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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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congo and i would like to offer you nigeria, 2 operations in iraq, 2 operations in syria, and other operations , which are actually a series of new operations under the title of the first time . i look at the case, so this operation is considered as isis in the same way as the kerman operation , this is in a series of operations. with a new speech that i will present to you, this speech should be presented to you. his anti-iranian behavior means that the 30 minutes that mr. abu hudifeh ansari spoke , half of it was completely anti-iranian and reminds you of your service. let's talk about the five speeches of abum musab zarqawi under the title, in fact, the hadith of al-rabza and the other half. in fact, in the delegitimization of
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the muslim rulers and the arab world , you actually mention them under the title of tavaqit, and finally, yes , i apologize. we want to see the transfer of the body of one of the martyrs of the terrorist attacks in kerman, which is currently taking place at tehran's mehrabad airport, on khabar bilah bilah ya hossein hossein ya hossein. the image you are viewing
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is a live image from tehran's mehrabad airport we are witnessing the transfer of the body of one of the martyrs of yesterday's terrorist attack to kerman. the picture of the transfer of the body of one of the martyrs of the terrorist attack.
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it was in kerman yesterday that the body of this martyr was transferred to tehran. i saw the pictures from mehrabad airport . ghazvini , we want to continue. mr. ghazvini, you have my voice. yes , yes, i have your voice. you mentioned that today , at the same time as isis claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in kerman , this group published an audio file, which also found a reflection in the media. he has shown that it seems to be reviving, because recently after the failure of the government. in syria and iraq
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by sardar soleimani, there was no special news about it, there were limited operations that left a number of martyrs, but the scope of the operation that was yesterday or what you said was a series of operations from the philippines to the congo , nigeria, syria, the question that arises is that this the group considers itself the islamic state as the self-proclaimed islamic state in the situation that israel has been with the help of america for 3 months. he is committing genocide in gaza , why doesn't he carry out any of these operations against americans and zionists, and then three mah has targeted iran, which happens to be a supporter of the muslim people of gaza. yes, it is a very good question . in fact, you see, this group is a misunderstanding group . of course, i look at this issue from a different angle , many sunnis.
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sunnis consider isis group under the title of kharijites , in fact, they consider kharijites for any period . what caused the kharijites to form at the top of islam, in fact, the germans are feeding isis today, so isis can be said to be a deep-rooted trend, a deep-rooted trend in the history of islam, right, i might tell you about it. use global information services or actually manage the movements of this group . well, but the roots of this group go back to the beginning of islam and the kach fahmis that existed in that period. well , this group, with its takfiri view , announced a long time ago that
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it does not differentiate between hamas and israel, that is, for him, hamas and israel. they are actually compatible because hamas has entered the democratic process, the process of the national government. mr. qazvini means isis considers hamas and israel to be the same. yes, isis considers hamas and israel to be the same. in fact, many years ago , he had transferred weapons to the ezzedin qassam battalions through sinai, and executed his own members, that is, one of the members of daesh, that is , it exists historically, unfortunately, and today it has spread to the islamic world. and
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i would like to tell you that it is a misunderstanding that unfortunately cannot distinguish between friend and enemy. thank you and question. finally, for example , i would like to ask you, considering all these historical records and the current conditions of the region, which mr. motaghi also mentioned, what do you think about isis through or on the orders of agents such as the security services? like mossad, mi3, and cia , have you seen whether it acted or had an independent role? in fact, there are documents that, for example, it was directly with the spy services , at least i, as a researcher in this field, do not have much available . i am isis , i am looking at it from this point of view, that is, you are saying that intellectually
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, there is so much of that understanding that you said in this group that it may even be in an unwanted scenario, that understanding is enough for that group. as soon as possible , we will hear your answer to the final question within one minute. i am with mr. motaghi i will continue the conversation. mr. doctor, these conditions that we witnessed in the region these few days , the zionist regime is trying
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to develop a crisis, as you said. we saw that they attacked lebanon on tuesday in the south of the capital of this country, the second person of hamas. targeting and targeting one of the iranian advisers and commanders in syria for the past two weeks , means that in both cases, we see a person with a different nationality from the country that is present there is being targeted. the project is very similar to all. what happened to the war in these three months when the zionists decided that in such goals are aimed outside of gaza. first of all, i would like to explain that the basis of isis's thinking is that the nearby force is a stronger threat, and as a result , it starts the war from within. is the issue of isis or is it that if
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you deal with deviant groups within islam , then you can easily deal with the infidels? have a specific conflict. the deviation of isis is from here. now some may say deviation. the analysis i have is that this is a natural strategy that becomes a pattern of behavior by a series of international actors, that is, to create a gap in the islamic world and the conflict of muslims against muslims. it is the best situation that can create a balance of weakness in the life of islam. well, it is natural that isis is considered a force, a force that has a proxy role.
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an actor like isis, which lost its tactical role in a historical period , needs money, organization, intelligence and security support to regain its power. and the next point is why in the space. the actions that israel is taking have put several goals one after the other on the agenda, and today the americans have taken actions against hashra shaabi, and of course, isis is also playing a role with two different approaches. it is independent, and secondly, it can act as a proxy. have to perform analysis in the field of resistance. all these cases show that in
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the existing space, the israelis are trying to develop the crisis and escalate the crisis. what is the reason ? anyway, they have 90 days to operate in gaza , land, air, sea, and introduce the blockade from there. 2. this is that they have to expand the war that started , that is, they consider this war a decisive war, the gaza war is equal to all the wars of israel in 1948 56 67 83 thousand and 73
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in terms of the casualties of the israelis and in terms of the genocidal killings that they look at in terms of the severity of the actions they have taken , what is the meaning of a historical turning point , they say that this war for us is a war for our existence . this is what hamas groups and islamic groups say. palestinians achieve an identity capability when gatoresh analyzes the issue related to the october 7, 2023 operation based on 60 years of historical roots, he said that it did not happen in creation, it did not happen in dispossession. what does it mean? it means that the actions of the palestinians
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are a reaction to the previous actions of the israelis. this is what the israelis are talking about just like the majority of hamas operational groups are those who were 10-year-olds, 12-year-olds, and 9-year-olds during the 22-day war in 2009. the loss of their family was witness to the bombings and this issue formed a resistance identity for them. their argument is that this situation will be formed in the future, so we must take measures to be able to ignore the existence of hamas, which means the existence of the palestinian resistance. all these actions of the zionist americans, the isis terrorist attack that took place, whether the commander
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of the iranian adviser in syria was martyred or not there was an operation in kerman yesterday, in a way it is a reaction to that 7th of october, that is, we should consider this as a reaction, not a strategy on the part of the israelis, violence is a fundamental strategy on the part of israelis who have talmudic thinking. talmudic thinking of using extreme violence to destroy. what they consider a threat. therefore , the israeli and american view in the existing space is a type of cluster security, what is the characteristic of cluster security? he says that you must have the capability in the field of battle, in the field of information,
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in the field of security, and in the field of expanding the environment. battle have the necessary capabilities. in the current situation , there is a difference of opinion between the israelis and the americans regarding the expansion of the war. the americans are trying to create the necessary conditions to limit the battle space and prevent hezbollah and iran from getting involved. but the goal. what the israelis have is that the expansion of the operational environment will lead to that decisive war, that is, the participation of america and europe in supporting israel, the silence of china and russia, which
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is considered a kind of bi-facto support environment, and in those conditions, the ground for intensity of action against the emerging resistance front therefore, in the current environment, the americans are trying to manage the crisis, control the intensity of operations and conflicts , if actions are taken in syria or in iraq against hashr al-shaabi or against ansarullah in other geographical areas. they say that the operation is limited and tactical in nature, and in terms of military science, they want to have some kind of warning action that does not lead to the escalation of conflicts
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. thank you. your voice is back this is my final question. now, in my own research , i look at these takfiri and salafi-jihadi groups independently, and i would like to present them to you. well , now i am referring to two sentences of abu huzaifah ansari, who said today: al-athal before al. that is, he said that actually go, mr. doctor, he said, in fact, maybe the last phrase of the same service, i will tell you that the enemy is near, the enemy is far , which in fact, ansari said today that you should go to the easier goals before you go to the more difficult goals and it is more difficult and in their discourse
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, there is actually something called innocent, innocent and civil it doesn't exist, and the other sentence was to go to civilians, that is, the innocent, the civilians before the military, and this is a very harsh approach, so now we can't say that a revival is going to find 100%. sometimes , with a statement , isis tries to offer you a service, but it is not too much, and it tries to continue its survival . there is killing, and every week in the infographic
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published in al-naba magazine, the number of people killed and the operations in it. it is possible, in fact, this shows the continuity of their lives. it is unfortunate . thank you. we are going to mehrabad airport again for a minute . we are witnessing the transfer of the bodies of the martyrs of yesterday's terrorist incident in kerman. to the woman, we are waiting for jihadim hossein hossein, our slogan is the martyrdom of honor.
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well, we will have another contact from the islamic resistance movement najawa of iraq. we have established contact with mr. alahasan. hello, mr. alahasan. well, as soon as this contact is established, the reaction of the resistance group will be established. nowjava , we will investigate the terrorist attack this morning by the american forces in iraq against commander shun, mr. doctor, one of the arguments you mentioned about the strategy of the zionist americans in this matter is that, what should we do now
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? in the public opinion, some people, for example , expect that a strong reaction will be given to a certain terror in a certain region. what is your analysis? you have to do that there is a reaction that is an inevitable necessity. but at what level, at what time, and what impact can that action have on the equation of power and security is a matter. if the officials get involved in the atmosphere of social emotions , it is natural that actions may be rushed , but at least in iran. in the past few months, when we went through several crises, we witnessed that
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there was a kind of strategic rationality and tactical rationality in the actions and literature of iran, especially the high officials. there is a point in our internal issues, even many times in the last two years. if we check, we can see that we were able to overcome some of these things that you said with patience, that is , if we had shown impatience and had an emotional reaction, maybe that issue would have been more severe for us. it would go deeper. naturally, security issues are not considered emotional discussions, but security issues are based on a message. when you want to make a strategic plan, it must be rationality or insight. if you have rationality and insight , what does it tell you, what kind of reaction will this action of yours have today from the enemy and rival groups, and based on
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that reaction, what is the next action you can take in the next several stages ? that insight means that elites and supporters of several movements. next , analyze the enemy, this discussion is similar to ours we have the concept of strategic rationality that is used in foreign policy and national security decision-making methods, so in the crisis period , the discussion is related to patience, operational planning and taking action that can be effective. how about the necessary part in the spirit of the opponent in the tactical capability of the other party's strategy
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? yes , the strategy means whether we will take countermeasures and revenge or not. with what intensity, what force should be done by what actors, the space of tactics and operations it is determined by my final question . we mentioned the situation of netanyahu and the zionists who want to find help in the crisis. do you think that the situation they are in now will continue like this? how is the situation? in the end, because we are somehow witnessing a bombardment , we are obstructed. the military operations in gaza could not even take a single prisoner. they say that after the
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cease-fire, which lasted for 7 days, the war continued again . since then, they have not been able to take even one prisoner from they freed themselves, on the contrary , they killed 3 of their own captives with a direct shot from that hamas, which was also destroyed just today, john kirby announced that the military power of hamas is generally established. this situation is a difficult situation for the zionists. netanyahu is now the loser of the war and you have to continue the war with an uncertain outcome. look , war in its classic atmosphere means the effort of a country to realize its political goals. unfortunately, the americans today are too much involved in israel's operational action. it is natural that, for example, if the president was like trump, he would never
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have given this freedom of action to netanyahu. today, netanyahu is in a situation where if the war ends. to it is inevitable that his political life will not continue for more than 3 months, that is, the formation of power in the future of israel without the space for the role of extreme extreme groups, especially netanyahu. the next point will be that the fate of netanyahu is similar to the fate of isaac rabin, because in the thinking of talmudic groups inside israel, netanyahu could not provide security for israeli citizens , so the political survival of netanyahu, the physical survival
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of netanyahu, there is a kind of hatred towards him in the social environment. which is similar to the hatred towards robin after oslo, you saw that after the assassination of rabin shimon peres, his life was limited and after that the labor party practically had little power in
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the israeli political structure. he didn't find it, that's why netanyahu wants to expand the war and escalate the crisis , the americans should define their borders with the israelis here, and in the existing space, in addition to the united states, china and russia should play a serious role as two other members of the organization's security council. nations for a ceasefire. and prevent the israeli genocide in gaza. thanks. thank you very much for being present in janan today. i say goodbye to our viewers on the news network. have a good night.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the public gathering and vedic ceremony with the bodies of the martyrs of the gulzar terrorist attack in karam kerman. it will be held today at 10:00 am in kerman mosque. according to the governor of kerman, after the ceremony, the bodies of the martyrs will gradually be transferred to golzar shahada and the burial will be done only with the presence of the families. mr. soltani's children lived in this house until a few hours ago, instead of people gathering to express their condolences.


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