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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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transporting them with this tanker and finally selling it in the regional markets was able to gain a lot of wealth and add to the fire of the war in syria and iraq. now these pictures show that the meeting place of these oil tankers has always been in the crosshairs of american drones, they could easily cripple the economy of isis. the pictures also show isis military columns. the convoys that transported both the terrorists and their support materials.
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this identification operation that can be seen in the picture was done at night by night vision cameras , but maybe none of these pictures are like this one. it does not indicate the complex game of the americans in the region. in the parts of the images that the american resistance has obtained, the movement of prisoners in hand. isis, the same victims who were executed in the most brutal way in front of the terrorists' propaganda cameras wearing orange clothes , have been observed. the most horrific of these images is the gathering of isis terrorists in shahr square to execute prisoners with high ablutions. it has been in front of the eyes of the americans.
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now here is the question: with all this control and nobility over the positions and movements of the terrorists, don't the americans? they were able to play an effective role in the fall of isis. play more so that the people of iraq and syria do not become more victims? if america was really fighting terrorism in the region, despite these technical capabilities, how has it remained silent against the widespread executions and crimes of takfiris in iraq and syria.
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there are three or four of this device in the world. the most used equipment in oil refineries for times when the oil harvest is increased. a device that is not for sale. he made this device and does not sell this device, he only provides service. this equipment is used to detect the deposition of solid particles oil pipelines are used. now, most of the countries that want to check this issue , their oil. giving the sample to his company, he takes the test
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and finally transfers the data to them, that is , he does not sell the device so that the technology of making his device stays with him and he can generate income . in our country, the seminary used other methods, expensive methods that were associated with challenges. this test required a lot of laboratory space, it required a large size, and it was time-consuming. now this equipment can guarantee the flow of the messenger. and in the oil pipelines predict the device that it took more time to research and develop than to build it. we checked the work from the catalogs that were available and the data that the university gave us that we are going to check this with this method with this method and we came and gave a preliminary plan and then finally the preliminary plan was approved and finally led to the device was built. that is, practically, we have very detailed information.
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we were able to build the device, but the status of the device was updated and updated until we reached the device that is available now, and in terms of the fact that we fixed all its defects, and thank god, it has been almost a year. how much time did it take to build it and research and develop it ? how much time did it take for my research and development? it took about a year and a half, that is, from the time the prototype was made, until we can say with absolute certainty that the device will work without defects, it will take one year. and it took half the time, the challenge was to update the part. in the discussion of the construction, again we had some bottlenecks, for example, this device has a magnetic coupling, which was made for the first time in the country, a magnetic coupling that can rotate at 6,000 revolutions per minute. and 10,000 psi or about 700 bar pressure be patient, this was the biggest challenge of this device, which
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, thank god, we were able to solve with the rotation of a magnetic coupling placed inside the device by rotating up to 6,000 revolutions . it will simulate the flow through the pipe for you with the temperature and pressure that you create through the pump and the temperature through the quid flow system . it will simulate exactly the conditions inside the well or the naf transmission lines and the amount of asphalt deposits. if it is possible, it will be formed and it will be tested. it is a prediction that can be made in time and cost to predict the solid deposits of pipelines. save oil, now a test of this device. it costs about 25,000 dollars. a test that takes about 20 minutes will take about 25,000 dollars. we made this device for the university complex. the dollar is being done now
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, a test that you may need to spend a day on, in 10 minutes, a device owner can deliver the test to you, all the processes of the life cycle. parts from the design to the final product are made by the experts of this knowledge-based company. they do all their work in this small room . this is the practical base of sadouqia university of medical sciences . mrs. abedinzadeh and her companion, how old are you? they made the narrator of jesus sacrifice himself. the founder of amlam database. they started from shahid shamran . a congress in memory of the martyrs. they also wrote many books to remember the position of those who
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gave all their life and youth for the sake of their homeland. this book, written by ma banui, related to shahid paknejad, is narrated when i spoke with him more. his life cannot be put into words , he said: i was the first person in the basij sisters, i registered. at the same time , i was the guide of the literacy movement. a revolutionary activist woman who was campaigning even during the struggle against the male-dominated pahlavi regime. let me do whatever is more dangerous. the information that i received from the imam was that during the war years , he was the head of the women's group behind the battle fronts to collect aid
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. at that time, there was no salary and money, he had the heart to do the work, many years have passed since those days, but miss abedin zadeh has dedicated his whole life to the martyrs , from organizing the national congress of paknejad martyrs to the martyrs defending the shrine since 1990, when the congress of martyrs abedinzadeh started working , they are now fully in the basij. i would like to work in this way, mostly in scientific fields , to help them in writing their books and in their articles . these days, everyone is also sad . this is the 8th congress of health defenders. there are 275 confirmed martyrs of health defenders, mir tahari, sada news agency, and sima ist if we want transformation, if
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we want some crimes. if we want to be successful in preventing some crimes from happening. the emphasis of the head of the judiciary on the use of new technologies for discovery. to crimes and the reduction of court cases, if we want to reduce the number of cases to the judiciary, if we want to shorten the processes, we have to use new technologies, we have to develop, we have to deepen, we have to update, a concern that, of course, the intelligentization of judicial processes is realized and today the credit system.
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this report is the result of a report that serves a requester or a person who wants authentication from someone else do business credit to him. it is given that this person with this national code and this accompanying number has no negative record in the judiciary. the system that completes the criminal conviction information by validating people at the time of the transaction helps to detect crimes and prevents the occurrence of disputes that we have in the transaction. let's take a chance , it makes the deal very clear. after checking 11 possible situations , it actually gives us that two people who want to make a deal with each other know that the other side is eligible for the deal.
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is there or not and some situations that can have a strong effect on the transaction itself, i.e. a person who he filed a claim for extortion in the judicial system and said that i don't have money, and you should know that somewhere he has officially made a claim or has been convicted by the judicial system, which means that he has been convicted by me. and whether he executed the conviction or not , he is still committed to me. now this system is also available to private sector platforms. for the first time, we have this in a public way in the hands of the private sector on the national exchange center we are providing information that the government is also completing the path of judicial intelligence along with the judiciary. it increases the productivity of the government and the government , it reduces costs
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, it gives the people a sense of well-being, security, and a better mood. there are a thousand and one more reasons for us . it is a priority for us to be able to help in cooperation with the government. to develop and be able to hire and provide services. the move made in the department is definitely the beginning of the creation and completion of the necessary databases in the field of monitoring financial flows in the field of monitoring individuals in paris. transactions are questionable and it helps us to have a healthier economy, god willing. from now on, the transactional credit system of individuals is available to people in electronic food service offices and car, property and loan transaction platforms. now, with the completion of access to the trading credit system of individuals in public and private platforms, transactions in the platform.
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this is a commercial complex in the city of dushanbe, the capital of tajikistan, to provide goods and services of iranian companies, from construction materials to electrical equipment. ceramic tiles, elevators and electrical transformers are made in iran for two years when we entered the market here seriously , all the products we use are made in our beloved country, iran, and we tried to start our entry as a brand, that is , we didn't try to just come here to supply goods, we started a brand in the region. we are registered in the country of tajikistan and the parts we use, the technical knowledge we have are all related to our beloved country, iran, one of the characteristics of entering this market, well, at first
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it was a bit difficult to enter the market, and every market in every country has its own characteristics. we tried hard to first understand the real requirements of this what is the country? now, we started with the elevator and the further we went, the further we went, other friends joined us in investing in the building, and we decided to build a clinic. we will be able to serve you cleo when we can supply all the equipment and parts that are from iranian brands and products here, bit by bit.
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plumbing and electricity, which is one of the characteristics of electrical problems in tajikistan, means that it has problems , transportation has been very good in our nature , in our life, in our conditions . another iranian businessman also has five carpet sales branches in tajikistan opened. fashgh has been well received in tajikistan in these 16 years because of our cultural and historical issues. and thank god , we have a lot of cooperation in the economic field. we use kalina a lot . it is very reasonable . the iranian carpets are the best of the laws of our cities, and the merchants who provide cosmetic and food products to tajiks are ranked first. our products meet
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mandatory and incentive standards and the ministry of health . treatment from the country has a special place compared to the products in this store we observed what materials or iranian items you use the most , i use these items, perfumes, iranian cheese is very good , but these are not the only commercial activities of iranians in tajikistan. it was from 170 million dollars, with an increase of 23% compared to exports, and an increase of about 25% compared to last year . our goal is to increase the volume of trade and diversify our export goods .
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our import means that we want to collect all our trade in tajikistan . our trade with tajikistan is 300 million dollars. our goal is to increase this figure to more than 500 million dollars in the next three years. what seems to be the most colorful in the space of our country's economic and commercial cooperation with tajikistan is the export of technical engineering services , especially in the construction of the barqawi dam and power plant , among these projects is the seng tudeh 2 power plant in the south. tajikistan, which has been in operation for several years, since 1390, the first unit and the second unit in 1392 have joined the network of 5 companies in tajikistan. iranians completed the design and implementation of seng tudeh do dam and power plant in about 60 months with the presence of 120 iranian engineers and technical workers
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we cooperated for their schools, roads, and roads, but the most unique activity of iranian engineers abroad is the design and construction of the world's largest dam in raghun, tajikistan. well, this dam works as an electric dam, its height is 335 meters , which is actually considered the tallest dam in the world. the volume of the lake. sadr has a capacity of 14 billion cubic meters of water storage, which is considered a very large hundred in its kind. if the main tunnel. this power plant there are about 70 kilometers of underground tunnels. we worked on many parts of the underground spaces. now
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we are running the water catchment area of ​​the power plant. 6 power plant units each with a capacity of 600 megawatts will be installed at this level. so far, two of them have been installed, and with their completion , it is possible to produce 360 ​​megawatts of electricity from this dam. the average is between 1,000 and 1,200 people. we have the increasing and decreasing conditions of the force project, usually 10 to 15% of our forces are iranian, the rest are local forces that are used. regarding this project, its full financing through international loans have been made , we don't have to worry about financing this project, but the facilitation of banking relations is a very important issue between us, in fact, most countries. the issues must be resolved. despite the very high potential that our country has , there are different estimates between 30 and 50 billion dollars, we can have exports, but now it is around 2
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billion dollars or less, but this figure should definitely increase in a period when the economic and international conditions it would have been more appropriate to experience up to 4 billion dollars in a 5-year program we can reach the plan. raghun dam and power plant is being implemented as the world's tallest earthen dam with a clay core on the vakhsh river in tajikistan. the construction of this power plant started during the former soviet era, but was left unfinished after the collapse of the soviet union and the independence of tajikistan in 1991. mohammad mohajeri of sed and cima news agency. the first thousand days of life is a golden period for children's health. childhood
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is a golden period in life. we say that the first thousand days of life, which is almost until the end of the age of 3 , are one thousand golden days, that is, if our child has good nutrition in these first three years of life and fever if it grows well and takes good care of it, it is definitely great. it will be much better , and if our child has improper nutrition in the first 3 years, the first thousand days of his life, or god forbid, something happens to him that harms his health , he may have complications for the rest of his life until adulthood. according to the national document on the rights of children and adolescents, parents and the government are obliged to pay serious attention to the health of children and adolescents and their standard of health and healthy life. according to article 6 of the national document on the rights of children and adolescents, children and adolescents have the right to physical and mental health
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mandi has the standard of health and healthy life and the necessary facilities to treat the disease and all parts . the greatest blessing that god has given to all of us is health. in order to maintain health, we must try. how should we not go to other children if we are sick? if other children are sick , we should not go to them. if we feel sick, be sure to inform your mother so that she can take you to the doctor. he wants you, if he prescribes medicine to you , don't make an excuse that i don't like it, because if he prescribes medicine take it on time, it will make you recover faster and not get worse and you won't have to undergo more difficult treatments. the use of supplements
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in childhood is very important for the health of the child in adulthood. in childhood , we emphasize several issues in many ways. this means that supplements that are recommended to be used based on the age of children must be used. let me tell you briefly. we recommend that from the age of 3 to 5 days to 2 years of age , children must use vitamin ade supplements, from the age of 4 to 6 months to 2 years of age, they must use iron supplements, and after the age of 2 years is defined according to their age , and it is clear that they can get the information by consulting their doctor. the use of these supplements in childhood has a very effective role in the growth and development of children. well, as we know, vitamin a and d on sikh. it affects the development of the immune system, bone system, vision system, skeletal system, teeth of the child. getting viral infections about 12 times a year is normal for children
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and is not a concern. getting viral infections if it is more than the amount that i said, about 10 to 12 times a year when the child will be sent to the school kindergarten if it is not more than this amount and the infections are mild, that is, there are no infections that lead to hospitalization of the child. usually, these infections get better in a period of five to six days, or digestive infections are caused by vomiting. it usually happens in summer season if you get these infections . normally , it doesn't really cause a problem for the child. in adulthood , the child's immune system develops after contracting these infections . some diseases, such as autoimmune diseases , which include diabetes or asthma to some extent there are diseases. in these diseases , instead of attacking a microbe, the body attacks its own cellular tissues. in order to prevent this from happening, one of the ways is for the
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immune system to be trained and evolve in so-called maneuvers. these simple infections that children get in childhood are like the maneuvers that an army of a country does to train. so these infections are not only not worrying. even we say that a child should not grow up too sterile , he should face a series of infections to some extent, but in general and if it happens, parents should not worry too much. preventing childhood accidents for health. a child is very important in adulthood. accidents are one of the most important causes of injuries, especially in children under 5 years old. it's like the child has been poisoned by a drug. the medicine was available to him and he took it. some of the detergents that are available in homes, such as pipe openers, gas cleaners, i don't know, car battery water, a detergent that is used as a degreaser for surfaces,
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if the child knows these. there is severe damage to their digestive system. if such incidents it happens to our child or now traffic accidents that we sometimes see, parents are not paying attention, for example, the child was playing in the park , not paying attention, he entered the street. injuries and accidents that happen to children in these first years because their bodies are weaker, their skeletons are weaker , their internal organs are more sensitive to accidents if they happen in the first years of life and, for example, a child is forced to. if a part of the digestive system is removed, or if the digestive system is damaged by swallowing a caustic substance, this child will have to live with a chronic disease for the rest of his life. therefore, we recommend that in those first years , especially in terms of accidents, dear parents should pay attention to children, children are interested in everything they see, they want to try it with their mouths . toys and these
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things consume batteries after these detergents. is it possible or does he use medicines , these cause damage to the child's health, so we recommend in general to observe the problem in childhood, good and complete nutrition, monitoring the child's growth , using supplements according to the national recipe , taking care of the events of ahmad aminfard sada news agency and sima this is free. yes, this is free
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. this is free . yes, this is free. this is also free. this is free. it is 5 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. according to the head of the institution representing the supreme leader in universities , the most populated institutions


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