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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers , good morning, welcome to the news of the stock market. today, the largest financing is done in the commodity exchange. according to the announcement of the commodity exchange, the initial offering of standard parallel bonds of iron ore concentrate worth 3 thousand billion tomans will begin on tuesday, january 19. in this initial offering, 8 million and 478 thousand contracts, each contract is equivalent to 100 kg , will be made at a price of 35385 tomans. the secondary trading of these bonds starts from 20th of january and
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continues until 19th of january 1404. this financing is done to secure the working capital of central iron and steel company to be based on this, until the end of this year, more than 3 thousand billion tomans will be financed in the field of agricultural and automotive petrochemical products in the commodity exchange. both the main indicators of the stock market were down at the end of monday's trading. the largest withdrawal of real people's money was from the self-reliance group. the stock market ended on a low note on monday , as both bearish indicators were bearish. on this day, the index of the glass hall, which was accompanied by an increase of more than 1700 units in the first half of the trading, continued to reverse and finally decreased by 800 units at the level of 2 million. 15,3975 units were placed. a decrease that
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was mostly influenced by automotive symbols. but on the third trading day of this week, the equal weight index also moved in a reciprocating movement in line with the total index and stood at the level of 75,9963 units with a negative yield of 600% equivalent to 419 units. on this day, the stock market witnessed the exchange of more than 8.74 billion stocks and bonds in 390 thousand transactions with a value of 460 billion tomans. the symbols of khodro, kegel, akhabar and foulad had the most negative impact on the stock market index, and on the other hand, the symbols of shabandar, shabdis, shabna and shetran prevented further reduction. became the total index. also, the investigation of the ownership statistics of real people on this day indicates that their capital is withdrawn from the stock market. the largest withdrawal of real money was made from the groups of automobile parts, basic metals and food products. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 299. the symbol
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was positive and 481 symbols were negative. also, 52 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 39 symbols with the sell page. the total value of buying queues is 321 billion tomans , the total value of selling queues is 165 billion tomans. on this day, the overall otc index was also low, but increased with five units the increase was 26,246 units. over-the-counter traders bought 3 billion and 670 million shares in 20 ghazal arabgol of sed and sima news agency. from the beginning of the year to the end of december , permission was issued for 125 requests for financing from the place of issuance of debt securities. the head of the debt securities issuance and registration department of the stock exchange organization said: companies submitted about 170 requests for financing from the place of issuance of debt securities, with 125 requests.
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a billion tomans was agreed. according to cheshan , during this period, the stock exchange organization requested the financing of 60 private companies worth 3152 billion tomans agreed. the head of the debt securities issuance and registration department of the stock exchange organization announced that the amount of debt securities issued was about 60% compared to the same period last year. more than 18 tenths of a billion. the cryptocurrency dollar was stolen in 2023. exposing private keys was the most common method used by hackers to steal cryptographic assets. according to the annual report of the blockchain security company certic, in 2023, a total of 1.8 billion dollars was stolen from cryptographic assets. this amount of property was lost in 751 security incidents. it is, of course, based on
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sertik's report on the amount of hacking and internet frauds compared to 2023, it has decreased by about 51. in this report: the third month of 2023 has been called the most interesting season of the blockchain industry with the theft of 686 million dollars. exposing the private key is the most common method of asset theft. this year , more than 880 million dollars were lost in 47 hacking incidents. among blockchain networks, ethereum recorded the biggest loss. ethereum $686 million. there have been losses in 224 hacks and frauds, which means that an average of 3 million dollars has been stolen in each incident . bnb is also in the second place with 387 security incidents and a loss of 134 million dollar cross-chain collaborations
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are also a major pain point in the crypto industry. security reports show that blockchain networks are worth $800 million. they have lost ground in the security breaches that have affected several blockchains. however , the growth of platforms that offer rewards for identifying bugs or software bugs and other proactive security measures has raised hopes for a reduction in hacking and fraud in 2024, said sertik's co-founder. saeed, the head of sada and sima news agency , according to the announcement of the stock exchange organization at the end of the second week stock market transactions, the net cash flow of real people into the market was 238 billion tomans. also, the entry of legal liquidity into the capital market
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was recorded at 279 billion tomans. during this period, the value of commodity exchange transactions was recorded at 361 billion tomans . of this amount, about 3390 billion tomans. it was related to commodity exchange transactions and 267 billion tomans for energy exchange transactions. and monday's oil trading in the asian market began with a decreasing trend due to the decrease in the sale price of saudi oil and the increase in opec production to remove concerns about the political developments in west asia. brand oil trading price with 86. us crude oil closed at around $73 per barrel with a decrease of 85 cents. vandanahari, one of the oil market analysts , said: "the reduction in the official selling price of saudi oil
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for delivery in bahman is due to the decrease in demand, although the tension in the red sea, although weak , is the reason for the balance of crude oil prices." however, due to the estimated decrease in global demand and the increase in reserves, the price of oil is subject to a downward trend. increased supply and competition with other producers led saudi arabia on sunday to sell its light oil for delivery to asian customers in bahman at the lowest price in 27 months. sell the past tony sycamore, another analyst of the energy market, also said: "without consideration of taawal." politically in west asia, if we only look at the fundamental factors including more opec and non-opec production and the low selling price in saudi arabia, we should be pessimistic about the price of oil, however, considering the fact that political tensions in west asia are increasing . which means a limited decrease in oil prices. according to boulonbe's report, opi oil production in desam
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increased by 70,000 barrels per day and reached 278 million barrels per day, which is the increase in production from the saudi trend. oil prices due to political tensions it is low in the west asia region. in this report , it is stated that iran had the largest increase in production among opec members in 2023 despite the us sanctions. mahmoud nankali, radio and television news agency. thank you for your companion.
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either hossein or imam reza, faiza khanum has just returned from visiting the shrine of haj qasim. there are those who are jealous of his position. each and every one of these friends, colleagues, friends and lovers of haj qasim, whether men or women, who are gathered here , none of them are afraid of death in the way of god, and their love for martyrdom in the way of god , they consider him the best role model for themselves and their children. this lady is a student teacher in my opinion, being the mother of their class started today and me. i came with my student 's son to enroll my child in this classroom today
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. martyr faiza rahimi was a pilgrim to the tomb of a martyr whose enemies are afraid even of his lovers . with the soldiers , they don't have haj qasim , they take revenge on the people with terrorist actions like this . the minister of education, who
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was faezeh khanum's professor at farhangian university , called her a role model for student teachers, just like the martyr. soleimani opened the way after sardar soleimani after his martyrdom and became a school. the path of this dear martyr and this student , our model teacher, will be a new path and he will become a living model for teacher training, and the future teachers also emphasized that they will continue the path of the martyr rahimi.
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iranian companies, from construction fittings to electrical equipment, ceramic tiles, elevators, and electrical transformers, should be made in iran. it has been two years since we entered the market here seriously. we make all the products we use our beloved country is iran, and we tried to start our entry as a brand, that is , we didn't try to just come here and offer a brand. we registered in the region of tajikistan, and the parts we use , the technical knowledge we have are all related to our beloved country, iran
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. it is one of the features of entering this market. well, at first , it was a bit difficult to enter the market, and every market in every country has special features. we tried very hard to first understand what the real needs of this country are, now we started with the elevator and the further we went, the further we went, friends. another one is to join us in the construction discussion and we have decided to have a construction clinic at your service, klio, where we can offer all the equipment and sectors that are from iranian brands and products here and there. a bit of trust gained from tajik customers. we see the elevators , their booths, everything is different, very different.
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our nature in our life has been adapted to our conditions. another iranian businessman has opened five carpet sales branches in tajikistan in these 16 years. because of our cultural and historical issues the reception of fashq has been good and thank god we have a lot of cooperation in the economic field
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, we use a lot of carpets, they are very reasonable. and they provide food to tajiks , our goods are for mandatory and incentive standards and the ministry of health of the country have a special position compared to the products that we observed in this store, what materials or iranian devices do they use more than the same things. i use perfumes, iranian cheeses are very good , but these are not the only commercial activities of iranians in tajikistan. according to customs statistics , iran's export to this country in 1401 was more than 170 million dollars with a 23% increase compared to the previous year. this year , this export trend is expected to grow by 25% compared to last year. our goal is to increase the volume
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of commercial exchanges and diversify our export goods. if we want to look at our business today, we want to look at our goods, services and imports, that is, our entire business. let's sum up in tajikistan , our trade with tajikistan is 300 million dollars. our goal is to increase this figure to more than 500 million dollars in the next three years. technically, especially in the construction of dams and electric power plants, one of these projects is the sang tudeh 2 dam and power plant in the southwest of tajikistan, which has been in operation for several years since the first unit in 1390 and the second unit in 1392, which has been connected to the tajik grid.
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iranian company design and implementation of seng tudeh 2 dam and power plant in about 60 months. with the presence of 1,200 iranian engineers and technical workers, the entire design , provision of installation and commissioning equipment was completed by the forces of the so-called forces of iranian companies. all the electricity that is being harvested in this power plant is 220 megawatts, 220 megawatts of national electricity is connected, and now this bargabi power plant
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is located next to the power plant in the neighboring villages, where we cooperated for their schools, for their roads, for their roads , but the most unique activity of iranian engineers abroad is the design and construction of the world's largest dam in raghun, tajikistan. barqa its height is 335 meters, which is considered the highest dam in the world. the volume of the lake has a capacity of 14 billion cubic meters of water storage , which is considered to be very large in its kind. if you put the main tunnel of this power plant one after the other
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, it is about 70 km underground. we worked on many parts of the underground spaces. now we are running the water catchment area of ​​the power plant. 6 power plant units each with a capacity of 600 megawatts will be installed in this dam. so far, two of them have been installed, and with their completion , this dam will be able to produce 360 ​​megawatts of electricity. average between approx we have 1,000 to 1,200 people, depending on the project's increasing and decreasing conditions. usually, 10 to 15 percent of our forces are iranian, the rest. regarding this project , its financing is done through international loans . we do not have this project, but the facilitation of banking relations is a very important issue that must be resolved between us and most countries. despite
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the very high potential that our country has, there are different estimates between 30 and 50 billion dollars, we can have exports, but now it is around 2 billion dollars or less, but this figure should definitely be to increase in periods of economic and international conditions. it was more appropriate to experience 4 billion dollars. we can reach the dollar. raghun dam and power plant project is being implemented as the tallest clay dam in the world on the vakhsh river in tajikistan. the construction of this power plant began in the former soviet era. but after the collapse of the soviet union and the independence of tajikistan in 1991, it remained unfinished. mohammad mohajeri radio and tv news about test anxiety
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for children and teenagers in school, teachers who have a high level of perfectionism and give this feedback to the children that a score of 20 is very important and children should falling in the competition causes anxiety in children. and that children's low self-esteem can affect their anxiety , no matter how much they don't believe in themselves, no matter how much they underestimate their abilities and don't value themselves, this can affect children's anxiety, unfortunately, something that in society a very common misbehavior is that my child always has to get a score of 20. well, his parents have this. we see this. we can say that there is a pandemic, a big epidemic in our society, and
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in elementary school, all of his scores must be 20. when he enters high school, he has to go to the experimental field , he has to go to the mathematics field in order to become a doctor or an engineer in the future. well, this is the problem. we have it, then they spend a lot of money, the family gets frustrated for that child and teenager and themselves after they take the entrance exam and they don't get the desired result. their children do not have talent and ability, that is, how can i say that most of the parents are level parents. their expectations from their children are here, but their children's abilities and talents are here
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. i was a bit stressed about the exam, it was not difficult , but it has its own stress. according to psychologists , this worry is called anxiety and a small amount is normal, but if it is too much, it turns into exam anxiety and affects the students' concentration. anxiety has 3 levels. well, anxiety shows itself in different formats. it is physical. behavioral and cognitive. what does physical mean? it means that when a person 's anxiety level increases, his mouth becomes dry, his sweating rate increases, his heart beats faster, his breathing becomes faster, and we even see digestive problems . pain is followed by problems the behavior that we encounter in teenagers and children is that they are afraid of
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school, they resist being asked to go to school, aggression increases in these children, and if we want to put it in a cognitive dimension, the children's concentration and attention decreases and that it constantly shows itself in cognitive and physical behavior. solutions to reduce exam anxiety . have reasonable expectations of yourself during the exam. to recognize it means if he tells me today that i am anxious for the exam i'm trying not to make fun of him, tell him, don't tell him that it's not something you're afraid of, it's not
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something you're worried about, the first thing i should do is to empathize with him and ask him how he feels, you have an exam today, and then he'll tell me. well, i'm afraid i'm anxious to come here to remind him of my child's abilities , that is , to remind him of the small things he has done in his life so far and tell him that you are the person who was able to overcome your problems. this is also a challenge that you can definitely overcome. ahmad aminfard, sed and sima news agency. o allah, accept me and the martyrs, o allah, it is your pleasure, o lord. o allah, please me. may ibni ikkan be pleased with the martyrs.
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mustafa saeed turiya oh god accept me the martyrs oh god accept me the martyrs oh god make them in peace with al-barrah al-siddiq al-siddiqin and prophets o lord of the worlds.
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9:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the news segment at 9:00 am, people's participation in the plan to identify people with diabetes and high blood pressure, about 38 national health campaigns are being implemented in more than 180 cities of the country. the ministry of health has requested citizens to visit health centers and health centers throughout the country for free blood sugar and blood pressure tests.


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