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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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conversation accompanies. the latest news related to the terrorist incident in kerman, as you have seen and heard in the news, is related to the fact that the isis terrorist group took responsibility for the terrorist attack and explosion in kerman by publishing an official statement and announced that two of the agents of this group have their own explosive belts. blow up in tonight's special news talk, we want to talk about how the islamic republic of iran responded to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in kerman and discuss and examine the dimensions and angles of this issue. we say goodbye to the viewers of one sima channel and invite you to watch this conversation with us on the news channel.
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the guests of this program mr. hossein kanani moghadam and mr. nasser torabi are experts in the political field . during the conversation, dr. seyed afhi will be added to our group . . let's start two suicide bombings. the explosions took place here in two places at a distance of one and a half kilometers from the tomb of martyr haj qassem soleimani. but isis officially announced an hour ago with the release of photos of suicide bombers he took responsibility for the attack and killing of people on the anniversary of martyr hajj qassem soleimani in kerman. more martyrs.
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it is a professional job to take civilian casualties and to assassinate certain people. this terrorist attack happened right on the anniversary of the martyr haj qassem soleimani, who was martyred by the americans four years ago in iraq. martyr soleimani, during his command in the quds force, was able to destroy the isis regime in iraq and syria, which the americans say they created. isis is one of the honors of president obama. obama and clinton created isis. but isis never even in at the time of the zionist attacks against gaza , he did not attack occupied palestine and liberate al-aqsa mosque.
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he did not even attack us military bases in syria. but the zionists instead visited the wounded of isis in syria and other terrorists and had them under their medical cover on the border of the occupied golan, even though by netanyahu's orders , more than 22 thousand muslims were killed in the occupied palestine under the bombardment of the zionists, but isis he did not carry out any operation against the zionists , instead he targeted the muslim people of iran. haj qasim also gave the hand of the palestinian resistance fighters fighting the crime of the zionists, who had stones in their hands, put rockets. first of all, the progress of the resistance from rocks to rockets was due to the grace of god and the efforts of mujahideen in all places and with the support of all fans and lovers. these
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are the words of the deputy of the political office of hamas, martyr aruri, who was martyred less than 24 hours before the kerman terrorist attack by the zionists. martyr arori was one of the most effective people in arming the resistance in palestine and lebanon, who by the order of haj qassem soleimani under the leadership of sardar razi mousavi sent these weapons and their support to the occupied territories and lebanon arrived. even the line. the production of these weapons, shahid razi himself was martyred 10 days ago after 30 years of service in the quds force of the revolutionary guard to fight against zionism and support the resistance front, especially in occupied palestine, with the barrage of zionist fighters in syria . the terrorist explosion occurred exactly 5 months after the last terrorist operation of isis operatives in shiraz.
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in the shrine of shah cheragh, a terrorist operation had taken place in this shrine the previous year. but this was part of the actions of takfiri terrorists in the last one year to disrupt the peace of iran before that in tehran, june 1996, the terrorist explosion in imam khomeini's shrine coincided with the attack of their other group on the islamic council, the isis terrorist group officially took responsibility for this attack , but their operation was to enter the imam's shrine. khomeini and the floor of the islamic council will be failed by the security forces, like the eight other operations they had in the cities of mashhad, isfahan, and shiraz, before which the
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takfiri terrorists were arrested. he has taken revenge for isis terrorist operations in iran in 2016 and 2017 in the message of the leader of the revolution, it is stated that this tragedy will result in a difficult response . mr. shadlo, let's start the discussion , mr. dr. kanan moghadam, i greet you . have a good time. the islamic republic of iran, sardar soleimani , is the efforts of the axis of resistance and the cleansing of iraq and syria , which mr. shadlo also mentioned in his report about the existence of the takfiri terrorists of isis and now
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the remnants of this terrorist group are making some moves to disturb the security in the islamic republic of iran and we see in the last hour that the responsibility the explosions in golzar take responsibility for the martyrs of kerman. in the name of god. saying, ``inna allah and inna aliyyah rajjoon''. i offer my condolences to mrs. emami, the honorable moderator. all your colleagues, the viewers, the nation of iran and the islamic ummah, as well as the supreme leader, i offer my condolences for this terrible crime committed by the takfir and terrorist group isis , with the orders and the facilities that mossad and the facilities have been providing to them for thirty years. what you said is the remnant of the reality of this matter, that is
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, the martyr hajj qassem soleimani created a good tree in the west asia region, which fixed reform and subsidiary and this blood that is shed waters this tree that bears fruits against terrorism, takfir, arrogance, and zionism. you see these fruits in the storm of al-aqsa, in the freedom of southern lebanon, you see this in iraq, the freedom of iraq. in syria, in other countries and even in our own iran, you see, the martyr hajj qassem soleimani used to guard our security borders . sometimes we have a physical border that we try to protect and protect, but we have security borders that are soft, that is, they continue to the mediterranean and east asia. what he did, with this action
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he did and the resistance front he created, practically created security borders against terrorism that they cannot enter. the borders are ours, but after the defeat of isis, the americans collected these remnants through the coordination that took place in the resistance front and the important role of the martyr abu mahdi, the engineer of the air defense system of the martyr haj qassem soleimani, and now we know where they are teaching these things. they are renovating facilities , and they are actually acting as mercenaries and those who take money to carry out terrorist acts. they are sending them to our physical borders and they are trying to carry out measures that will create fear and panic in our nation. well, the imam said , kill us, we will be more awake, we will be more alive , and this is definitely the thinking of sepah ebad haj qasim school.
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soleimani, who we swim in the sea of ​​blood to reach the right shore, we see in these terrorist attacks that even these pilgrims are afraid of this noble martyr and commit such a crime. i greet you mr. doctorabi. have a good time. how the republic responded harshly. islamic iran is the topic of tonight's special talk show for perpetrators the terrorist attack in kerman , from the very first seconds and minutes of the public demand of the people , was a harsh response to the perpetrators of this attack and these terrorist explosions . and i respect you, dear colleagues.
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look, let me say this first regarding the answer to how this unfortunate incident happened. i think the manifesto was a message of condolence from the supreme leader . farsi words please, mr. trump. yes , now the manifesto is clear. he defined the path and therefore i have 7 key words in these conversations i saw that i will address it, but before that i want to give an introduction. the first introduction is that i am monitoring the virtual space . people have the right to be upset about these events, but i said a few important points yesterday and i will emphasize them today. first of all, i want people to control their emotions . i don't want these emotions to be suppressed, but they should be directed. if i have resistance to the friends of the resistance front
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, i present this issue as a warning as a university teacher. if we can't direct these emotions correctly, it may it will be against us and cause the revolutionary forces to be disappointed the first issue is that while i am telling the current of the resistance front that they must do something both psychologically and in the field. i advise our people to be patient , to have strategic patience and to trust the resistance front and the leadership of the resistance front . this is the first issue. the speed of events is very high, that is , almost every day we have a huge event, each of which can happen in a year.
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now, maybe isis has accepted that this is it i was investigating the issue of an incident, isis usually announced in the first hours that a day had passed. and this happened for more than a day, this in itself has a meaning, we should not ignore the fact that the footprints of the israelis are definitely visible here, as the doctor said, and the role of the united states is more important than that . the point is that this role is specific, but the problem is, let me give you an example. look at a football example. football players say they don't touch the composition of the winning team. see what this means in the macro issue of the resistance front now in the space of losing or winning, and why
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are they doing this, why are they taking the playing field out of gaza, why are they leaving gaza , because they did not achieve any of their goals, and i am talking about this, but i want to break down these seven points that hazrat agha said and i would like to break down his key words. first of all , the soldiers said. in their previous messages, they have mentioned that the islamic republic is now the roshan soleimani path, which means beyond the islamic republic, which means that there will be revenge. hands stained with the blood of foreigners means those who are the cause of this problem like isis and further says what corrupt and evil brains means amer means amer should be here. may the perpetrators be punished. my friends, i saw today that the meeting of the supreme national security council has been convened
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and they should pay attention to these issues. this statement is our road map , and the fourth word from now on means that this is not something that we can leave alone. i just now talked about strategy and recommending people to control their emotions . he is sure of his purpose, pay attention, sir , he chooses the words that are the target, the next word is suppressed, and the next word is difficult to answer, this all shows how our path should be, mr. doctor. kanani moghadam , the leader of the leadership, pointed out in his message that this disaster will be followed by a difficult response, god willing . well, the word "god willing" that the supreme leader said, can almost be said to have defined the duty of all of us , we can give the answer in different dimensions now , that is there is no problem in terms of equipment and facilities in the entire
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resistance front, it is possible for us to respond . but we are within the framework of islamic laws and the islamic moral framework that we have, we do not act like terrorists, for example, take an explosive car and leave it in the middle of people in london or paris, or even in centers where our enemies are present anyway , and kill children, women, and innocents. islamic teachings, we give this answer on the battlefield. now our battlefield is in gaza , our battlefield is in the south of lebanon, it is in the red sea , it is inside iraq, it is inside syria, and all these battlefields, we have always learned from the martyred commander hajj qassem soleimani to fight manfully and that the enemies with these assassinations they attack out of desperation and failure, that when
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these elements reach the point of bombardment in field operations , their only way is terror. well, you know that after the victory of the islamic revolution, we have 25,000 assassinated martyrs, 17,000 of whom were assassinated by hypocrites who are now being tried in iran. and they did not make a calculation error, they knew that any such terrorist act will strengthen our system, our cohesion and our unity, so we need a process to discuss our harsh and just revenge. dear sir, i would like to emphasize that in various cases related to these chain crimes, this
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has a special meaning that you see that they are committing crimes in lebanon and martyring the martyr saleh aruri. in damascus, the martyr seyyed razi mousavi is being martyred today in iraq, young people are being martyred, and the bombings that i did here and the bombings that happened before show that the enemy has been defeated in the field and is retreating . it leads to assassination, so we have to answer in this series of work. first of all, we have to be very strong in all fields, secondly in all the battlefields of the resistance front, we must find ourselves strong and in front of the enemy in the entry field , and then we must strengthen our security borders so that we do not let it be said, that is, i always tell some military and law enforcement officials that if someone
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comes to assassinate, then arrest him. it is not art. yes, we did it right, but we shouldn't. let them cross our security borders to express and commit criminal acts. our art is to identify and neutralize them before they enter into operational measures. in any case, it is now its own resistance front in different stages he has prepared for all the options he has on the table and under the table, whether in the red sea, a direct conflict between the united states and the yemenis. they are also in the stage of war against america. mr. dr. torabi , both the islamic republic of iran and the axis of resistance announced one of the important dimensions of revenge for the martyrdom of the noble general haj qassem soleimani, the expulsion of the americans from the region, which has been
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achieved to a certain extent, what is the path and what are the points in is this discussion important? see america. do they have a secret national security doctrine? usually they don't say this, but almost those who do they are monitoring the issue, they know that the americans will evacuate when their casualties exceed a certain number. you can see the same thing happened in lebanon. now i don't care to see the number. the length. for example , if they live for a month, maybe this will not happen to them. you see, two issues are important for them: one coin means the first coin is the second coin, which means both the coin and the money. friends prefer money to life, and interests are very important to them. look, when they know that their interests are in danger, get out of there.
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as you know, these are the last and final border posts on israel. i have some news to inform you. almost two weeks ago, a meeting was held in norway, and the discussion there is that the leaders of europe will meet with the issue that the world i emphasize this sentence again, our people , look for this word again on the internet, the word patagonia patagonia, because once someone said, sir , this word was difficult, we did not understand that patagonia is a place in argentina and they chose there to move. the people of zionism go to that area and they almost know that they have to fight collect the americans from this area. now check the events in iraq today. i ask you to see the result of what is happening in 40 years. israelis, these two
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lines at the top and bottom of their flag represent the nile to the euphrates. that is, they say that we will get the niltafrat, sometimes they say that we will get the highest. building a wall around them now. they cannot create security for themselves inside my wall. americans have not won any war in the last 40 years. wherever i am present, they fail and help me, they leave the area and this is fast it takes and i feel this speed thanks to the blessing of the house of the martyrs of the liberation of qudsah and the resistance front , mr. dr. kanani moghadam . the news of the martyrdom of saleh al-arouri today of 3 members of the nojbay movement in iraq and the terrorist attack in kerman by the daesh group is a compliment of daesh to the zionist regime, which must
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have had the support and assistance of the united states, as we saw and witnessed in the report in the past. what you mentioned is the pressure of the zionist regime he was angry about not achieving the goals he had set in gaza. it has and is taking advantage of this, now the cia and different places, so this isis that we are facing now is not the same organization that it was in the beginning
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, they are actually working as a series of mercenaries. i was taking statistics today, finally 800 merkava tanks and their military equipment were destroyed in gaza. 7,000 people were injured, the number of prisoners taken was almost more than 1,000 people killed in any war between arabs and israel and there is no such statistic of resistance , that is, the zionist regime has been hit so hard that, according to the arabs, al-quraqiyyah will attack every terrorist like isis day and night, and it is natural that he will go and pay them to come and carry out operations and carry out terrorist acts. this wave that has been created , of course, netanyahu said a long time ago that i use the theory of a thousand wounds and swords in relation to iran, that is, a series of successive operations
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that led to the martyrdom of some of our nuclear scientists and the sabotage that took place in the centers different ways , so we faced a regime that there is no limit to actions due to the wave of condemnations of different countries around the world regarding the kerman terrorist incident, from islamic countries to even western countries. please tell me what kind of expectation this issue creates, considering that isis was actually created and paid for by america. western countries should stop supporting the isis terrorist group and terrorist attacks and acts of terrorism
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. that the wounded get well as soon as possible. look, madam , i'll give you a few points quickly. the first countries that want to stand in their own ranks should be excused and removed. it was the zionist regime and the united states that i said openly and officially that we were not involved and had no hand in this incident, while we all know that the democratic party actually created isis, and when they came back to power, we saw that isis was again jon got it, whether in iraq or in syria, and probably in afghanistan, he sometimes carries out operations
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. this is the first point. the second point is the condemnation of this. operations especially by european countries and some countries i don't want to name in our own region , they are actually supporting isis behind the scenes, it is also on the advice of the us that the high management of disrupting the order of the region by the us and by the zionist regime is another issue. it is in the message of the supreme leadership. referring to the two ways of fighting, one is the hardware dimension, which is physical contact, security contact, even military contact with their nests, wherever they are, whether they are inside syria, and there is a history that the islamic republic of iran, because of their antics, destroyed their nests. the syrian soil has actually been bombed with the coordination of the syrian government, and what about in iraq is another issue that
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is more important in my opinion than the difficult increase. pointing to the fight against the stinking roots of this thinking and this movement is actually takfiris. well, here exactly one issue related to jihad is shown . inside and outside the country, especially inside the country, there are centers under under the title of culture, under the title of "i don't know", religion under the title of art , they easily think of isis in cyberspace they promote the poisonous thoughts of takfiri, they even implicitly define their work as jihad . i think the supreme leader's wise hint is that these stinking roots should not be dried up
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. . intellectual defense and thinking and soft war again dozens of people like these, ignorant people and people who have really lost their way, use it and bring such greed, and therefore, i think the software side of the matter is important in terms of making trouble and preventing the roots from drying up. more than the hardware aspect, the other problem is the one you said is less than 30 seconds we have time, mr. seydid. there must be a separate meeting in the security council, or at least in the organization of islamic cooperation, they must make a commitment to issue a statement in terms of hardware and software and actually enter the struggle themselves, not to declare one thing in their words in politics and another in their actions. thank you very much, mr. seyedei for your analysis and explanation. i will say goodbye to you, mr. dr. torabi, mr. dr. kanani moghadam, thank you very much for
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your presence. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan, we are with you today.


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