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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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[000:01:02;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i greet you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen, and i wish you a pleasant time. welcome to this first hour. these days, the news of the elections every day is telling of getting more serious to reach the final stages, in fact, the closer it gets. we are getting more and more, the news that is coming shows that this stage of the islamic council elections is becoming more real and serious, and from today, the three-day deadlines for the candidates whose qualifications
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have not been confirmed or verified in the provincial supervisory boards. it has started and we will have more guests from now on talk about elections. tonight we are at the service of mr. rahpik. deputy secretary of the guardian council. i say hello again and i say no. in the name of god. i am also at your service , i am at your service. well, let me know that this three-day opportunity started today. what does it mean and what is going to happen in these 3 days? well, as you know, after the approval of the amendments and the election law, some processes were added to the holding of elections and the preparations for holding elections, and
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some processes remained with changes in terms of, for example, the duration of the benefits and based on the new law. well, the preliminary elections started, the registration was done , and after the pre-registration stage, some entered the next stage and registered and after the registration. according to the law, the executive boards check the qualifications , which in fact, the executive body of the country is responsible for organizing and holding this part. well, according to the law, some of those who
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were not approved as volunteers at this stage have the right to protest the laws. to the provincial supervision boards and of course after entering this stage of the supervision hits by obtaining an opinion from the central supervision board and under the supervision of the central board, the qualification of all candidates will be checked does therefore, the number of those who actually withdrew after deducting those who did not object, all these calculations were done, those whose remaining cases were raised in the provincial supervisory boards after obtaining the opinion of the central supervisory board, well, according to the new law, this stage is one of those cases. the fact that the amendments to
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the law were made was that the deadline for the provincial and central boards was set to be about 50 days, which is about 2. at this stage, approximately one thousand people had their cases examined and on the fourteenth of december at the last hour of this day, the results were announced to the provinces, and according to the law, the hits the supervision should inform the governors and they should inform the people. however , the names were also announced to the ministry of interior and there was a 2-day deadline after the 14th to reflect the opinions of the volunteers and those who may not have the conditions
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and be approved. not being placed in a three-day deadline , they can protest. today was actually the first day of this protest deadline, and about the statistics i got , it is actually today's protest time, and 3,000 people registered their protest in the system today, and there are still two days left. this work should be done until this stage, which is actually an intermediate stage after the executive board and before the guardian council , our friends also informed us that these measures have been taken. regarding the so-called opinions issued in relation to the cases , how much approval or disapproval, for example , it is normal to protest at this stage
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, those who object to the opinion that has been given , after these 3 days, there is about a month's time. for the guardian council to deal with these objections and announce the final opinion after a month. well , now we still have the issue of not being certified. it is true that not being certified means, in fact, a part of approval and disapproval. yes, this is in the law. mentioned in the current law, after the amendments , both non-approval and non -certification are mentioned, but in practice, especially in this period , a lot of effort was made to address the cases that are now classified as non-certification, considering the population of approx.
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21,000 people, which is almost an unprecedented population , we had about 16,000 people in the last period, 23,21,000 people, more than 21,000 people . do it right , don't you see, 50,000 because we are in the courses , it means that many people were already in the 16,000 that did not meet the minimum requirements, it is very much in the media. you should pay attention to this . in the past, we didn't have anything called pre-registration. yes, we didn't. well , in the same main registration, people
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who don't have the minimums could register. that pre-registration stage is actually a lot of entry stage. it was basic and easy, especially in this course, unlike other courses , we had electronic registration, that is, people could register easily, and this was a serious disadvantage that people who wanted to participate in this matter they could not bear the trouble of going to the governor's office and the ministry of interior. self this was actually a factor for this increase to take place, but it was well received , in fact, those who
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were determined to participate in the elections after pre-registration, because it was during the registration that from the first point of registration of that questionnaire that it was mentioned that complete information was obtained from people and people need information. they gave, which almost showed their motivation to participate in the elections very strongly. well, it is more comparable to edvarg. from the past to the pre-registration, therefore , you can see that without checking , between the pre-registration and the registration, almost the number of registrations the name has changed by almost half compared to your pre-registration. now, of course, this can be discussed and negotiated. i would like to point out that in this period , considering that the number
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of registrants was more than 21,000 , this is where one of the purposes of this change in the law was that there would be no such thing as non-impeachment, and this was well said in the talks of the mps or in the speeches of the rest of masoudin, who now expects that there will be no impeachment. and they will either be approved or rejected. yes, in fact, the disqualifications should not be thrown into the basket. the same law that you are talking about, mr. wali , was an attempt to achieve this. the proof is that there was a protest in the past periods, even we ourselves protested that this short deadline for consideration in this law
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was one of the reforms that were made. that these deadlines increased a little both at the level of the provincial boards and the central board and at the level of the guardian council, and this was a good thing, that is , it was completely usable, that is , this issue was raised to help with the existing problem, but i said that in the law itself and the amendment of the law. these three categories have been mentioned several times, that is, finally, we are in in the reviews, we come across some cases that cannot be confirmed. i will now present some examples. from these examples , i will tell you what is the problem now. there are people
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who did not provide complete information in the questionnaire or the registration form , and there is no complete information in the documents that were sent to these people, and after the inspection committee entered, they could not find any information . check it out actually. for example, let's assume that the address given by the people referred to there was no other information, and the centers that were inquired about didn't have any information either. well , there was no such person in that place , there was no opening in another place that he said, or in some cases there was no way to solve it. there are no conflicting documents. if
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there is a solution, they can do it. in any case, there are some cases where there is no solution. these are the cases that should be minimized . these are the cases that cannot be legally met. in fact, he was adamant that there is no authority, which means you say that even if this time increases too much, we will still have non-verification, of course, for example , there are reasons like this example, for example , if the time you mentioned is too long to take extraordinary measures, it is possible that some of these well, anyway, you know that the processes must take place within a certain range , something that must be done is this pre-registration stage that was proposed in the general policies of the elections, and
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actually based on those policies, the parliament entered and this pre-registration stage he added the name, this stage is a very decisive stage because it was the first time legislation was enacted regarding this issue and it was the first time that it was implemented. i think that the goal that was really in the loan policies that existed in the policies for pre-registration was not fully realized. the purpose of the policies was that we have an initial evaluation of these qualifications , both in terms of software and content , if we can do this pre-registration stage and the following registration very strongly and with content.
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let's implement it. i think that it has a very effective contribution in reducing the issue of not having weddings and some other measures, but my opinion is that anyway. there are cases where this happens , therefore, it is foreseen in the law and in all the reforms that we have such cases, we should try to reduce these cases as much as possible. in the previous period, we had a much better situation in this area, so let's see a report. the case of protesting candidates for the 12th parliament election on the table of the guardian council for the review of qualifications has reached the last station. from the last days of mehr, when the final registration of candidates started, after a week , the country's election headquarters announced the files of 2489 candidates who registered.
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have done, goes to the executive boards. we actually had 2489 people, which is a quorum. the result of 2 weeks of checking the qualifications in the executive boards was to send an sms of disqualification or non-qualification to about 690 candidates, according to the statistics given by the head of the country's election headquarters, but the candidates' files were also sent to the provincial supervisory boards, a 50-day opportunity that started from november 25. end. just a few days ago, on the 14th of january, more than 21,000 people were eligible to register, and more than 52% of these people were approved by these boards. there are 116 people in the provincial supervisory boards, out of 275
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representatives of this period of parliament who registered for the next term, only 26 were rejected. they may complain or protest . in the next step , the guardian council will investigate the qualification. the guardian council says that now that the results of the qualification review have been announced to the candidates , from sunday the 17th of december to the 19th, there is an opportunity to complain to the honorable candidates who, for any reason, are not qualified. they have not been approved in the previous stage . sunday for 3 days, that is, from the 17th to the 19th minute. they have a chance to complain from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m they should register themselves in daftalab system. this period of elections , we do not have in-person registration of objections, and all objections are received in daftalab system. if there is a case that requires the presence of a volunteer
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, the guardian council will announce it in this system. from the protest they are making, this is possible, even if they have a request for a face-to-face meeting, they can also register this in the system . even appointment scheduling is possible in this system. the guardian council has 30 days at this stage of reviewing qualifications. ibrahim asadi you can see bidemshki tv news agency's program on the front page, whose guest tonight is mr. rehpik , the honorable deputy secretary of the guardian council. well, mr. doctor, at this stage, when some volunteers are protesting, who will handle their protest, the guardian council or its delegations?
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as i said, after this stage we went through, and now some of the followers have objections against him, these objections will come to the guardian council, yes, and the guardian council will deal with these objections, of course , naturally, the group and there are different branches first, they check the opinions of the defense supervisory boards, they check the explanations of all these, and finally, the guardian council gives its opinion. and if someone later objects to the guardian council itself, no, we have foreseen these steps in the law. the provincial boards, the central board and finally the guardian council and the guardian council
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, because the constitution itself has the guardian council overseeing the elections, it actually judges these protests and declares its final opinion, similar to, for example , the hierarchy of courts, the first instance court of the country's opinion. the final opinion will be announced somewhere else i would like to say that the monitoring of the supply, which is always talked about these days as a factor that can be involved in, for example, the boom in the elections, what evidence do we have to actually confirm or deny this or to say that yes, really? it has had a lot of impact or
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had an impact, but not as much as we think. i will give a short introduction because this is one of those cases that is now being discussed in the media and in various circles, and sometimes there are perceptions that this perception is it may lead to questions or doubts . in fact, the meaning of casting supervision is that the person who is a supervisor can make a decision, if he sees a problem in this supervision process , he can comment on it and make a decision and not delegate this to anyone else . his dignity is that if he sees a problem, he should announce it. instead of that, the important and
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subtle point is that in matters of government and governance , it is inevitable to have supervision in such centers or similar institutions. now whatever you want to call it, it is possible. for example, suppose in a decision process giri, for example, in this election. finally, a decision must be made. it is possible that this supervision is under the name of effective supervision or any supervision, for example , it is in the hands of a commission , it is in the hands of the parliament, it is in the hands of the judiciary, in some countries, for example, the judiciary has the last word. this is inevitable, that is, we we cannot say that the principle of supervision is not arbitrary. it is not at all possible in a system, for example, that is, a compliance between the conditions stated in the law and its examples, which are the same
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people and volunteers. an issue has arisen in the elections and now they have to see if they should cancel the votes of this area or not, for example, how to handle the cancellation somewhere , this system should decide this now. the constitution and the interpretation of the guardian council and the ordinary laws, this is entrusted to the guardian council in the constitution , which mentions which elections are the responsibility of the guardian council. normally, it is mentioned in the election law that the guardian council is responsible for public supervision for all the stages and constants that now sometimes
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they may suspect that it was like this from the beginning or not, for example, from a time when the guardian council interpreted this oversight, it is regrettable that now this is a discussion, so those who are interested should refer to it. that is 60 years before the 60th speech of hazrat. the imam should be informed that the procedure of the guardian council at the beginning of 1960, the late ayatollah azma safi golpayegani, there, regarding some candidates who were raised in the parliament in 1960, according to the question that was raised, writing to the ministry of interior that two people do not have the authority before from interpretation: before the guardian council was actually formed, the ministry of interior itself was actually
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doing this by determining the jurisdiction , so there should be no doubt about the main issue. he didn't give this supervision , so what were we going to do? he must have given it to another place. the case authority should have done it again . well, the guardian council did not claim that now because the guardian council was destroyed, he is taking care of it, and this is remarkable, i must say. this is under the discussion of supervision of the establishment since the election law was written the mandatory supervision of its parts is included in the law, which means that now when it says, for example, the guardian council should come and form committees of the central board to monitor and make comments , the law said this. well, the guardian council did not say that. the law says that
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now it means that it is a part of monitoring . the relationship between, for example, disqualifications, confirmation of qualifications and participation is serious at all, that is, looking at past elections. the parliament or even now the presidency and even the city council can indicate that there is a relationship between the two, that is, when this the wider circle of strictness has been seen , perhaps if we call it less now or with another period when these strictures were more, we can see
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that this relationship has always existed. in any case, see the existence of a relationship, the existence of a relationship , which cannot be denied, after all, there are elections, and this is part of the elections, but how much it affects now , that is another discussion. compared to other variables that are likely to be involved, such as economic issues, social issues, and the like well, his share is very less, his share is much less, but now he has a share anyway, and as small as the share is, we should try to ensure that
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the law enforcement is properly considered. he acted in such a way that finally that part was played to its extent. shure gardjan considers himself obliged to announce the reason for disqualification and to hear the defenses of the rejected candidates. yes, now the principle of this duty exists, of course we have different laws here . and one stage of this hearing of comments and explanations happened in the same provincial boards it happened in the headquarters of the guardian council itself . we now have a so-called system for
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protesting at the previous and current stages of protesting the executive boards. objection to the supervisory boards where people enter the system and express their desire there, first of all, a page will open where they can give their explanations, they can even upload a document that they want, for example, they have a document of something. which is positive, upload this, and it is even predicted that they will state there that they either want to meet, well, of course, now the volume of some people who hear our voices may say that we could not meet now. i accept this , of course, if they were to apply in the provinces, because it is also stated in the law that the supervisory offices of the nature of our supervision in the provinces should listen to the defenses


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