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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of service, your stronghold, your stronghold, this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes . about 9 months have passed since
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the president appointed his assistant and the person responsible for the pursuit of social rights and freedoms to mrs. dr. pod, who is the guest of the front page program tonight, and many of us are not familiar with this title. we have never heard that there is such a title. tonight, on the first page program , we want to see that the assistant to the president in law and what has social freedom done in these few months that it has assumed responsibility? i say hello again and i say i am very helpful . i also offer my courtesy and respect.
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i offer my condolences for the terrorist attack that led to the martyrdom of a large number of our compatriots, especially women and children. i also congratulate the birthday of hazrat zahra, peace be upon her, and the women's week, which has passed very bitterly this year. unfortunately, i am at your service . be healthy and happy. come to the be healthy program , let's start with how far do you see the scope of social rights and freedoms? yes. because mr. president, in the ruling that attributed the servant, their emphasis is on the constitution, and in fact, basically, the legitimacy of this ruling is from the constitution, and there is nothing new, of course, that is, everything that is in the law, so we must go and
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see the constitution itself first. what is the definition of the constitution and what is expansion in the constitution? the social rights and freedoms and the rights of the people in the constitution, according to the third chapter of the constitution, and perhaps due to the 23 principles of the constitution, include different generations of human rights, civil and political rights, that is, in fact, a range of rights contained in... freedoms social or legitimate freedoms can actually be said to be based on freedom, and in fact , just as in the constitution and in other human documents, its limitations are specified . and those restrictions
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are actually mentioned in accordance with the standards of our sharia according to the constitution, rather than expressing and enshrining the legitimate freedoms, yes, it is acceptable, but when you consider, for example, from where to where it can be included, it is better for i concept. which of my freedoms did you pay attention to and do you have? your freedoms actually include your social rights for example, in social rights, the right to freedom of choice is the freedom to choose a job, and the right to criticize and protest is under your political rights and your economic rights. in fact, its scope is wide
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and your cultural rights, your right to education, your right to choose your education , do these include a range of your rights and freedoms as a citizen in the islamic republic of iran? in the decree that mr. president gave for you, for example, the right to freedom of expression is specified, the right to form assemblies is specified , the material and spiritual rights of women and the protection of citizens' privacy are specified. yes, that's it now. in fact, the boss by creating this position, the president is an established position, perhaps for the first time in the islamic republic
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of iran, a responsible and accountable figure from the position of the presidency as the main guardian of the implementation of the constitution. it portrays and creates portals through which the people expand for this level of contact between the government and the people . this expansion is basically the position of a newly established position. the expression and clarification of the constitution includes in fact. freedom in what is in the constitution it has come to express beliefs, thoughts and ideas , and it includes freedom of thought, which is broad, and maybe later on, we actually
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have a law called the press law, or the law of free access to information and transparency , which is defined under this principle, or the right establishing a community. which can be said to be a basis for the implementation of the eight principles of the constitution , i.e. the right of the people to command what is good and to forbid what is bad, in relation to the officials, the officials in relation to the people and the government, in relation to what is stated in the constitution , the government in relation to the people, the people in relation to the government and people against people, as it may seem now t. the establishment of this position is supposed to be the benevolence of the government for the people, which can be implemented correctly in order to protect the rights of the people in all its fields, and
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follow up. to be correct in the law and to guarantee the rights of the people, what did we do considering that not much time has passed and all these propositions that you raised may not have been for years. the government should secure a place for it, the people of iran, i want freedom i respect your statement and i want to protect you as your representative, the government . if he wants to create a restriction on your freedom of expression, we have a conflict with him. in fact, sometimes it is defined in the context of article 26. article 26 is related to parties, groups and associations, but i believe that article 27 has a very fundamental difference in nature with
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our article 26 regarding these. we started considering the little time that has passed, for example, regarding the issue of freedom of speech. my focus is on the press law and i believe that the press law should be improved based on the principle that basically human rights and rights citizenship is an evolutionary right, which means that , for example, we now have a virtual space and we have accepted the words of even scholars like mr. javad or amoulid . it is not a virtual space anymore, it is a real space , which means that people are making a living on this platform , they have a lot of meaning. they are setting up a policy regarding the promotion of the press law . in this context, new rights are being created for the people, and we must recognize them. the discussion of
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the gatherings, which has been clarified in my ruling, is fine the government has also submitted a bill to the parliament, but the president is emphasizing on this issue , that is, we are looking for a policy package and a presentation of a favorable way to protect the people's rights . we were actually present at the meetings and got their opinions, and i present all this to mr. president. well, now, in the cases that have been listed, which ones do we need to legislate, in the sense that a principle is included in the constitution, but about the details are not specified. it is said that freedom of expression is not specified freedom of expression. to what extent and to what extent we see that someone has gone beyond, we have the right
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to act as a sovereign and deal with him. the issue of freedom is basically in all human documents , it is not even absolute and perfect, and perhaps one of the serious harms that we have done for the implementation of these principles of the constitution was absolutist, that is, for example, some professors believe. without any restrictions , it should be that, well, no human reason at all accepts this , even you actually see articles 21 of the charter and 25 of the covenants that do not contradict a series of public modesty, public health, and public interests stated in our constitution also has two restrictions on gatherings or freedom of speech in a way that does not conflict with the rights of others. the limitation is this, and according to the same logic and logic, by the way, the qur'an and
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the logic of our own religious teachings, we actually accepted the same, but what i would like to tell you is because we have a clear definition that defines its limits. i believe that we do not have a law that has actually been approved as a normal law in the parliament. in the field of the right to freedom of expression , we must refer to laws such as the press law, a part of it in this sense, we should come and embed the rights of the people there, but i believe that there is a need for a separate law that can provide more correctly , for example, i would like to tell you that there are many objections to your service, people refer to me, for example , they say that we are based on article 8 of the constitution is based on this. we have a one-cash system, but they immediately tell us that it is public concern. well, it is important that
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we do not define public concern in such a way that we basically take away people's right to cash , people's right to protest. our religious sovereignty is the right of sovereignty to be criticized by its citizens, and wherever it goes wrong, actually give a warning. and this in itself is one of the ways to achieve good and decent governance, that is, the same exercise of the right of open criticism regarding the right to form assemblies, which is also specified in the decree of the president to your excellency. what kind of mechanism is there, exactly, so that someone who objects to any issue, whether it is governance or social, and wants
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to express and announce his protest in the form of a gathering, what is his path, a specific path. now i will open a parenthesis, you are also in the process . well, with the implementation of this law to facilitate business , what has happened now is that little by little no one can run over anyone . and i have to find the related job, that related business, and give the documents and complete the information, and then get a tracking code , get a tracking code . why can't i be rejected? complete it and otherwise, a permit
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will be automatically issued to me. we can reach such a point regarding the holding of gatherings. regarding the holding of gatherings, there is a bill that the government has given now , so it has been exposed to all citizens, which means that you now have access. search now. can you find this? it is a bit different from the issue raised by his highness, like being grieving means a protest against the right of the people. well , anyway, diverting some people and pursuing other goals , and it caused the people to mean that right. people get lost in the middle of these protests and some people who are with the people basically, they don't have any history of friendship , they follow their own goals and ex-comfuss, so
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it seems that there is a need for a series, that is, it is a rational assumption that a series must have some requirements . we protested, this culture of protest should be in our universities, even our professors from the lower level, because they really have religious authenticity for us, the right of the people, the right to criticize the people, and the right to rule , but we did not do this. therefore , there should be a balance between the security of the right and the security of all citizens and the right of citizens to criticize, we must be able to reach a balance, we cannot say that for the sake of security, we can completely abandon that right, and we cannot say that we have the right to security because of the exercise of that right, because the right to security is basically a
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fundamental human right, for example. in the incident of kerman , were the people who had gone to celebrate the anniversary of haj qasim not a community ? it was based on the belief of the people , but what happened to this community by two terrorists? we have been dragged to the ground and therefore we have to do this to be able to reach a conclusion, this is because there is still no exact conclusion even among the jurists and the intellectuals of the people. for example, there is an opinion so far, there is an opinion regarding the government's bill, which is license-based , which means that the government should be license- based in order to be able to regulate the right to the security of my citizens. the plan presented in the parliament says that it is not
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information-oriented. we have to see that it seems to be a consolidation, but we have yet to put this mechanism into one. to the good work that each and every people and citizens have been able to achieve and apply and implement this right. i will tell you frankly that until now that mechanism has not worked precisely, because in the framework of the party law, we have the discussion of principle 26 that they must get permission from the ministry of interior. there are 30 and 40 articles that have been set up in the last one year under this government, which should also be implemented in the form of groups, associations and parties , but we are talking about what we have and i am obliged to do so. in fact , let me provide the basis for the discussion of principle 27 and the right of each citizen to cash, which we must achieve in a favorable way
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the case is, well, now for this discussion of freedom or the right to a mattress. gatherings and protests here, you have come to the conclusion that a bill must be drawn up. well , i think you should think about how long this will take place. you know the bill that the government worked on during mr. rouhani's time. mr. rouhani was also prepared by the previous government, even though there was a legal capacity to present this bill to the parliament, but it was not done for any reason, that is, the same legal possibility that existed for this government. there was a government before me, which means you and i were sitting here now you were talking to me about the law against gatherings , not about the bill about gatherings, but this did not happen in the previous government and in this government , the government has done its job in line with the fact that it has identified the protection of people's rights in the constitution, which here in order to
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take better care, we have to present a bill to the parliament. i don't know if this parliament will live to approve it. well , it has been submitted to the parliament . yes, it has been submitted. it has been announced that the bill has been received. do you think that follow-up is necessary from your side , follow-up from our side? yes , it should be prioritized. he was in the special committee to investigate the unrest in dardi behesht 1402 , and i am also a member of that committee. he emphasized on the people's right to protest and the right to establish assemblies , which means that the government is really ready for the government
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. the government has done this legally , and the government will definitely be persistent, but the parliament also agrees that the parliament is almost silent after the next election. can there be an election now? of course, there is also a budget law, maybe from april onwards, for example, in a month or two, when there is time , the parliament can also enter. we have several bills , mr. doctor, which are very important from the government. kurd yes, mr. qudsi , the discussion of the level of improving women's security, which hazrat agaham said in the birthday of hazrat zahra, and i also emphasize that they should implement this as soon as possible in this bill. mr. qalibaf promised to put this on my agenda, apparently, but what i know so far that i am at your service is that the bill for the establishment
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of communities is not on their agenda to contribute to the material and spiritual rights of women . we haven't done it. see how backward we are. women have a great right to the revolution, they are the mothers of the revolution, in fact, and we are actually in our revolutionary concepts, in the laws above us, in the documents above us, and even in our normal laws , we don't have much freedom, what is actually objected to by the criticism of the women's society and ourselves. hazrat agha also as a researcher from last year said that we should think about the presence of women in decision-making centers. our problem is here, we stood here, our women are decent and rashid women , rashid in the sense that they have the ability to discern, thanks to the islamic revolution, but this
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huge capacity and this important asset that parran can be used in the second step of the revolution is less used. in our year, you can see the kind of emphasis that has been given to me . yes, one of my tasks is to follow up on this bill, the security bill for the promotion of women's security . i am trying and i even discussed with the head of the women's faction that this bill will be completed sooner , at the same time, in matters such as family rights , which i believe, due to the changes that have been seriously made in iranian society and the statistics of women in in fact, we can no longer be the head of the household we have. let's actually define mandi and just say that it includes men. i am also looking for this issue and i am following up on it, as well as maternity rights and maternity rights for women who actually
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have a home but are not homemakers. iranian women have homes but are not homemakers. because thanks to the revolution islamic, in terms of literacy index , we are among the educated in the world, so a literate woman is an expert with intelligence and taste. who can raise a good generation, and in fact , she stands in a central place, this woman should be able to play a role in determining many relationships, whether it be directly, the role and presence of social politics indirectly, it is so psychologically secure that capable and worthy children can be delivered to the society .
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i am following each and every one of the institutions and i monitor every institution, every ministry of home affairs , i monitor women's rights in that institution, and if there are any violations of women's rights or inattention to women's rights. i will definitely correspond with the ministers and follow up through legal channels. what does the protection of citizens' privacy include ? i am reminding the audience who have just joined or are actually watching this program that we are in the service of ms. pod, who is the assistant to the president and responsible for pursuing the rights and freedoms of they are social and these things that i am counting and asking questions about are the things that
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were addressed to them by the decree of mr. president. therefore, what does this privacy included in your ruling include, this privacy is actually based in our constitution and even then it was so important for the system of the islamic republic of iran in the year 60 of the imam , there is an eight-article decree that is very it is characteristic of imam barafrokhte that they write this order, and of course it is addressed to the judiciary, and it emphasizes privacy very much, if you want to arrest. you are a defendant, you have no right, others are actually his tools check privacy in the current situation. i believe that it should be redefined based on the same constitution, considering that we are now, for example , discussing cyberspace and different platforms, citizens have concerns that their data should be protected. among
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his privacy. yes, we have a lot of care . mr. president himself is sensitive to this issue . he courageously brought me to the court and emphasized to me. well, for this issue, for example , i reached the office of the attorney general of the country, where, for example, it is possible that some of the people's issues are related to be the judiciary a part of the government should be related to different elements. and this issue should be taken care of and it should be opened to a more precise definition . it is the small limit that we have to determine. the point is how many examples have been felt, that is, when we talk about privacy , how many of these cases are protected from privacy? examples of privacy that require more. what is wrong with our society today
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? most of these are actually cases or cases. at least a few examples for you. it all includes follow-up. this does not include the people, that is, it does not include the government. let us say that this violation of privacy includes the government, which means you. look at the people themselves, i mean now we, what i said about the culture of protest here, the culture of using new technology, in fact, is also a debate, maybe it is our duty , we must educate our citizens to take care. they say, you can now see how people's privacy is being taken care of and dealt with in the context of unofficial media . for example, the right to be forgotten on
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our internal platforms. we believe in the right to be forgotten , which means that we have seen seven countries in the world so far recognizing this right, i am also in this position, based on this mission , i have prepared a service plan for mr. president to serve him , and with the minister of communications, i also made a proposal to him that our internal platforms are internal platforms. we should be what we are in. external platforms, apparently, we even say, "you are the cause of your account, for example, or i don't want it, because we say that this is very important, especially in our religion. hazrat amir says to malik that if you see someone sinning at night, look at him with the same eyes as a sinner during the day." don't look at him, maybe night till morning is a chance to repent what we have now is being violated severely, both between our people and between each other, and in the space of this, my
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sovereignty, my government. i have a duty to provide a platform to take care of this. for example, one of them is that the internal platforms should go in the direction of protecting people's privacy and not allowing easy access to citizens or any attacker, that is, they should block and not allow , for example, in recent cases, some of i know tabsi and one thing that caused concern for the people is a lot of information of the citizens, well, people feel very worried about this, well, it is our duty we have to think about it, it is part of our governance, the governance that you said belonged to snapod.


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