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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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48 55 gilna publications in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, say hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him, your final journeys.
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from him, good morning , dear and respected viewers, may you be well and happy, god willing. greetings reporter today, january 7th, 1402 rome , we offer you kind looks until around 8 o'clock .
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come tell me about tomorrow's dawn, a window open from tamasha . come tell me about tomorrow's dawn, a window open from tamasha. sing with me again about that spring that there is no happy dream in the name of diyar khan. to be patient with iran's people because of hope, to say a kiss to its flag, a symbol of iran, the heart is beating, my dear iran , your pure name is on my tongue
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, tell me about the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from watching to magdeh , sing with me again about that spring that is not there, the morning dream is dying again, to the light of our hope, a bright dawn of loving breaths. our martyr sahari is from the bright presence from the distant horizons, his light is from the rain of hope and his soul is from the joy of you with me, iran, the beating heart of my soul, iran , your pure name on my tongue, iran.
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allow us to start today's program by introducing a book, we want mr. iranshahr's book from. and according to ms. labafi, the editor of the book group of the radio and television news agency, let's hear more about this book. mrs. labafi, good morning. in the name of god , good morning to you too. greetings to you and the viewers of the program. let it be unveiled. this unveiling is not in tehran . please explain what is the content of this book?
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and in which one of the provinces of our country is the launch of this book supposed to be held? it is not in the province university of iran city, sistan baluchistan province. the reason for this choice is that the story of this book happened in that region. in 1356, when the leader of the revolution was exiled to that area after being arrested six times by savak, and for this reason, this book was unveiled in the same place. the unveiling time is at 9 am. more details of this book? yes, mr. iran shahr's book is the same as i said. your service is actually about the revolutionary struggles of the revolutionary leader, which was written by the people who were with him, the residents of that area, the author of the book. he is mr. rahim makhtoumi, and this work is one of the latest works of the islamic revolution publications. mr. rahim
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makhtoumi, whom i was talking to, said that another person named mr. hosseini did the research stages of the work and about 50 works. conducted with mr. hosseini in order to compile this book and conducted 30 interviews with mr. makhdomi himself, a total of 80 interviews were actually used in this book and it is a research support, but it is written by mr. makhdomi, yes , it is written by mr. makhdomi, and the time it took many years for me to write this book i asked if there are any words of the leader of the revolution in this book, saying that the collection of speeches and statements were used in this book . thank you very much, mrs. editor of the book group of the sed and radio news agency, god willing, today my colleagues in sistan baluchistan report the unveiling ceremony they will definitely prepare this book and it will reach the news sections. stay with us, dear city of iranshahr
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for me. it is a bright spot in the memories of the past , although everyone feels homesick when they are far from their home and life. but i was in iranshahr in 1956 and 1957. i did not feel at home, the book of mr iranshahr is a narrative of the memories of the presence of the grand ayatollah khamenei during his exile in iranshahr written by rahim makhdomi. those who are interested
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can purchase this book at the bookstores of the country or the electronic base of the islamic revolution publications. with you, today's topic is the review of the book the problem of hijab written by professor motahar. i will explain the explanation from my journalist colleagues in the rest of the program. before that, let's go to the international part of the morning program. hello , my reporter and colleague, mrs. moazzami, mrs. moazzami . good morning. good morning to you too. hello. to serve the viewers , i hope that they have started a good morning. well, today
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, anti -zionist demonstrations are going to be held in different countries, as well as support for the oppressed people of palestine, especially in european countries in england. now we will talk with our reporter in london. kurds at the same time, we have the visit of us secretary of state blinken to the region, we know that blinken visited turkey, now he has gone to jordan, and he is going to visit qatar and several other countries in the region . we have it from the people the whole world wants to take to the streets in support of palestine, and we know that, as i said today , this call is going to be answered in fact, especially in european countries . international , we want to talk, mr. bagharian, hello, good morning. hello, dear viewers and listeners
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. the world, especially in europe as well as in america, is far away again today they want to start a new form of support for palestine. how do you evaluate the changes in the us foreign policy? will it be beneficial for netanyahu and his cabinet , or is it possible that it will end to his detriment? yeah. i would like to say that all the political movements that are currently taking place in the world are centered on gaza , because gaza almost managed to divide the world into two parts, as we mentioned in your previous programs . in fact, it can be said that the main negotiations are those of mr. blinken on his trip from turkey, he will be in gaza. remember , mr. blinken's first trip to the region was with the historic phrase "i am here as a jew", which actually became a global political statement, but now he is making his first trip to a muslim country . this shows that the change in america's foreign policy toward israel is very evident, and we
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have said in previous programs that israel will receive a very strong slap from america anyway. if you pay attention, the focus of the conversation now is post-judge, that is, post-war, regarding these issues, what will happen after the war, even in french. even now , warning israel about the absolute sovereignty of the palestinian people after the gaza war shows that mr. netanyahu's cabinet is a cabinet, and that the cabinet will end with strife and war, and even mr. netanyahu's political life is now in a state of crisis. it has become a series of dangers, that's why i am the main focus of these talks . in fact, i understand the main focus of mr. blinkeno's talks, although regarding nato issues, sweden's joining and even issues related to iran and the forces that they say i am a proxy were the focus of the negotiations. that in fact the news will probably be told today i am in i am at your service for the next question , mr. bagharian, we had a survey in the past few days that was apparently actually conducted in europe and indicated the growth of supporters of
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the right-wing parties that we know are extremists . now, what is your assessment? what message does the continuation of support for palestine in these countries convey with this survey? he asked a very interesting question. see , they certainly cannot be extremists in this direction. we have a right-wing orientation that forgives extremism . in the present israel itself in the same among the people who live in israel and outside of israel in the form of diaspora , we have extreme rightists who are against even the zionist regime and even against mr. netanyahu's cabinet, and they do not accept them as their representatives, like the nature of your work, this right-wing in the world because of a the internal call against capitalism and globalism , the system of colonialism and exploitation, that is , right-wing is based on nationalism and the unity of people against political systems. and in fact, if you pay attention , we can confirm that there is a growth in europe, as you said
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if you pay attention, these right-wingers , that is, those who are in favor of right -wingism , are marching in the streets in favor of gaza . in fact, you will not expect anything from the gurus of the left. that's why i expect that one actually enlightenment is a renaissance in right-wing thinking, and this right-wing is addressing a kind of basic definition of human beings, definitely the political regimes of the system. political parties and political groups will be affected by this issue as you said, and it has a certain amount of political power, it will decrease, and it also has popular fronts. it gains power. i believe that , as you said, these right-wing groups will almost achieve a series of absolute governments, and they can definitely make the world move away from war, or we can say, towards peace. now there is a stop to the war. i agree with you on this issue. if there is another year, i will be at your service. it means an interesting point. that is, in spite of that, in fact , the perception and inference that
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is from the right in european countries that nationalism and in fact anti-immigration may have been sometimes interpreted, but now you say that this is actually in support of peace will actually end. i'm right. well, let me give you an explanation . look at what you said. you said that when does immigration occur , when does most of the war occur? unfair explanation of wealth due to your presence. if you can explain the wealth in the world justly, war don't do it, do a fair explanation of the food, immigration will not take place, that's why one of the reasons for immigration is the capitalists and globalists, they are against the same issue, that is, you, for example, if there is no war in ukraine , there is no war in iraq. and syria is not a refugee either we will not have it, that's why they are confronting the basis of the causes of migration, who are the causes of migration, actually the same people. the groups that we mentioned, globalists , developmentists, and imperialists, and these
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are looking for the issue of bringing the world to a point, even we have information about the judicial imperialism that is currently taking shape, maybe around 40 million this year. let's have new immigrants. this is all due to the unfair explanation of food and wealth in the world. this must end and the extreme right in the world is forcing political systems. it makes this explanation fair and immigration ends, and according to mr. trump , everyone lives in their own country. we were supposed to have a conversation with our reporter in london about the anti-zionist week that is going to start in london from today and that there are strikes in this country as we remember from last year in protest against the living conditions of the doctors there are on strike again and the medical services
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are becoming a problem. we will have the news now. but the resistance fighters and the qassam battalions destroyed the zionist vehicles in the east of gaza , which is also there. in fact, the news is the same in jenin , we had an air attack by the zionist regime's fighters, and after that, the palestinian fighters and youths actually fought with the zionist army. and the west bank got involved and in the south of lebanon, we also had an escalation of the conflicts, the resistance fighters know that in the last 24 hours, 50 rockets have actually been fired, and now it has reached more than this number, and the zionists have actually launched attacks from onur. to the south thank you very much, ms. hajipour, for being with me, ms. moazzami , the reporter of the sda news agency, be with us.
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our cry is palestine, we are coming because you are raising a storm, you are stirring things up
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, this is god's servant, you are a messenger from the eyes of the people of certainty. we destroy ourselves, this promise of god will come.
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wakdana haz al-haq, speaking with guidance and truthfulness, we will not be angry, we are al-ahrar, we will never be patient. the soldiers of al-thar , or our enemies, or our enemies, or our enemies , and
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my enemies of israel, i am determined.
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we are a victory. khair peiber sohyoun. we are a victory. we are a victory from tirton . we are a victory behind the head of yusuf zahra.
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have a good time, dear and respected viewers, we are going to the glass news hall . we are going with my colleague ms. nematian nematian, hello journalist , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings, politeness and respect to you and all the viewers of khabar network. may your morning be excellent, god willing. i am speaking to you from the glass hall of the tv news agency. i hope you know her face more from the books she introduces, mrs. zeinab soleimani, from the news about the book group, and they are going to talk about a meeting for us, a meeting where the best books of the century are going to be introduced in that meeting, mrs. soleimani. greetings to
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you. good morning, i am a reporter. good morning hi, i am at your service and at the service of the viewers. hello, reporter. well, today, tell me where you are going to visit . century or books of the last 100 years that will last. these books will be reviewed and introduced in a series of meetings. the fifth meeting is going to be held today and it is going to introduce and review the book of dr. shahid motahari's hijab issue , and there are other issues now. if you have any questions, please tell me which books were introduced in the previous four meetings. books on the history of the holy prophet, peace be upon him
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yes, these were the books that were published in the series of previous meetings. it was introduced and reviewed, and even today , the book on the problem of the hijab, mrs. soleimani, may be a question for many viewers , how these books are selected, that is , what are the criteria for selecting these best books of the century, the criteria of being published in farsi, authorship and non-fiction . there are books and now having an iranian author who is one of the topics that makes a book. and so far four books have been introduced, today the fifth book will be introduced and 100 books will be introduced. yes, 100 books will be introduced in a series of meetings.
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check and introduce this interval between the meetings . it is specific, no , it is not completely clear. now, i think it is a month, not two weeks, when the meetings are held, and those who are present in these meetings and talk about these books. who are the invited guests, basically researchers? it is specific to the fact that now the subjects of the books that are reviewed, well, today, for example , it is about the issue of hijab from the university professors, and now the subjects that are about women and the issue of women , the researchers of this field and university professors who are present in this field are invited and the book of the problem hijab they have read dr. shariati completely and are aware of it. thank you for the explanations you gave, madam. we are at your service, dear viewers , until the end. greetings, reporter . thank you very much, ms. nematian. also, ms. soleimani
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, for explaining this to you, dear viewers, regarding the series of meetings of the hundred lasting books of the century with the review of the book the problem of hijab written by professor morteza motahari. respected, i would like to say that today is the 17th of december, the anniversary of the discovery of reza khani's forced hijab, which was defeated by the resistance of the iranian women's community. amazing discovery. we would like to inform you, dear and respected viewers, that the mastoure cultural and artistic festival will be held in qom, and those who are interested can submit their works in the form of photos, calligraphy , podcasts, clothing design, painting, painting up to the 20th. they should send this festival to the website in february
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, but it was midnight on the 21st of july , the doors of the shrine were closed and people started shooting . it is estimated that there are 15,000 to 20,000 people there were people in the shrine at night. who objected to reza shah's reforms whose goal was to educate the people. the current related to the british policy sought to change the cultural, political, military, social and economic structure of iran. in fact , goharshad was the introduction to reza khan's next step in banning women's hijab in iran. a few months later in the winter
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of the same year. reza shah made a lot of efforts to implement the law prohibiting hijab. efforts that are more evident in surviving documents from that time. we have a report from tehran khalsat department, mr. head of accounts, following the order of number 42. 646 is necessary for the members of the administration please note that since 11 february
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2014 ms. if they do not remove the tent, they will immediately wait for service and pursuit. the head of that department is responsible for the implementation of this order and in case of conflict, the person responsible will be impeached. of course , this freedom had another meaning for the general public. women are now allowed to wear hijab on public roads in places. holy in the cemetery, and even to relieve normal urges, bathing and going to the bathroom, and these were not given to women in my city. they don't go outside because of their fear, half of the iranian society can't have a social life
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and be present in the society . the men were not without the cultural reforms of rezakhani. here there was an order that if someone doesn't wear long clothes, for example , they should be cut off by gendarmes or constables. cut it or tear it with a knife. hamid sabzevari, the contemporary poet of our country, says that my father went out of the house one day because the long coat he was wearing was actually made by ajan and


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