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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of god, ladies. hello gentlemen, welcome to the world today. the first case of tonight's program is devoted to the investigation of the latest political and military developments on the 92nd day of the war against gaza . but before that we will review the latest news and war reports.
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the occupied city of sedirout near the gaza strip was targeted by a missile attack. following this attack, alarm bells were sounded in the zionist settlements adjacent to the gaza strip. gaza at the beginning of the fourth month al-aqsa storm operation is still the scene of conflict between the occupation regime and the resistance forces. the war in gaza entered its fourth month. the occupying army neither destroyed the resistance nor completely liberated the zionist era. but on the other hand, according to the zionist media, the conflict and tension between the members of the war cabinet has reached a peak. all
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ministers and army commanders are after their own personal political interests. the differences in the cabinet are such that the media say that the cabinet meeting has become a platform for accusations and settlement of accounts and a battle scene of everyone against everyone. what comes out of the security cabinet the handshake is a disgrace, it shows that this cabinet cannot lead israel to a solution . the commanders of the zionist army consider the weakness of the political officials as the cause of the failures, and the chief of the general staff of the zionist army created a committee to investigate the failure. on the 7th of october , they reported a fierce conflict between qassam fighters and the occupying forces in khan yunus, jabalia camp and south of gaza, in the resistance sources square . in these gates, 8 zionist soldiers were killed
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, also due to the explosion of an anti-personnel bomb in the east of khan yunus city, a number of the soldiers of the zionist regime to they moved. palestinian militants also targeted the gathering place of the occupying forces in the south of gaza. despite the difficult humanitarian situation in gaza, life continues. this palestinian reporter says: contrary to the crude illusion of the zionist regime. a 3-month effort to destroy the hope of the people of gaza, but they still hope for the future, and today they witnessed the celebration of the union of these two young palestinians. naqbal al-alan muhammad lantarif al-jumaileh, the zionists are targeting the zionist era again. qassam battalions published the pictures of four soldiers and officers of the occupying regime before they were killed. at
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the zionist regime 's attacks ask the authorities of this regime to stop the war and release them. according to the qassam battalions, these four zionist soldiers were killed in the occupation regime's attacks on shujaiyeh in the east of gaza city yesterday. the zionist regime's army announced the number of prisoners with the resistance. palestine reached 136 people in continuation of the zionist protests against the actions of netanyahu's cabinet regarding the gaza war and freedom. in the zionist evening, a large rally was held in tel aviv. modern zionist families are trying. put pressure on benjamin netanyahu's cabinet to exchange asra with hamas. resistance the lebanese islamic state announced that the base that was hit by more than 60 missiles today is located on the peak of mount al-marq, which is the highest peak in occupied palestine. maroon base, the only management center for
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aerial monitoring and control in the north of kasbah regime. 7 o'clock the highest mountain in the north of the occupied territories on which the zionists have built a military base. 62 missiles hit all of them. and after that the alarm in more than 90 nearby zionist settlements. lebanon, which sounded hizballah, made a statement, this is the initial response. the attack on the miren base is in line with the first response to the assassination of saleh al-arwari, the senior commander of hamas and his brothers were in azahieh. the losses of the zionists are definite and heavy. miron air base, the center
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of management, supervision of the zionist air surveillance in the north of the occupied territories of miron state, is the eyes of the zionists. for each operation. they take an aerial picture of every plane that flies over and around it and identify and discover it. monitoring and monitoring of air operations is blind.
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hezbollah says, the zionists in the north have no alternative. saeeda zanganeh, sed and sima news agency. a member of the zionist war cabinet warned the prime minister of this regime following the escalation of differences between the zionist authorities over the war against gaza. in his first open threat against netanyahu, benny ganses said that he must choose between his current policy or israel's internal security. ganses described the war in gaza as the most difficult war in the history of this regime and said, referring to yesterday's cabinet meeting. what happened in the cabinet was unprecedented. the occupying cabinet was upset yesterday due to the action of the army chief in appointing a committee to investigate israel's failure in the gaza war. in this meeting, the zionist prime minister, some of his supporters
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criticized the army chief of staff for forming such a committee. and now as in the beginning in the program, i said that in the first case, we want to review the developments of the war on the 92nd day of the war, and in this regard , we are hosting mr. mohammad saleh sedekian, an expert on west asian issues. it happened today and we witnessed it. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . peace be upon you and with and to my dear and dear viewers. i think now we should talk about the 90 days of this difficult battle that we witnessed in gaza , until now 90 days when the zionist regime could not
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achieve the basic goals of this regime, hamas is still active. in cutting off the gaza strip in gaza, qassam operation so far. qassam has been active until now. come to the qassam program , he released a new video of his operations against the zionists, but it didn't make it to the program . it was released very quickly, and every day qassam shows some of these films, and this is not south gaza . in khan younis, in the north of gaza, that is the north of gaza where the zionist forces are stationed. this is very important when every day there are videos of military operations against the forces of the zionist regime. this is very important. this is the second issue. the third issue is much more important than these two.
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until now, he could not liberate the zionist regime and all this now. and madam, this is a very high mental and spiritual pressure on the zionist regime, and now we have seen that both mr. anthony blinken, the us foreign minister, is in the region, and joseph barel , the european foreign policy coordinator, is also in the region now, and it is very interesting. now it was very interesting for me. mr. beril is in beirut, and
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he met with mr. nabih bari, prime minister najib niqati, the chief of staff of the army, and a very important meeting with mr. mohammad raat, who is the head of hezbollah's political office and is on the list of terrorists in europe and america. but now that hezbollah is one, it means that one cannot go to beirut and want to talk about gaza and not talk to hezbollah. this meeting between mr. burrell and mr. mohammad is a very important point and we have a lot of discussions about how mr. baril came and accepted. he meets with mr. mohammad ret, who is the head of hezbollah's political office. and he talks about the borders of the occupied territories with the lebanese and he also
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talks about gaza and the meaning that even now, of course, maybe there is a division of the map between europe. he is traveling to the region, mr. blinken, but this is braille mr. mohammad, this is very important and very significant , not only for me , but also for all the media, and for the political circles in the region, in europe itself , what happened, brier went there. and in this framework, if
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we want to talk about the renewal of differences within the political regime, he asked you in detail, and i think that we are talking now, after 90 days of the conflict in gaza, until now, we are talking about politics and not about now, maybe. we talk no, the discussion is now , how can hamas be destroyed now, how can we do it the next day, that is, after gaza. shalmfaz, a former official of the regime's army, was appointed as the head of the committee to follow up on the causes of the regime's failure on october 7, al-aqsa storm, apparently in nathan's cabinet. it has also created a dispute, why did the chief
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of the joint chiefs of staff of the zionist regime decide to finally form this group and make this appointment? see , this commission was formed very early, that is , during the 23-day war with hezbollah. yes, it was formed after the war. the commission that he formed now that we are in the middle of the war , it is a sign of how much pressure it is putting on the zionist army and it failed a very important issue. inevitably, on the 7th of october, it was an inevitable defeat after the 7th of october , when the zionist army entered gaza, this is very important for
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the army . the goals that determine the government of war, which netanyahu formed the war, yes, the war cabinet, 3 to the main goal, one of hamas. one of them is one of those zionist hostages , none of these three were realized, and i think it is too early. forming now, and i think this is the pressure on these issues now inside the zionist regime and the pressure on mr. netanyahu's government and that war cabinet is that , anyway, the head of this headquarters
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has formed the entire army of the regime and they are in the middle of the war. you said that they want to blame. will the security apparatus of the regime or netanyahu introduce? you see, we have a disgraceful failure, the failure of the security apparatuses, the failure of the regime's political apparatuses, and the failure of the army apparatuses , which means we don't have one now . to the zionist army in northern gaza , khanyivoni, southern gaza is now a huge defeat it is great, and i think that this rush to form this commission is a sign of a disgraceful failure for the entire regime, that is, now, we can
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talk with zarz decisively after the year 2000, when we have not been able to get out of lebanon until now, after 2000 , now we are in 2024, 24 years now, in these 24 years, we do not have the zionist regime, not in 2006 , 2008, in 2014, none of us have the defeat of the zionist regime in tunisia. not in gaza, not outside of gaza , not with hezbollah, not now in 90 days in gaza, not a success, not a security success, not a success greater than the previous failures, not at all, just greater. it means that it is political, security and military, all the discussion
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is after the war. the zionists started talking about it in the cabinet, and now they already had an interpretation that the palestinians should leave this area, and that even their first-class supporters in europe, for example, the french foreign minister, said that where the people of gaza should live. it has nothing to do with israel, ask them to talk about it, what happened to the zionists, they finally decided to talk about the day after the war, this means something. this is that the war is coming to an end for them. see, we are in 206 with the party allah, lebanon, they entered first, when they entered the lebanese territory, they announced a goal that we want to destroy hezbollah, so that they cannot
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be defeated, later they said, well, their goal is to moderate, they said that we will remove hezbollah from the political system, that is, it should not be in the parliament. that is to say that we have to besiege hezbollah for a little bit , i couldn't do it, they came later to adjust their goal, they said sir , give these two bodies that you have two israeli soldiers, we will go out with us, they couldn't do that, hezbollah didn't give either, he said let's go out first and then i was forced to go out. later came resolution 1701 he came and later it was negotiated that hezbollah was able to release a thousand of the palestinian and lebanese mujahideen who handed over the bodies of these two captured zionist soldiers
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to israel. now. of course, we should mention that the first trip of mr. clinton blinken, blinken wanted that he had a plan
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, america had a plan, that america was this zionist plan that pushed the people of gaza and the west bank to jordan, to egypt, egypt, saudi arabia, iraq and turkey. arab countries accept that this plan failed at all not even turkey accepted. mr. clinton came with blinken. they say blinken came to turkey. the next day, what should we do ? the next day, this is the second one. how can turkey help , because its relationship with hamas is very, very good. how can we free those hostages ? the zionists who are in hamas, this is the second issue. the third issue is how
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we can negotiate what we should do for palestine. i will come the next day, because there is a plan now, this israeli defense minister, the zionist regime , has given a plan. a plan for israel to remain in gaza with a series of palestinian forces hamas is not an expression of, for example, the municipality and the governorate, and they should cooperate with them, but they are the forces of the organization. the international relations with the arab forces are now either egyptian or i think it is not very imaginative . this plan
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was brought up inside the cabinet and there was a fight. after three hours , there was no discussion at all. it means that the meeting was over. one of the members of the government or the war cabinet said that we are this. al -mayadeen network in lebanon has prepared a report on the state of the cabinet of the zionist government, and now we can see the interpretation of the report by the zionists as a circus, the battle of all against all in the israeli political scene with the structures this is what it looks like , even though the front of the issue has not made any progress and is standing still , after the long delay of the security council meeting, which was supposed to investigate the events after the war in gaza
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, it became a forum for spreading accusations and settling scores. . in this way, the differences between some members of the security council and the chief of the general staff of the army became very high because the chief of the general staff of the army said that a research team should be formed to investigate the failures of the 7th of october. during the war there were many differences in the security cabinet and the ministers present in the cabinet strongly attacked the chief of general staff of the army. the prime minister also closed the meeting. the opposition parties in israel quickly reacted to the differences in the security cabinet. yayi lapid, the leader of the opposition, said: what has been leaked from the security cabinet is a disgrace , it shows that this cabinet is dangerous and will not be able to lead israel to a strategic solution. it is not an insult, but it should be done.
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before this fierce dispute was revealed, and the tension between prime minister netanyahu and israel's security minister youssefant over the israeli prisoners held by hamas has risen the day after the war in gaza. 90 days have passed since the war the tension between netanyahu and gallant is here. there is another interpretation. it is very interesting. one of the ministers of the war cabinet said that i was very impressed after this time. i mean, he finished the meeting
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and said, "i'm very sorry , we didn't have anything like this until now. look at what stage this war cabinet government and this israeli cabinet have reached , which he himself admitted. now sometimes we talk, they say, well, they are enemies, but they themselves when they say that we are sorry that we didn't have anything like this until now. see how far these differences have
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led the iraqi prime minister to announce a new position. after the assassination of one of the commanders of hasht al-shaabi inside baghdad by an american drone , let's first see a report about it, then i will ask you a question, god forbid, at the same time as the tension between baghdad and washington, iraq, took the first official step to end the presence of american troops. in this country, the prime minister of iraq
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reaffirmed his official and political positions against the american forces in a memorable ceremony at one of the popular basij bases in baghdad, which led to the martyrdom of abu taqwa, one of the commanders of the popular mobilization forces. the country is strongly condemned hajj abu mahdi al-muhandis and hajj qasim soleimani martyred the commanders of victory 1. it is a cowardly and unforgivable act in which not only our sovereignty was damaged, but also we lost commanders to whom we owe the freedom of our country, and today it is our duty to honor the rights of our nation and our selfless forces, and the best honor is to preserve the national sovereignty of all the operations and aggressions that during the past two days
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, we strongly condemn the targeting of the basij basij base in baghdad in the lebanese zahiya region and in the islamic republic of iran, and we emphasize that these attacks and aggressions have left the region in a precarious situation. washington has 12 military bases in iraq, the most important of which are ain al-aswad in anbarakbari province in kirkuk, victoria in baghdad, balad in southern samarra, and harir in erbil. i think iraq is tense. in the region, from now on, this defeat that the zionists have in you is spreading to other places. it will peak in iraq. i think the american attack on the commander of hasht dashbi in the east of baghdad was the most important event that we witnessed from the beginning of this war. it has an effect on the prime minister's affairs what kind of future do you think we will see in iraq? compared to the americans, we have a culture , we believe in this culture, which has a lot of martyrs' blood.
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for all our issues , the testimony of mr. mushtaq taleb aboutqa became a reason. now we have seen the prime minister of iraq, the president , the head of the judiciary. they insist that the presence of american forces in iraq should end all political groups. hakim mr. ameri is now determined to talk about the existence of american bases in iraq and this is very important to all political groups. a very important move mr. seyed hassan nasrallah spoke very well last night.


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