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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] to correct and restore the ovaries of women who have experienced premature menopause, because the ovaries of these people have a problem that they cannot actually make the egg or sperm or have their own function to produce hormones, so these patients have problems during when they suffer from some complications, heart diseases, osteoporosis, disorders. in that year, we started a joint project with the institute's stem cell group, where we took stem cells from the individual's own fat tissue , converted them into stem cells in the stem cell section
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, and then in the clinic's operating room. at in fact, we used to inject into the ovary. our first study was this, and we got a fairly good response. well, we had some limitations, both in terms of the number of patients and the costs that we had, because i actually talked to the stemsel group about this treatment. we considered a long-term treatment, a 10-year process. that over time, first, let's do one side, then do both sides , and then do it multiple times, so that this treatment actually becomes a routine treatment for these people that we are doing this, and besides, recently , it has been a year now, that the products of the cells basic use we are doing it, but our plan
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has not yet been closed under the name of extrosikkel extrosik. these are the products of stem cells, which we take from the stem cells of the brain and bone, in fact , we take these protein packages and inject them into the ovaries of these women who are trying to get pregnant early, in the hope that this will actually change the environment of the ovary . it should be activated and we are getting answers to some extent. now, 19 patients have been successfully tested in this way. in our first study, we did this to 9 people who did not have any complications, now for at least two years in some of the we are in contact with all of the previous people, in our second study there are 10 people, because these are expensive products, and then we have no idea about them
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. it's enough, then if we were to do a clinical trial plan now, we should do more number or another new method in which one or both of the couples get cancer and with the improvement of this disease, their reproductive cells due to chemotherapy and or the radiation therapy is gone. it's not like it used to be because of the drugs that are used for malignancy become infertile in the future. as you know, drugs that are used to treat cancer, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy or even different surgeries that are performed for malignancy, strongly affect people's fertility in the future. today, we can
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give these people the hope of having children in the future with the help of assisted reproduction methods. embryo or ovarian tissue freezing , moving the ovaries from the radiotherapy path in the field of radiotherapy . they are complex and should be in a group that is completely connected to each other and have a relationship with each other . these people will be seen by specialists in different fields and we can give these people the blessing of having children in the future. fortunately, this team in a fully formed vision is called a multidisciplinary team or a multi-specialty team of different specialties and this team
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is active. patients can visit every day and a specialized consultation will be given to these people, and if the patient will benefit. this method can be used , it is bed tissue freezing which is performed laparoscopically patients who are suitable for this method will be separated from the patient, this piece of the bed or the whole bed will be frozen depending on the type of disease and in the future it can be returned to the patient's body. it works. in this technological method, experts from different disciplines from royan research institute are looking to solve the couple's fertility problem. is he married or no , what type of cancer is he suffering from and what is the degree of that cancer? well, with a consultation with fields that are related, such as oncology or fields where the patient's body parts are involved.
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in that super-specialized field, a consultation is done and the best method means that it is not possible to determine exactly which method is right for this patient, how much time the patient has until, for example, we can treat his cancer . mentioning the success in the treatment of 40% transference is one of the honors that royan research institute has achieved in the treatment of infertility. now , thanks to these honors, which were the basis of the report of the late ashtiani and his companions at royan research institute. ini's wife, who wished for a child, is now by her side. they live among us with their children.
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mehboob delangiz of sed and sima news agency. right after the end of the corona epidemic, addressing the obesity and inactivity of students was put on the agenda of the authorities. during the last 22 months , about three sports spaces were opened every day with the aim of reducing the physical problems of the future generation of iran. shahid soleimani's plan was implemented from april 401. about a thousand sports spaces were repaired and about 2,100 new sports spaces were created. exercise is very important for my health. ever since the grass has become the ground , we have not fallen. when our ground is grassed , the children are very cheerful, they fall less often and get injured
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, the children's self-confidence has increased, even though the lack of space sports can be felt in schools all over iran, but here the priority is mainly the border areas that we are considering and the areas that have social problems. having a situation that requires more attention to implement sports programs and create a sports space. with the implementation of this project , we have seen a 55% increase in the number of sports spaces, and per capita the students' sports space has increased from 3m square meters to four tenths of square meters. and hope for the future has increased due to the sports atmosphere. to the extent that sometimes we have this plan in the school districts that were created, it caused the dropout rate from education decrease and the attendance of students
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increase the enthusiasm of students to register in schools and their attendance especially in art schools. i am the attacker of the national team and i hope that i can participate in the implementation of the plan of the family and students. it speaks of the national sports movement. it is true that the ministry of education actually started this work, but with the support of the people , with the participation of families, students, their cooperation in the implementation of this plan, perhaps their participation. in providing the required infrastructure, the work that the children themselves do, sometimes the families themselves do the work in this environment and in that bed, and this made people know this plan by themselves. and in fact, just as the martyr soleimani of rome knows from themselves, this project, which was named after this dear martyr , has a special attachment to this project. now, creating a sports environment in the school has become a task. he has been successful, thanks to the blood
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of this dear martyr , he has been a lawmaker in the field of legislation and with the good support of parliamentarians alhamdulillah, the creation of an atmosphere of study within the law school was also possible. adoption of radio and television. the construction of this house is in my own hands, as you have seen, stranger, in article 1, a grocery license is to be issued, to create competition and remove the golden signature in support of women, and on this eid night, there will be a lot of wheat imports, free of charge, the amount of aid
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for construction workers, insure the applicants. we thought about this a lot and it will help a lot for those families who have up to one child. to students who can lead a beautiful life with less money. the story of lack of student dormitories in public universities for years it turns out that its necessity for provision was removed. we were in the queue, it was a little long because there are a lot of requests. unfortunately, due to the small number of university units, the right of priority is also given to those who have children, and by removing the obligation of dormitory, especially for students. who were married added another concern besides education.
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it is definitely good to have a hostel. they said that providing dormitory is not part of the academic duties of the university. i had to be away from my daughter for a while and i had to come every day with the pursuits i had. finally , after three semesters, i managed to get a dormitory. at the same time with the spread of the corona virus in march 2018, the virtualization of education , lights were turned off in most of the dormitories. since the 80s. that post-graduate education became popular in the country and prevailed in the universities of our country , we should have thought about providing married dormitories, but until last year, approximately 17 universities had married dormitories, as you mentioned , we had about 1265 married dormitory units. we need to provide at least 100,000 units for our loved ones in order to comply with the family and youth protection law. but from
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november 1400, the problem became different. by passing the law supporting the family and the youth of the population, the situation went towards compensating the dormitories, so that in addition to helping the academic development of young people, it would be easier to get married. the purchase and completion of married couples' dormitories, especially in the less developed areas, under article 103 of the sixth plan law, should be done from their own source of income . was approved. based on this legal article, the ministry of science can pay for the provision of hostels for married people from the special incomes, construction and conversion of proprietary properties. in the case of students , married dormitories have started in some cities and almost all universities have plans to do so the dormitories should be subjugated, but according to hazrat ali , it is a bit slow. promulgating the law that the president in the youth headquarters of the population and family support to
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it. there are necessities that play a very serious role in relation to the increase in population. in the meantime, the ministry of science has considered several options in order to achieve the optimum allocation of dormitories for married students. we can provide the motahrid, when there is no dormitory, i have to actually go back and forth. to be able to exploit the discussion of credits it has started what makes us early , if we had this space even earlier , maybe i would have graduated and i am now a
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doctor student. i was because i myself was brilliant because my average was a. if i want to make a promise that i hope will be fulfilled, it was mehr 1403. i hope that we will be able to build 100 units of newly constructed matahali, we can promise it to our respected students and work together the ministry of science and the ministry of roads and urban development may break the barrier of dormitories for students in two or three years. having a dormitory is one of those worries it really gave me a break for the housing discussion, and i was able to do research with more focus , especially when i was worried. after the dormitory was given to us, the conditions became very good , which means thank god that the children are in front of us and that we are able to attend our studies. according to the law of the universities that
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are committed to providing the dormitory for the students, if they cannot provide the student with a dormitory, they must pay 50 percentage of housing deposit to it. hello, dear viewers, have a good afternoon. the national health survey, which is aimed at screening people with high blood pressure or diabetes, in more than
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from 180 cities of our beloved country, 37 million people have crossed the border. in this survey, health care workers and healthcare workers in 29 thousand. health community center, health house and health service community base are serving the people. in this regard, we have established a relationship with the dean of shushtar school of medical sciences and health care services. hello mr. sheriff, can you tell me from the latest statistics how much of the population is covered by you? mr. dr. kalan. well, apparently they don't have our voice and our communication has not been established, as you dear and precious viewers know from the 20th. in the month of november, this campaign was started by the ministry of health and medical education by mobilizing all its service personnel in the country's regions, as i said
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, in more than 180 cities and 29 thousand bases , they are serving the people. if you have not had this opportunity until today to join this campaign, be sure to plan and take advantage of this service, which is free of charge . i have to say that this move is not done it has been named with the title of "earlier awareness and our care is more effective" and with this slogan, god willing , it will continue to serve the dear and precious people until the end of december, dear ones, please let me know if our connection with shusher or neishabur is not established. we
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will be at your service until we come back. hello to all self-care recommendations to reduce consumption. salt. reduce salt intake to prevent high blood pressure . when cooking food , add as little salt as possible. remove the salt shaker from the dining table. reduce salt intake, but for use the same amount of iodized salt. store refined iodized salt in dark colored containers away from light. from using non- standard salts such as rock salt. etc. avoid separately. use refined salt to soak rice. everyone in the family, starting with an older child, should consume refined iodized salt. keeping and storing iodized salt for a long time causes the loss of part of its iodine. therefore
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, as much as possible , prepare iodized salt for short-term use. consuming snacks and salty foods such as smoked fish, salted nuts, pay attention because they tell you that in the product how much salt is there? instead of salt , use spices such as mint and dry basil in food. to improve the taste of food and reduce use of salt in food preparation, instead of salt , use fresh vegetables, garlic, lime, orange juice, thyme, chives, etc. eating fatty and salty foods.
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it makes you closer to a heart attack. reducing salt intake protects you against high blood pressure, cardiovascular and kidney diseases, osteoporosis and some cancers such as stomach cancer. do not add salt to fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw, such as green tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. of the types of kernels and seeds use unsalted and unscented nuts. canned foods and more. ready-packaged foods contain large amounts of salt. reduce their consumption. use low-salt or unsalted breads. note that the amount of salt in breads is usually high. try to eat fresh and natural foods , reduce the consumption of salty, smoked and pickled foods. to reduce the salt content of cheeses , soak them in water before consumption. the most important reason for consuming too much salt. it is used to salty taste. be sure to reduce your salt intake over time to taste
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you also get used to low salt. apparently, we are in contact with the head of shushtar school of medical sciences and health services, mr. dr. kalanter . hello, please tell me what are your latest statistics from the national health survey at your university. yes , and how many percent of the population have you been able to poll? in the name of allah, the most merciful, i am at your service and all the dear viewers of the khabar channel and all the people of iran. i say hello. thank you. as well as the memorandum from november 20 of this year, the time period was determined by the ministry of health until december 30, which is called as barz. establishing a national health campaign for the heart the burden and control of blood pressure and diabetes
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are determined for people over 18 years of age. well, you know that high blood pressure and diabetes, as two very important non-communicable diseases , play a large role in the occurrence of deaths in the world and in iran. this disease can be controlled by taking medicine, but the important thing is that it is never completely cured. the prevention of citizens and the prevention of premature deaths caused by non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, are of great importance. the important goal and important goals of implementing the national health campaign are the relative increase in detection and the increase in care and treatment in patients with diabetes and high blood pressure and increasing society's awareness of the risk factors, consequence and importance
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of early diagnosis and control of diabetes and high blood pressure . well, we know that the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases in the world and their chronic, progressive and debilitating nature is very worrying. almost three out of four deaths worldwide are due to these non-communicable diseases. for this reason , non-communicable diseases are considered as a health priority in the world , and in iran, more than 82% of the deaths are related to these non-communicable diseases. because the statistics are progressing, the necessity and identification of risk factors and control is very important for us. mr. dr. kenanter, i apologize to you. our goal is to tell you in less than one minute what actions you took in shushtar city. how many centers are serving the people, from what time until what
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time can people come to your service? well , shushtar city has 20,000 people , 220,000 urban and rural population and 150,000 people over 18 years of age. fortunately, the entire country has started this campaign from november 20 until today from this number, until now that i am speaking to you , 88 of the target population of people over 18 years of age have actually been identified and participated, which ranked 14th among 63 universities and faculties of medical sciences across the country. many of you have less
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chance. . o allah, accept my martyrdom, o allah, please, o lord. o allah, accept me and the martyrs . o allah, accept
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me and the martyrs. does it guarantee the price? shahreh tazmin. a city stands behind this guarantee. a city behind your shopping. until 2:00 in the morning at the central branch of the host we are you it has come so far that you just said goodbye to me, did it happen like this? is the installment not over yet? a good tv at a reasonable price with a
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long lifespan in sarai irani. finally, the price is in the iranian house. bride, i am telling you for the third time , what happened to my lawyer? it is not possible. is it really possible? yes, why not? it has been notified to buy dowry with 60 installments in 60 times in the city of larger household appliances. it's very easy. up to 300 million tomans , he doesn't want a real estate bond , he doesn't want to block the guarantor's deposit. up to 50 million, my guarantor doesn't want to pay back up to 5 years . i didn't say the real thing. wait, i'll ask about rome's rights, sorry. you also tell the terms of the loan for legal entities, up to
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750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees. nikan mlam project , loan loan of up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7.5 billion rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years , short-term deposit, long-term repayment project, nikan mlam project
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of mlam credit institution. welcome to the half day news. amendment of the law on facilitation of tax preparers' duties in the parliament. all miners must issue electronic account speed. intense clashes in the south of the center of gaza with 73 martyrs in the last day and night, the senior member of hamas, the zionists without achieving their goals, i.e. the destruction of hamas and the release of captives, they retreated from northern gaza , mineral grade measurement with iranian technology, tajz


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