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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the first solar town of the country will be built in ghazvin province, according to the deputy minister, 100 hectares of land in shal town in ghazvin is ready to be handed over to investors for the construction of solar power plants. applicants can refer to the website of the national license portal for registration. all the necessary infrastructures for the production of electricity and connection to the grid and transmission of power in the city are ready, because until these so-called infrastructures do not exist , so that the investor can
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get his income after his investment, which is actually we are not handing over the town, now the infrastructure needed for investment and energy production in shall town is fully prepared. china's electric plane made its first flight. the speed of this electric plane, which is 7 meters long , is 220 kilometers per hour. the electric plane is made for the purpose of training and pilot training and recreational and private flights . the first flight of this plane was successfully carried out from jijiyang airport in china. iran and uzbekistan are expanding the technological cooperation between the two countries to develop the market of knowledge-based products . according to the scientific vice president to share applying pichohashchi's experiences, creating a science and technology park and defining technological plans are part of the axes of cooperation between the two countries. after the meeting
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of the presidents of the islamic republic of iran and the republic of uzbekistan in june of this year, the increase of scientific and technological relations was placed on the agenda of both sides as part of the understandings. in order to expand scientific and technological relations, the iranian delegation visited the innovation centers of this country at the invitation of the uzbek side in mehr of this year. we believe that uzbekistan is a window. it will be very good for market development in cis countries. we believe that due to affinity cultural and historical values ​​that we have together and the focus and seriousness of the two presidents in the country. in the discussion of science and technology cooperation, we can soon make big events in joint ventures. our honorable president always reminds us time and time again that we should always
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make good use of the experience of the islamic republic of iran and the experience of the islamic republic of iran in this area and find new areas for expanding cooperation. the participation of companies , let's implement this according to the needs of the country of uzbekistan and the request of the government of uzbekistan. the islamic republic of iran had a delegation come to uzbekistan for a week-long exhibition, which we also participated in, and alhamdulillah, positive things happened. now , the uzbek delegation has come to iran to continue to develop cooperation while visiting the 11th iran construction exhibition. your presence during the holidays is a sign for me that you are fully aware of the importance of time in the development of relationships. we came here.
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to develop relations between uzbekistan and the islamic republic of iran. they provide the country's need for this product. with the efforts of our country's specialists, the all- iranian anjoket production line is designed to provide 20% of the country's needs exploitation received. this product is completely zero to 100. it is being produced and
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all its components are being produced inside our own country. well , one of the very strategic products in the discussion of hospitalization is in the field of patient treatment. currently, two other companies in iran are also producing this product, but mainly in ready form. they import and package and sterilize here and sell . the price of this product is one third of similar foreign samples. compared to the price of similar european brands , this product can be sold in the country, about one-third of the price of european brands has now the country needs this product of the year. there are about 70 million units of which this production line supplies 14 million units. do you think that there will be a possibility for export later, in this field , considering the need that exists , it is not too early for export because the priority is to meet domestic needs. anjuct
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is one of the medical tools that is responsible for transferring serum containing fluids to the patient's vessels. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. specialists of a group of scholars succeeded in producing and commercializing the mineral separation device with artificial intelligence technology. this device can detect the grade of mineral stones accurately and quickly. the increase in global demand for minerals in recent years and the growing market of this industry has led mine owners in the world to use new technologies such as mineral separation systems. in addition to eliminating human error and reducing waste, the use of these technologies helps reduce environmental impacts and save energy and time. these devices use artificial intelligence technology and advanced sensors to separate minerals. unlike
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the traditional methods of using these devices it can solve the concerns regarding the reduction of ore grade, lack of water and strict environmental laws. development. these technologies are also on the agenda of our country's academics, and a group of academics has been able to commercialize it by producing a device for separating mineral stones with artificial intelligence technology from sensors and cameras above and sensors and lasers of cameras below. it is possible to decide from the stones from the top and bottom of the stone, and when the stone is thrown from the conveyor on the exit part, whether this stone is needed. is there or not the price of these devices abroad for a few million dollars, while inside iran we sell this device for several hundred thousand dollars, we have after-sales service, and in addition, we can do customization for each mine, specifically for them, according to reports, the market of rock separation devices
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sensor-based mining will reach more than $288 million by 2031. morteza yaqoubi of sed and sima news agency. cooperation agreement in the field of localization. construction of equipment for flare gas production, production of storage tanks and localization of smart robots. these are part of the technological needs of the strategic items of the gas industry it is based on a joint agreement for the localization of equipment. it was signed between the vice president's office of science and technology and iran's national gas company. this joint cooperation agreement is in 12 product groups worth 500 million dollars. in each of these groups , there are several strategic items that, using the definition
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of daneshmanian consortia, between daneshmanian companies, a few to a few companies will jointly carry out these projects, god willing. undertake and finance. it will be done and we hope to be able to guarantee the purchase and use by the national gas company until the end of this government, god willing let's implement most of it and we have set a goal to spend up to 2 billion dollars in the field of knowledge base, god willing, in the coming years. this agreement can also play a role in providing stable gas in summer and winter. have a significant contribution in the development of the knowledge-based economy vahid zakera rad, sed and sima news agency , next part, hour 2:
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in the name of god, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to all the viewers of the economy desk program. we are talking about the real competition in the elections , one of the issues on which there is a difference of opinion the issue of modernization of mining machinery, whether it should be provided from the domestic production site or imported at all, how it should be imported, and i would like to attend. in recent meetings, the leaders
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have called real competition as one of the important elements of the elections, which means that the spectrums of different political, economic , and social viewpoints will be expressed and a real competition will be formed together in the big election contest. it is emphasized that different points of view should be present, but now i would like to limit your presence to one or two traditional points of view that were common before today's economy table. it also focuses on one of the issues. there are many different views on how we should come to modernize our mines and their machinery in order to be more productive. we should have domestic production. some people are very focused on the fact that we should only have domestic production from big manufacturers, which now, for example, companies with the same name that we had in the past have been declining for a few years and are gaining a lot of name and opinion like hebco. there are others which we will discuss in today's program, here
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in the studio of the economic desk , mr. sad mohammadi, the ceo of one of the mining holdings, is present. mr. mehdizadeh's producer association is present in our other studio , we will talk with them , we will have internet and phone guests, but before we start our discussion with the program guests. i invite all the viewers to go to the report prepared by my colleague in kolweh mine let's see together and we will start our conversation . the mining machines of these four-wheeled giants are responsible for the 50% increase in mining exploitation in the world . in iran, half of these machines are worn out and out of order . we have nearly 30,000 mining machines, which are
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increasing import decisions. in the year 1401, this number reached 1287 machines. in any case , we had about 100 orders for mining machines in the past year, of which about 80% were produced and delivered to the customer, but it is said that the need for machines is more than the current production capacity . import is actually the ability of domestic companies which is actually the biggest one, we see that he produced 21 cars, one of which was mining. the production capacity of hebco hovolhosh is 1,400 units of mining machinery and 1,600 units of road construction machinery. today we can
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claim that all mining and road construction needs can be met. of course , there are some obstacles in front of hepco. we had a 5% growth in mining operations last year. therefore, completely changing the situation of his machines in the mining sector. he clearly showed that the reason is that, basically , mining operations without machines make no sense at all . we also agree, that is, we must maintain domestic capacity, but in such a way that now by damaging one production sector, we want to support another sector, mining and domestic production are two ends of the same scale, one is an economic driver and supporting the other is the boom in honey production nemati sada news agency. and sima
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, well, we saw my colleague's report together here in the studio, where i introduced the guests of your service, while saying hello to all the guests of the program , i want to start with mr. aminzadeh and this question, mr. aminzadeh, we can basically do all the spectrums of mineral state machines that are needed. mine is our work, whether we produce it or not because it was mentioned in the report, in the name of allah, the most merciful, no, no, there is no such claim at all. we produce a limited range of machines. what is the percentage of the total requirement? i think 20% is the maximum, we have shovels up to 40 tons, loaders up to 30 tons, and graders up to 20 tons. rock up to below 50 is our main production. the rest is free. this is a wrong thing to do. it is a wrong thing to do. what is the amount of ice cream that they say, sir, mine is sleeping? what percentage are we now ? we have seen two points in the report. let's say that we are a department from the ministry
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a lot of our cars are worn out, which you say is very low because of the productivity of the mines there. this is what the ministry always claims. we don't accept it. look, let me give an explanation. first of all , there are about 7,000 machines with a capacity of 7,000 machines in the country for the production of the machines i mentioned: loaders up to 30 tons and excavators up to we can produce 40 tons, etc., of which these are just a few cuttings, otherwise, the capacity is 7,000 . what is the total market demand? i am a miner . i have nothing to do with mining. we are talking about products we produce by ourselves . i will give you an example. our mines
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have 1,000 million tons of earth moving. if this number is wrong, they will affect themselves . 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. if we have tons, this can be calculated by thousands. if the number is wrong, this is according to the formula . it means that a car carries two services per day. multiplication and division can be done according to the hours of work . one truck can transport 1 million tons per day, which is the result. i wanna say. we need a thousand house trucks to load, if four or five titles for example, my big shovel needs 250 so far. well , let's separate these numbers into 30,000 to 20,000 . we, who have the statistics of the ministry of your side, say that you object to this way of summing them up. yes, summing it up is not clear, it is not
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accurate , sir say the formula, we say sir, you say one thousand million tons. our problem is that the numbers and figures that are said are not accurate. everyone looks at it from their own perspective . now , how much of the numbers you said can be produced internally ? it has a role, the limit of 80 is the import of liberators producers, the production claim that we all make is a false claim, not us, the characteristic range of the ministry
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of industry is now saying that i will block a car that is mass produced. can he do what the country needs, to develop it, won't he allow me to come and claim that i am building such and such a car? no, there is no such thing . this is the main point to be very careful. we have this number of machines, for example, they are so worn out and the mines are lying dormant because of this . the number is not correct. what do you think? how much do you think? are the numbers correct? yes , in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful . greetings to the viewers of the islamic republic of iran's radio and television, his excellency, mr. amirzadeh. let me tell you that the volume of our mining operations in the country per year is currently one
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billion and 500 million tons, of this amount , about 600 million tons of mineral matter, the rest is invalid and must be operated. the important point of mr. amirzadeh's statement is that there is some interference of statistics with each other, that we should come and say at once. let's bring up that because in your talks , it is a question of productivity, a discussion of cost reduction , yes, it is an economic decision, see some of our big mines, like mescheshme, midok, sangun, tabriz , warzaga, like chadormelo, iron ore, like gul gohar, like central iron ore, why do i have these names? i go to those big mines because the majority of our economy in the mining sector is almost dependent on corrosion steel, and on top of that
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, the majority of that is our civil economy . in our big mines, we first need to plan to upgrade from our current conditions to a new level. above, i don't mean that we don't have now that's the plan. they are definitely working, they are definitely working. my point is that we should almost fall into the trap of 204 tracks for mines as big as egypt, which is moving deep in the source with a history of almost more than 40 years. tons , so how much is it now? 136 tons should be divided into mines like gohar zemin, phase 3 of the whole gem
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with a separation based on the conditions of our mines and those that constitute the serious economy of the mining sector . the impression of k. that 2040 tons should definitely change the design of our mines we have to change the height and width of our stairs . if we decide today to go to the implementation of the design, it will take 5 years for this to change, at least, so it seems that we should not mix the issues. we need a shovel, although we need a shovel for 136 tons and
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it is not possible to fill it , it will take a lot of time, my mining traffic will increase, the productivity will increase with the completion price, if it is going to be in the global economy, there is a place for export as a base, as a root. we should pay attention to the power of competition let's define the finished price for ourselves in order to achieve more profit in the global markets . sima, let's talk about cars. i will now tell you the pain of both sides. if you have time , yes, look at the point here. when i
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can't reduce the volume of my operation due to the productions i have to do, what i make from it is wasted due to the lack of it. you will see the result of this lack of waste removal in 4 years, 5 years from now, that is, today, maybe we want to explain it more simply in parentheses for the viewers, what will happen. you will see that the void removal ratio must be implemented according to the design, that is, for example, in a mine , i have an example, like songun, like sangun, the ratio of bottle removal is 3 to one, which means that you leave every one ton of mineral that you remove, at least 3 tons, but if you come, you have taken a mineral. if you hold back the bottle , both in terms of safety and economy , the delay in the work will reach a point where it is no longer possible to extract the mineral, then you will have to remove all the tailings. in four years, five years, according to a plan, this delay should not occur. now it is happening. see, i have this.
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i will explain about this that i will open it up a little now so that your mind will be fully opened, friends, that domestic production should be supported. i don't think anyone in the country has any doubts about it, definitely everyone should, even all civil children. they also believe that those who work hard to improve the technology from one point to another should be supported. it is natural that when a domtruck weighs 60 tons, for mines that can be used, for mines that can use their shovels and loaders , it should be approved. be diligent in solving their problems. so that they can act more successfully in the future and regulate their market. i don't think gentlemen have a negative attitude towards what i am saying. but there is a place
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i don't want to go to now. let's assume that our current conditions are 136 tom tracks . i'm talking to you right now. if we are old tracks in the country, the life of them has gone up. the cost of maintenance will be high. it has a useful life . let's pay attention to his sleeping time , let's pay attention to him, you are a lost opportunity a harvest that could have increased in volume, increased in strength , and pay attention to it. today's price of mad madani harvest is definitely lower than next year due to economic reasons that there is no place for me to open it now. therefore, if this does not happen in time, we will all be left behind. it affects the economy , it affects mining and production, so
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this renovation is necessary. it is definitely necessary, it is definitely necessary , but written with a clear definition, thank you very much . if a report is ready, colleagues, let's go together to see the opinions of agreeing and disagreeing about how the renewal of letters should be done. let's go back to our conversation, the 40% reduction in mining productivity is one of the topics that is directly related to the wear and tear of mining machinery, an issue that has been approved by most miners and mining activists over the past years. but how to supply these machines from domestic production or foreign markets is one of the most important challenges in this field, which brings supporters and opponents. mehrdad akbarian, secretary of iran iron and steel association , currently there are about 30,000 mining machines in the country, more than 60%. they are worn out
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and work with low efficiency and high fuel consumption they do. we need at least 15 thousand new machines to replace them. gholamreza nazparvar, the head of khorasan razavi mining house, the production of domestic mining machinery provides up to 20% of the country's needs, and there should not be any restrictions on the import of mining machinery of any capacity at least for the next few years. dehghani , the manager of the mining activities investment insurance fund , our need to supply mining machinery is about 15,000 machines, some of which cannot be produced domestically, and in terms of value , 80% of the country's mining production is done with machinery. it is possible that they are not produced domestically, abuzar jamishid and director of minerals ministry, we can use the domestic capacity to produce as much
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as the country needs. let's import the machines. hossein ghorbani, ceo of hebco company. hepco company has proven its ability by producing and delivering 2,200 machines, and now the nominal capacity of the company is over 3,000 machines, but based on the current conditions , we are still far from the nominal capacity. seyed mohammad mousavi deputy minister of mining industry and trade, the production of all kinds of machinery in the country has grown by more than 18 by the end of august this year, despite the problems and the issues that manufacturers are involved with show the favorable process of producing equipment and machinery . farjalullah mohammadpour of radio and television news agency. well, we saw my colleague's report together. mr. mahdizadeh is a motion expert in our other studio. mr. mehdizadeh, what is your opinion , how do you think the work should be carried out? do you agree with the guests in the studio who say that the statistics of the ministry of oil
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, tafak, and the ministry are not separate. and this itself causes damage in policy making. hello dear guests and viewers. i would like to inform you that this side was taken by one of the please let me know the statistics of your service that mining harvest is coming from here . million tons of the volume of our soil operations. the statistics stated by the ministry of foreign affairs, such as 500 million tons of that mineral, which if we take into account the ratio of one to three, which mr. engineer said in sangun , we will arrive at the same number, which is one billion and 500 million . .


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