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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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in the previous and current stages of protesting to the executive boards, protesting to the supervisory boards , where people enter the system and express their desire there, first of all, a page will open where they can give their own explanations, even a upload the documents they want , for example, if they have a document that is positive, upload it. and it is even predicted that there they will say that they want to talk to a bachelor on the phone, or they want to have a meeting, well, of course, now the volume of some people who hear our voice may say that now we we could not meet, i accept this , of course, if they visited the provinces , because it is also stated in the law that the supervisory offices should listen to the nature of our supervision in
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the provinces. but even we at the headquarters anticipated this. a significant number of them were both uploaded documents , talked to them on the phone, and met with them, and these were recorded and recorded. if it is done, it is also as a but this assignment the principle is correct, it is not a law, and we have to do this task as much as possible, in this period we will definitely do it, god willing , within the limits of the opportunities and facilities that are available. people's participation in elections. it has definitely led and
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one of the reasons that can have an effect on people's participation in the elections is the diversity . i think their diversity is not so important as their literacy and compassion. people all have different ways of thinking when only one group is represented, that is it will no longer be the national council, it will be the national council , it definitely has an effect that people have the right to choose according to their tastes and beliefs. and this can increase the participation and make the election more exciting. the number of candidates in this term is twice as much as the previous term of the islamic council, and this promises us an enthusiastic and actually complete election. anyone who wants to come can come. any taste, but according to the interests of the system and our country, they should be candidates . it depends on the people's choice. what is the taste
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of the people? who do you like? 26 in the representative members of the current parliament and some people who have experience in the ministry are qualified. what do you think? after all , they definitely don't have the conditions they should have, and in my opinion, they should obey. imam rahel says that the status of people and their current performance conditions is the criterion if they were confirmed at one point 4 years ago. or is it somehow important that their current performance is accepted? it is possible that they don't have the qualifications to be in the parliament at one time or another. well, maybe they really don't have the qualifications to be useful to the people of iran. their weapons are fixed in the previous periods not doing it and the way people died. the people of iran wanted
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the absence of someone who really cares about the pain of the people, someone who doesn't have any problems, just wants to elevate himself and reach a position, he is not worthy to be in the parliament. those two and 6. well, mr. rahpak , you expressed your opinions about the effect of disqualifications on their participation. what do you have to say about this or what do you have to point out? as i said, we who are finally in the election process must make every effort to help with any means and with all our ability to participate in the discussion of participation, health and security of the elections. . and just like that
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i said that if we are in the position of comparison, how much effect does this have, well, compared to other variables , it may have an effect. it should be less, just as it is in surveys and scientific works, in terms of practical experience, well, this is significant in some periods, in some elections, now, like the councils , we have noticed that, well, one qualification for the examination of qualifications was very broad and wide, but very much. participated but actually the result of participation was very low or in different periods as well as the procedures that existed in checking the qualification were to some extent constant but the percentage of participation was very different in the past periods but as i said
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, let's give every contribution to this discussion, the reason why he tried to make the best use of this situation, god willing, i would like to say that it is said about the generational difference that the average age of the members of the guardian council is so high that it is possible, for example, that the interests and the tastes of the young generation and the new generation, which are given different names for methods, do not understand this . there should be a significant gap between these two understandings. or in other words, maybe, for example, the example can be set in such a way that now fathers and sons, grandfathers and grandsons may not understand each other in some places and this will have an effect. in this performance and that this so-called behavior
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of the guardian council is not in accordance with the demands of the new and young generation, do you believe that it has an effect, or now this question may be raised about all institutions or some institutions, first of all , it should be tried. this generational gap that you say, even in the homes between fathers and children , is the part that is unrealistic. forgiveness is inevitable anyway. look at the guardian council. first of all, the average age now may not be the distance you say.
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the children are actually in an age group that these ages are suitable for. there are cases where the jurists of the guardian council are responsible for the honorable jurists of the guardian council who must have the condition of ijtihad and must have those conditions and the constitution and be able to make decisions on these important issues that are now in front of them. similarly, the jurists of the guardian council must be jurists who have the ability to do so either in terms of scientific records or experimental records, and from the legal point of view, the choice of respected jurists of the guardian council with the position of supreme leader is what they choose in
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in fact, the diagnosis is given by the conditions mentioned in the law and in the case of lawyers, the choice is made after the proposal. judiciary elects with parliament representatives and usually the head of judiciary also introduces a range , there may be people of different ages in that range of people, for example mazarat, and it is the election of the parliament that actually chooses and anyway people are elected, the summary of this election . it is not in the hands of the members , they are elected members, in fact, either through the parliament or through the supreme leader, and they determine who will enter this important institution, mr. rafik , some of those who are disqualified, well, we also have them in
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the current members of the parliament and those who are former. having sensitive responsibilities in the recent past, this is a question for some people, how can such a thing be possible for someone who has a responsibility in which they have to answer some inquiries of their subordinates, and those inquiries are the basis for confirming or rejecting the qualifications of some candidates or candidates have been in different elections, now the person who was at the head of that organization, how can he be disqualified or disqualified, for example. i would like to add one point that if this is connected to each other, it might be answered. one point is that well
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we have some rules to discuss qualifications , legal opinion, whether these rules are in the law or actually applied as a legal and jurisprudential rule . for example, suppose that we are about. examination of qualifications if in the past someone 's qualifications have been checked, approved or rejected , for example, they do not have the conditions, we have a rule that if the same people participate in the next rounds , if there has been no change in the status of the file and documents. the previous ruling must be effective, that is, if someone had the conditions in the past, now the title of approval
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, for example, has come at some point in the next period for example, after 4 years, he participated in this election , if nothing happened in this interval, in this interval, well, we rule according to the same rule as before . similarly, if someone is not confirmed, if nothing happened and the reasons remain the same , there is no change, but if something happened in the meantime, there is a document , a re-examination should be done and a decision should be made according to the existing document. someone who was approved before, even someone who was not approved. something new may have been proposed this means that the previous decision and
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the previous document may not be correct , for example, let's assume that someone had a court decision in the past and was convicted, and according to the law, we were obliged to comply with that conviction and establish its effects. now , for example, in a period later, it was found out in a higher authority that that vote was not correct, it was flawed, for example , coming later to say, well, it should be paid attention to. so, this is a rule. in fact, another point is that it is noteworthy that when it is said that someone does not have the conditions, it may be thought that someone does not have any conditions. in this way, they may consider that if someone says , for example, that his qualifications are not confirmed, he does not have the conditions, that is, in all respects, while this is the case. it is not in the lack of confirmations. sometimes we may
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not have a formal condition, for example, suppose that now that the resignation has come up, before this stage , for example, suppose that someone says that it was not confirmed. for example , it was not confirmed in the past periods. why? he should have resigned. he didn't resign. it's a formal condition, but he said that if someone doesn't resign , it can't be confirmed. this has nothing to do with political issues, for example, i don't know. sometimes there may be another direction, and this should be noted, when it is said that someone was rejected at some stage, this does not mean that now, for example, all directions will raise this big question. there may be a specific direction , that direction may sometimes be a form , sometimes it may be a matter of substance, sometimes
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it may be resolved by, for example, a review with a document, and it has different types. preliminaries and with the assumption that in fact the authority that is dealing with it is paying attention to these points and considering this it depends on the position and rules. i think that now regardless of the case, the problem of solving the problem will be clear. another discussion. it is said that during this period, students are going to use public facilities, including radio and television facilities for advertising. an equal opportunity should be created for them. now, this does not mean that it is necessarily in tv or radio networks that it may be available on virtual platforms
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, this issue itself should be monitored by the guardian council. he will be able to supervise or the form of supervision in fact in another form you will have to wait for a complaint to be filed or a problem to be reported to you, not us. a complaint is one way that we may be informed, but in different ways if someone actually commits a violation. whether it is about advertisements, whether it is physical or online, the reports that reach us and in fact the observers that we have in the opinion boards and the monitoring network in different areas, if
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some of our observers report, well, according to the new law they are also that is. according to the judicial opinion, a limited number of these are also officers, all of these facilities can be used, if god forbid if a violation happens and it is reported , god willing, we will depend on it, and after this stage , there is the stage of qualification approval, or in fact, the final announcement of the candidates , what is the date of approval, disqualification, or disqualification? i said, after these three days , the guardian council you have the opportunity to comment after one month, of course, now there is a sub-stage in between this opportunity, if those who
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were approved in the previous stages, but for some reason , those who were approved in the guardian council stage , documents for non-approval. if they are found there, the guardian council of medicine has this authority there is a short deadline for someone who has actually been rejected because it is assumed that the people who have gone through these steps have been approved . there is no question of rejection anymore. we only look at those who were rejected and protesting their case, we have to deal with it, but exceptionally, for example, in the past 20 years , four or five cases may have happened in such a way that a document is found that the guardian council at this stage wants
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to use non-approval for someone who has already been approved. there is a limited period of two or three days for that person to defend himself do it yourself, because they told him that you were approved, now you are not approved, except this is a timely matter, but after a month, god willing , i will have an answer, and another thing is to reject the credentials for you as a basis, i don't know the document, something like this. is it considered or not rejected? however, if the rejection of the accreditation is based on documents that are available to the guardian council and it has not reviewed them , it has already reviewed them and given an opinion on them, then there are documents that have not been reviewed, then they can be effective. ok check
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do it, but that is the source of comment. it should have a document that can be paid attention to. yes , it will pay attention to it, and now at this stage , how many people do you get help from for this final stage. one month considering how many thousands of people you probably have to check and see their documents again, now 7 thousand people, for example, yes, well
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, the groups or branches that we have, in fact , the investigation branches that we have have a significant number of legal experts and experts. in fact , we have case studies. and please note that the cases that we are investigating are the cases that in terms of the type of review of the quality of the content , which is different, you can expect that in this period , there are about 19 thousand people who do not have very detailed records
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, and there are those who were declared without a record. well , as i said, their cases have a history of being approved or rejected . there has been no change in their situation compared to the past, and therefore, both the expert tools and the types of cases create conditions for us to arrange for the guardian council, god willing, at this opportunity. to be able to take care of it means that your prediction is that there will be no delay and that everything will be taken care of . there is enough time.
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the name and follower of that registration is a very accurate and expert step in checking this way . in fact, the next designer is both in accuracy and in the speed of work and in predictability . let it start now, yes, that discussion will be sooner. it can be brought up, but it is mainly about the quality, that is , pre-registration, as i said , it is foreseen in the policies, the intention is that an evaluation first
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of all, it should be based on the merits of the person. pre -registration was done . the parliament should be thanked. the moderators should be thanked . rahfi since you accepted the invitation of the first page, you appeared in our program and answered the questions that people may have. thank you and your colleague, be healthy. i am also grateful to you people. good night and good times.
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we are obliged to reflect the voice of women in iran more strongly, and this german official who is a guide it is an attack on human society. merciless attacks on brave women in iran are actually an attack on humanity. or this one who talks about her dream for women's war with sovereignty and law. the world is amazed by the struggle and persistence of iranian women. and the chain support of the leaders of the west from the rioters. this news program. especially today and in the coming days , the normal broadcast of iran international programs will be stopped and their efforts to call people to civil war, i can address a few points
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inside. and finally, an unveiling of the scenario of subversion and disintegration of iran parts of iran where i am also a separatist. defending women's rights is just a tool for western countries and there is no honest struggle for justice at all. women's rights are of no importance to the west and it does not matter to them that iranian women have their rights.
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it is located on the west. who would believe that the tragic death of an iranian girl would be met with so much reaction, but the massacre of palestinian women and children would be met with silence from the same countries. aren't palestinian women and children human? hamid turkeshfand, sed and sima news agency. bride, i am asking for the third time, am i my servant? my lawyer, no, it is not possible.
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long in sarai irani, the last price is in sarai irani.
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in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, i begin with the name and remembrance of god , the merciful, the merciful . the isis terrorist group claimed responsibility for the explosion of a minibus in the capital of afghanistan. this minibus exploded yesterday in the shiite area of ​​dasht barchi, kabul. in this explosion, two civilian passengers of the shahid minibus and 14 other civilians were injured. two months ago, there was an explosion in a minibus in the dashtbarcha area of ​​kabul.


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