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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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it is a city behind your shopping . we will host you at the central branch until 2 am. dear viewers, greetings in the name of god. dear lord, i will start and invite you to pay attention until the end of the medical news section at 23:00. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized the cooperation of the intelligence agencies of the countries of the region to fight the phenomenon of terrorism. mr. kanani said: in addition to iranian citizens, a number of afghan citizens were martyred and injured in the terrorist incident in kerman, which faced a wide wave of regional and international condemnation at various levels.
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close and continuous exchange of views the intelligence and security services of the islamic republic of iran are established with various countries in the region and even outside the region, and naturally, god willing, under the shadow of this effort, we will witness the reduction of such security threats from our nation, the nations of the region, god willing. director general of refugee affairs and foreign affairs of kerman province said that six of the 19 afghan victims of the terrorist incident in kerman are still hospitalized and the condition of 3 of them is critical. among the injured martyrs, 14 martyrs belong to the nation and people of afghanistan, who are residents of kerman city, and 19 injured are afghan immigrants.
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we have that three of the injured migrants are still in the hospitals , and their condition is not very good. the deputy interior minister of the caretaker government of afghanistan said that the enemies want to create differences between afghans in the name of religion by attacking our shiite brothers. nabi omari added that enemies and terrorists should know that they will not achieve this wish. these statements were made while on saturday evening of this week, an urban passenger minibus was targeted by an explosion in the west of kabul, as a result of which 20 shiite citizens of kabul were martyred or injured. became in its latest statement, the shia ulema council of afghanistan has asked the security forces to take the security of the people seriously and not let the country suffer another crisis. terrorism, explosions
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and murders will be widespread. the customs supervisor of sistan baluchistan province announced a 24% increase in the value of definite exports from the customs of the province in 9 months of this year compared to the same period last year. according to mr. khashi, from the beginning of this year to the end of december, about 1 million 485 thousand tons of goods worth 250 million 482 thousand dollars. it has been exported abroad through the customs of this province. major export items including agricultural products, cement, tiles and food items have been exported to pakistan, china, afghanistan, bangladesh, india, azerbaijan, armenia, russia and iraq. director of international development of tehran university of medical sciences, referring to the importance of scientific diplomacy in attracting international students, said: students.
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they are our international ambassadors who can help to expand scientific and academic relations between the two countries after their graduation. currently , nearly 9,000 international students are studying in medical sciences universities across the country the share of tehran university of medical sciences is more than 1800 students who are studying in tehran, kish and karbala. to monitor important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of afghan life in iran, and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, just join our channels in the virtual space and the address of ad sign mohajeran 230. you can
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follow more detailed news related to afghanistan and afghan doctors in iran by visiting our website at wideir. in the last two and a half years, afghanistan and pakistan have been experiencing various tensions their relations experienced now the head of jamiat ulema pakistan has come to afghanistan to reduce the tensions in the relations between the two countries. contrary to previous perceptions , pakistan-afghanistan relations have not improved in the last two years, but every day has become worse than yesterday. in this apostate, these two countries are at odds. and they experienced border conflicts until the arrival of american drones from pakistan's airspace to afghanistan and recently the mass deportation of afghan immigrants. in the past two months , pakistan
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has forcibly expelled more than half a million afghan refugees from its country. this is the tarkham border crossing it is the border between pakistan and afghanistan. i rarely saw a migrant who was expelled from pakistan and from the government. the country and its police should not complain, we had to, that was our job. the children go to school, it was our girls. our system is left there. the process of mass deportation of immigrants from pakistan is still going on. pakistan says it will deport these migrants following the increase in security incidents in its country. but in kabul, the ministry of defense of afghanistan has something else to say. afghan officials, pakistani media and.
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pest pakistan says that members of tehreek-e-taliban pakistan, which is fighting against the government of this country , has a sanctuary in afghanistan and from there they launch their attacks. organizes now, at the height of these tensions , the most influential cleric of pakistan, who is respected by the government of pakistan and the afghan taliban, has come to kabul to put an end to these tensions. of course, we talk about related issues and hope after the talks. we hope that he will send a good message from afghanistan and we hope that the results will be good. maulana fazlur rehman , the head of jamiat ulema pakistan, said that he will also meet mullah habbatullah, the leader of the taliban. the visit of the pakistani delegation to afghanistan
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has created many hopes. this board is a knot of tensions open the existing one between kabul and islamabad. behnam yazdani of kabul radio and television news agency. thank you for the companion. they had come to pay their respects to the leader of hearts , that too on the birthday of the lady of the two worlds again. visiting my congregational prayer at the top of the mosque, which
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was established, attending my congregational prayer after the congregational prayer . i was coming near the bridge when an explosion took place. in the golzar terrorist incident, the martyrs of kerman joined the supreme kingdom. qaram was martyred. my mother died in her arms. nasi hair was split. my hand was loose . i thought it was torn off. i was coming.
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if you can think with the testimony of people. they will destroy islam, blindly, we will come more and more, we , my children, will sacrifice islam until the last drop of our blood, we are still here in the scene of this school . we will raise men and women in our lap who will continue this path. god willing, haj qasim himself and the great martyrs will help and these martyrs will be avenged on these isis criminals. the youth of the radio and television news agency.
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with respect to the explosions in iran today, what i'll say, we have been following the reports uh rather closely. uh, as i said, it's too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it, but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way , and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous, and number two, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. why not? we just don't have any information to believe that that's the case. did someone suggest that
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they were? mean other than the one we have seen multiple accusations related to both supposed fictional united states involvement and as i said we have no reason to believe and then secondly in response to the questions about the blast of the explosion or explosions in iran you said that it was ridiculous to suggest. that the united states had any involvement in this, i'm just curious as to why, the united states has a long history of doing things in iran, i go back to 1953, but since that before both of us were born, well took and it took decades after 1953 for the us to admit its role and and the brits as well to admit their role in the coup, but let's go more recently, just four years ago and the reason... this explosion happened today is on the anniversary of sulaimani um
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his his death which was loudly and proudly claimed by the united states government at the time, so why is it ridiculous for people to think or speculate that what happened today had nothing to do with the united states? people are always going to uh make all kinds of claims. and all kinds of speculations, i think it's ridiculous because it didn't happen, and that's what i can, i can say from this podium that we were not involved, so so if you were involved though, you would be out there saying, yes, we did it, uh, you were asking, we are getting, we are getting into several, we are getting into several levels of counterfactuals here, we were not involved, okay, but i, but i'm not sure i understand why you say that it's ridiculous for people to think that or to speculate it or to speculate about it or to suggest. given the history of the united states in iran, i will say uh, if the reports
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coming out of iran are accurate, these are explosions that have killed dozens, by some reports over a hundred civilians, um, the united states was not involved with those , and you can disagree, i think it's ridiculous to suggest that we were, well no, i'm not disagreeing, i just want to, i should have said that, come out and say it's ridiculous, i mean, the us also, i believe, i can't remember the... exact year shot down an iranian airline? we're getting back into ancient history before uh before, it's not not ancient, i was like, but certainly well before this administration was in office, yeah, number one, the united states was not involved in any way, and any suggestion to the opposite is ridiculous and number two,
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which was loudly and proudly claimed by the united states government at the time and we stopped him. of claims and all kinds of speculations, i people are always going to uh make all kinds think it's ridiculous because it didn't
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happened and that's what i can say from this podium that we were not involved. okay, but but i'm not sure i understand why you say... that it's ridiculous for people to think that or to speculate it or to speculate about it or to suggest it, given the history of the united states in iran. i will say uh, if the reports coming out of iran are accurate, these are explosions that have killed dozens, by some reports over a hundred civilians, um, the united states was not involved with those, and you can disagree, i think it's ridiculous to suggest that we work, well no, i'm not disagreeing, i just... yeah, fair, fair, fair, i should have said that, come out and say it's ridiculous, i mean, the us also, i believe, i can't remember the exact year shot down an iranian airline, we're getting back into ancient history, before uh , before, not ancient, i was, but certainly well, after the words of the us state department, isis is responsible for terrorist operations took over,
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a terrorist group that trump said was created by america itself. we do not want isis in syria fail in addition to the journalist, other people raised possibilities about the complicity of america and the zionist regime with isis. isis has accepted the responsibility of bombing in iran. most americans and people of the world cannot understand how and why this happened. america and israel isis . armed and controlled equipment. this evil mercenary group engages in terrorist killings in syria and iran, but never attacks israel. it is strange that isis is completely aligned with the interests of american foreign policies. perhaps all the doubts are due to the fact that isis is practically a threat to it was not the interests of america and the zionist regime.
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the technologists of a scientific company managed to design and produce three practical equipments for the electrical industry in the form of a national macro plan. three new products called transducer and power meter and automation server called srv 100 are among our new products . and it is responsible for distribution in the power grid as well as infrastructure industries such as petrochemicals and refineries, and srb 100 is a server and a type of automation and control monitoring system, especially in the network. electricity and transmission stations are explained above. in addition to the electrical industry, these three functional equipments
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are also used in the telecommunication systems of other industries such as mining, rail, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries. we have designed the post automation server in such a way that, firstly, we do not need to depend on foreign countries, and secondly, our experts and engineers in the country can easily use this equipment . yes , it satisfies and there is a solution to control the monitoring of electric posts and completely in the field automation equipment and scada, which is the main subject of our company's activity , eliminates the need for us from other countries and reputable brands in the world. the next step of the experts of dahn banyan company
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is to export these functional products to neighboring countries. we have talked with several foreign countries, the most important of which is that country. there is iraq that can install our systems as a pilot there, and we are thinking of exporting this product to these countries in the near future. according to the announcement of the officials of daneshbonyan company , this national grand plan was produced with the support of the vice president of science, technology and economy of the president's scientific department. its beneficiaries are ministry of energy and tavanir company. samia nasser, sed and broadcasting news agency. the construction of this house is by my own hands. when did you see it? groceries want to be issued, to create competition and remove the golden signature in support of women, and this eid night is very important to be free from wheat import, free
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of charge for the applicants, the amount of aid for the construction worker , insure those families who have three children or more, without lottery. car buyers are gentlemen who agree. for four months, we were in the dormitory. in fact, the first semester was the day i came and applied. if we don't continue and leave this issue of student life at all, we have thought about this a lot, it will help the students to lead their life beautifully with less cost . there is provision. we were in the queue, it was a little long because there are many applications, unfortunately, because the university has few units, and
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those who have children have the right to priority, and with the removal of the dormitory commitment, especially for students who were married, there is another concern. except for education, he added it is definitely very good to have a dormitory. they said that providing a dormitory is not part of the academic duties of the university . with the follow-up i had , i finally managed to get a dormitory after three semesters. at the same time as the spread of the corona virus in march 2018, the virtualization of education , most of the dormitory lights were turned off . we should have thought about providing dormitories for married couples. but until last year , approximately 17 universities had dormitories , as you mentioned, about 120 and 65 of us had dormitories. we need to
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in order to comply with the family and youth protection law , we should provide at least 100,000 units for our loved ones, but from november 1400 , the issue became different with the approval of the family and youth protection law, and the situation moved towards compensating the dormitories, in addition to it will be easier to help the scientific growth of married youth. the purchase and completion of married couples' dormitories, especially in less developed areas, under article 103 of the sixth plan law, should be done from their own source of income . was approved. according to this legal article, the ministry of science can use special, construction revenues conversion of proprietary properties to provide accommodation.
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the youth of the population and the support of the family emphasized it . married dormitories are one of those necessities that play a very serious role in relation to population growth. in the meantime, the ministry of science to reach the desired level. allocation of dormitory to married students has considered several options. if we do all this together, we can meet the needs of the dormitories, we can provide the dissolved dormitories. when there is no dormitory, i have to be on the move, not a single thought is free. you cannot do anything until at the end of this year , we will deliver 300 units of married dormitories, that is, delivery of married students.
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dear students, and the joint work of the ministry of science and the ministry of roads and urban development in two or three years may break the barrier of dormitories for students. having a residential dormitory really distanced me from the concerns i had about housing, and i was able to focus more on research work. i should do it because when i was worried about housing , i really couldn't think of anything other than a roof and shelter for my children. it is good for us who have children to have a place to live after
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dormitory to us. the conditions were very good, thank god that the children are in front of us, that we can get to our lessons and studies. according to the law of the universities that are committed to providing dormitories for students, if they cannot provide dormitories to students, they must pay 50% of the housing deposit. pay them. it is our fault that this is not included in the statistics. if we don't do anything, we don't get a chance to fly.
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of course , it is a high-quality woolen carpet, how delicate and well-woven it is, that is, of course, this carpet is both machine-woven and hand-woven. 100% woolen hand knitting and the finishing steps are done by hand. the price is more interesting than that, which is a quarter of the price of hand knitting.
8:58 pm
now it's time to buy a refrigerator, it's time to buy an installment of a refrigerator, it's called an installment , they charge a total fee. this is the method. there is no reason , no reason , no reason. you can go to the city of home appliances because the fees are less and the fee is calculated only from the remaining cash. good refrigerator, good price , long term, in sarai irani. finally, the price is in sarai irani. this is rick metfazal. hello, you have seen rico before, so you are familiar with lazla. please see that you said the prices of farsh city are good , which means that it guarantees the price
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9:00 pm
hello, welcome to news 21. president justice, transformation and efficiency of the administrative system can only be achieved by selecting the most qualified. no part of the organization should be excluded from selection. to be able to guarantee this. administrative justice and administrative health towards all organizational levels. the order of the head of the department.


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