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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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having the right to now, because they are actually cleaning the area as they say, and even the asphalt there with a bulldozer , as they say, because it might have been bombed, i am going to plow these main streets. they hit and stayed, except that you saw some of these videos in the trap, which show the measures of the resistance and the actions that the resistance takes against their armored vehicles. how is it possible for them to leave northern gaza and resort to terrorist activities or , as they call it, special operations that his excellency you asked your question. yes, well, now this change in the situation of turning the war, which was announced on the first day of the viji operation, to reduce its intensity, has to do with netanyahu's recent words .
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the war is a change in the way of war, but with this new way, they can neither destroy the epic nor free their captives , their chanting has completely decreased and they have to take at least one prisoner if they can. to release this name, they name it as one of our goals it is good to know that the change in literature and discourse that you see among high-ranking officials of the regime is due to two reasons. one is because of the differences that have arisen between them , and the second is because they are in fact instilling contradictory information from outside the occupied territories to all the media and all the analysts , so that they cannot reach the main goal. in a detailed analysis, say that the zionist regime
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is looking for this issue, that's why they send contradictory messages, but the two points you mentioned about garant and netanyahu are two in it's the same, but their methods are related to each other . you mentioned two factors. the second factor is that they issue contradictory messages anyway , which is normal in any war. . gathering for more differences the storm that blew from gaza has messed up the situation of the city dwellers in the occupied territories. a fierce conflict in the war cabinet between gans netanyahu and gallant has started . the zionist media announced that the war cabinet of this regime fell apart. for the army cabinet
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accused of negligence on the battlefield and in front of army officers, they asked the chief of army staff to start the investigation about the failure to deal with al-aqsa storm operation before it is too late. the crisis of mistrust in the zionist regime is beyond the individual and party dimension, but has spread between the cabinet and the army of this regime. since its founding, israel has tried to keep the military out of all political conflicts . zionist they considered the army as a sacred institution, but today the members of the cabinet accuse the army commanders of incompetence. some experts believe that the security doctrine of the zionist regime collapsed the national security doctrine of the zionist regime is based on the thinking of bangorian, the first prime minister of this regime, based on the three principles of deterrence, warning before the outbreak of war and the quick end of war. and another principle in the 2006 war with lebanon's hezbollah.
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it was added as the solidarity of the home front that all these four principles were completely destroyed in the al-aqsa storm operation. the settlers called the situation in occupied palestine better and called for early elections. this is the first time that everyone is calling for early elections in a war-torn country. this shows the closure of the society is a zionist as this expert on diet issues.
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we are still with you in the world today with mr. seyyed reza sada al-hosseini. mr. doctor, how is this internal situation? give us an analysis about this? internal situation. the zionist regime is extremely messed up. well, in your very extensive report , this issue was taken into consideration . because netanyahu realized in the military cabinet that they want to pay attention to the reasons for the defeat in this war, he leaves the meeting and says now. there is no time to discuss these issues, but there is a strong current in the zionist regime following this there is a matter to see. because this is an important point, it is announced that aman , as the intelligence collection of the zionist army , gave reports to politicians, including mr. netanyahu, before the al-aqsa storm operation, and they
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were not paying attention to this issue, and of course, the army's lack of preparation. here, too, mr. netanyahu and the military commanders must answer this issue, why the army entered into the formation of a committee that is known to be guilty. because he wants to prove that i am not guilty, but the politicians and netanyahu personally are guilty because the pressure on the army is too much, why before to end the war, to do this, for example, in the 33-day war in lebanon, the novograd committee that was formed was formed after the war, why do they decide to form a committee when they are fighting ? it was formed a year and a half ago, which means that the situation there is so politically contradictory that they can no longer wait for the war to end. of course, netanyahu insists that this committee should actually do its job after the war. these
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initial measures have been started and even some reports are in the truth has been reported in the media, but it has not yet reached the main points . let's have a conversation there with some obvious contradictions, i.e., differences between politicians, differences between politicians and soldiers, and differences between ethnicity, identity differences, and today's reverse migration . these polygons that i mentioned are problems that have fully emerged within the zionist regime. the economic problem that has arisen since the presence of the yemeni national army for economic issues and the goods that were provided to the people , well, the goods have become more expensive and are available later. some of the ports have been closed, this issue and the call of all young forces from agricultural centers
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, industrial centers to the army has created a difficult economic situation for the zionist regime. and these events that happened in your report and in the conversation between you and me can be seen today in the zionist regime, thank you, and the last two years of the iraqi resistance did an unprecedented action last night , firing a missile at the port of haifa in the occupied territories , threatening and in your opinion, i have to tell you something since i arrived, because you know the iraqi resistance syrian resistance and lebanese resistance. from the beginning, based on that operational plan, the front of the resistance had entered and carried out actions, and each of them carried out these actions to the extent that they were supposed to take these actions.
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or the various fields of the resistance front, the unity of the fields, the unity of the fields, or the unity of the fields, was a very big point that the americans are very worried about. now is not the time to talk about the fact that in the middle of the war, the americans reacted sharply to this issue, showing this action that the iraqi resistance did. because of two reasons it was like you had a hint that the zionist regime hit the americans and the palestinian resistance , the lebanese resistance, and they also responded, this also happened in iraq . iraq attacked and a number of them were injured and we had the assassination of one of the commanders. we also had the assassination of one of the commanders of the eight generals. well, here i have to explain that the eight generals are part of the iraqi armed forces, and that is
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why the prime minister reacted. he showed and brought up the issue of the withdrawal of american troops, which is now the issue it's not our issue, but in response to this action. it was mentioned that this move was made in iraq, this move was made towards the attack towards haifa, and of course this point was a big warning to the zionist regime regarding this point. currently , the regime's port industrial sectors are either closed or partially closed, and if the iraqi resistance decides to make a major move against haifa and the strategic areas of the zionist regime, this will create a double pressure. yes , and the final question in one last day, the intensity of the trips of western officials increased. we had germany go to lebanon, both of them went to lebanon
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the occupied countries had gone to lebanon , the occupied territories have gone to blink, i think about seven or eight countries , i think it is going to start and its last destination, i think what is the agenda of these things in saudi arabia, see mr. hashem zadegan, since the ceasefire, it means the beginning of the second part or the second part of the war. that is, after that seven. after those seven days, there is not a single moment that one of the senior officials, or the minister of defense, or the minister of foreign affairs, or the chairman of the supreme national security council, or the black chairman, or the coordinator of political issues. well, definitely and definitely the europeans too europeans are worried today more than they actually are. they are remarkable from the world , maybe i can say that they are even more worried than the americans because
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of the conditions that they may face in the field of energy price increases, they are much closer to the west asian region than the americans, the security of the zionist regime is very important to them. it is important, but for europeans today, life is important for them, energy is important for them, transportation is important for them. insurance is important for them. therefore, on this basis, they seek to reduce the tension in the region. but i am one i have to tell you the truth behind this case. what we see with the conflicting messages of the west and nato, our analyzes should not be reduced from the fact that all of these are looking to buy opportunities for the zionist regime so that it may be able to take advantage of these moments. reach one of the achievements or a part of one of those achievements so that he can
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get out of this fragile and defeated situation and end the war later . thank you, mr. doctor, you are very kind to be present in the world today, we are closed like last nights. we have the support of the people of the world for the palestinian people let's see this is not our religious issue, it's not a political issue, it's a humanitarian crisis, it's an issue that is affecting everybody in the world or most people, and everybody wants a resolution, so we hope for a peaceful resolution, that's why we re out here.
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the vinny language of human rights or biden, or the vinny language of human rights, or biden, or the wedi language
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of human rights, gaza, gaza, gaza , and now some news and reports from the united states, the former president of the united states demanding freedom. he was convicted of attacking the congress building during the 2021 elections. donald trump on the third anniversary of this attack the election campaign in the state of iowa took the prisoners of this attack as hostages and added that the biden administration mistreated and harassed these people. the former president of the united states once again emphasized that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. two
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days ago, the president of the united states in his election speech in pennsylvania. he warned about the possibility of chaos if trump is re-elected to the us presidency. january 20, 21 or january 2019, after donald trump , the candidate who lost the election, his supporters attacked the congress building and occupied a part of it in washington. to do. during this attack, at least 4 people were killed. so far, 1,200 people have been arrested in connection with the attack on the congress, more than 700 people have been sentenced to prison for up to 22 years. the political party i.e. biden and trump
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are against each other in the next election and they are interested in voting for a third party or another option . a new poll by us newspaper tudeh of america shows that 63 to 67 the percentage of young americans agree neither with joe biden nor with donald trump for the presidential election 10 months later. based on this , the public favorability of biden and trump in the american society, respectively. it is only 43 and 44. the american cbc news tv reporter says that this situation has worried the democrats and republicans. one of the things that the recent survey revealed is that younger voters in the american society
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are interested in a third party or another option other than the popular democratic and republican options. and an interest in options and old people in the political arena they don't have america. in addition to the worsening economic situation and the increase in prices, the crisis of the influx of immigrants, as well as the increase in crime in american society. biden's unconditional support for the zionist regime in its attacks on the defenseless people of gaza is one of the important factors in the turning away of the able sector. american society is paying attention to biden, an issue that jordan chaliton , an american media activist, also points to. you are now witnessing two of the most unpopular presidential candidates in american history, trump biden, just as in 2016, you are witnessing the most unpopular candidates, hillary clinton and trump.
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we were. i myself voted for baid in 2020 because i wanted the country from trump's city. ali rajabi of the new york radio and television news agency is in gaza, and now the second case of tonight's program, with the publication of the documents of one of the most controversial sex trafficking cases in america, the scandalous case of jeffrey epstein is once again in the spotlight. in these documents, the names of famous figures such as the king's brother
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england and some of the former presidents of the united states can be seen in the report. we see my colleague azad taheri. this small and beautiful island in the caribbean is known as sin island. not long ago , it hosted famous people and, of course, was a place for evil sexual exploitation of children. the owner's life ended a long time ago, but not its edges. american capitalist jeffrey epstein, who was once famous in the circles of powerful people, is now his name. only tied to the scary world of sex trafficking, virginia joffrey was one of dozens of women who were caught in jeffrey opsinoff's sex abuse network on the pretext of the fashion industry. this was the worst thing i did in my whole life . i was only 16 years old and i thought this was the best chance i could have. kikido
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was only 19 years old when he became a victim of this terrible gang. i was very scared of jeffrey epstein in 2019 . he committed suicide in prison while awaiting trial for sex trafficking. now his name is once again in the news. 943 pages of court documents have been published and famous names can be seen in them. one of the most famous of them is this man. prince andrew, duke of york and brother of the king of england. i still do not regret being friends with absin. the people i met through him and the opportunities he got. the long list above the names of famous people who came in this dam, of course, does not end with this english prince. name bill clinton, the former us president
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, appears more than 50 times in these documents, and of course, donald trump's place is not empty in this controversial list. the names of people like barack obama are on this list, along with people like leonardo dicaprio, cameron diaz, kevin spacey and cate blanchett. and a name that maybe little. it was the first time, what are the dimensions of this case, what crimes have occurred. jeffrey ebstein was a rich man from new york, but because
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he used to frequent the circles of politically influential people and celebrities, he had become a famous person himself. the first time was in 2005 on the charge of communication or abuse the sexual exploitation of children was prosecuted and this legal dispute continued until finally he was imprisoned in 2016 on charges of forming a sex trafficking network, but before the trial was final, he committed suicide in prison and somehow his case was closed there, the most important thing. the point of the case is that children of people under the legal age of 18 in america were taken to this island, now under the title now , at first, mod and mod industry, but another discussion. is the man 's suicide case serious, or is it possible
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that the murder has already taken place? it was serbia, i had likened him to suicide who was actually murdered, in a way, because in this case, the names of very important famous people came up. some of them were mentioned in the report , well, this suicide was not a simple matter, especially that some of the prisoners of the new york prison where absinthe committed suicide , even his lawyer and brother did not know the possibility of suicide due to the conditions and security measures. i have some doubts about suicide. anyway, the case is an important case , and because of the other names that have been mentioned, yes, the names that have been mentioned in this case, thank you. did this story come up in the media? now the second part of the court documents related to this sex trafficking network
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has come to the media, and in fact, this part of the documents is related to the year 2015 and the case that was filed against ebsin's fiancee on the same charge because he is now in prison. anyway , the judge decided that these documents should be declassified and made available to the media, and now there are about 170 famous names in this decision . we want to have another review, the most important of which are these names. color we saw various people from important political figures to hollywood actors and even some scientists in the report, perhaps one of
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the most important names. it is mentioned in the us that former president bill clinton, his wife, donald trump, obama algor, the former vice president of the united states, at least 6 names of hollywood actors and directors can be seen in this, noam chomsky and stephen hawkings, and of course only people who are not in the united states. we have important politicians outside america , one of the most important of whom is prince andrew, the brother of the king of england, and ehud barak, the first the former minister of the zionist regime, and now these 170 names, when they were published in the court , what did it mean, that is, these 170 committed such a crime, having relations with a person under the age of 18 on that island, no, this is a very important point to know that the names that in this case , not all of them are necessarily accused of being in contact with people under the age of 18, and
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many of them were people who used to come and go to that island and are now in contact with absin. i said that this wide circle of people with political and social influence in that the island hosted. but some of these people like prince andrew more serious charges were brought against him in 2021 , he was prosecuted for the same charge and in connection with the same case, and he was forced to renounce his royal military titles, that is , 170 names in relation to the division. who is obviously the brother of the king of england, the story is more or less clear that they were involved and committed, but about the rest of them, the only thing that is certain is that they are going to the island, yes, they are going to the island, or having a relationship with this person, and finally, i saw somewhere that the mossad and the zionist regime having a role in this story, the role of musa is not a new issue, in fact, in the year 200 list
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in an interview with rasha tudeh, one of mosa's former agents raised the issue that epstein and his fiancee were mossad agents, and at the same time, the idea was formed that mossad might have planned this whole program to trap people with political influence and it is not a new issue to ask them to pay ransom, but because these documents have been released , the jeffrey obstein case and its sidelines have been brought into the spotlight once again . this ehud barak that you mentioned goes to the island. when he goes, he was the head of the mossad and he was the head of the mossad at that time, so this story it might make me stand out a bit, and finally, what will happen to this case from the legal point of view, the main accused in this case committed suicide and is no more, and some of the other accused in this case, the most important of whom i was engaged , will be prosecuted. these documents are from me.
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that corruption and now the sexual abuse of children has created this space in the american society , what a wide level there is in the american society, and the ambiguity that exists in this case, especially the ambiguity that exists in the case of absin's suicide, and that now the name people with political influence from both sides it can be seen that america has made the uncertainties of this case even more vivid . good night, god bless you.
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it is 30 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news segment with the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the speakers of the parliament. iran and tajikistan parliamentary cooperation between the two countries will increase.


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