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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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it's here in the name of god. hello. in the review meeting of emergency water supply plans. a report on the construction process of desalination plants in sistan region was presented by the first vice president. according to this report , the construction stages of these desalination equipments have been completed and their installation work will begin soon . in this meeting, mr. mokhbar also tasked the ministry of energy to manage water resources and monitor the way of consumption in different sectors. in this meeting , there are some emergency plans aimed at your high pressure . with a simple measurement of blood sugar and
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blood pressure, i can prevent the silent killer on the 18th, it was on the 9th, which i didn't even know about. there were no symptoms. 530 million people in the world and 7.5 million people in iran are suffering from diabetes . it is very difficult to recognize that you have diabetes without knowing anything about it. ignoring these two diseases is an irreparable complication. according to the latest international standards, people over 35 years of age should check their blood sugar. because diabetes has no symptoms at all, diabetes control means blood sugar control, blood lipid control, blood pressure control , smoking cessation, healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and exercise. according to the report of the world health organization, 82% of the time the disease and the main cause of death in our country and in most countries of the world are non-communicable diseases. more than 14% of the population over 25 years of age have diabetes. 75 percent. this campaign
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has long-term goals. our goal in implementing all the national programs and campaigns that take place in this field is that we reduce the rate of premature and preventable deaths because most of the deaths under seven vessels are really preventable . the national health survey exceeded 37 million people and 75 thousand patients have a high probability of high blood pressure. we have now registered 44 thousands of patients who are suspected of having high blood sugar or diabetes, and besides these, we have more than 8 million iranians who have high blood pressure . non-communicable diseases threaten the country's economy and progress. 80 trillion tomans can damage our economy and this damage is equal to 5% of gdp. tehran had the largest number and
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behbahan, gerash and khomein colleges provided the largest population coverage. the free plan is widespread in my city, they must refer to prevent it. the national survey of diabetes and blood pressure has been extended until the end of january. fateme faramarzi, sed and sima news agency. increase cooperation according to the scientific vice president, sharing research experiences, creating a science and technology park and defining technological projects are part of the axes of cooperation between the two countries. after the meeting between the presidents of the islamic republic of iran and the republic of uzbekistan in june of this year, increasing scientific and technological relations as part of the understanding.
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it was placed on the agenda of both sides to expand the scientific and technological relations, the iranian delegation visited the innovation centers of this country in september this year at the invitation of the uzbek side. we believe that uzbekistan will be a very good window for market development in cis countries. we believe that due to the cultural and historical affinities that we have together and the new focus that the two presidents have in the country. let's make big things happen in joint ventures soon. dear president , i always remind you that we should always use the experience of the islamic republic of iran in our work . historically , we should use the history and experience of the islamic republic of iran in this area well and create new areas for extension of cooperation. find and we
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the participation of companies should be implemented according to the needs of the country of uzbekistan and the request that the statesmen of uzbekistan had from the statesmen of the islamic republic. a delegation came to uzbekistan for the innovation week exhibition, and we also participated, and alhamdulillah, positive things happened. now, the uzbek delegation has come to iran to continue to develop cooperation while visiting the 11th iran construction exhibition. your presence during the holidays is a sign for me that you are fully aware of the importance of time in the development of relationships.
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in particular, the contract was signed with sharif university of technology. abbas rasouli, radio and television news agency. exams children and teenagers students have started and continue until the end of december. the research of psychologists in the iranian psychological association shows that one of the important factors of exam anxiety in children and teenagers is the emphasis and secrets of some parents, coaches and teachers on getting 20 marks in exams. exam anxiety for children and teenagers in school, teachers who have high perfectionism and give this feedback to the children that a score of 20 is very important and the children should compete, this competition itself causes
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anxiety in the children, unfortunately, something that in misbehavior is very common in our society this is that my child must always get a score of 20. well, his parents have this. we can see this . we can say that there is a pandemic, a big epidemic in our society. you are coming back from the exam. i am coming back from the exam . how was your exam? it was great . they have concerns . i came back from the exam. i was a little stressed about the exam . it wasn't difficult, but it has its own stress, according to the psychologist. the name of this worry is anxiety and a small amount is normal, but if it is too much, it turns into exam anxiety and affects the students' concentration. it shows different things, it is physical, it is behavioral and
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cognitive, solutions to reduce exam anxiety , have reasonable expectations of yourself during the exam , there is a place, as a parent, i have a duty that the first thing i do is to acknowledge my child's feelings, that is, if today i say that i am anxious about my exam, don't make fun of him, tell him, don't tell him that it's not something you're afraid of, it's not something you're anxious about, the first thing i should do is to empathize with him and ask him how he feels about having an exam today. how do you feel? then he tells me that i am afraid i am anxious to come here to remind him of my child's abilities, which means to show him memories of the small things he has done so far in his life and tell him that you are the person who
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was able to overcome your problems, so this is also a challenge. you can definitely handle it , ahmad amin fard of sada news agency. hello, we will start by warning the minister of guidance to the officials of the cities whose entrance signs are farangi and to the stores that have farangi names. there is no city in the provincial center of these entrances that
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has the name of the city in the middle of these entrance squares with latin words this is against the law. municipalities should fix this. big stores , chain stores are required to have farsi names, with the farsi script of the minister of communications, the connection with the persian language was not established, it is necessary that all the devices be linked to each other.
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this is a football match between two iranian teams in an iranian stadium, the advertisements around the field are full of french words and characters, and the players' clothes to such an extent that not even a single persian word can be seen on the textile players' clothes. the writing of the festival was written and we aired the report, they did their job and i was embarrassed to receive a yellow card from mr. irshad minister. in the video that mr. khazaei aired 20-30, you and i were standing in front of a sign . i couldn't see where his farsi language was. anyway, he got a bad card yesterday.
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instead of arranging a meeting in the international conference , please send cases related to the violation of the law prohibiting the use of foreign titles and terms to the sda news agency's website, the citizen journalist section, omid jolodarian of sada news agency. and sima greetings to the dear and valuable viewers
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of the special news talk program semin, the national prayer summit was held in zanjan, and the best universities and personalities in the field of prayer were introduced and glorified . related to the host's new generation prayer. mr. dr. ahmed zerhani , deputy head of the headquarters of prayer and the authority of islam and muslims, dr. mustafa rostami, the head of the representative body of the supreme leader in universities, we are at the service of both guests . hello, mr. dr. zerhani. it was held in zanjan and in the meeting of the supreme leader of the previous years, i emphasized a lot on paying attention to the namaz of the new generation. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, alhamdulillah, the lord of the worlds
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, the supreme leader, in the last 30 meetings , expressed messages to the senior managers of the system, most of them on the principle of offering prayers and creating a culture for prayer and attention. the prayer of the new generation has been provided. the headquarters of prayer every year of understanding. general letters based on the missions of the agencies, the guidelines of the supreme leader with the executive agencies of the ministries concludes and at the end of each year through the sajjadeh system and based on field visits and based on
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the receipt of illustrated written reports that the devices give , it carries out evaluation and announces the result , so our evaluation and assessment this year is related to 1401 . this year is not over yet. we are evaluating in the 31st, 31st meeting , god willing, we will announce the results. the result of the surveys conducted last year. how did you see the situation? apparently, 13 organizations are directly in charge of promoting and performing prayers, especially for the new generation . how did you evaluate the situation of the organization? see the evaluation. we are focused on all aspects. i will read to you these devices that have the highest ratings. ministry of interior, ministry of roads and urban development, especially
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road and road transport organization, ministry of communications and information technology, national gas company of iran , social security organization, shahid foundation. organization of endowments and charitable affairs, these are the institutions that have general tasks, among the institutions that are encouraged in the field of the young generation and the future builders of the islamic revolution this year, because of some activities, there are two institutions, one is the ministry of education and the other is ministry of culture and islamic guidance of course, apart from these, the institute of jurisprudence studies under the management of mr. falahzadeh has been installed
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or is in the process of installing the limit of permission and sharia distance, conducting its studies with the help of the headquarters of prayer and road management in most places . in the future, a software will be created for it. this non-governmental device was also encouraged. this year, the honorable president showed his kindness and personally signed the certificates of appreciation for the devices . put it this way, we have about a thousand points to evaluate used devices they are encouraged to score above 800 , and the devices that are below 500 are warned. alright, mr. zarhani , let's keep it here, we will come back to your excellency,
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dr. rostami. main to promote prayer, especially for the new generation of universities. please tell me what is the state of prayer in universities across our country now. how many percent of our universities are holding congregational prayers? do you have any statistics on how many percent of students pray in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful? all dear viewers of the vijeh talk show , i offer my greetings and politeness, and i wish you success for all my dear ones, and i thank you that the subject of prayer is the topic of the wijeh conversation on the khabar and akhbar network. thank god , i thank dr. zerhani for organizing the third prayer meeting. well, as you said, it is one of the centers where the gathering of the young generation and the gathering of elite groups of professors and students in the country's higher education spaces is, where the discussion of prayer
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becomes especially important in proportion to the importance of the young generation. well, the category of prayer and paying attention to prayer is a discussion in a more general space called paying attention to rituals and beliefs and beliefs and in accordance with the changes that may happen in the life and mental atmosphere of the young generation, this category also changes, all the statistics increase the amount of attention to wind rituals in proportion to the increase in age . there is a direct relationship with the statistics that we have about the university environment , which are accurate statistics, in the sense that a project called the image of student life
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is implemented every year by the universities, centered on the ministry of science. free sciences of farhangians and payam noor and other universities countries with a population ratio. according to the case, in any case, a research will be done in the form of a questionnaire . more than 160 questions will be asked from the children in the area of ​​prayer. this year's statistics, which i requested a few moments ago from our loved ones in the ministry of science, and received more than 70% of young students have a positive attitude towards prayer. they have this positive attitude towards prayer, which means they have an effect. there is a hopeful part , there is a good feeling towards prayer and towards the person who prays. now, what proportion of these children who have a positive attitude towards prayer
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are those who adhere to prayer? they may not have the necessary commitment to perform prayers at all times and at all times, but in any case, this statistic is in the context of the heavy volume of belief and adherence to sharia and religious rites for our youth. especially the damage that we have to accept happened during the closure of our public and higher education centers. during the corona period, this statistic is a good statistic, which means that it is our duty to introduce our loved ones to the good things of life more than before, but we should be aware of the funds available in beside this reasonable issue of
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congregational prayer is an issue that depends on a set of conditions it happens in universities, in the sense that students are in university some days and some days they are not, according to the units they choose . that the number of students is naturally a smaller proportion and number, however , i would like to present the general statistics of the year and dear viewers, we have 282 mosques in our university. konem means 282 mosques and some universities have 500 to 1000 because many universities do not have mosques.
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that is, most major universities, major universities, universities, universities with good student populations have 282 mosques because we had about 3,000 higher education centers in the country, with the modification and change of some centers and institutions, we have about 2,000 educational centers. . higher education, which includes 200 applied scientific community universities, which are sometimes located in the same building , payam noor universities and open universities in small units
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, small towns, cities, and the centers of payam noor universities in their various distributions, and universities of the ministry there are sciences, so this is us 3 a thousand or 200 over 200 higher education centers are not 2000 universities. we see that there are 282 mosques , that is, in fact, 282 higher education centers with a suitable population and location in terms of land. sometimes they may have restrictions in which mosques are built , but there are 3,248 places of prayer in the set of higher education centers of the country, which include the ministry. there are open sciences of the ministry of health and other universities, because i am referring to the ministry of health. the educational hospitals that operate under the universities of medical sciences are also in this statistic, mr. dr. rostami , please be very brief, these are 3248 sets of iqamas.
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prayers are one of the axes that both our loved ones in the country's prayer headquarters and universities' higher headquarters are paying attention to, and in the evaluations, the quality of equipment and attention to the appropriateness of the prayer environment should be thanked to god. those who are present in the ministry of science, ministry of health, azad university and various universities of the country are personalities who believe in prayer . based on different variables, they are evaluated and given a score
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it is given the same thing that our loved ones do in terms of prayer, which is either encouraged or warned or has an average status. one of the axes that has recently been included in the evaluation of hospitals is the quality of the place of prayer, the prayer hall or the hospital mosque , that is, there are groups that control it. on this basis, if mr. rostami and mr. zohra allow us to take a break , i have prepared a short report for my colleagues related to. guides should remember this truth in the relationship between prayer and young people , recognize the duty that is on their shoulders, talk about the importance of the place of prayer for according to the leader of the revolution, teenagers and young people , in his last year's message at the national summit.
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it was recited, and this year it is still in its power to pave the way for the new generation to learn and offer prayers and improve the quality of it. his attention to the namaz of the new generation increases the responsibility of institutions such as schools and universities. despite the importance of this issue , some of the clerics of the schools complain about the delay in paying the transportation fees and some parents complain about the lack of proper prayer rooms in some schools. schools. unfortunately, the school my child attends does not have a prayer room. the school authorities have to hold prayers in one of the classes. shows that yet.
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there are shortcomings in offering prayers in schools. officials of the ministry of education say that the budget is not defined as the main reason behind the late payment of fees to school clergy. we do not have any line for pensions in the industrial budget, education , and they are announcing the favorable promise of the government board to solve this problem by approving a new law. in the edited and updated version of this regulation that is still in the court. publicly, the government delegation has not gone to the row education has been added, one of which is the discussion of student prayer per capita and the other is the discussion of the rights of imams. according to the officials of this ministry, the problem of lack of prayer rooms and equipment has also been brought to the notice of the irgc deprivation deprivation camp, and they have also announced their readiness to solve this problem, but there is still no memorandum to the signature has not been received. mohsen soltani of radio and television
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news agency. very well, we have seen the report. mr. dr. zerhani, the director general of quran obedience and prayer in the ministry of education , they are saying that we have a budget problem, and they are raising the issue of the budget and saying that the prayer headquarters should do this. follow up the status of the prayer rooms the schools are also not very satisfactory. what is your answer to this article and issue and what is your solution to get out of these problems? the fact is that in some universities mr. dr.


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