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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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it is ethnic and should be condemned in the strongest possible way. he also criticized south africa's plan to file a complaint against the zionist regime at the international court of justice in the hague for the genocide in gaza, and the silence of western countries against this crime . people in different countries from america to germany, england, france, sweden and italy in the new year. they also came to the streets in support of the oppressed people of gaza. those present in these marches condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire in this strip.
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closely with the pressures against them and the conditions i found out about their plight. i believe that supporting the rights of palestinians is a human duty that is incumbent on all of us. we must pressure our governments to prevent the slaughter of palestinians. in a few months. demonstrations in support of palestine
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have been held recently every week and all classes of society participate in it . these supports will continue in the new year.
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the anti-netanyahu zionist demonstration in tel aviv turned violent with the intervention of the police. dozens of zionist settlers in tel aviv called for an immediate ceasefire and the release of prisoners from gaza based on a large demonstration. they chanted reaching the 100th day of the forbidden war has already brought back the prisoners.
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the american newspaper wall street journal wrote that based on the images we extracted from the destruction in gaza, it was found that the amount of destruction in gaza is equal to the most destructive bombings in modern history. experts consider the widespread destruction in gaza to be a sign of the scorched earth policy that the zionist regime has adopted. wall street journal's pictures are from
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the ruins of gaza. according to this american media, 70 % of residential units in gaza have been destroyed or damaged. a report published by the times of israel, the media of the zionists. gaza bombing it has entered its fourth month by the zionists. so far, 14 mosques and three ancient churches have been destroyed in this city. the most important one is the gaza community mosque, which is 1500 years old. historical baths and museums and more than a hundred government buildings were not spared from the bombings. what is happening in gaza is a cultural genocide that destroys the history, identity and heritage of the people of gaza. israel
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erases these symbols because it does not want the people of gaza to be associated with their historical identity and heritage. the rockets also destroyed thousands of residential and property registration documents belonging to palestinians. is at the time of world war ii on germany's cities have fallen. the zionists, khan younes in al-labla by zeitun jabalia shikhar. which are only a few parts of gaza were razed to the ground during this period and burnt lands were left behind. the scorched earth policy is a military strategy that means destroying all biological resources , historical and cultural identity of a land so that its people
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are forced to leave that land. they make the areas uninhabitable by destroying the areas and creating debris, rather than forcing the people. force them to migrate. it is characteristic that this work is planned and determined in advance to clear the area of ​​the people there. but the owners the same heritage says: we will build this mosque again on the same ruins left from the war and until then we will pray on these ruins. sanaze news agency. specialists of a daneshbunian company produced a flow guarantee device . this device is used to simulate the condition of fluid transmission inside the well and transmission lines, as well as to measure the sedimentation rate of solid particles. there are four of these devices in the world. the most
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useful equipment in oil refineries for times when oil harvest increases. a device that is not for sale. it only provides services. this equipment is for. it is used to detect the deposition of solid particles in oil pipelines. now, most of the countries that want to check this issue take their oil and samples to the testing company and finally transfer the data to them. in our country, refineries used other methods. costly methods that were associated with challenges. this test required a lot of laboratory space, it required a large size, and it was time-consuming. now this equipment is guaranteed. flow can predict the amount of sediment in oil pipelines . a device that required more time for research and development than its construction. from the catalog we checked the work that was available and the data that the university gave us
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took one working year to create. and how long is the research and development? my research and development took about a year and a half. the challenge was to update the manufacturing of the part. a magnetic coupling that rotates and can withstand 10,000 psi or about 700 bar pressure in its reservoir up to 6,000 revolutions can simulate these different speeds of current passing through the pipe for you with the temperature and pressure that comes through you create the pump itself and the temperature through the fluid flow system itself , exactly the same conditions as in the well or the transmission lines it is simulated and the amount of asphalt deposition. it can save time and money to predict the solid deposits of oil pipelines. a device test is currently being done for about $25,000. the cost of making this device is $205,000. the cost
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of the test is that you may need to spend a day for it. in 10 minutes, a device technician can deliver the test to you. all life cycle processes of parts from design to product. the final decision was made by the experts of this knowledge-based company. vahid zakarirat of sed and sima news agency , the deputy of youth affairs, minister of sports and youth, said: at the end of the year, 125,000 marriage studies will be offered, mr. yaminpour said, according to the order of the president, it was decided to reduce the queue of applicants by the end of the year, 125,000 marriage studies and 110,000 childbearing studies in excess of the notified quotas will be paid based on the parliament's results. the marriage loan next year will be 300 million tomans , although this amount is set at 350 million tomans for a boy under 25 years old and a girl under 23 years old. every year, 200
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million dollars of foreign currency is taken out of the country to import cotton. the managing director of the cotton fund said that for self-sufficiency in cotton production, farmers should let's support in a way that the cultivation of this product is affordable for them. our self-sufficiency reached 30%. iran ranks 27th with the production of more than 80,000 tanbehs. in the past, we were self-sufficient in cotton, we even exported cotton. the area of ​​cotton cultivation in iran is 100,000 hectares, which is mainly in khorasan, razavi, north, south, golestan, fars and ardbin provinces. obama will start until the end of december in the sixth plan, we were able to double the production in the country from 150 thousand tons to more than 300 thousand tons, but in in the country's textile industry
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, we need about 500,000 skeins from which we can obtain up to 150,000 to 180,000 skeins needed by the textile industry, but according to the statistics of the ministry of jihad, the production of cotton in the country has decreased between 60 and 70% in the last few years. it is a fuel that we currently consume, for example, 3,000 per month, but they give us 2,500, one with a short line and one with a long stem, one of the problems. many of our farmers have left the cotton industry because it was not profitable. we had problems with harvesting . we had problems with planting mechanisms. the lack of advanced secondary industry is one of the most important problems of cotton farmers, the main problem of cotton farmers is the price of cotton, mismanagement of imports , cheap prices were given to importers, the economic use of cotton has decreased, but now the government has decided to support cotton. let the farmers of the country become self-sufficient in the production of this product. the yield of
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paneer per hectare has increased by 3 thousand kg. we subsidized micro-irrigation, the use of direct cultivation, the use of early varieties at half the price of the crop. we prepared four training courses for the cotton harvester. definitely need more support there is a government. the whole world is the same. cotton cultivation is subsidized. the reason is that they are used in the next steps. however, self-sufficiency and meeting the needs of the country and preventing the country from going out is the most important strategy of the government in cotton production. but the cotton farmers say that the guaranteed purchase and the provision of the necessary machinery can double their motivation to cultivate this crop. ahmad hamidi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the director general of the agricultural products organization for the protection of consumers and producers says that the new price will be announced by the end of this week. dairy products contain vitamin d. according to mr. ghasemi, the necessary studies on the effect
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of vitamin d on the finished price of dairy products have been done and the consumer price of all these products is being finalized. we obtained the documents and certificates from several prominent companies in this field that are producing this product. we have done the necessary checks, and here are the re-inquiries. we will do the research again from other relevant institutions. within this week, we will hold our meetings with the ministry of jihad and agriculture and we will definitely announce the results. disabled people in need of rehabilitation covered by sadrasadi are covered by health insurance. the deputy health insurance organization announced that 720,000 disabled people benefit from 100% services in the public sector. sick pack
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regarding their rehabilitation , we also established insurance coverage in this sector, in addition to 100% coverage in government sectors and up to 80% coverage in non-government owned sectors. these packages are covered by insurance. these are two special services that were not established before, now the health insurance organization covers them. of course , these dear ones, their needs are beyond the services that we provide. our suggestion in addition to using these services, these friends, god willing , can use supplementary insurance for their other needs . end of traffic accident sketch paper sheets. rahebar police chief says that from
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now on, accident reports will be issued electronically. to prevent any fraud from. insurance companies are taken. the end of the paper sketches of the first foot of the accident, which was a musician named darwish khan, and in 1305, the accident sketch was recorded. until recently, sketches were recorded manually on paper. for accidents that in case of injury or death and more than 30 million tomans damage , a sketch should be drawn. but a year ago , something else happened in qom. the sketch drawing software is available and now the sketches have become electronic in the whole country. 5,000 tablets and equipment that we provided to our police officers. the data comes to the police servers and goes from the police server to the central insurance. at the time of electronic registration , all the information of the accident parties is recorded. the number of
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vehicles involved in accidents is insured . on the contrary, if he has misrepresented his profile through this condition considers it alerts the police, according to the traffic police chief, one of the features of the electronic traffic record is to minimize fake accidents. there is a report that the insurance is paying more than 2 thousand billion tomans in damages for this type of accidents every year . at the time of drawing. a sketch of other information is also recorded. in order to find out whether the safety equipment worked properly or not, it is clear here the number of airbags , what was the defect in the road? how was the traffic flow? how was the ambient lighting? this information to they are collected and analyzed online in the rahor data center.
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we analyze the wet accident spots, the challenges of each of the passages and roads, and the measures that should be taken. officers' law enforcement performance. we ourselves will be analyzed that the human factor, the road factor , the vehicle factor, can be extracted from this , and the result will be better management and the adoption of better and more operational strategies to reduce accidents . there are about 550,000 accidents in the country every year, which need to be mapped . there is a sketch by ghadir nazari of sed and sima news agency. the isis terrorist group is responsible for the explosion he took over the minibus in the capital of afghanistan. this minibus exploded yesterday in the shiite area of ​​dashtbarcheh in kabul. in this explosion, two civilian passengers of the shahid minibus and 14 other civilians were injured. two months ago
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, seven people were martyred in an explosion in a minibus in dasht barchi area of ​​kabul, which was claimed by isis terrorist group. pakistani media reported the death of masoud rahman osmani, one of the leaders of the notorious takfiri group, to sipah sahaba. according to the pakistani police, unknown gunmen attacked the car of maulvi masoud rehman osmani in the city of islam abad killed him. his driver was also injured in this incident. so far, no person or group has claimed responsibility for this attack. the season group. sipah sahaba is the largest anti-shia takfiri group in pakistan, which the pakistani government has banned. this group has played the biggest role in promoting actions against muslim unity and sectarian and anti-shia violence in pakistan and afghanistan and some of their neighboring countries. on the third anniversary of the attack on the
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us congress, the minister of justice of this country expressed concern about the increase in political violence. week several state congresses in america due to receiving bomb threats were evacuated and similar threats were made against a number of local courts. political violence is never acceptable in america. never never never has no place in american democracy. the president of the united states speaks on the anniversary of an unprecedented event. the event that after 3 years , its powerful aftershocks still cast a shadow on the political atmosphere of this country. january 6, 2021 donald trump's supporters who did not accept his defeat in the election attacked the congress building. we are all
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here today because we do not want to see our election victory stolen by the extreme left of the democratic party. now 3 years after this incident, nazarji the washington post shows that not only sympathy with this attack has increased, but more than a third of americans win with. they do not accept the election. at the same time, the concern of increasing political violence in this country has also increased. we are seeing a deeply troubling increase in attacks on public officials, including members of congress and election candidates. these acts of violence are unacceptable and a threat to our democracy. according to research by the berwicks institute , one in four americans approves the use of political violence. in the current situation, we have seen that the main currents and even important political people are also in if necessary, they defend violence for their political interests
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, and this is a serious challenge for our society. simultaneously with the increase of violence in the american political atmosphere, that too in the election year, two rival parties drew their swords. we are witnessing the worst president in american history. biden serious threat against. trump uses exactly the same literature as the nazis . he is a threat to american democracy . it doesn't matter whether trump or biden is a greater threat to democracy. americans were disappointed with democracy in this country. a gallup poll shows that only 28% of americans support democracy this country is optimistic. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. and the rain system that entered the country on thursday will leave this afternoon. according to the forecast of the meteorological organization, a new rain system will enter the country from wednesday.
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your presence, dear viewers. for the next few hours, in the eastern parts of our country, for the provinces of north khorasan, khorasan razavi, sistan baluchistan, areas of kerman, parts of the friends of hormozgan, we will sometimes have rain, lightning and wind. we expect from at the end of tonight, with the departure of this wave from the eastern borders, the rains will end and pass on monday and tuesday , we have a calm and stable weather in the country. for the next few hours , we will have strong winds in the eastern parts of the country . the persian gulf will increase the height of the waves , the sea will face a maritime warning . marine activities should be restricted. from wednesday , we expect the new system to affect the country from the north-west side, snow and rain from the north-west side of our country again. it begins.
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cultivation of pearl oysters in the province bushehr oysters that produce pearls four times instead of once a year. the pearl oyster that is cultivated by a knowledge-based company in bushehr coast , you produce it, you go to the farm, who will do the breeding, then we do the surgery ourselves. nature, for example, once a year , we breed artificially four times. in the year of implementation of barkat foundation, the executive staff of the order of hazrat imam is the supporter of this project. and, of course, the supporter of other projects in the sector of the water chain and basic sea economy in the coastal provinces of the country, both macro and
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micro projects, maybe around 5% of the capacity of our beaches it is being used and exploited, so we focused on the field of aquaculture with the focus of developing the sea economy, so far 560 projects. balzai in the field of aquaculture and sea economy is supported. a major part of it was in 402, which has more than a thousand designs. according to mohammad turkmaneh, ceo of barkat foundation, this foundation has a special view on iranian thought and ideas of knowledge-based companies. in the field of knowledge-based in our country, up to now, more than 205 knowledge-based projects have been developed, especially with the understanding with science and technology parks. we have supported all over the country , about 51 of them were for the year 1402 barkat foundation in busher province has more than 2,500
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employment projects. economically oriented community has implemented this year, which has created 10,000 job opportunities . the representative of wali faqih in the province and imam juma busher confirmed this in a meeting with the ceo of barkat foundation and appreciated the activities of this foundation in bushehr province. ayatollah safai bushehri said: barkat foundation is very blessed and its services can be seen in each and every village of bushehr province. in the name of god, hello, the last practice of the national football team before the trip to qatar .
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his practice before sending to the nations cup . amir qolhi's students reviewed the new refereeing rules in a technical meeting yesterday after their afternoon practice. the members of the national team will leave kish island for doha tomorrow at noon to participate in the asian games. the national team of our country will hold the last friendly match before the community of nations on december 19 behind closed doors against indonesia in al rayan complex. asian nations cup football matches from friday. on december 22, qatar will meet lebanon, and on december 24, iran's national team will travel to palestine in the first group stage match. jahan pahlavan takhti was held with the presence of the minister of sports. the 56th anniversary of jahan pahlan takhti's death was celebrated this morning in ibn babouiyeh, ray city. in this ceremony, keumers hashemi, minister
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of sports. and the youth were present along with a number of veterans and athletes. the heroic behavior of the late tahli is in a way the eyes of the society, and this is a sign that he is a good hero, but in addition to his heroism, it is the hero who makes the names last and the people, who was a hero, was also a hero. and a review of some short sports news. iran national handball team today his third and last game in the quadrangular tournament in moscow will be against the russian youth team. in the previous two matches, our country's national team first lost to belarus and then defeated russia. the iranian national handball team is preparing to participate in the asian championship. saeed mehdi esteghlal football
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separated from the capital city after three seasons of being in this team. the competitions of badmin people's premier league ended with the championship of gonbad municipality, and the teams of chadormalai ardakan and tehran fire department took the second and third places. reynaldo fontes, the cuban leader of the 23-man bucks national team, is going to the new stage of the team's training invited. national training. it will start from tomorrow at the revolution sports complex, and in the final tennis match in brisbane , australia, grigor dimitrov of bulgaria won against holger roone of denmark and became the winner of this competition. 17 and 6 minutes
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of azzan. maghrib will be at 17:26 and midnight will be at 23:26. thank you very much for your cooperation. let's go to the economics desk today and my colleague, mr. bozor nahsab. in the name of god , i offer greetings and respect to all viewers of the program economy desk. we have seen in the news that in these few days we are talking about the real competition in the elections. one of the topics on which there is a difference of opinion is discussion. the construction of mining machinery that is provided from the local production site or imported at all , how it is imported, and i would like to ask you to come with what kind of mine we are working with. i invite all viewers to follow this discussion if they are interested. thank you for watching.
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well, you are with the economic table, leadership in their recent meetings is one of the important pillars of real competition. the election is said to mean that the spectrum different political views.


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