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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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well, tonight's special conversation is dedicated to the legal pursuit of supporters of terrorism and attackers of cyberspace regarding the terrorist incident in kerman, according to the news given by the vice president of social culture of the fata police, as well as the issue in the country's attorney general's office regarding the legal treatment of existing content producers. about this incident, allow us to present a report to you according to the routine of special news talks every night. let's go back to the discussion and start tonight's program . it happened near the tomb of haj qasim. how many a minute later, the second explosion.
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the pictures of the wounded and martyrs were shared in the cyber space . now it has become known that the terrorist attack happened in all of naftali . in response to this attack, one of the close assistants of the prime minister of the zionist regime wrote, "what a beautiful weather it is outside ." there was a threatening content of one of the war zone user accounts on twitter with the name megatron mesh. it is active, writing, technology and working method of kerman bombing is for musa datu. the publication of these contents in the virtual space caused the reaction of iranian users followed by the blood of this son, israel will soon be destroyed. zoom in on these images. these are not sepahi, not basiji, not even hezbollah. these are iranian women with children. low hijab, hijab, old and young, these are the people of iran. israel is its enemy. it is iran itself. it's like this hyena
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was counting down the minutes in advance to spread the urgent news of this explosion. the characteristic is already known . the enemy is not only afraid of himself but also of his pilgrims. wherever they can't force, they empty the women's heads . six children were killed in the explosion in kerman. you can expect a zionist from his children's custodians it is nothing but this. there is a crowd of people near the tomb of martyr soleimani. blast to. any reason will only harm people. some users wrote to haj qasim, they are afraid of my funeral, haji , they are also afraid of your grave, they are also afraid of your visits , they are also afraid of everyone who loves you. a cyberspace user also wrote: today's bombings in kerman are among the deadliest terrorist incidents since the revolution. atefeh godini, sed and sima news agency. ms. godini in this. the report refers to some
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natural reactions of the people, mr. dr. elmia, while greeting you, whether inside or outside there were also reactions in front of this reaction and people's feelings. we had to review what happened in cyber space regarding the topic of tonight's conversation . it is a very important issue and that is that now we say that cyber space is better because we live in it. let's do it , we have seen the two sides of the events. look at this side and that side, the fact is that a very important and big issue should be paid attention to, and that is whether their own rules have been followed in these foreign platforms and platforms. as a result of insulting the opinions of your service, i would like to inform you that the concern of the public opinion, this should not happen, and if it happens, the content will be removed.
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maybe, well, sometimes we come to the virtual space , we advertise a political issue, a social issue, a religious issue, we work in a way , we see that this platform and foreign platforms delete it , but here we see that not only not deleting , but supporting each other and this double behavior really exists, we have no complaints, this is the fact that we are seeing that terrorists are using the same platform for i have no doubt that now, if additional information comes out , you will see that these same terrorists are using these same platforms for communication to achieve their sinister goals. therefore, this is one side of the story. the virtual space eats the multiplier and has a much bigger feedback . what happened in kerman
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was published in family groups, social groups, and his videos were published in a few minutes, and sometimes you yourself put them in the same place and use them. the same one that people took like space people are living in cyberspace , taking pictures and filming. it will be published. now the point here is that when there is so much information, the flow of information has become so free, so easy . do we have laws to manage this ? well, this is the main question, do we have the authority over this issue , as we do now, the noble friends will definitely explain and behind the scenes what is related to this issue. he is publishing contrary to the narrative and reality and he is insulting, not slandering, which we will definitely discuss with mr. dr. abdolyanpour and examine it. look, the point is that the opposition and the supporters are present on this platform and they are freely expressing their opinions
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. this is correct, some of these can be the same lies and falsehoods as the worries of public preachers, and as i said, it shouldn't be, but it exists. now , unfortunately, we acted so actively in some places that we are right, but we cannot defend ourselves . we have the right words. we are women, but unfortunately , this voice is not heard. this is a very simple example i want to give an example. now my instagram is blocked in many parts of the world . now it is not just about iran. in the countries that even have my office, as the saying goes, there is a political, social or religious issue that is against their will. unfortunately, it cannot be seen. in the past few days since the incident in kerman , we have witnessed the martyrdom and impeachment of a group of our compatriots
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. there are examples . how should the law deal with them? yes as it was in your report, the biggest terrorist incident occurred after the revolution. 12 children and 33 women were martyred in a very horrible situation. well , everyone's hearts were filled with sadness. people were upset and this sadness actually caused reactions from all the people. but unfortunately, some people knowingly and now some really unwisely made a series of reactions in cyberspace
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. security that a person with speech, behavior or writing clearly or ironically, it causes the mental confusion of the society , and the person or persons and groups whose reputation or credibility is the result of the same behavior and speech are targeted in the law, articles 698 and 1511 of the islamic penal code, and it is actually a crime. it is assumed that the punishment has been determined
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. unfortunately, some people, by being in virtual or real space , actually publish messages or content that can qualify as criminals. not only disturbing the public call to prayer, one of them is the publication of photographs to disturb the public call to prayer, it can be an insult, threat, defamation , propaganda against the system, etc., which can be done by the judicial system can be prosecuted and if convicted , it will result in a punishment equal to 6 months to two years or 5 to 10 years, a point of complaint. the private sector should have this issue or not. the prosecutor can enter as the public prosecutor. certainly , the prosecutor can and has entered as the public prosecutor. however, the private plaintiff can also file a complaint and will be prosecuted and punished. how many
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categories did you mention as methods? you emphasized the person who does this knowingly, the person who does it unknowingly, and now the categories and classifications that you legally mention what is the punishment for each of them ? how will the legal process be followed? yes, as you said , it starts with a private complaint or the public prosecutor, which is the prosecutor's office . it can be prosecuted. how many of these crimes are possible, some include all of these, in fact , they are crimes and are severely punished . punishment will be intensified, some of them have been consciously punished, you tell us, mr. dur
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for example, a person who does this for the first time and knowingly, or someone who has committed such an act before and now commits this incident for the second time or several times, and what decisions should akazi make regarding this incident and this publication of insulting the law. what is the punishment for him? definitely , the punishments provided by the islamic penal code and other articles stated in the islamic penal code, and in fact the cases that are charged to them will be punished based on these laws and these legal articles, definitely the people who repeat or the people you said consciously, well, someone who consciously does this in fact does he can be convicted of propagandizing against the regime and those other crimes that
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i have just presented to you. if i am wrong, please correct me . legally and from the point of view of his rights, he is the one who knowingly does this because he is supporting a terrorist incident. he is doing it and he is spreading it. it can be a supporter of terrorism . an anti-terrorist financing law that states committing or threatening to commit any act of violence such as intent to commit murder. is action violent acts resulting in serious bodily harm, robbery
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, illegal detention and hostage taking of persons or deliberate acts of violence, deliberate acts of violence against persons, against persons with legal innocence or endangering their lives, their release with the intention of influencing their spouse, decisions and actions of the government of the islamic republic. anti-terrorism law, if the sentence of war and corruption of the verb can also be imposed in the cases defined in this article, otherwise , it is actually considered to be 2 to 5 years in prison, of course , there is also a financial penalty. these are the things that are actually for people who support terrorists or terrorists who
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committed criminal crimes in the past of the islamic republic of iran, mr. dr. elmia , i don't know. we are in contact with faraja. well, i want to talk about media literacy. a part of dr. abdolyanpour's speech is an alarm. more noticed in cyberspace. the audience and applicants of this space, and that is raising the level of media literacy for those who may enter this space with less knowledge, but before i continue this discussion with you, let us get in touch with mr. colonel ramin pashaei, vice president of social culture, faraja police fatwa , i greet you, mr. colonel. i wish you a good time regarding the identification of 50 websites and also other steps regarding these intruders in space.
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since wednesday, at the same time as this terrorist act, unfortunately, we have witnessed the publication of content in space. we were virtual in our country , which unfortunately was contrary to hanjads , it was sacrilege, sometimes mockery , distortion and rumor-mongering, which are all cases of public anxiety or hurting public sentiments. according to its inherent duties, the fata police has entered this field as a judicial officer, in addition to the fact that we also had a large number of requests from the people of the islamic community and organizations to deal with this illegal act, just like in
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our news. we worked to identify 500 criminal suspects in this area. well , they were subjected to cyber surveillance, they were subjected to technical surveillance, finally, 100 websites with known identities were identified, with the coordination of the judicial authority and cooperation with other intelligence and security agencies , these people were prosecuted. in fact, the total number of attackers in cyberspace is the same, or what has been identified up to this point is 50. there are more identification steps or more detailed treatment in the steps in the category of your investigation and your action . we will continue and definitely deal with those who spread these rumors and talk
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and content that break the norm without any documents. the legal action of the fattah police is still against the perpetrators and those who read, god forbid, the rich the moral and religious poets of the country, especially related to the terrorist incident in kerman, haj qasim aziz , will definitely be angry with the fata police, and i am definitely opposed to judicial and police action against them, and the warning of the fata police to those who may
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have entered this space unknowingly. see what's going on and i'm sorry for those who entered this space knowingly, knowingly or unknowingly , it doesn't matter, publishing any content that causes public anxiety, causes public sentiments to flow , whether it is in accordance with the norms of the country, it is definitely a crime. fata police with them it will happen. i am asking my dear compatriots, if god forbid , to publish some content about this before the fata police or other security authorities come to them. they will take action to remove it themselves, believe me, there is a large volume of requests, we had calls from our compatriots in the north of the country, we had fata police, and many of these websites were reported to us by our dear compatriots, and we are definitely dealing with the latest content, god willing. he did not disrespect this issue and
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it will continue. thank you very much for your explanation, mr. col. pashaei, deputy of social culture of fatai police. farewell to you. and increasing the level of media literacy for the audience of this space , i would like to tell you that this category that the world is involved in, in europe and america, at different ages, have this challenge that due to the lack of media literacy and expertise in this field, the term fake news externally , there are fake news and people are involved, now what should they do? training should be done in the media literacy training courses. it is defined and it is working. in iran , teaching should start from elementary school. now, how much is this training? it is effective how well he is being taught it can be paid. well, it is really questionable about last year's performance. if we want to give a score
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of 10 in education and education, maybe we can give it a 19 or 20 by force. i mean, unfortunately, our situation is terrible. now, some schools or some families invest in this area on the internet. if they search for media literacy , there are free courses. it is also available , they can express and see the training of this one section the story is another part of the story, so this is the share of the people, that is, the people themselves should search and find. try to learn another part, it is the responsibility of the government . it will not
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be an easy internal platform to identify them and ask them for help. now, what should be done here, legislator ? you can understand them. in these cases , as an expert in cyberspace, my question is whether the judiciary will take any action. so far , has there been a complaint against any platform or platform that, sir, you are your own law, you are the brake of your condition, the day a user is registered. if the user registers , you said that you are not allowed to post insulting content. a buddhist, if he has a habit , he believes in my word, i will come and criticize him. this crime will close my page, so now it is working from two sides here, we don't have any compliments anymore. we see that, well , two sides really work and politics completely they are duplicitous and they are working to our detriment . now here, have we ever complained that the ministry of foreign affairs is under the supervision of the ministry of foreign affairs, the judiciary is the legal deputy of the presidential institution , as finally the government department, and of course i will forgive
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the supreme council of cyberspace and the center. national virtual space, have these four devices ever come together in a joint case and file an international lawsuit, now maybe they have, friends, if they know , let them know, but at least i searched for everything, unfortunately, i did not get the correct result. i did too, friends. take an example not being able to give an example. so this will be our share. again, i repeat this sentence as the final sentence of this section. you see, our cyberspace is severely neglected and needs to be repaired. we are concerned about the kerman disaster. i will know later , if there is a healthy human being on the planet , see these pictures, see these videos and not be sad. now we see that some people come and produce a content, make fun of it, even insult it. it should be dealt with, mr. dr. abdullianpour
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, the confrontations that took place in this space were deterrent confrontations. in general, you , as the center of lawyers of the judiciary , what was the first thing you did about this incident , so that such cases do not happen again ? you did. yes, to your service , i would like to tell you that from the moment this tragic incident took place, because we provided both a lawyer center and an expert center in kerman , the loved ones were told to accompany and cooperate , especially with the families of the bereaved loved ones , they definitely need a lawyer in the courts. dear we are doing this great work in the center of kerman and accompanying the families. or are you going
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to do it? yes, well, following the order of the respected attorney general of the country this morning to deal decisively with negligent or negligent persons who cause trouble by publishing and reposting false content. the legal deputy of the center has been told to provide the public with the statistics of these criminal cases in their specialized working groups, while announcing a report to the respected attorney general of the country and filing a complaint and following up on the matter until the result is obtained, this has been done. we will definitely pursue this matter seriously we are following and one thing that i would like to say is very important from this platform to all the artists
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, thinkers and the people of the islamic revolution who condemned this incident and had a revolutionary activism in the virtual and media space, but unfortunately, it is known by some people. al-aal is insulted. considering that many of our loved ones are active and have very good reactions in cyber space, some careless people are unfortunately being targeted, i would like to say that we are the people of these loved ones, we are by their side, as with the soldiers in the field of justice, if they need a lawyer. need to if they have a lawsuit , they should have support. we are by their side and we will definitely help and accompany them until they get the result . then, as mr. doctor told me, people
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should not dare to insult and insult themselves. mohammad mehdi abbasi , an expert and researcher in the american field, has also been added to our group . mr. abbasi, i greet you . have a good time. let's talk about other countries . you are working in the american field and you are a researcher. for example, in america, insulting beliefs insulting in fact the sanctity of ekazib publication or something which is against their ideology and actually their structure , what are the legal punishments? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my service to you and the respected viewers. yes, in the united states , according to the first amendment of the american constitution , there is the issue of freedom of speech, but on the other hand , many laws have been enacted and in order to somehow encourage someone to come . terrorism or supporting terrorism
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is a crime. it is thought that, for example, the law and the ruling passed by the supreme court of the united states in 2010 according to which the support of foreign terrorist organizations is explicitly included in american laws. for example, at the same time, there was a case where mr. javed iqbal was convicted for cooperating with al-minar network in america, or the laws that exist in other countries, for example, france, well , there are very broad laws, for example, article 24 of the french press law says explicitly inciting and supporting terrorist crimes and terrorist acts, as well as justifying and defending them , are criminalized and punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros . there he explicitly forbids praise and encouragement from terrorist acts, how long?
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we have seen it before. it was two or three months ago that a 17-year-old boy came to the city of nottingham in the united kingdom and supported one of the terrorist acts and was a member of a telegram group. he was convicted in the court. it was cut, it was up to 12 months of imprisonment , that is , there are such serious laws in different countries, there are laws in spain, there are laws in canada, in germany, but now they are faced with another platform, that is, the german government openly tells iran that this content that it has been uploaded and is a kind of support for terrorism. if the terrorist act is not resolved within 24 hours , it is even written in the law that there will be a fine of up to 50 million . let's do it. i think we have a minute. yes, they give different examples for terrorism, in a way, some of them have something in common with us
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, but well, don't. it is noteworthy that their wrong definition of terrorism is, for example, i mentioned the same thing that happened in the past years to mr. javed iqbal, who cooperated with al-manar network. for example, they mistake hezbollah for a terrorist group , or the action taken by the french government , mr. denis leroy had come , he had drawn a cartoon and had implicitly supported september 11 , and he had come there and had been sentenced to a large financial fine. oh, there was too, but well, i gave a very different definition, well, i also gave examples. thank you very much, mr. abbasi, for your explanation and analysis. i say goodbye to you , mr. dr. aliyeh, thank you very much for your presence, mr. dr. abdoliyan. and as always , thank you for your good company, good night and goodbye.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the world today. the first case of the evening program is devoted to the investigation of the latest political and military developments on the 92nd day of the war against gaza. in the second case , south africa's complaint against the zionist regime in the international criminal court for murder we will check in gaza, but before that we will review the latest news and war reports.


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