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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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one of the issues about which different views have been formed is the issue of subsidizing the import of livestock. the parliament has also dealt with this issue in different periods. at the economics table today, with the presence of supporters and opponents , we will examine the issue, but this is the beginning of a report. in the field of basic goods such as meat and chicken, the government has long been focusing on the input or production sector with the aim of making the final price suitable for the consumer. it gives subsidies. but some experts in this field are of the opinion that subsidies should not be given to inputs. like mr. hamid reza kashani, chairman of the board of poultry farmers union mihan, who says: subsidy should be given to the consumer, because it is the most transparent way. another person who thinks direct subsidy to the consumer is seyed ahmed moghdisi, head of the cattlemen's trade union , who says that the subsidy to the consumer causes the price to rise. to be determined based on supply and demand. mr.
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morteza zamanian, an economic expert, also believes that subsidies should be given directly to the people. because the statistics show that giving subsidies to the people did not cause inflation. but on the other hand, some experts say: it is necessary to give subsidies to inputs and the production sector. one of these people, mr nasser nabipour is the chairman of the board of directors of the tehran laying poultry union, who says: if the input is not subsidized, the purchasing power of the people will decrease. another person who is of the opinion of subsidizing the production sector is mr. afshin sadr dadres, the ceo of light livestock union, who says that many promises were made to the production sector by removing the preferential width, but due to its non-operation in the past year, the people's table has shrunk. . habib esdlenejad, an expert in the poultry industry, is one of the people who agree with the subsidy and says that the money
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diverted from the main path and judicial security is challenged. to be mohammad allah yari, radio and television news agency. i think a matter was fully explained. i would like to introduce the guests of the program to you . mr. alireza peymanpak, deputy official of trade and market regulation of the ministry of jihad agriculture, as well as mr. morteza zamaniyan, a member of the faculty of amir kabir university, as an expert. the economy is with us today, mr. peymanpak, first of all, let us be at your service . subsidy payment to livestock institutions through the currency that is paid to these institutions is taking place. do you agree with this issue or not? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i greet you. to you and dear viewers, i offer my condolences to the martyrdom of a group of our dear compatriots. well, look at one issue that is raised here is that we are in the form of a supply chain, production, explanation and in other words
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consumption in the field of basic products and goods, what about the institutions dami, what goods are directly consumed by the people and are being discussed as the basic goods of the case, in other words , now, so to speak, oil, you can see, for example , meat, let me tell you, wheat, flour and various discussions. . these are among the main products of people's livelihood basket. so this is a minimum. it is clear that the government they should maintain this and define people's purchasing power in a situation where people don't have any worries about their minimum livelihood . well, look at this method. there are different methods . look at us. in the world, mr. zamanin is definitely explaining the model. there are various ways for us to record and maintain this , but in iran, if you see that the major part of the industry is reformed, today we have reached a point
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where the majority of our judiciary is dependent, dependent on the currency , dependent on our imports, 15 billion dollars a year , optimistically, when now we save currency prices are controlled, 14 to 15 billion dollars, we import basic goods. we are in an area like chicken, meat and eggs that you mentioned, in other words, our heavy meat area , the price of production depends on the institutions, which are generally imported . based on that, it buys the input and provides it to the importer, the importer imports and now it is available to produce . here is the problem that exists for a country that is involved in sanctions, involved in various fluctuations, the price
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the currency is fluctuating. you have noticed that now, both the previous governments and this government, we have currency fluctuations. now a bank. that the central government is capable, sometimes the foreign policy is successful , it is controlled, sometimes some challenges occur, like last year when we had two or three special events, the land fluctuates, this fluctuation, when you set the supply on the basis of the free price, it leads to this it is possible that people's tables are on viber, so to speak, that is, you see today that the currency goes to 50 tomans , goes to 60 tomans, goes back to 40 tomans, goes up, down, so this investment must have a stability until we we can have that basket and table. the main thing is to stabilize the people . now, what is the basis of this stability ? let us now provide the subsidy to the producer or let's discuss this issue . let's stabilize this issue now or provide it to the consumer.
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let's get it right, somewhere they say, somewhere we argue , we should give protein cards, somewhere they say we should give subsidies , all these things happened , we had an experience last year, which was inevitably included in the law , and finally, the gap between the free width and the preferential width has increased so much. it was that we had to wide let's remove the preference . for the time being, their output is preferential and that subsidy should be given to the inputs so that the industry and production do not suffer , in addition to a series of measures that i will now explain in the next discussions, mr. zamaniyan. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to you, the guests of the program, to all dear people and my condolences on the occasion of the martyrdom of our dear compatriots in kerman and the anniversary of the martyrdom of sardar soleimani. i think there is no difference of opinion in two issues. both industry and people should be supported
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there is no debate about how everything is. yes, i think we should answer a few questions very clearly . are they poor or rich? i think the answer is clear. if we are concerned about the prices of basic food commodities, we are actually concerned specifically for the poor. question let's look at the statistics. not more than a year has passed since the period of the preferential width, of course , it still doesn't matter, the preferential width is still going on. again, we are waiting for a very serious gap to be created , then we will give another shock to the economy and i think in fact, we have been experiencing this process for years . i am telling the statistics of the previous year, this same red meat, which is almost one of the main institutions. the richest 10th percentile of the society actually consumes red meat, or at least at that time, according to the statistics of the studies that were conducted, it must be more than 10 times, between 10 and 15 times, that is, red meat that we are
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supporting it so much with livestock institutions, subsidized livestock inputs, between 10 and 15 times, it is reaching the 10th tenth, and the tenth is one question, were we not supposed to support the poor, so why? we have. it created a problem in the society, but it created a problem that the government can no longer implement reform policies. for years, we have been saying no, this time, we have planned a method so that there will be no more corruption . it is brought up, of
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course, i am not very involved in the issue, but i am seeing its consequences in the society . in fact, it creates disruption in the industry. now we have white meat, we are supporting it let's assume that the inputs for the production of the disease , well, the question is, why is fish not supported? well , of course, there is support for fish. it is too low , we have to support it, so it is not possible when you are supporting one in an unequal way. it must be a competing industry, which by the way, our country has a lot of capacity , we have many beaches, we have access to
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the indian ocean. there is an ocean in these again we agree, you say where it should be paid , and then i will tell you to talk to the producers. of course, the doctor knows much better than me. many of them say that it does not reach us. in the end, we have to go to the open market and buy at the same higher prices. one of them once said that it is very good, when in fact it is the minimum market price. azad, in fact, that rent will disappear , at least we can all buy it under normal conditions , just a series, in fact, maybe the bigger ones can buy these, and the small sector can't , the solution is to see the types support is the worst kind of support in this kind of cases at the beginning of the chain. well, no matter how much we move you towards the end of the chain, consumer, consumer, consumer. actually. give them training on how to actually raise livestock
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, improve the technology and training , let the barriers to entering the industry be reduced, let the industry grow , let us just give it an input and as if we are the only ones to teach this one technology. we got it and again i tell you, be sure of the inevitable fate the current preferred width will be that after a while it will find a very serious gap with the free width, then i will again offer it to you. well, with all due respect to mr. zamanian, but see, we
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had the same justifications last year too. what happened in practice and in the field, both in the livestock industry and in the poultry industry, what happened is that we removed a large part of the input from the subsidy from the agricultural sector, especially the livestock and poultry sector. and then we made a series of promises of support, but none of those promises have been implemented until today then we were supposed to return that subsidy to the agricultural sector, especially the livestock and poultry sector, through the electronic goods sheet that we explain to the people, and the subsidies that we give to the people. those fellows for the lower deciles, i.e., the deciles of the lower 6 deciles
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, it was determined, but it was not operational and implemented. take this into account. now, for whatever reason, according to the implementation mechanism , it was supposed that the product of electronic paper should be made compulsory . 300,000 tomans through take the electronic product and buy the product , until today this has not happened, based on note 14 of the budget law, 480 hamats have been allocated annually for subsidies, of which 315 hamats are cash subsidies, in other words, we have 26 hamats monthly, and we give them in cash per month. people, apart from the effects of inflation that this incident leaves in the society , if people received this amount in the form of goods
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, the help that his highness was thinking of would not have happened. chicken and milk in the country today it can be produced and used. on the other hand, the problem is that the production part is damaged. it is seen very seriously, especially in the field of meat production, well, since 2018 , when the market system was launched, due to the fact that the allocation of the quota for meat production is not given a preferential width for the quota of fattening and light livestock farmers , the report of the islamic council of islamic council's research center, morga 171, 1402 i apologize completely. 402 completely explains this issue, that's why we
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saw the damage from 2018 onwards, removing the preferred width was actually another terrible blow to the meat production body, and today if the price of our meat is high because it is not a so-called expensive sale, it is due to the technical problems that in this part of the production , mr. peyman pak, i think that the program in october or november in the same program, they clearly pointed out this issue, so if we choose the preferred width that is now we are going to eliminate our inputs and according to the conditions we have now in the field of economy, and in my opinion, we cannot implement the promises we made, we have made the people's table smaller and we are dealing another blow to the production and meat production sector. the result of this import
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will be more ears inside the country. yes, mr. judge, now we will be at your service again, but let's go to gilanan and the city of rushd mr. habib esdlenejad, an economic expert, is with us. he is also the former ceo of the national association of poultry breeders. mr. esdlenejad . hello, i am at your service . a large number of our compatriots were killed in the terrorist incident in kerman. you see, the government's goal in allocating subsidies
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is to support the low-income groups of the society to provide the necessary protein materials and food security. when we turn this subsidy and aid to the first link, that is, import of course, all members of the society, whether they are in the 1st decile or those in the 10th decile , use this subsidy in some way, and because the purchasing power of the upper decks of the society means people who have high financial resources. because their purchasing power is higher , naturally, they use this subsidy more and the weak, low-income sections of the society use it less . from this point of view, i feel that if we want to follow the current policy, first, instead of helping the low-income groups , we will help the high-income groups and the upper decks of the society. although the system is yes, what is its alternative
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, i would like to add that despite the fact that it is a market. he is active in the explanation system of livestock institutions and he was able to clarify and dispel many of these rumors, but because there is no verification, we actually have a deviation. the country has become such that , of course, these days, the chicken should enter the market anyway, if we consider 10% of the losses. let's do it and consider the weight of the chicken in half , and it will decrease by 25%, and the daily slaughter should be 800 tons now. chicken should enter the market, while the real need of our market in the current conditions is something around 7,000 to 720 tons, we should have a surplus and this surplus should
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be collected by the support company in our actions in the market . anyway, the issue shows that there are a series of deviations , there is a series of unreal and thought-provoking information, and some of the livestock inputs that are supposed to reach the people's tables are being diverted in some way. my suggestion for this is that well, what should the government do to determine the real needs of society's target dogs and strategic reserves. based on the same needs and conditions that are supposed to be realized anyway , he should conclude a contract with the manufacturers of contract production and form a contract production in the country, something that both the honorable minister of jihad, the former and the current minister of jihad , insist on. yes, yes. contractual production has
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provided us with the needs of society's target drags and strategic reserves. let's ignore prescriptive policy and prescriptive pricing because experience has shown that prescriptive pricing policy not only does not help the market, but actually increases the inflammation and crisis in the protein products market. mr. esdeljad, well, mr. peyman pak, in fact, 3 issues are raised, one of which is the preferential payment of corrupt institutions to the target society, which is the same people with income. they are lower, it will not reach, it will also harm the production . what is your answer to these issues ? let me tell you, see how many issues have been raised .
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the point of discussion is that if you see any corruption, in the discussion of the problem, in other words, the availability of the input to the chicken owner or non-poultry or the number of small chickens and these things that were raised, sometimes these are the flaws of the system. for example, our samast system comes to the chicken owner's statement, declares the chicken and takes the input . this should be corrected for the chicken that you are used to . for example, the market system gives or delivers to the customer. if we had a chain , if we had a chain of financing, if our chain was transparent, we would have no problem in providing the institution with a preferential width
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, but now you yourself had different reports from the beginning of this year until today, for example, we had several stages of the chicken crisis. in our fruit and tarbar fields the price of the fixed price offered by marghdar has been offered by one or two of our chains, which, by the way , can be used in this process of profiting at the approved price. so, this issue is to see that if you fix the systems, if you do a series of infrastructure measures that you need to do, this issue of fixing, in terms of assigning the preferred width on the input, does not create a challenge or that you can provide this preference delete today that you don't have these infrastructures, it's possible exactly as mr. doderes pointed out, not only the experience of the previous year, but also an economic surgery 12 years ago had there, too, the energy subsidy was supposed to be removed. this subsidy should go to production. this subsidy should go to the optimization of different units that consume energy. did this happen? no, the subsidy
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was given to the people. because of the lack of rials , we had a lack of financial resources. we were not reformed, it was not done , it became a challenge, in other words, the same thing happened last year when you come to corn, for example , you increase the flour by 56. this need for liquidity is five or six times for the industry, for the producer, for the rancher, for the production process, well, your rancher. the first issue, sir, we say, give him a facility so that he can buy an investment based on that facility, the price of which has increased by 5 times, the price has increased by 6 times. there are extensive rules , what is your guarantee, where is your credit, do you have an account with me or not, the trouble will only begin if liquidity has been provided, then see if the infrastructure has not been established . mr. zamanian made the right
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point. let's fix the system let's fix the infrastructure so that you can almost see that we are coming now, sir, for example , the rich are getting the subsidy. now , well, it is characteristic of meat. on the chicken, for example, now in the stone farm, where i mainly put chicken juice, it costs 2 dollars. we also have almost the same price in the country. the world price of my meat is almost 8 dollars. we are 1,203 tomans, even ahead of it. now, in the best conditions, if we want to calculate that this society does not reach its goal, it is being discussed now, it means that the subsidy is paid, but the price is open price even higher than world prices, see mr. here's the point, this was discussed last year. sir, let's come and remove this land guardian. we saw that this happened. in addition to causing heavy inflation to the society
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, we couldn't repair the infrastructure. you can see when the infrastructure is repaired. you say that your style of livestock is available now. our style of livestock is mainly produced by producers. sheep style of livestock is the most consumed in iran . it can be used , but we went to industrial production in the field of chicken what is the percentage of our chains, in other words, now the market share in chicken is below 20, when you built a chain, when you went to large productions , when you increased efficiency and productivity , then we can say, sir, today is the day when we can prefer this width. let's eliminate the institutions and this process will come . now we are helping to increase production efficiency and market competitiveness . today, these infrastructures do not exist. we must maintain this width, but at the same time, we must take other big steps. an example facing you now is a question about the price. do you have corn
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corn is sold in the open market, why not, because today our corn is sold 2-3 thousand tomans cheaper than the approved price, in the field of barley, where this year you did not have any problems in boze dam, why, because it is sold 4-5 thousand tomans lower than its price. if you supply, if the supply is done on time, if your purchases are suitable now , if it is cheaper, this issue will be solved, so we will come, sir. all the challenges that we have in other departments , we bring them to everyone's attention, in other words, we will change the offer, we will also change those things that we cannot solve quickly. is it possible to do something like now to remove the two stages that happened and really hit our livestock and poultry chain, i have one point, allow me to actually discuss it here. first of all, in my opinion, no one in iran agrees to remove the preferential width. it was not the shape of last year, why was it not, see how it is.
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someone may agree that the width will increase five times overnight, the problem is that you create a path that will eventually end there , that is, when i say this is strong, i have 28,500 tomans , this is a revelation that should be the price in the normal land market is going up after this distance it goes up so much, then overnight you have to create a crisis. in fact, these friends who all believe that removing the width of 4,200 had a problem , by the way, they should be the ones responsible for this problem and the ones who insisted on maintaining it for years, and that too. what was the reason for its removal? it was because it could not be continued at all. i mean, this path is taking us there . let this supply of inputs and these supports gradually adjust with the country's inflation
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ok, otherwise, 3 years later, we will be caught again, we will catch everyone again overnight , so what happened, but this is the same discussion that is going on, what happened now, just last year, when we say it was a very bad thing, we ourselves, because in fact, the analysis actually we did it in the worst , most pessimistic state, the three poor deciles of the society benefited greatly from the same purposefulness of the year 89, which happened in the case of a series of basic commodities, and now the studies have been done, clearly the poor deciles. very high purchasing power finding the consumption of all basic goods except bread which did not change for tithes it increased at the bottom, which means that they are more benefited from protein and fat loss, yes, yes, yes, and the rich deciles were harmed as a result of the same incident that happened last year . first
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of all, the consumption of the society, yes, the supply of food is the same as my servant. you see, something is happening. we think that because the country has 40d inflation, this 40d inflation is due to some of your economic reforms. look at the numbers and figures in the food and beverage sector. being related to the preferred currency, we only have two months of inflation the average of our two months was about 15% , it was very obvious, all friends, when you remove it, well, in fact, you have two months of price increase, at least we have a few more months, after that we reached a lower inflation rate than before for 5 months, that is, we are around the corridor. we were two to three percent, we went under the pain for two months , we suffered damage in non-essential works, that is, the rest of the goods, almost maybe around 1%, in two months , we had an increase in fish inflation, why are we all having it today
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? dear viewers and guests , mr. yazani, the first question i have for you now how much is the price of mutton in afghanistan ? yes, mutton, well, it has a direct relationship with livestock fields. how much is mutton in afghanistan? in fact, live sheep are approximately 200 afghanis.


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