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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , welcome to the capital market news. two financing platforms have started to operate. new crowdfunding platform mobeen and danayan started working as new members of crowdfunding platforms in the over-the-counter market . mobeen crowdfunding platform operates in the field of information technology, metal industry, culture and art. also , danayan's financing platform has been defined for activities in the fields of food and beverage industries and industries focused on information and communication technology. by
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the end of december this year, financing of 305 projects in the amount of 2530 billion tomans from the platform of crowdfunding iran's foreign exchange has been realized. the halls of the iran commodity exchange hosted more than 600,000 tons of goods and products on saturday, december 17. the largest volume of transactions was related to talar siman. about 28 were traded in the hall of industrial and mineral products, and about 28 chemicals were traded in the hall of petrochemicals and petroleum products. the export hall experienced the transaction of more than 83 thousand tons of non-ferrous and ingots. the volume of goods transactions in talal auction was again 93 thousand tons. 12 thousand tons of products were sold in the secondary market. the minister of economy said information and specifications.
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born last year, the profile of 300,000 was done the person has been approved by executive bodies. according to khandozi, the latest details and the process of giving shares to babies will be announced to their parents, and the stock exchange organization will carry out the process of allocating shares. he also said that in order to grant shares to those born in 1402, negotiations were made with the program and budget organization to give these shares to those born. according to mr. khandozi , according to the law, giving shares to babies should have started in the middle of 1400 , but the credit was not provided and it started in 1401. the indicators of the glass hall were bullish in the trading of the stock market on sunday. in this day automotive and metal products
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had the highest transaction value. all the indices of the stock market increased on sunday. the total index of the glass hall, which represents the trading trend of the big symbols of the market , was accompanied by an increase of more than 3 thousand points in the first half of trading, but then it took a reverse movement and finally settled for an increase of 1105 points and reached the level of 2 million 154 thousand. units, but on the second trading day of this week, the homus index, which represents the trading of small and medium stocks, increased by 2931 units and stood at the level of 76029 units. the stock market witnessed this day more than 5 billion 515 million stocks and financial bonds were exchanged in 358 thousand times with a value of 3680 billion tomans. symbols of steel and ghadir rampana se dasht bish. shad along with kegul and
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parsan prevented further increase of total index. the net change of legal ownership to real money in the market was negative for the second day, and about 50 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. the largest withdrawal of real money was made from the groups of stock funds, chemical products and banks. the largest amount of real money was allocated to nestaghi groups, mining of metal ores and ceramic tiles. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that there were 4005 positive symbols and 370 negative symbols. also, 67 symbols faced buying queues and 34 symbols faced selling queues. the total value of purchase pages was 348 billion tomans, and the total value of sales pages was 153 billion tomans. but on the other side of the market , the otc total index increased by 61 points to 261 points. over-the-counter traders sold 3 billion and 155 million shares in 20. ghazal arab gul of sada and vasima news agency, mat
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diroz bazar. stocks had a relatively balanced trend on sunday. experts believe that positive returns are possible there are different groups. considering that this investment market is affected by systematic and unsystematic risks, we can point out that there are no specific unsystematic risks that affect industries, and there may be systematic risks that affect the stock market. let's say that interest rate adjustment and other issues are expected here, and anyway, the uncertainty that most shareholders and investors have is the increase in the dollar rate and the effects
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it may have on this market. it is expected here that shareholders and investors are especially unprofessional. oh you keep investing in investment funds and other tools of this market. and professional managers should be more careful about their entry and exit in this market and act more professionally. the operations manager of tehran stock exchange said about the latest status of the case of discovery of digital width miner devices of 1400 in tehran stock exchange: these devices are seized by ambal organization. the board of directors of the stock exchange regarding the construction committee. mann complained to the previous board of directors of the tehran stock exchange and a decision was issued in the judicial authorities. these miners are currently in the so-called the form of that organization is confiscation of property so that
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the so-called necessary legal measures can be taken, and that number is now a few. the so-called extracted one is in one volt in the tehran stock exchange. the director of financial markets of the iran commodity exchange announced the transaction of 85 tons of saffron from the beginning of the year to the end of december in the commodity exchange. according to mr. fallah, the commodity exchange is on the way to becoming the world's saffron price reference, and traders. foreigners are monitoring the stock exchange board . since the beginning of the year, about 45 tons of precious saffron have been imported into the warehouses of the stock exchange, and the price is the same. for saffron, and the stock exchange organization
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announced the conditions for membership in the board of directors of provincial equity investment companies for the two provinces of north khorasan and zanjan. the real owners of motaghazi awadit must send their identity documents and information to the address of stan. candidates' qualifications are subject to having at least bachelor's degrees. in order to become a member of the board of directors, while confirming his qualification in the stock exchange organization, a person must go to the general assembly of provincial companies. take stock justice is also chosen. legal shareholders , if elected as members of the board of directors, must send their representative's information to the system within 15 days after holding the assembly. the end of
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capital market news, may god protect you. the construction of this house is by my own hands, which you saw is strange and useless like a grocery store, it wants to be issued , creating competition and removing the golden signature in support of women.
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four of us followed in the dormitory. we were in the first semester , in fact , i came on the first day and applied, but now it's the 3rd semester, we really want to stop talking about student life. we thought this would help us a lot. help the students to lead a beautiful life with less money. the story of the lack of student dormitories in public universities goes back to the years when the need to provide them was removed. we were in the queue , it was a little long because there are a lot of requests. unfortunately , due to the fact that the university has few units , the right of priority is given to those who have children, and by removing the obligation of dormitory, especially for students. who were married , added another concern besides education. it is definitely
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good to have a hostel. they used to say that providing accommodation is one of the scientific duties it is not a university. i had to be away from my daughter for a while and i had to come every day with the pursuits i had. finally, after three semesters, i managed to get a dormitory. at the same time as the spread of the corona virus in march 2018 , the lights of most of the dormitories were turned off. since the 80s. that postgraduate education became popular in the country and prevailed in the universities of our country, we should have thought about providing married dormitories, but until last year, almost 17 universities had married dormitories, as you mentioned, we had about 1,265 units of married dormitories we need that in order to law we have acted to support the family and the youth of the population and provide up to 100,000 units for our loved ones . but from november 1400, the problem became different. with
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the passing of the family and youth protection law , the situation moved towards compensating the dormitories so that , in addition to helping the academic development of young people, marriage would also be easier. purchase and completion of married couples' dormitories , especially in less developed areas, according to article 13 of the sixth plan law , should be done from their own source of income. according to this legal article, the ministry of science can use the special construction incomes from the conversion of proprietary properties to provide dormitories for married couples. to pay regarding my students, married dormitories have started in some cities, and almost all universities have plans to develop dormitories, but according to his holiness, it is a bit slow. the promulgation of the law by the president in the youth headquarters of the population and supporting the family is one of those necessities that has a very serious role in relation to
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the increase in the population . all these together, if i act, we can meet the needs of the dormitories we can provide it. when there is no dormitory, i have to be on the move. don't worry, you can't do anything. by the end of this year, we will deliver 300 units of married dormitories, that is , married students will be delivered. currently, the construction of 4,000 dormitories has started, which will make us able to soon it is a matter of credits to exploit it. if we had this space even earlier, maybe i would have graduated and i am a student now.
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and the joint work of the ministry of science with the ministry of roads and urban development in two or three years, maybe the dormitory dam break the students. having a residential dormitory really distanced me from the concerns i had about housing and i was able to do research with more focus because when i had concerns , especially housing concerns, i really couldn't think of anything other than a roof and shelter for my children. i think it's good for us who have children to have a place to live after we were given a dormitory , the conditions have improved, thank god that the children are with us, that we can get to our studies. according to the law of universities that are committed to provide accommodation for students, if
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if they cannot provide accommodation to students, they must pay them 50% of the housing deposit. it is very unusual and useful to use, so that no one will get this hot, you won't have the chance to fly. don't miss the opportunity to fly! with the announcement of the neighborhood policy by the 13th government , communication with the neighboring countries , muslim countries, is one of the characteristics of the neighboring countries
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. by reducing controversial issues such as gas prices in turkmenistan with the entry of the 13th government and solving it and the policy of neighborliness and reducing tension with neighbors in the 13th government and increasing commercial and economic relations in this government, we have seen a significant growth in trade. we are with central asian countries, for example, in the 13th government, trade exchanges between iran and tajikistan increased 5 times in terms of the development of economic cooperation. well, fortunately, we have seen significant growth during the life of the 13th people's government. almost the volume of relationships
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has grown five times during the last two years. one of the fields of this cooperation was in the field of issuing technical and engineering services, including: in the field of dam construction. iranian engineers in many hydro and wind power projects are operating in tajikistan. well, this dam works as an electric dam. its height is 335 meters , which is actually the highest dam in the world. the volume of the lake behind the dam has a capacity of 14 billion cubic meters of water storage, which is one of its kind. it is considered a very big dam. six power plants each with a capacity of 600 megawatts will be installed in this dam. so far , two of them have been installed and with their completion , it will be possible to produce 360 ​​megawatts of electricity. fortunately , today iranian engineers of iranian companies are in the construction big energetic loads including that
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the construction of the abi-rougan electric power plant, which they share , has also increased trade exchanges between iran and turkmenistan in the central asian region. with mr. raisi's trips to turkmenistan and vice president there, we had a very good growth , reaching about 350 million dollars. we expect that our business relations will reach at least 3 billion. however, the share of iran's trade with the central asian region in the total trade of iran is still very low and about one issue of monetary and banking exchanges, it increases our risk , as well as trade disputes, as you expect , and it also increases the cost of exchange and that
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what we have in our development plans, which we expect that the increase in our trade will be acceptable compared to the volume of trade between the two countries, these two obstacles are to be solved, namely, the source and the financial issue, which is very important. we can have more activity in the field of cis, and according to the definition of the north-south corridor, considering that there is such an opportunity, if this opportunity is provided by the ministry of roads. if we are able to define the same tariffs or lower deviations, we can have foreign exchange and investment in this field. in this the current increase in the visits of iranian officials to this region and the visits of their leaders to our country indicates a strong will to expand relations. we hope that these
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trips and these meetings can lead to the development of our relations in the region and that policy. the neighborhood, which is the basis for our government, can be realized objectively and practically . i would like to note that constructive political dialogues have been established between our countries , economic and cultural relations are actively developing, and very good works have been done in the field of infrastructure in the field of shipping. the discussion now is about the connection between akte port and kurik port to amirabad port the volume of both our exchanges and transit will increase seriously. expectations for increasing trade relations are due to the fact that iran and central asia are geographically and culturally connected. four out of five countries. this region is a member of the shanghai cooperation organization. the two countries are located along the shores of the caspian sea. five central asian countries
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are also members of the economic cooperation organization (eco). it is expected that an important and effective step will be taken to implement the action plan contained in the 2025 vision of eco regarding the establishment of a free trade zone in eco, as well as the success report of trade. a limited preference known as ecota should also be implemented after two decades. in addition, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan are also members of the eurasian economic union, which recently signed a free trade agreement with iran. the free trade agreement between the islamic republic of iran and the eurasian economic union is considered the most important cooperation document with iran, and by signing this document, iran it will become one of the important partners of the eurasian union. in my opinion , this will create an explosion of import and export , especially on the goods that
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are needed by these countries. the geopolitical and geographical position of iran is for these countries that do not have access to the open sea , the railway route that is being agreed from china to kyrgyzstan to uzbekistan. armenia and iran, which is connected to the south sea , is a very important road network in order to complete the chain of east-west corridors in this region, and a very good decision was made , there should be a joint working group in all countries. it's an energy issue, and fortunately, they accept that the islamic republic of iran will become shankai's dream with our proposal, and this is an important point about the issues. transit all the prime ministers on transit emphasized the north and south corridors and the countries of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan and
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kyrgyzstan on the issue of the corridor through iran to the persian gulf and vice versa, and especially the connection between china and kyrgyzstan that was brought up and from that route. on the other hand, we can say that all the prime ministers announced the connection of iran's road and rail lines , one of the important topics of the logistics discussion, which fortunately for both iran and kazakhstan, which is landlocked, is important for kazakhstan, in terms of being a partner. we are sure in the caspian sea area the route of trant goods to the north- south channel can be very important for us. kazakhstan has strengthened its infrastructural areas in the logistics sector
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. our crossing borders, the inchburn border, are very important for the inchburn free zone, which , fortunately, in terms of logistics , investments have been made in our northern areas and our northern ports. the interest of our qadhagi parties in the area of ​​our southern ports in band abbas. agreements have been made. currently , this region is connected to iran's railway network through two border crossings, sarkhaz and inche barun, as the gateway to central asian countries. from the region inchbron has approved having the inchbron area as a transit route for their own goods and it is decided that they will definitely reach a joint venture with the iranian parties at the location of inchbron because it is one of the reliable routes and routes. the north-south corridor is from the northern border areas, which is the border
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of our free zone, the free zone of the free zone, and the inchbrunn free zone, in terms of easier access to kazakhstan and reaching even russia , for kazakhstan and countries like russia, the core of chabahar port is also important from with different regions of the world including india has so that kazakhstan, uzbekistan and turkmenistan announced their desire to invest in this port.
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you came all this way just to say goodbye to me , why did it happen like this, even though the installment is not over yet , a good tv at a good price with a long term in sarai irani. finally , the price is in sarai irani. or a basket of goods
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, for example, is 20 million tomans and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance, this 20% must be deducted from the consumer's price, in this way , our debt will be 16 million tomans. deductibles and fees should be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash .
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yes, it's very easy. a city behind these shops is diverse and convenient. a city is behind your shopping . we will host you at the central branch until 2 am. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the news section at 9 o'clock. the public meeting of the parliament
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has started with the agenda of amending the law on the education of construction workers' homework and the law on social insurance for construction workers. to find out more details, i will talk with the reporter of sed and cima news agency in majlis khanum ali khani, greetings to you, in the name of god , greetings and good morning to you and the viewers of the news channel .


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