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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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prayers were held in zanjan and the best universities and personalities in the field of prayer were introduced and glorified. the topic of the 3rd session of the new generation prayer was looking at schools, mosques and universities to examine the performance of devices related to the new generation prayer, hosted by dr. ahmad zerhani, deputy head of the headquarters for prayer and hujjat al-islam wal-muslimin, dr. mustafa rostami, raees. we are the representative body of the supreme leader in universities. before we start our conversation , i say goodbye to you, dear viewers of channel 1. i invite you to join us on khabar network if you want to follow this conversation.
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greetings to both guests, mr. dr. zerhani, we will start our conversation both at the 30th summit held in zanjan and at the summit of the supreme leader in previous years , i emphasized the importance of paying attention to the prayers of the new generation . what measures should the devices take in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds? in the past 30 summits, the scholars of the supreme leadership have given messages to the senior managers of the system, and in most of them, the principle of offering prayers and creating a culture for prayer and paying attention to the prayers of the new generation have been provided. prayer headquarters
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every year , he concludes memorandums of understanding with the executive bodies of the ministries based on the missions of the institutions, the guidelines of the supreme leader , and at the end of each year, through the sajjadeh system, based on field visits, and based on receiving illustrated written reports. the devices give the evaluation and announce the result. therefore , our evaluation and evaluation this year is related to
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1401. this year has not yet been completed. do. how did you see the results of the surveys you did last year? apparently, 13 organizations are directly in charge of promoting and performing prayers, especially for the new generation . shahrarsi, especially road and road transport organization , ministry of communications and information technology, iran national gas company, social security organization, shahid foundation, endowment organization and charitable affairs. this year
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they were encouraged because of some activities, there are two institutions, one is the ministry of education and the other is the ministry of culture and islamic guidance , of course, apart from these, the institute for the thematics of jurisprudence under the management of mr. falahzadeh, because the limit of leave and distance. installing sharia , conducting studies with the help of prayer and road management headquarters has been installed or is being installed in most places, and a software will be created for it in the future. in fact, this non-governmental device was encouraged. love and personally sign the approval of the devices they did, and i will tell you this too, people may
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expect to be informed about this work, we have about a thousand scores to evaluate the device. devices are encouraged to score above 800, and devices below 500 are warned. okay, mr. zarani, let's keep it here, we will come back to your excellency, dr. rostam . universities are one of the main institutions for promoting prayers, especially for the new generation. please tell me how is the state of offering prayers in universities across our country now, what percentage of universities are there? they have ours they hold congregational prayers. do you have any statistics on what percentage of students pray? in the name of allah , the most gracious, the most merciful, i am also at the service of his highness and all the dear viewers
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of the wijeh talk show . thank god, i thank dr. zerhani for holding the sim namaz meeting. well, as you said, it is one of the centers where the gathering of the young generation and the gathering of elite groups of professors and students in the higher education spaces of the country is appropriate. the importance of the young generation becomes particularly important there . well, the category of prayer and paying attention to prayer is a discussion in a more general space called paying attention to rituals and beliefs and corresponding to the changes that may happen in the life and mental atmosphere of the young generation. the category is also subject to change.
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according to all the statistics, the amount of attention paid to wind rituals increases with increasing age. it means that there is actually a direct relationship between increasing age and paying attention to religious rituals, despite the fact that we have statistics from the university environment, which are accurate statistics, in the sense that a plan called the image of student life it is implemented every year by the universities, centered on the ministry of science, the country's universities, including the universities of the ministry of health, the ministry of free education, payam noor, and other universities of the country with a proportion of the population. 160 questions are asked to the children in
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this year's prayer area, which i requested a few moments ago from our loved ones in the ministry of science and i received that more than 70 % of young students have a positive attitude towards prayer. prayer means believing in the effectiveness of creating hope and having a good feeling towards prayer and towards the person who prays has now, what proportion of these children who have a positive attitude towards prayer are people who are devoted to prayer, maybe the number is lower, that is, they are a spectrum that has a positive attitude, but they may not have the necessary devotion to perform the prayer in any case, but in any case. this statistic is in the heavy atmosphere that has taken place in the areas of belief and adherence to sharia and religious rites towards our young people and teenagers , especially the damage that we have to accept during the period
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of closure of our public and higher education centers , this statistic is a good statistic. . it means that it is our duty to take our loved ones with us let's get to know the good things of life more than before , but let's be aware of the available funds. in addition to this reasonable issue, congregational prayer is an issue that happens depending on a set of conditions in universities , in the sense that students, based on the units they choose, some of some days they are in university , some days they are not, naturally. the ratio of student presence in the educational space to the ratio of the total number of students is naturally the same ratio and a smaller number, however , i would like to present the general statistics of hazrat hali and dear viewers. we have 282 mosques in our university
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. how many universities did you evaluate? i have the exact statistics of the number of universities, 20 groups of students, that is, there are 282 mosques and... there are 500 to 1000 of some universities, because many universities are mosques, that is , i will tell you the total. we have 3,248 places of prayer, 282 of which are mosques, meaning that the mosque has been recited and has the sharia ruling of the mosque. the rest of these are prayer halls that are in different formats , sometimes separately, like a hosseiniyeh . from 3248 to 282 yes , it is less, naturally, the mosque is a requirement. it means most major universities, big universities , universities in provincial centers, universities with
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population, good students have mosques, 282 because we had about 3 thousand higher education centers in the country, with the modification and change of some centers and institutions, we have about 2 thousand we have up to educational centers, higher education , which includes 2,000 applied scientific community universities that are sometimes located in the same building, payam noor universities and open universities in small units, small towns, cities, and the centers of payam noor universities in various distributions. which have and are universities of the ministry of science therefore, we have 3 thousand or 200 over 200 higher education centers, we don't see 200 universities, 282 mosques, that is, in fact, 282 education centers. higher education has a suitable population and location in terms of land, sometimes
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they have possible restrictions that mosques are built in them, but there are 3 thousand and 248 prayer places in the complex of higher education centers of the country, which includes the ministry of open sciences, the ministry of health and other universities such as the ministry regarding health , teaching hospitals that operate under universities of medical sciences are also included in this statistic. very briefly , how much are these 3248 sets of prayers? their quality has been evaluated, how much they are in the honor and place of offering prayers, one of the axes that both our loved ones in the headquarters of offering prayers of the country and in the higher headquarters of offering prayers of universities are paying attention to. we should thank god for prayer. the dear ones who
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are in the ministry of science, ministry of health, azad university and various universities of the country are personalities who believe in prayer. now what has happened in the new era of the ministry of health is that hospitals are actually a checklist or a template. have an assessment based on different variables are evaluated and given a score, the same as what our loved ones do with regard to prayer, which is either encouraged or warned or has an average status. one of the axes that has recently been included in the evaluation of hospitals is the quality of the place where prayers are performed, the prayer hall or the hospital mosque. i mean, do you have groups that say yes, that's the basis for mr. rostami's and mr. sirhani's answer, please allow us to take a break , i prepared a short report for my colleagues, we will see it related to our discussion and
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we will come back, we will be at your service, fathers and mothers , teachers, preachers, guides of this truth in the relationship between prayer and young people should be remembered and they should know the duty that is on their shoulders . the importance of the place of prayer for teenagers and young people is mentioned in the opinion of the leader of the revolution, which was read in his message last year at the national prayer meeting, and this year it will continue with its strength. remains those in charge of work related to youth and teenagers, from family to school and to university
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, should pave the way for the new generation to learn and offer prayer and improve its quality. his attention to the namaz of the new generation increases the responsibility of institutions such as schools and universities. despite the importance of this matter of complaint some of the clergy of the schools are late in paying the travel fees and some parents are concerned about the lack of proper prayer rooms in some schools. unfortunately, the school my child attends does not have a prayer hall. the school has to hold prayers in one of the classes. it shows that there are still some shortcomings for prayer in schools. officials of the ministry of education are responsible for not defining the budget. the reason behind the delay in paying the fees to the school chaplains is that we do not have any line for the right of inheritance in the industrial budget of education. they announce the problem with the approval of a new regulation. in the updated version of this regulation, which has not yet gone to the public forum of the government board, one row
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was added to education, one of which is about the problem of the lack of prayer rooms and equipment. the irgc has arrived and they have announced their readiness to solve this problem, but a memorandum of understanding has not yet been signed. mohsen soltani of sed and sima news agency, very well, we have seen the report , mr. dr. zanhani, the director general of quran obedience and prayer in the ministry of education, they say that we have a problem. we have a budget and the subject. they raise the budget and they say that the prayer headquarters should follow up on this matter. the condition of prayer rooms in schools is not very satisfactory. what is your response to this article and issue and what is your solution to get out of these problems? the fact is that in some universities there are doctors, now
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it is a matter of schools, so i would like to say that we do not have enough space to perform this prayer. the problem in education is many times, in the vicinity of tehran, we have schools with 600, 500, 600 students , but they don't have a prayer room, it's just not a prayer room, the honorable minister says, we need one million meters of carpet we are in the process of furnishing our existing prayer halls , in any case, there are 100,000 more than 100,000 schools , which have 65,000 prayer schools. qamah can be the imam of the congregation, we have very few. he says that the ministry of education is not able to pay for absences and absenteeism. yes , the qamah staff follows up the prayer. my recitation teacher . we went to the parliament with the cultural commission and held a meeting with mr. qalibaf
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. we corresponded with the president, but ministry of education as it should and maybe. he has not yet been able to find a line to provide credit for the right of the imams of the congregations, not even a mentionable amount of money. a snap, a phone taxi that will facilitate the movement of these things, we are continuing the work, but we also sent a letter to mr. president, we have also written to mr. qalibaf and to the commission. culturally, with the heads of the unification commission before and we before now, in the last action we took in the cultural commission of our government, we proposed to symbolically
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predict 30 billion tomans, which is a very small figure compared to the entire country's budget, now or in the ministry of education. or in the organization. we hope that the government will accept this for next year's announcements islamic and let this be the basis for the payments , so that we can act and face fewer problems next academic year. now, let an imam of the congregation enter an executive body, at least up to 6 million tomans, the right for absences and withdrawals, or in other words. and the advertisement can be paid to him, but when he enters the school, 1 million tomans is not possible. of course , 10% of the schools that charge tuition pay according to the law, but the problem is the public schools, which face their own problems in every way. it is important for us to offer prayers. many of
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the pre-service teachers in many schools offer prayers . mr. zerhani, let me ask you this question. in addition to these equipments and issues that go back to structures, infrastructures and equipments , there is also the discussion of teaching quranic concepts, which include more than 20 different concepts in the heart of this new generation prayer . we have a specialized prayer center in qom, which has great professors who have acceptable scientific and educational power. this year , with the help of one of the refineries in central province, we have a thousand managers.
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we have provided educational courses for schools, teachers of educational matters, as well as pre-prayer and imams of school congregations. this work now it is continuing. we provide both the educational content and the professor. not only for the imams of the congregation, managers and trainers and teachers, but also training courses for parents. do you understand how influential it has been in the generation? yes, we have evaluated all the training courses that we hold all over the country in barracks, in schools, in universities, in government institutions, in ministries , in all programs. usually, it is based on a measurement and based on this measurement, you diagnose pathology, and
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in accordance with this document, our provinces produced a 5-year document, one of the achievements of the new generation's prayer, which this year in zan. it was held to encourage the institutions to develop a 5-year plan. mr. dr. rostami gave a report looking at the future five-year horizon. very well, mr. dr. rostami , let's get to the same horizon that you presented there , and i ask you this question as well . and they are not present , let me make a note and have the duty to defend this field.
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1000 tomans for each school in one year means , if possible, 30 billion tomans. yes, only the money to buy a seal , maybe it will be fine. yes, the money to buy a rosary is good. that is, you are usually the traffic that happens. let it be for the school anyway . sometimes we say that the person who comes to perform the prayer should not take money to perform the prayer. it is true , but sometimes this person lives far away, which means we don't have a school next door. let's ask him to come to your prayer. stand with the children , which is a success and a good opportunity sometimes we have to request that people who have to travel from far distances may not have a vehicle , and naturally, a minimum condition for offering prayers. this makes it necessary, in fact
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, to ask all the guardians, both our loved ones in the government and our loved ones in the parliament, to pay serious attention to the subject of prayer in the educational environment in the university environment, thank god, because the collection of cultural and educational activities is a special package for a special guardian. actually , we don't have any so-called problems in these areas. this is the cost of traveling loved ones who are invited to hostels, hospitals, and other places education should be present in the academic environment itself . naturally , we do not see a problem in providing this, in equipping the prayer halls, providing facilities and capacity, and renovating the prayer spaces, but the general discussion of prayer, well , we must have promotional areas in the academic environment, some measures in the form of . everything has been done so far. i will give you an example. dear friends , we have a virtual education system in the institution, which
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is a virtual education system for academics . i will give a title like this. above 3 there are millions of members. now this system has more than 3 million and 160 thousand registered users in the education system. we have more than 400 titles of textbooks in which each session has an exam. after passing the first exam, they enter the second session and after completing the exams, they succeed in receiving a certificate. the most titled may be interesting for our dear viewers. more than 700,000 people . let's pray well that one course title is for several sessions and it should be said. choose it , test the sessions every session, that is , it is not like the program, let's say, for example, how many times it has been downloaded. it has been visited without being a party.
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the course passed on the discussion of prayer in this virtual education system for academics, the discussion of placing prayer in the set of educational programs is also in the education course, which is one of the courses that we are responsible for producing the content and providing the teacher, the discussion of prayer is one of the topics that is especially in the so-called the ritual of life is discussed , the plan that mr. dr. zerhani also mentioned. i would like to mention in passing the training of professors and worthy students to attend university spaces, because after all, the university environment is a specialized environment, students who are familiar with the environment should be present in this space. preparing for skill enhancement and identifying and anyway organizing this collection and networking of our loved ones more than 3020 imams of the university. we
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now have a significant population of these in addition to doing. they have field education and university education and they are familiar with the university atmosphere, renovation or attention to the environment, beautifying the prayer room spaces , making appropriate, you have a statistical collection that these measures have helped to increase the amount of money, if we come to say that such and such happened and the ratio performing prayers in that environment changed, not like this very short work of some university classes the time of the first prayer interferes with the timing of this issue. in the past, there were cases where it was prohibited by law. for the students presented in some universities, there has been such an issue
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, but in general terms. the regulations in both the ministry of science and the ministry of health have become like this. very well , mr. dr. zarhani. my last question to hazrat tali is that some of the 13 devices receive notices for the shortcomings in this field. please let me know what kind of device it is, how did you evaluate it, how did you perform the tests, how did we warn them, and the name of the harm device, out of 7,000 devices at the national level of the city, the province and the center of the country , we estimate that about 170 devices are in the ministry of organization and institutions in the center. are the country encouraging, punishing and reminding at the level of provinces and cities is done by the provincial prayer council under the chairmanship of the governor and with the presence of friday imam of the center of the province and city. the time for naming
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reminder devices is less than 30 seconds. it would be an honor if i said these things to us we are writing a confidential letter to the honorable president , according to his discretion , the necessary notice will be given . let me say a very short sentence. 841 scientific articles on the call to prayer of the new generation of scholars and university professors, teachers and intellectuals of the society , to send it, which is a treasure to reach and find a chabait, may god make this available to everyone, we will also mediate. rostam if cut off if it didn't happen, we should be proud with
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the most crowded prayers in addition to imamzadeh and the blessed survival in the university spaces . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri and i will accompany you in this program for an hour . the latest developments.


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