frameworks these are the things that are mentioned in the chapter on advertising in the election law, and according to the popular saying, i must say that the guardian council is also the election supervisor in he has all the steps of this supervision, in this matter, finally, the voice and sima is also a device like the election manager.


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