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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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the islamic revolution taught us that it is possible to walk the path of progress based on the basic principles . we deeply believe in this principle that this path can be followed . . it has people with insight , it has people with determination in different areas, different departments, thank god, significant works have been done, my servant's trip to the province, first of all, is to follow up on the approvals of the first round of the trip, which good things have been done, as i mentioned, one of the concerns of our dear people in housing area well, i was in the service at the beginning
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the respectable and hardworking governor and the respectable local officials , the respectable representative of the supreme leader in the province , we visited the housing complexes that are ready to be operated and handed over to the applicants . a thousand houses that are ready to be handed over to people across the province, more than 10,000 plots of land that are ready to be handed over to land applicants, the work in the field of housing continues at a fast pace with your cooperation, people. i was very pleased when i went today and saw that last year i was in i went to one of the regions to serve these dear officials on the edge of zanjan, i saw people living in special conditions
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in dilapidated structures and in basements with special conditions. i asked the governor to follow up quickly so that they can own houses. today we went and saw the same families whose houses were given to them. today i went to see the same families who lived in those houses in the neighborhood known as palestinian neighborhood. for the same families to own houses, this is a source of happiness. we expect that the rest of the work will follow with strength, god willing, whether in the city, in the countryside, or in worn-out structures. we can solve the problem. considering the good facilities in the province , there may be a lack of land in zanjan, but there is land in the province, these 10,000 units are being handed over.
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for the lands that have been prepared and the dear applicants , which is a very good step towards the issue of employment . well, we have seen it in tehran as well. as mentioned by the respected imam juma, i was always in contact with the zanjanis. in zanjan in tehran, where i had meetings before this responsibility, i was more successful in the company of safa, noorani and hosseini. presence i used to find and see young people who are working hard, trying hard to make a living. indeed, the young people of this region in the city and the village are hardworking and active. they should be in the fields of work and effort related to agriculture and water, which mr. imam juma mentioned is an important issue. for your information, the issue of water and basically water. agriculture, which consumes the most of us, is
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not only for zanjan province, but for the whole country . the most water consumption in the country is related to agricultural water. i want to tell the dear farmers that we must have a consumption model for agricultural water. in this pattern of consumption you have a lot you can cooperate. whether it is drip irrigation or subsurface irrigation, where water consumption is 1/4 , the product is four times or 5 times. we have experienced this work in some large agricultural complexes during this two years . reforming the way water resources are used can be a very good step that we have a plan for, but what about the water issue?
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pointing out and what actions should be taken are part of our agenda. i said this, maybe it will be repeated for you, but i will say it again. look, our plan in this government is not to pass by the potholes. know that we will find a solution. our plan in the government is not to pass by the problems, but to find a solution and follow a solution to solve the problem. the government's plan is to solve the problem. whether in the field of industry , agriculture, science and technology. this is the government's plan, so the issue of water in khan zanjan is our problem, and mr. governor and the relevant officials will surely follow the work with the plan that has been made and the funds that will be allocated in this regard.
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issues that need to be decided in the province to be specific, like the issue of petrochemicals , the issue of railway mines, we have two or three issues, and this issue , i visited this stadium before i spoke in your honorable gathering . it has been 18 years since this stadium started. i regretted that there was a percentage of the work left and this caused a delay. we made an appointment with our friends that we leave this work to the province so that the credit will be secured . allahu akbar.
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half-finished works must be finished. in a way that can may it be exploited by our dear people, and you, the respected managers of zanjan province, and my colleagues in zanjan province, should know my dignity as a serving student, and you, the respected director, provide service and kindness to the dear people when someone comes to your organization's office. he should return satisfied, even if it is possible to do the work. not by persuading the client, he has to be satisfied, for some reason , your request is not possible, but the administration of an organization with unhealthy relationships with wrong relationships with the bureaucracy, which is very annoying, by screwing
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things up in the department and organization from this department to him. administration from this organization to that organization, sometimes in tehran , sometimes. writing a follower letter that causes delay in doing people's work is not acceptable in any way. takbeer allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar . some of my issues were brought up in the middle of the way i was coming. dear ones, god willing, we will discuss them in the meeting of the administrative council that will be held tonight. like the issue of cooperatives, the issue of cooperatives must be resolved
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. you see, we are going to solve this issue. examples of issues facing people are issues specific to a region. this must be solved, there is a solution, god willing , mr. governor with his good efforts, thank god the executive deputy of the president , who are focused on following the work in a centralized way, with different institutions, our people should feel that the work that is actually needed is done quickly and without interruption, of course, speed. in work , it does not mean not being careful, there should be both precision in work and speed. the issue of employment is still important to us. it is implied that the unemployment rate has decreased by five percent in the province. again, the issue of employment
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is an important issue for us in zanjan province, especially dear educated people. and god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great, there is no god, no god i bear witness that there is no god but allah . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that there is no god. god bless you
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, god bless you, god bless you. there is no god but god, there is no god but god. oh, sit on the first page, oh, sit on the first page
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, isar is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, oh , you are sitting, sit on the first page, stand up to justice , the burden of trust on your shoulders, stand up, first page, first page. serving the people is your stronghold, your stronghold is this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your eyes are martyrs, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace be upon you, my countrymen. dear, welcome to the program on the first page. in this program, another servant of the iranian nation will be in front of the camera to talk about politics . talk about the strategy and of course the decisions that can affect the development and progress of the country
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, all the society tries to reach the highest possible level and one of the main duties of the governments in this field is discussed in this field of discussion i am with mr. dr. mahmoud karimi b. deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social affairs, welcome to the program of the first page, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings i offer my condolences to your honorable colleagues and all the dear people of iran for this terrible terrorist incident that really happened in kerman province, a large number of our compatriots were martyred. i
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offer special condolences to the families of these loved ones and i hope that, god willing, as soon as possible, according to the order of the commander in chief, the perpetrators of this terrible terrorist incident will be severely punished, god willing. god willing before we started our conversation , my colleagues prepared a report about employment in the country. we will see this and then we will raise questions in this field. the single-digit unemployment rate in 24 provinces of the country is a success that, according to the latest report of the statistics center, reduced the unemployment rate from 8. it has reached 7.6 percent this fall. according to the reports published by the iranian statistics center, our unemployment rate has reached 7 and 6 tenths. this means that during the two years of this government
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, the fighting rate has decreased by 2%. fortunately after . in our 20 years, our unemployment rate has reached channel 7 , despite the fact that our economic participation rate has increased, according to the employment monitoring system report, since the beginning of the year, 937 thousand jobs this system has been registered, in other words, about 90% of the commitment to create employment this year, which was 1 million 88 thousand job opportunities, has been realized. 50,000 job opportunities have been considered for tehran province, and i think the lowest job opportunity is for ilam province, around 8,800 job opportunities have been committed . the survey of employment in major economic sectors shows that in the fall of 1402, the service sector with 521 is the most. the share of employment has been allocated by istran asadi
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of sed and sima news agency. well, in the report, we had very good and positive news for the society that suffers from unemployment and governments always try to to increase the employment rate in the country , how is the employment situation now? well, as mentioned in the report and you mentioned it , it is the most famous and most important indicator of health. and the dynamics of the labor market of any country or any province or any region is the unemployment rate index, which is actually the unemployment rate index that is obtained by dividing the unemployed population by the active population.
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he finds a job or he doesn't find a job, that part of the active population that doesn't find a job. in fact , it can be defined as the unemployment rate after the population there is no motivation at all to find a job for any reason , it is not considered in the calculation of the unemployment rate, that's why the unemployment rate is considered as a basic variable and a main variable for calculating the labor market . iran's statistical center is the only reference. official announcement. the unemployment rate of the autumn season of 1402 was announced almost 34 days ago, which showed that the unemployment rate reached its lowest level in the years after the revolution and reached 7.6%, which is a 60%
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decrease compared to the fall of 1401. it means that while the participation rate the economy has also increased at the same time as the unemployment rate has decreased, from 41% in the fall of 1401 to 41.5 % in the fall of 1402 . the exit of the labor force from the market is analyzed, but when both the unemployment rate is decreasing and the economic participation rate is increasing, it shows that the labor market is
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booming. it was an increase. it was in the spring of 1402 what happened means that the unemployment rate decreased again by 1% , if i'm not mistaken , and the economic participation rate increased by 3%. it shows that in the first 9 months of this year, the labor market has moved towards dynamics, towards indicators and variables, which shows the path to there is growth and improvement in the path , but naturally we have not reached the desired point. if i want to raise one point now, doctor , it is the first time in the last two decades that we have seen that the rate of unemployment or to
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channel 7 7. this is a very good thing. what factors caused this to happen? yes, you your question is a very good question. indeed, even now, in the summer of 1402, when the unemployment rate became 79 % for the first time. usually, i will tell you something that the unemployment rates in the fall are higher than in the summers, that is, they are higher, because it is usually a season when some seasonal businesses close down, but we see that the unemployment rate goes back to less than 79. it reached 7.6 percent, which shows that this improvement process continues on its own path, of course , considering the comparison of one season with the previous season. the theory is not correct, it means that each season should be compared with its symmetrical season in the previous year be calculated, but if i want to present to you a few main factors for this improvement
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, i would prefer to present to you in three categories , the most central variable and the most central action and policy that happened in the government in the field of employment and entrepreneurship was that everyone should feel responsible for employment in the governing body and everyone should be accountable. it is more important than feeling responsible, that is, now you have no institution, no province, and no educational and cultural executive institution that has the least role in the government in the field of employment. we don't have it unless it is accountable to the supreme council of employment in the field of employment this is a rare incident. let me give you an example. for example, in our province, mr. abedini, it has been 10 months since last year. even if the governor holds a meeting of the employment council every month, we have 10 meetings in some
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of our provinces. our governors have had problems so far this year, even though the governor has various issues. there are different things at the provincial level that must be managed . some of our provinces have held 15 meetings of the employment council with the presence of all agencies. this is the most central event that has happened to mr. president himself, this week we will probably have the seventh meeting of the council of employment in the government. well, in the government mr. raisi, so far 6 meetings of the employment council took place only with the presence of mr. president, apart from other meetings, but there are some very important indicators of the improvement of our macroeconomic environment, according to the statistics of the statistics center, in the first two seasons of spring and summer, the economic growth rate of our country is above 7 it was the average of one of the 7th and 9th seasons, if i am not mistaken, one of my seasons is 7 %, dear doctor, you are here to improve the business environment
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, for example, is it the ground for electronicization or the window of the electronic unit for the government? is there any job creation or not? yes one in fact, the important reasons that i wanted to present to you was that in the 13th government , mr. president, we gave a slogan and that is to facilitate the issuance of business licenses , the national portal for business licenses in this government. it has been launched. now, for example, we have about 512 home businesses. in the past years, it sometimes takes up to 8-9 months to get the license for these home businesses. now 95% of home business licenses are issued openly. it means that we do not have any reference to an expert at all. a person
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goes to the national portal of business licenses, verification and he is identified, he enters his details, he can print his license right there. last year, because of this reason , we were able to simplify the facilitation policy, the facilitation of 218,000 mashalkhana permits. let's say that this number has increased by about 100 compared to the last 2 years, so this shows that people, according to why facilitation is important, because if you feel that now you can do something that will lead to the creation of a job or an income . it's fine for you, if the conditions for obtaining that license are difficult for you, then he doesn't think about it at all , he says that it's not worth it at all for me to go to this job. but when you can easily, well, this incident that happened in this government, which really had a significant effect , is another very important reason for the reduction of the unemployment rate
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in the field of financing. especially in the field of employment, in fact, it has been injected into the labor market, which is a considerable number and is considered a very good growth . another very important reason is the facilities that banks provide to the people. i will explain further if necessary. one one of the most important reasons for the reduction of the unemployment rate in this government is the strict supervision that is taking place on the employment created. mr. abedini, we are currently monitoring the country's employment creation in three stages . that is, if a province or an agency, it doesn't matter what province or agency it is, announces that , for example, we created thousands of jobs, we will not accept it unless
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we monitor it in three stages. sms monitoring, face-to-face monitoring and telephone monitoring means that we call people who are notified by the device that a job has been created for them, and all these statistics are available online and with the national code. the basis of the basis is actually the comparison between the provinces , the basis of the commitment of the provinces is the basis of the actions that the provinces can take on april 1 every year, this is the tradition in this government. on the 1st of april every year , there is a notification commitment of each province in the portfolio of the governor of mohdram that this year you must create this amount of jobs according to the business environment that exists in that province . professionalism in these two and a half years has been really impressive. now, a significant number of
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free technical and vocational education centers are licensed, previously up to 10. it used to take an average month, now it takes 3 days , which means that a person who wants to start a technical vocational school only needs 3 days to be able to start this business. it is interesting for you who are on our job search system, which is a system. to the job address. mcls.r is the name of job search that people can refer to. all employers and job seekers can visit and declare their needs there . on our job search system, the most requested job by employers is the instructor of technical and vocational schools. because facilitating the issuance of technical and professional licenses by the technical and professional education organization it happened that it has become a business, and now the most demand is on our system , that is, a coach who can
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answer the demand of job seekers who want to acquire skills in vocational schools. this has become big. the most requested statistics on our job search system. well, the set of these measures is really along with the convergence of all the devices because you know that the unemployment rate is not the work of one device or one institution. if all the macroeconomics of the economy improve . in the area of ​​khurd, financing should happen, supervision should happen, the governors should express their work. ministers, if this happens, the unemployment rate will decrease and this. exactly what we call synergy in the field of employment happened in this government , thanks to god and the conditions have improved , we have not reached the desired state . see both the commitment and implementation of our
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employment monitoring system. there is a system that was launched in the 13th people's government to provide clear reports to the people in the field, as mr. president said, we must create one million jobs a year. giving this promise to the people, we immediately designed a system that will not accept the announced employment, it is announced that all the information must be registered, we will monitor it, then we will report to the people that this has really happened, the unemployment monitoring system. every year , it notifies the commitment of the governors and institutions in accordance with the commitment that the respected governors have on the system and after monitoring , that is, for example , let's say a province announces 20,000.


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