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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] they continued to resist for several months under the most intense artillery bombardment. nasser did not accept the offer of surrender from israel and finally, with the negotiation between egypt and israel, these forces surrendered the fallujah area to israel after four months of resistance and retreated to egypt. indeed, without fighting , those who were present in al-falujah , those who were present in iraq, al-manshiyeh, those who were present in beit jibrin , beit jibrin, are comfortable without fighting, those who are in al-dhakrin, deir al-dabban, deir aban , and beir al-jamal, and all the rest of the region, are comfortable without fighting . it is important for the author
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oti man bayan wal qadra ali ijazm. an description of the meaning of al-rafi'ah, which was manifested in egypt's celebration of welcoming its citizens, abtal al-falujah. if you don't have the crowd of the people, you can test before the holidays, my dear holidays. despite the magnificent reception of the troops returning from the scene of the palestinian battle in cairo and other egyptian cities, there is a feeling of defeat and surrender among egyptian officers such as nas. long live farouk, the king of egypt, long live farouk, the king of egypt
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, long live farouk, the king of egypt, and the soul of the king of musk. zanturian tanks, armored cars of the royal dugrones and men of the lanka fusiliers prepare to attack egyptian police headquarters. a surrender demand has been ignored and now fire opens up as general erskin takes turn measures in his mal. many police of the auxiliary guard have taken part in terrorist activity and only complete british control can restore order. at the same time as these events, a guerrilla movement was launched to fight the british forces because the egyptian people saw the soldiers of that british army as an occupying force. these clashes started from the city of ismailia, which
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led to the death of dozens of people from the popular resistance forces and the egyptian police. belonging to england and france in cairo to fire were drawn the whole people were in a state of turmoil , the king was not changing the ministry of all the three cities, and the palace was the one that had no control. it was a burning cairo, and the face of the burning cairo shows that this people is burning in its soul
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, burning in its blood, and burning in its heart. egypt was like a barrel of gunpowder and was ready to explode at any moment. finally, the group that nasser and his friends had been organizing for years made their decision. zabat al-ahrar or the independent leaders decided to remove king farouk from the monarchy and declare a republic in egypt. in the early hours of the 23rd day of 1952, nasser along with a small circle of his friends informed king farooq that the army was no longer under his command and that he should leave the country immediately
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. they allowed the king to leave the country with his family for italy. at first, for a while, the general of the egyptian army, muhammad najib, who was a popular figure among the people and army officers, took over the post of president.
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but after a while, disagreements between him and nasser grew until finally in 1954, muhammad najib was removed from the political arena and nasser took power in egypt. everything was ready to implement nasser's plans to fulfill his dreams for egypt. . the biggest goal of nasser and his friends is the development of industry. and abadaniyah was in egypt after the revolution. the structure left over from the monarchy and the british presence had left a chaotic economic situation for egypt, which had to be fundamentally changed
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. in order to achieve this goal, nasser had an ambitious plan to build a dam called the high dam in the aswan region. by building this dam, nasser intended to help egypt's agriculture in the lower reaches of the nile and through its power plant to provide electricity to the developing industries of egypt, which was the largest example in the world at that time, and of course, a lot of money was needed to build it. had something around 400 million dollars, which was a significant figure in 1954. nasser, who in those years
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had a good relationship with the western world, especially the united states, submitted egypt's request to the world bank, which was managed by the united states. america and britain agreed to this request, which was very good news for him. but slowly things happened that made nasser an undesirable element among western politicians. one of the most important issues of those days in the world surrounding egypt was the palestinian issue and the wound that came from the defeat. and the formation of the state of israel in the soul and spirit of arab countries, especially egypt
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had remained. nasser was at the forefront of helping the palestinian fighting forces against the zionist regime. and besides, egypt never hesitated to announce this help. also, nasser resisted america's requests to stay away from the soviet union and the eastern bloc. nasser was trying to communicate with all the countries of the world. he had good relations with the politicians of the east and the west, and the culmination of these collaborations
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was displayed at the bandoneng conference. the problems of the world had gathered together to conspire against america. although egypt gained independence years ago, britain is still present it was serious in this country and the reason was the suez canal company. tens of thousands of british troops were in egypt to protect the canal. and this presence remained even after the fall of the monarchy. the people and the new rulers were looking for an opportunity. to get rid of this uninvited guest, and nasser and
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his friends counted the minutes every day to do this . nasser's first meeting with british prime minister anthony eden in february 1955 event. unlike ando's smiles in front of the media cameras, none of them felt happy about the other because each knew what was going on in the other's mind. nasser considered eden to be a small churchill. because he still
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looked at egypt with the eyes of the colonial era and did not believe that egypt had become independent and the playing field in the middle east had changed. the mindset that nasser was trying to change and this effort turned both of them into blood enemies in the not-so-distant future. tension al-times newspaper, but you are talking about the word yasak, the prime minister of the kingdom of egypt today, but most of us are not worthy of insulting you , and our newspaper is not worthy of insulting the queen of britain, nor the british prime minister, you may be strong , but you are insulting them. ali
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hita and talah for them, qalt for them, yerkinj? today, brotherhood, is a unique day in our history, in our consciousness , in our souls.
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the terrorist incident that was committed in karma by the hypocrites who weaken and despair in this way is a painful incident. we baloch people , especially the baloch of nikshahr, hume hichan and kuchang cities, condemn this heinous crime, and god willing, the criminals will be punished for their actions. inshallah, they will come. inshallah, the front of the right to resist is always with islam. as a sunni community and sunni scholars, this movement is we strongly condemn the enemies of the homeland and the enemies of islam . the blood of these martyrs will make this tree of revolution that has grown more sustainable.
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they should reach the terrorist from the grave of haj qasim and from the appearance of haj qasim , there is a lot of fear that he is doing this cowardly thing . i strongly condemn the scene that happened in kerman . we condemn this and hope that the responsible brothers should try to
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get these as punishment. but the silencing of the voice of more than one million iraqis proves that this statement was another lie. despite this, they founded another institution that was much more evil than anyone imagined. since the big lie of the existence of weapons of mass destruction
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was not big enough, they had to do other things. the story of isis began in the cia right after the 9/11 attacks. that too by creating a notorious image of a man who had no real connection to those attacks. today, iraq is under the guidance of a deadly terrorist network abu musab al-zarqawi has become they put him in the center of attention. we tried to explain many times that his cooperation with saddam is impossible. zarqawi was one of those people whom saddam killed without any training. i. i was an analyst for the organization and i was working with a group that was responsible for evaluating whether al-qaeda and iraq together planned the 9/11 attacks or not . slow, but there was never such a connection, which, of course, is similar to the claim
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the existence of weapons of mass destruction is a lie. they found a man through whom they could establish such a connection with saddam. he turned out to be a jihadist rebel . zarqawi traveled to afghanistan in an attempt to join the holy war, his goal was to meet with osama benadam. zarqawi was a man that even the number one terrorist in the world was not interested in him. both osama bladen and his deputy were not at all influenced by zarqawi. he looked like a
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criminal and acted like one. he did not have a very complicated personality. in fact, their opinion was that it is the force of nak. came for al-qaeda to it counts, but he was an excellent choice for the white house. dick cheney, the vice president of the united states at the time , put a lot of pressure to establish such a connection . he wanted to know if there was a connection between saddam hussein and bin laden. if there is no connection , his request was that we we want there to be a connection between these two. the vice president is fed up with all his questions about zarqawi and his relationship with saddam and whether they discussed the september 11th attacks or not. even in the situation that none of the plane hijackers in the september 11 attacks were iraqi or jordanian. no need at all there was no research about saudi arabia. that too in the situation where 15 of the 19 losers were from saudi arabia. we never
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found any indication that zarqawi was in baghdad and working for saddam. but the white house did not accept this point. how much they gave zarqawi a text for this speech . now his name is in the united nations and he is becoming famous without really doing anything. he is famous without really doing anything. if you tell the truth, you don't need
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to remember anything. i don't remember. zarqawi was not an important name for me. the part about him is also an important part of my speech was not considered , it was almost a passing eulogy, despite this, pavel dedicated 7 minutes of his speech to zarqawi and mentioned his name 21 times, jang was accepted. and a new star was born. azadi was ready for delivery. saddam is gone and the coalition forces began to grant freedom to the iraqi society and zarqawi was waiting for an opportunity, which was given to him very soon by al-pul barmer, the person who was assigned to carry out the iraqi operations. bremer, in an effort to restore order to the iraqi society, removed the government of this country and. he ordered the entire iraqi army to be disbanded. there are 250,000 iraqi men, all of whom are of military age and
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have undergone military training and working with weapons. suddenly they all became unemployed. now zarqawi has a huge collection of forces to use. to be honest, the effect of this action was devastating. i think it was the seed of what later became sunni extremists. it was mainly planted at this time. at the same time, washington emphasized. everything is on its way. i was reading a newspaper today and i couldn't believe that they wrote such things. i saw 8 headlines about harj marj, violence and unrest , and they made a lot of noise. the sky has reached the earth. i have never seen anything like this. but the situation for iraq and its people had turned to destruction. a huge explosion has occurred in the jordanian embassy. this was zarqawi's first major attack. an iraqi rushed in and i said what happened , and he said that the bomber had attacked there at the end. this was the first bombaggar of the end, which was followed by hundreds
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and thousands of others. shortly after that , a bomb exploded in the headquarters of the united nations, which forced this organization and all non-governmental organizations to leave iraq within a few weeks, leaving the american forces alone in iraq. a man who it had distorted ideals and had no special credibility among terrorist groups. now he had been made famous by the white house, and the coalition forces had given him the fighters he needed. now that he had an army at his disposal , he was ready to take a bigger gamble and personally decapitate an american on camera , which earned him the full attention of the white house. the united states has set a $25 million reward for killing him. now that the amount of the reward similar to that of osama bin laden
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was determined for zarqawi, bin laden could no longer kill zarqawi. ignore zarqawi revealed his plans in a letter to bin laden. if we can bring them into the scope of the sectarian war, we may be able to wake up the ignorant sunnis. bin laden's deputy gave zarqawi's answer. many of your muslim admirers responded to the attacks. you don't like the shiites. my opinion is that no matter how much you try to explain this point , this issue is still not acceptable for the muslim population and the disgust will continue. he replied. he was in one of the important shia shrines he established the golden dome shrine in samaria. everything changed in iraq. the situation did not change from good to bad
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, but from good. it was time for america to close the iraq case. the war is over, we must leave iraq.
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it doesn't matter what happens. well, i think we didn't think about what exactly was going to happen when zarra left, the survivors of zarqawi's group, who were in hiding , slowly began to reorganize themselves and did so under the guidance of a new leader named abu bakr al-baghdadi. they gave a man who, like the previous leader of the group, was fascinated by violence and fame and was looking for embarrassment marj to be able to use it and an embarrassing case for marj on the other side. there was the syrian border, which was another example of the success story of america's enforcement of freedom. the wave of recent bombings that shook damascus showed that these tactics have been successfully implemented in iraq and are now successfully implemented in syria. zarqawi's organization both remained intact and expanded and began to occupy areas until
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2013, baghdadi and his militia forces conquered and occupied a large part of syria. now the number of troops of this group in groups of 10 people the western desert was not limited. thousands of foreign fighters had come from all over the world. 5 thousand people from western europe, 6 thousand people from tunisia and almost 5 thousand people from the former soviet union, people came from everywhere. baghdadi finally fulfilled the prophecy of the leader before him and established a government and named it the islamic state of iraq and the levant and declared haqq as its capital. in early 2014, isis started an operation to occupy iraq. they occupied fallujah and ramadi and received their biggest reward in mosul. on july 4, 2014, baghdadi finally zarqawi fulfilled jamia's dream and after climbing the steps of mosul jamia mosque
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, he introduced himself as caliph. in the years following these events, the world has witnessed an unprecedented wave of terrorism, violence and the largest mass migration of refugees worldwide. what started as a war against terrorism after the attacks of september 11 and the death of innocent people, turned into a war of terrorism, became a punishment for the whole world and took the lives of millions of people around the world, making us feel more than ever.
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of mehd farsh. become a free owner of farsh. iran is mahd farsh, in the name of allah, rahman, raheem, salam. turkey announced the arrest of dozens of agents of the zionist regime's spy agency, mossad, who were planning to sabotage the country's soil, police and security operations. turkey continues to arrest other mossad agents. identifying and arresting the mercenaries of the zionist intelligence organization throughout turkey. in the operations of the turkish security forces, three mossad spies


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