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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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notification of petrochemical products belonging to the national petrochemical industry company, in cooperation with the working group of the petrochemical industry employers' association, industry activists will have access to the production information, the export warehouse inventory and the manufacturer's repair plan . the information will be published in this system for at least one month. the producers are obliged to send the information of this system to the iranian petrochemical industry national company. cooperate , the cases of not sending the above information can be followed up according to the law. there is a record of the meetings, so i say it happened, who should implement this, the ministry of poisons, no, this is in cooperation, exactly, in cooperation with the petroshini employers association, yes , we are also cooperating, we ourselves, what do you mean when you want to create transparency, i
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will go to the producer to see if at all this petochemical is producing, it has stock in stock, how is the market situation being monitored, mr. cheez , look at the mpc, let me tell you something, mr. dor and his colleagues are in the downstream industry, go and get an order from the government, tell us that you did not see us all in the stock market. let's leave it to them to divide by themselves look at the competition, your own competition. why do you blame others? yes, they should go to the root, tell me, sir, how many , why are there so many products and grades competing ? we are in the country, we are thinking that next year, if there is any life left, mr. aslani, you should know right now
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, you added 29% to the propylene currency last year on this date . if you had a 29% increase in purchases, you should go that way your growth means you have 35 to 40 growth in the chain . you go and bring this growth to me
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. let me tell you what the problem is, sir. let's go to the root of the matter, what is the brain of that matter, sir, there are two brains, one is that the ministry was supposed to launch them. those who buy are real, that means connected to taxes , i don't know, electricity consumption, insurance, etc., that they don't need now, they themselves know not to look at themselves, i don't know, not to look at their cooperative. they are buying and selling in the form of a compound and exporting it, so bhiniyab is not working properly, look at this one. are you satisfied with our fast talkers? a company only produces pads. poor thing, he not only produced them, but he went to import them . now he is stuck. it means that now
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it is time to observe justice in speaking a promise . see, if we say that the ministry will not be appointed very easily . let me tell you that the ministry is announcing that , sir, our production statistics are so high in this system, it is not possible to verify the arrival of the invoices . on the one hand, let's announce with confidence that we are in one year in the past, the increase in the export of our compounds was about 240 million dollars. on the one hand, sir, you are a smuggler. see, the logic of behavior must
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be clear. if there was growth in production , there was also growth in demand. i would like to ask a question. the rate is 38,500 compared to the fall of last year , our transaction statistics have grown by about 7%, that is, if it is the fall of 140132, why are we talking? competition in the commodity exchange has a taste, friends , to get used to this taste, there is a supply floor you can't see if this supply floor is being met or not, as mr. alirezaei
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said in this report, even if the supply floor that is not being met is announced for various reasons such as shadan. overhaul or various cases have not led to the filing of a case and have not been dealt with. we have numerous cases of non-compliance with the supply floor. we have orders that market regulation meetings are held every two weeks . we always have a normal answer, sir, i had a problem, the catalyst had a problem. see if the effort this ministry and the oil ministry were not there now that we were vavila, but what will happen , we came and gave the originality to the market engineer, that is , if we call a petrochemical, contrary to what
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happened in the case of tui h shazand, that is the behavior that he did until before this private sector , we used to import shazand petrochemicals . i think there was a delay of several months until a discussion that took place in the regulation of the market promised to do this issue. we do not deny your efforts , but we say that this process system that exists , i have the raw materials for my foreign consumer. i get it more expensive, hey, government men , listen to us, why should they export when they export? don't take the cost of the packaging pallet from strangers, but take it from me. why should the prices that mr. mahdavi abar export be cheaper? no, it's not cheaper . how much is your value
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? well, it's not what we have here now, for example , 5%, 10%, that is, mr. has shares in this petrochemical. if it's steam, if they sell it abroad, the cost is even if they sell it at my price. they have about 5% of the currency transfer fee. again , the total cost of the final income of petrochemicals will be less . you see , they charge the added value from me, the domestic producer, they charge the competition fee , they charge the commodity exchange fee, and all these fees are charged to me. i have to go to global trade. i have about 30% of the market in iraq, 72 markets in afghanistan , pakistan, 13 in armenia, tajikistan, and turkmenistan. in our target countries , we have a market of more than 134 billion dollars. all the hard work you have done is 16 million
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dollars . see, 16 billion dollars. iran is attractive if friends, please help, for example, in the field , so that the viewers understand some examples , so that the public can understand, even the biggest thing that the government has ordered, put the floor on the stock market . what the country needs and should, we do not export . . we will leave it all at their disposal. they can take whatever they want. father, my exports are mr. aslani. now the government is monitoring
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us. in one month, our currency will decrease. the government will come and say, why does it need this width ? the country of this width is yours again. that is, to whom does the ministry direct the production? suppliers to raw materials to machines to equipments , so look at petroshim, everything here is accurate , smooth and clean, and you are the first student in all areas of mr. sadeghi , this supply floor, you should also point to him. did you also have a problem in this matter? in your opinion, it is not respected. see, sometimes it is not respected in many cases, and in the same way as saying that operational crimes are not carried out, it means that these should not lead to fines. there is another issue that
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is being discussed now, mr. mahdavi is saying that mr. do not see how the manufacturer does not compete with the contract jihad, that if he delivers a certain pipe late , there is a certain amount of fine or an export contract that if he delivers it later. mr. mahdavi says, "we are not looking for competition at all, that is, we are not looking for the benefits of competition. well, iranians don't have any. our proposal is this amount, which is being competed for in the government stock exchange as an incidental tax. well, what petoshimi is looking for ?" there is no competition, the government should take this money, you will see, later this competition will arise again , will these market creations happen, or will you go to the stock exchange and tell us that petrochemicals are not listed on the stock exchange, give us the price. we will give you the basis. it's better than this
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. we don't have two or three more minutes to do what you were doing. you are complaining about others . i will ask this question because anyway we are on the eve of the elections and the decisions that can be made in the next parliament. may this problem, which has been talked about for years, be solved in some way, how can this problem be brought to the parliament, is there a solution. you see , we are now on the threshold of the budget. i was just about to go to the parliament. your excellency said , "i came to serve you in the budget. unfortunately, the production has not been looked at well. it is the value added tax that now, the one percentage that wants to go up from 9%, what kind of inflation will it cause in the country? now
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, i am already getting vat from this. this value added tax has already been returned to us or it has been counted as part of our taxes. now mr. dole says that he will not come back. just one sentence, mr. dol, mr. no, because i have the opportunity to produce the way it should . we will definitely make another program about this issue . we will definitely ask you about this
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issue as well. dear viewers, hello , good evening. welcome to the news of the stock market from the beginning of the year to the end of december, for 125 requests for financing from the issuing place of bonds. permission was issued. the head of the debt securities issuance and registration department of the stock exchange organization said: companies submitted about 170 requests for financing from the place of issuance of debt securities, and 125 requests worth 75 thousand 1995 billion tomans were approved. according to cheshan , during this period, the stock exchange organization
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agreed to the request for financing of 60 private companies worth 3152 billion tomans. the head of the debt securities release and registration department of the stock exchange organization compared the amount of debt bonds released in the same period last year about 600 announced. the total index and the weight of the stock market decreased slightly today. at the end of the market, about forty percent of the symbols were in the positive range. the withdrawal of real people's money was more than the car group. at you
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it registered billion tomans, the result of buying and selling of real people shows about 50 billion tomans money withdrawal from stocks and mutual funds. at the beginning of the market, it can almost be said that the balanced market started. gradually from approx after 9 o'clock, the currencies increased in the market, and at the end of the market, about 40 symbols were in the positive range, the automotive group and the accumulation of the most transactions, having the most positive effects , it can be said that the refining group allocated to itself 780 billion tomans, the total orders buy and 390 billion tomans, the total number of sell orders on
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the board at the end of the market was 52 symbols reached the buy page and 40 symbols were on the sell page at the end of the market, but the average purchase per capita of purchases by real people was 25 million tomans and per capita sales the average was 24 million tomans, the highest entry the textile group had the money with 34 billion oil products 24 billion and the banking group recorded the inflow of money 20 billion tomans . finally, food products also recorded 20 billion outflows of real people's money , the 1st asset fund and the refining asset fund were negative by 1%, but the yield of the refining fund was 12% positive
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. but gradually the intensity of the supply increased so that in the end of the total index ended its work with a decrease of four hundred percent. experts believe that the causes of stock market fluctuations are the volume and low value of transactions due to the lack of liquidity. in spite of the fact that the shares have a good value status, but the lack of adequate liquidity has caused us to witness movement with in fact , it is working in the same way as it has been for the past few months, and the amount of money that is actually in the stock market does not go to the big industry in any way, because the big industry needs higher liquidity in order to move and mostly in the groups smaller actually moves
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well, the capital market is definitely as long as we have a high risk-free interest rate. we have the discussion of the current policies and let me tell you about the political and systematic risks that exist, which will definitely prevent liquidity from entering this market, and until liquidity does not enter this market, despite the value of the prices, we will not be able to in fact , let's see the continuous and stable movement of the market from capital increase to stop. to some symbols and the holding of public and special meetings and the disclosure of important information in the kodal package on the news line based on the report published in the kodal system of the assembly meeting the public must be held on december 30. the
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capital increase of venovin symbol was approved by the auditor. the meeting of the general assembly of nomad must be held on saturday, december 30. nomad ghashazer intends to buy all kinds of raw materials and packaging needed for one year on 27th of december. hold a tender according to the news published in cyberspace about the change in the current procedure of selling saipa group products , no new recipe or procedure has been communicated to khasapa icon . khazar symbol has established a new company named fenersazi zar shahroud company. due to the existence of significant ambiguity in the published information by the publisher, taba's trading symbol was suspended until december 30. the trading symbols of tehran and tehran 18 were subject to the removal of trading knots. the board of directors
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approved the selection symbol of capital increase 1433 from the place of revaluation of assets. tab kish icon plans to sell its property through public auction. ghassava symbol was suspended for holding an extraordinary general meeting in order to amend the articles of association at the end of trading on december 18. became. volsapa's symbol was traded without price fluctuations due to the holding of the extraordinary general assembly. symbols of fars, qazraq, golpa, qaghila, general assembly they will hold their special event on wednesday, december 20. sobhan's symbols and credit for capital increase of 94% and 28% of the accumulated profit, which were stopped for the election of board members at the end of trading on 18th of december. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. today, more than 32 thousand tons of products
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were offered in the domestic and international halls of iran energy exchange. gas condensates and methanol had the largest volume of supplies in the inner hall, more than 31 thousand tons of products, including light hydrocarbon, liquid nitrogen, light furnace fuel, heavy cut methanol, heavy tar oil, gas intermediates and cut bhutan went on the supply board. the hall international was also the host for the sale of 1,000 tons of emti ba products. yesterday, 22,000 tons of products worth more than 557 billion tomans were sold in the iran energy exchange. the dollar value of these transactions reached 14 million and 33 thousand dollars. parliament's approval to issue 300 thousand billion tomans of islamic financial bonds. this news and more in today's package of bahabazar news. ministry of economic affairs and finance. the contraction policy of the next year's budget
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will prevent financial confusion, turmoil in the currency market and the sending of money to parallel markets, which will direct capital towards the stock market will be the productive sectors of the economy. khane mellat news base. with the approval of parliamentarians, the ministry of economy was obliged to settle part of its debt to the company. tawanir to issue 30 thousand billion tomans of islamic financial bonds. these bonds will mature at the end of 2004. kala khabar website: the petrochemical complementary industries development office announced the base price of petrochemical products for sale in the commodity exchange. iran capital market news base, sena. the 20th and 21st crowdfunding platforms in otc work. public relations and international affairs of tehran stock exchange started a fund a partial investment in the field of automobile
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industry, parts manufacturing , was included in the list of market rates of tradable investment funds on the stock exchange, iran capital market news site, sena, the terms of membership in the board of directors of provincial investment companies, equity shares , were announced, the deadline for submitting applications is up to 20 days. before holding the assembly of the provincial investment company , equity shares. and the last news is that according to the announcement of the stock exchange and securities organization, the deadline for registration in the recruitment test for three job titles of the stock exchange and securities organization has been extended until 24:00 on 18:02. lower oil prices. in the monday transactions of the asian market oil prices affected by price reduction. the selling price of saudi arabia and the increase in opec production decreased by more than 1%. the price of brand oil decreased by 86 cents, equivalent to 19%, to $77.90. cents per barrel
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. the price of west texas intermediate (wti ) in the united states decreased by 85 cents, equivalent to 1.15 percent, to 72 dollars and 96 cents per barrel. changes in oil prices affect the stock prices of groups such as refining and petrochemicals in the stock market. thank you for your cooperation with this news section.
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a trust is a city behind your purchase . we will host you until 2 am in the morning at the central branch . macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron
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single macaron single macaron single macaron let's not buy shoes at the peak let's buy shoes on friday let's buy friday dad let's not go somewhere where to go to a movie theater friday let's go to amina's mom's house why not go friday let's go . i say, let's go to the city of household appliances, what should we do? today's shopping is too much. let's go on monday. now why don't we go on friday? since we are facing crowds on fridays due to your exceptional reception, we suggest that you visit on saturdays for an easier shopping experience. it is thursday in the city shahr carpet, home appliances, very comfortable, 300
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million tomans, no real estate collateral, no blocking of the guarantor's deposit, up to 50 million, my guarantor does not want to pay back up to 5 years, no, i said the real one, wait , let me ask about legal rome, sorry, you can also tell me the terms of the loan for legal entities. you can even transfer 750 million tomans to your employees under the same conditions. have you heard of nikan mella's plan for loans of up to 3 billion rials for individuals? real and 7 billion and 500 million rials for legal entities, repayment up to 5 years, short-term deposit, long-term repayment , nikan mlam project of mlam credit institution.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful , we offer greetings to you, dear viewers of the 16 o'clock news channel, according to the head of the agency. in addition to the imamzadeh and the blessed bekaa, the most crowded prayer services in the universities are the most crowded in the university spaces. mr. rostami said in a news interview: according to statistics and researches, more than 70% of the country's students have a positive attitude towards prayer. a positive attitude towards prayer means that it has an effect , creates hope, is calculated towards prayer and so on.


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