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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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[000:00:26;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god, peace and blessings of allah be upon him and the family of muhammad , greet you and have a good time. dear viewers, welcome to the news section at one in the morning . more than 360,000 people will welcome the national health campaign , according to the deputy minister of health, the ultimate goal of this next campaign. one of the two diseases of high blood pressure and diabetes
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is increasing the coverage of non-communicable diseases and introducing identified patients to the health and treatment network program. more than 75,000 patients who have a high probability of high blood pressure, we have now registered 404,000 patients who are suspected of having high blood sugar or diabetes. and besides these, we have more than 8 million iranians who have high blood pressure. if no measures are taken, all of them will suffer from high blood pressure in the near future. the level of names of the applicants for investing in the khurshid power plant was announced based on the announcement of the renewable energy and electricity utilization organization, the investors of solar power plants in the first khurshid town of the country, located in shal industrial town in ghazvi province, can
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refer to the national license portal. in the construction of renewable and clean power plants, make your request register new generation heaters reduce the cost of gas consumption by 50%. according to the announcement of the national gas company, the largest amount of natural gas in the country is consumed in the domestic heating sector, and with the use of gas heaters of energy rating a, the current amount of gas consumption will reach half. the flames of the heaters rise as the air temperature cools down because of the cold weather . our heaters have been on for two months . there are almost three heaters for this space we used them for two years for
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home heating. they use a heater with an energy label a. it is easy to adjust their temperature . they adjust themselves intelligently to the ambient temperature, which they automatically turn on in the middle and turn on again. he transfers the resulting gases to the outside of the building by using this heater . they are themselves, their consumption has been reduced from 200,100 cubic meters to 1,300 to 1,200 cubic meters , which is a 40% reduction in cubic meters of gas, 50% we are witnessing a decrease in the spring gas in qabuzhon . the specialists of a company of scientists managed to design and produce three products that are useful in the electricity industry.
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this work equipment collect. it carries out information from transmission posts and explanations in the power grid. the technicians of a daneshbunian company managed to design and produce three practical equipments for the electrical industry in the form of a national grand plan. three new products called transducer and power meter and automation server called srv 10 are among our new products . it is responsible for electricity as well as infrastructural industries such as petrochemicals and refineries, and srb 100 is a server and a type of automation and control monitoring system, especially in power grids and transmission substations. in addition to the electricity industry, these three functional equipments are used in the telecommunication systems of other industries such as the mining,
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rail, oil and gas industries. and petrochemicals are also used . we tried to design the post automation server in such a way that, firstly, we don't need to depend on foreign countries, secondly. our experts and engineers in the country can easily use this equipment this system fulfills many of our needs according to the budget that each customer can have, and it is a solution for controlling the monitoring of power stations and completely in the field of automation equipment, which is the main subject of our company's activity. the world's prestigious brands are no longer needed. the next step of the experts of dahn banyan company
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is to export these practical products to neighboring countries. we have talked with several foreign countries, the most important of which is iraq, which can install our systems as a pilot there, and we are thinking of exporting this product in the future is close to these countries as well, according to the officials of the daneshbonyan company, this national grand plan was produced with the support of the vice president of science, technology and economy daneshbonyan, and its beneficiaries are the ministry of energy and tovanirand samieh nasser company, the ministry of cultural heritage , tourism and handicrafts. he announced the effort to create a museum in all the cities of the country. museum architecture and the importance of iranian identity in the building. newly established museums are the subject of this report. let's see that iran has 800 museums, the national museum of iran , the tehran museum of contemporary arts, the great khorasan museum and the zahedan museum, among others.
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the biggest museums in the country have buildings with iranian architectural identity. let's bring symbols from our past architecture and past civilization. for example, the museum of ancient iran, which is from the kasra arch. it is inspired and there is brickwork, perhaps the most beautiful museum we have, the museum of contemporary arts in kargar street, is inspired by wind turbines and shows us those wind turbines in the form of skylights. there is also a museum in zahedan, which is inspired by the old castles of sistan. balochistan , there is another museum in mashhad, similar to nadir afshara palace, if it is a pain to build new museums in all the cities of the country. the agenda is to take care of their architectural identity from the beginning, it is a necessity if it does not lead to the construction of such museums as the yasouj museum, which is built with aluminum windows, sigli stone and glass. i also
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did not have a favorable opinion about the architecture of the entrance of that museum. because at least the places that are related to our cultural heritage should have at least our architectural and authentic values, but this museum has been around for years. it's working , we almost went there to open, we can't say wait two years to open a collection, destroy it and build something else from scratch. museums are representative buildings of concepts such as identity and civilization in countries. on the other hand, according to the law, the issue of identity in the architecture of all public buildings is one of our priorities. in our country, according to the historical record , according to the need we have for iranian architecture in the contemporary era and the atmosphere of music. they are one of the most prestigious cultural spaces in the contemporary world. maybe if we pay attention to the architecture of contemporary museums from this angle, as you said, when we want to build a museum, maybe we can not only create a good museum work, but also help
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the currents of contemporary architecture in iran, which should be paid attention to. do the same to iranian architecture. iran has thousands of historical monuments that are remembered in different cities of the country. the building of these houses is also suitable for creating new museums with changes in the interior spaces. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. and the technologists of our country managed to produce hydrophobic cement base mortar containing nanoparticles that can protect building surfaces during rain . according to the announcement of the nano technology base, this mortar is made by a knowledge-based company and can be used as paint or mortar on the surface and increase. the temperature of the structure below it during the fire
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prevent burns. thank you until the next part. on september 11, 2001, the world trade towers collapsed in front of the astonished eyes of the people of the world, and soon after, the united states
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invaded west asia under the pretext of fighting terrorism. their initial destination was afghanistan. a country that was no stranger to american special forces. in the 1980s, cia intelligence officers gave military training to al-qaeda in order to fight the influence of the communists, so that the forces under bin laden's command would fight against the soviet union on behalf of the united states. "we know of their deep belief in god, and we are confident that their struggle will succeed. that land over there is yours, you'll go back to it one day, because your fight will prevail, and you'll have your homes and your mosques back again, because your cause is
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right, and god is on your side. with the soviet union, they invaded afghanistan, and we did not want to see them control central asia, and we went to work, and it was president reagan in partnership with the congress, led by democrats, sounds like a pretty good idea, let's deal with the isi and the pakistani military, and let's go recruit these mujahdin, and that's great, let's get some to come from saudi arabia and
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other places importing their wahabi. amed was suppressed with the support of the united states, until saddam, the same dictator whom the united states had fought with on the pretext of expelling him from kuwait , will have the opportunity to rule iraq in 12 years. america's preference for saddam's stay showed that he has started a new game with his presence in the region. the events of a few years later made this truth more obvious. with the victory of the islamic resistance in lebanon. it was obvious that the palestinians were in the gaza wars. politicians
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as before, the americans cannot put all the responsibility on the israeli army. this was the secret of invading iraq and expelling it from kuwait. such as the campaign in afghanistan and the 2003 invasion of iraq. what was the difference between the excuse of revenge for the terrorist attacks of september 11 and the discovery of weapons of mass destruction? it is enough to look at the abundance of american military bases in the region to understand that in this new adventure, with hundreds of ground intelligence units , thousands of hours of drone flights, and constant spy satellites , they are supposed to surround the region so much that nothing happens out of their sight. not to mention the surprising presence
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of isis militants and trillions of dollars in the middle east, trillions, we shouldn't have ever, ever ever gone into iraq, i said it from the beginning, i said it from the beginning, in many respects. you know they honor president obama. isis is honoring
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president obama. he is the founder of isis. the muslims of the region, who were supposed to unite for the liberation of palestine, died. they kill each other with their own hands and destroy their cities . in this way, the occupied territories have become a place of refuge for the zionists, and it is possible to the conflicting countries in the region sold a large amount of weapons, and for the next several years, the control of the energy resources of the war-torn muslims will remain in the hands of american and european multinational companies. so it is natural. if the people of the region want to change the situation, america will stand against any change. for example, in iraq, isis has plagued the lives of the iraqi people since 2014, but when
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their advances are stopped by ayatollah sistani's fatwa and the mobilization of popular forces, the americans intervene. these packages of ammunition and food, which were taken from the sky by american planes, were brought to hand isis terrorists fell, the american argument was that it was caused by the wind and the mistakes of the pilots. that these cargoes, instead of reaching the ground among yazidis and kurds caught by isis , ended up in the hands of terrorists . but on several occasions when the resistance forces were able to surprise
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the terrorists and reach these packages of food and weapons earlier, it turned out that basically these aids come to areas on the ground that are surrounded by isis and can only be reached from the sky. they work did it was not easy to believe such an event. the media affiliated with the resistance movement have never been able
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to convey the news of heliban operations and american aid to isis to the public opinion of the world as they should. in addition to these , there were isis ammunition depots with a lot of advanced american weapons, especially advanced anti-tank missiles that have been seen many times in the hands of iraqi and syrian terrorists in the past few years. have been. when the american helicopters suddenly arrived in hoyjeh during the operation to liberate mosel the commanders in the siege took isis to an unknown place, even the amateur pictures of mobile phones
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could not guide the minds towards the truth of the events like this . the story was that when the field situation in syria changed in favor of the resistance movement and the army of this country, like in iraq, the americans arrived. isis was taking its last breaths in syria and it only had a sheet and a deer in its possession. on the surface, the us had given its allied forces in syria the opportunity to
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liberate raqqa from isis with its attacks, but later. but this is not the whole story. on the border of iraq, syria and
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jordan, america has taken over a large area called tanaf under the pretext of maintaining the security of one of its bases. but in fact, this vast area in this sensitive geography allows the terrorists to say that they will be harmed, to reach syria from iraq, to ​​carry out military operations against the resistance bases and the syrian army. and return safely to their bases in iraq. just like what happened in the summer of 2016 and led to the martyrdom of hajji. this is while in the same area , when the iraqi mujahideen are digging with their bulldozers to avoid the latest attacks of isis. they were ditches, american planes
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targeted them. american plane loaders and bulldozers, like tanks and heavy equipment , are a tool for superiority in this endless desert. the americans also knew this point , that's why the engineering units of the heydarion mujahideen , who were building an embankment
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, were targeted by american planes. al-thura army, al-tnet camp. for the designers of the white house, it is important that everyone does their duty in the circle of allies. on the other hand, the zionists in the occupied areas near the border of jordan and syria to terrorists in their hospitals and medical centers they provide services and with the visits of their high-ranking officials from these medical units , they assure the armed men involved in the syrian field that they are by their side. only the deception of public opinion remains. the duty of these army tourist units. america is they
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patrol the cities in battle formation miles away from the conflict zones in appearance rather than in mind. iraqis and syrians should be the winners of the battle against terrorists, and all this should be added to the severe censorship of the news, and for example, what this french researcher found out should not be reflected in the public opinion of the people of the world. the same image that shows us army soldiers giving military training to isis terrorists in camps that even have american logos on their tents. despite all this, the fact is that the americans are not the main winners in the region , let alone the victories of the people of iraq and syria over the terrorists, the release of such images shows that the severe censorship of the news to deceive the public opinion cannot hide the fact of the presence of the americans in the region. hide it forever, that too at a time when
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the resistance fighters can infiltrate the command and control centers of the americans and send the images of their drones to obtain and use them in designing operations against terrorists. for example, in different areas such as biji, anbar and romadi, the operations proceeded with the least cost and casualties. it is enough to review parts of these revealing images that are published for the first time together. in this picture, daesh terrorists are planting bombs and explosive traps
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. the explosive traps and mines that are hidden in the ground have killed many iraqis and syrians, who were mostly civilians. these images show the location of these explosive traps from the perspective of drones the american has not been hidden. just like the meeting place of the terrorists, which
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is detected every day and on several occasions by the american drones. the ditches around this building show that it is one of the main headquarters and command of isis in iraq. it is enough for the american who has observed these images to be determined and target it. in these years, isis was able to gain a lot of wealth by extracting iraqi oil and transporting it with these tankers and finally selling it in the regional markets, adding to the fire of the war in syria and iraq . now these pictures show the place
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the gathering of these oil tankers has always been in the crosshairs of american drones. they could easily cripple the economy of isis. the pictures also show isis military columns. the convoys that transported both the terrorists and their support materials. this reconnaissance operation that can be seen in the picture
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was carried out at night and by night vision cameras


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